SVG g element height with css transition - css

I am stuck with an issue. my goal is to create a blinking eye in svg. I created the graphic converted into svg. Now i planned to put a css animation on it so it looks like its blinking. I spent lot of time on it but not able to solve the issue.
my approach to achieve this effect is to change its g element height with css transition so it will looks like blinking but when i put css on it it just disappear :( below is the css code I used:
#svg_7 path{
transform:scale(0, -1);
-webkit-transform:scale(0, -1);
svg code
<g id="svg_7">
<path id="svg_8" d="m35.99502,49.21692c-11.88306,0 -22.25696,5.59302 -27.80701,13.90399c5.55103,8.31104 15.92505,13.90302 27.80701,13.90302c11.88306,0 22.25696,-5.59198 27.80896,-13.90302c-5.55299,-8.31097 -15.92701,-13.90399 -27.80896,-13.90399z" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="1.4434" stroke="#fa5400" fill="transparent" />
<circle id="svg_9" r="9.83801" cy="63.12191" cx="35.995" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="1.4434" stroke="#fa5400" fill="transparent" />
Main purpose is to create a blinking eye that keeps blinking after every few seconds. please do suggest me a solution. even we can use js/jquery if required.
jsfiddle link
thanks in advance

In fact to have the closest effect (to reality) of blinking eye, I think you have to redesign the eye. Such as we need to animate the upper eyelid only (not both). Also the inner pupil should be covered by the eye lid. Doing so is not easy, at least I feel like that it can be done more easily with CSS than with SVG. However the time of shutting the eye lid is short, we can just animate both the eyelid and the inner pupil. Scaling down the vertical size of both to nearly 0 should do the job. However we can notice that the stroke-width becomes thinner at such a small scaling (may create some visible dashed lines instead of a solid one). So we also have to animate (increase) the stroke-width. Here is the CSS code (please run it in webkit-based browsers, it should work for all browsers):
#svg_7 path{
-webkit-animation:blink 3s infinite alternate;
#svg_9 {
-webkit-animation:coreblink 3s infinite alternate;
#-webkit-keyframes blink {
0%, 96% {
100% {
#-webkit-keyframes coreblink {
0%, 96% {
100% {
Note that, if you increase the animation-duration (it's 3s in the demo), you should also increase the key percentage (it's 96% in the demo) so that the time of shutting the eye lid is not considerably large. I know this is not perfect (as what I said before), but it's at least acceptable in some use case and hope you are satisfied with it.
UPDATE: If you want to save the SVG code into a file, you should also ship the CSS code (used to animate the SVG) along with the SVG file by using <style> tag like this:
<svg width="99" height="100" xmlns="" xmlns:svg="">
#svg_7 path{
-webkit-animation:blink 3s infinite alternate;
#svg_9 {
-webkit-animation:coreblink 3s infinite alternate;
#-webkit-keyframes blink {
0%, 96% {
100% {
#-webkit-keyframes coreblink {
0%, 96% {
100% {
<g id="svg_1">
<rect id="svg_2" height="71.991" width="71.99" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="1.4434" stroke="#ffffff" fill="transparent" y="0.71191" x="26.195"/>
<line id="svg_3" y2="0.71191" x2="26.195" y1="27.12591" x1="0" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="1.4434" stroke="#ffffff" fill="transparent"/>
<line id="svg_4" y2="72.70391" x2="26.195" y1="99.11691" x1="0" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="1.4434" stroke="#ffffff" fill="transparent"/>
<rect id="svg_5" height="71.991" width="71.992" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="1.4434" stroke="#ffffff" fill="#000000" y="27.12491" x="0"/>
<g id="svg_6">
<g id="svg_7">
<path id="svg_8" d="m35.99502,49.21692c-11.88306,0 -22.25696,5.59302 -27.80701,13.90399c5.55103,8.31104 15.92505,13.90302 27.80701,13.90302c11.88306,0 22.25696,-5.59198 27.80896,-13.90302c-5.55299,-8.31097 -15.92701,-13.90399 -27.80896,-13.90399z" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="1.4434" stroke="#fa5400" fill="transparent">
<circle id="svg_9" r="9.83801" cy="63.12191" cx="35.995" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="1.4434" stroke="#fa5400" fill="transparent" />
<polygon id="svg_10" points="98.1849594116211,72.70391845703125 71.9919662475586,99.116943359375 71.9919662475586,27.12591552734375 98.1849594116211,0.7119140923023224 " stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="1.4434" stroke="#ffffff" fill="transparent"/>
Another approach is try using pure SVG animate. However I find it hard to have an equivalent of SVG animation to CSS animation.


CSS :hover on SVG group area instead of rendered pixels, pointer-events: bounding-box not working cross browser. How to workaround

I'm working on some animated SVGs with CSS animations that triggers on hover.
I'm being able to have the SVG animate on hover the way I want to for Chrome but I'm facing a Firefox and Safari issue.
Apparently, the pointer-events property applied to groups <g></g> doesn't give same behavior on this browser than on the other modern ones, at least when trying to set the value to bounding-box.
I'm doing
g {
pointer-events: bounding-box;
but the hover only gets triggered when the actual <path> element is hovered, not the whole group <g> as I would need to.
Can I use doesn't say anything about this, it mentions svgs also have support for this property.
Below there's a sample code for you to see how one of my SVGs looks like.
On chrome hovering the main containing group area will trigger the hover animation, on Firefox the actual path (the icon lines in this case) needs to be hovered in order to that to happen.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg width="40px" height="40px" viewBox="0 0 40 40" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" >
g {
pointer-events: bounding-box;
//not working on FF
#mobile:hover .flip {
transform-origin:55% 50%;
-moz-transform-origin:55% 50%;
animation: flip_left 1.6s forwards;
#keyframes flip_left {
0% {transform: perspective(2000px) rotateY(90deg) skewY(-1deg)}
30% {transform:perspective(2000px) rotateY(-25deg) skewY(-0.8deg)}
50% {transform:perspective(2000px) rotateY(20deg) skewY(0.8deg)}
70% {transform:perspective(2000px) rotateY(-10deg) skewY(-0.8deg)}
100% {transform:perspective(2000px) rotateY(0deg)}
<!-- Generator: Sketch 51.2 (57519) - -->
<title>Mobile solutions</title>
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="mobile" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="MS_HP_Usecase_Based_Page-Desktop-2A" transform="translate(-766.000000, -418.000000)" stroke="#00A0DF" stroke-width="1.25">
<g id="Asset-5" transform="translate(766.000000, 418.000000)">
<g class="flip">
<rect id="Rectangle-path" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" x="12.35" y="7.41" width="15.32" height="25.33" rx="2.03"></rect>
<circle id="Oval" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" cx="20.01" cy="28.72" r="1.58"></circle>
<path d="M18.43,10.72 L21.48,10.72" id="Shape" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
<circle id="Oval" cx="19.67" cy="19.67" r="19.04"></circle>
I would like to find a workaround for this, since I want to make this animations work cross browser. I would like to eventually make it work for IE11 and Edge too.
So pointer-events: bounding-box seems to not be supported by most browsers.
I implemented the workaround #ccprog suggested on the comments section of my question.
I added a <rect fill="none"> element to svg, that is same dimensions than the SVG itself. I added a :hover selector for that element and sibling selector ~ to select its sibling group with the flip class inside.
See CSS:
#mobile-hover {
visibility: visible;
pointer-events: visible;
#mobile-hover:hover ~ .group .flip {
-moz-transform-origin:55% 50%;
-webkit-transform-origin: 55% 50%;
transform-origin:55% 50%;
-webkit-animation: flip_left 1.6s forwards;
animation: flip_left 1.6s forwards;
I found out I had to add pointer-events: visible to the rect element so it would detect the :hover. I added visibility: visible as a requirement to pointer-events: visible to work.
Below the full new SVG code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg width="40px" height="40px" viewBox="0 0 40 40" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="mobile-icon">
#mobile-hover {
visibility: visible;
pointer-events: visible;
#mobile-hover:hover ~ .group .flip {
-moz-transform-origin:55% 50%;
-webkit-transform-origin: 55% 50%;
transform-origin:55% 50%;
-webkit-animation: flip_left 1.6s forwards;
animation: flip_left 1.6s forwards;
#keyframes flip_left {
0% {transform: perspective(2000px) rotateY(90deg) skewY(-1deg)}
30% {transform:perspective(2000px) rotateY(-25deg) skewY(-0.8deg)}
50% {transform:perspective(2000px) rotateY(20deg) skewY(0.8deg)}
70% {transform:perspective(2000px) rotateY(-10deg) skewY(-0.8deg)}
100% {transform:perspective(2000px) rotateY(0deg)}
<!-- Generator: Sketch 51.2 (57519) - -->
<title>Mobile solutions</title>
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="mobile" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" >
<rect fill="none" width="40" height="40" id="mobile-hover">
<g id="MS_HP_Usecase_Based_Page-Desktop-2A" transform="translate(-766.000000, -418.000000)" stroke="#00A0DF" stroke-width="1.25" class="group">
<g id="Asset-5" transform="translate(766.000000, 418.000000)">
<g class="flip">
<rect id="Rectangle-path" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" x="12.35" y="7.41" width="15.32" height="25.33" rx="2.03"></rect>
<circle id="Oval" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" cx="20.01" cy="28.72" r="1.58"></circle>
<path d="M18.43,10.72 L21.48,10.72" id="Shape" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
<circle id="Oval" cx="19.67" cy="19.67" r="19.04"></circle>
Works on Chrome, Safari and Firefox and I'm attempting to test IE11 and Edge next.
Many thanks,

Animating Sketch' Generated SVG using CSS3

I have the following SVG code for an exported asset from a Sketch file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg width="116px" height="117px" viewBox="0 0 116 117" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="loader_circles">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 47.1 (45422) - -->
<title>Group 2</title>
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<circle id="path-1" cx="58.5" cy="58.5" r="58.5"></circle>
<mask id="mask-2" maskContentUnits="userSpaceOnUse" maskUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="0" y="0" width="117" height="117" fill="white">
<use xlink:href="#path-1"></use>
<circle id="path-3" cx="59" cy="59" r="36"></circle>
<mask id="mask-4" maskContentUnits="userSpaceOnUse" maskUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="0" y="0" width="72" height="72" fill="white">
<use xlink:href="#path-3"></use>
<g id="Common-elements" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-dasharray="78,34">
<g id="Group-2" stroke="#4A90E2" stroke-width="14">
<use id="Oval-8" mask="url(#mask-2)" xlink:href="#path-1"></use>
<use id="Oval-8" mask="url(#mask-4)" xlink:href="#path-3"></use>
It is a loading spinner with two circles one inside of another, now my aim is to use CSS3 Keyframe animation to animate the two circles, mainly rotate it using transform property.
I am not an expert with SVG so I searched for ways to animate SVG with CSS and found that it is simply animating the elements inside of the SVG code for a particular path.
So I did this
#path-1 {
transform-origin: center;
animation: rotateClockwise 0.6s infinite linear;
#path-3 {
transform-origin: center;
animation: rotateAntiClockwise 0.6s infinite linear;
#keyframes rotateClockwise {
0% {
transform: rotate(0deg);
100% {
transform: rotate(360deg);
#keyframes rotateAntiClockwise {
0% {
transform: rotate(0deg);
100% {
transform: rotate(-360deg);
The animation works, the two circles spins as it should but somehow the circles just gets malformed, the strokes of the circles just gets paler and thicker. The spinner looks like this when I don't do the transformation, I think the issue is mainly with the transform property
Here's a live demo:
I am not sure why its happening, any ideas?
I'm not sure what is the source of the problem, but it seems wrong to animate something within defs as these are references, from MDN:
SVG allows graphical objects to be defined for later reuse. It is
recommended that, wherever possible, referenced elements be defined
inside of a <defs> element. Objects created inside a <defs> element
are not rendered immediately; instead, think of them as templates or
macros created for future use.
If instead of animating your circle elements you animate use, the problem is fixed (you need to rename the id property because they must be unique.,css,js,output

Animating an SVG Group

I currently have the following SVG:
<svg class="tower owner" height="60" width="60" viewBox="0 0 300 300">
<g transform="translate(75 75)" opacity="1">
<ellipse class="border" cx="0" cy="0" fill="#222" rx="65" ry="65" stroke-width="5"></ellipse>
<g class="rotatable" style="transform: rotate(5.497787143782138rad); transition: transform 2s;">
<rect fill="#aaa" height="50" stroke-width="7" stroke="#181818" width="40" x="-20" y="-80"></rect>
<rect fill="#555" height="58" rx="12" ry="10" width="78" x="-39" y="-25"></rect>
<rect fill="#ffe56d" height="46.4" y="-13.399999999999999" rx="12" ry="12" width="78" x="-39"></rect>
I am currently animating a rotation on g.rotatable however I would like to use <animateTransform> if possible, and I haven't figured out how.
I have tried placing it at the start of the group, at the bottom of it, and even after it, however none have any affect.
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" dur="5s" keyTimes="0;0.4;0.75;1" repeatCount="indefinite" type="rotate" values="315deg;90deg;200deg;315deg" calcMode="linear"></animateTransform>
Since I've never really worked with SVGs or animating them, I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
svg.tower .rotatable {
animation: tower 5s linear infinite;
#keyframes tower {
0% {
transform: rotate(315deg);
40% {
transform: rotate(90deg);
75% {
transform: rotate(200deg);
100% {
transform: rotate(315deg);
Above is my current CSS animation.
Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong, so I can fix my mistakes, or if it's even possible, so I can potentially give up this line of action.
Note: You may want to reconsider using SMIL animations instead of CSS animations because Chrome has deprecated support for SMIL animations from v45.
There were two problems in your code and they are as follows:
The rotate transform in SVG just takes the degree number as value and doesn't need the deg suffix to be added to it. In addition a transform origin can also be specified (2nd and 3rd param) but it is not mandatory.
There was a style='transform: rotate(...)' on the .rotatable element. The CSS overrides the animateTransform and so you don't get to see any rotation. Avoid this stylesetting. If there is a need for an initial rotation you could probably use SVG's transform attribute.
Below is a working demo:
<svg class="tower owner" height="60" width="60" viewBox="0 0 300 300">
<g transform="translate(75 75)" opacity="1">
<ellipse class="border" cx="0" cy="0" fill="#222" rx="65" ry="65" stroke-width="5"></ellipse>
<g class="rotatable" transform="rotate(315)">
<rect fill="#aaa" height="50" stroke-width="7" stroke="#181818" width="40" x="-20" y="-80"></rect>
<rect fill="#555" height="58" rx="12" ry="10" width="78" x="-39" y="-25"></rect>
<rect fill="#ffe56d" height="46.4" y="-13.399999999999999" rx="12" ry="12" width="78" x="-39"></rect>
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" dur="5s" keyTimes="0;0.4;0.75;1" repeatCount="indefinite" type="rotate" values="315;90;200;315" calcMode="linear"></animateTransform>

Svg rotation animation with css not working on ie or edge

I'm working on an animation of a spinner on a svg.
Unfortunately, I'm having trouble with ie or edge. Every other browser are supported.
Here is the codepen:
As you can see the opacity animation works, but not the rotate.
Is there some kind of prefix i'm missing, or is the svg support broken in ie/edge?
here is the two svg, first one not working, second one is ok.
<svg xmlns="" height="50" width="50">
.spinner {
transform-origin: 25px 25px;
-webkit-transform-origin: 25px 25px;
animation: loading-spin .8s infinite linear;
-webkit-animation: loading-spin .8s infinite linear
#-webkit-keyframes loading-spin {
100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); }
#keyframes loading-spin {
100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }
<clipPath id="a">
<path d="M0 0h25v25H0z" />
<g fill="none">
<circle cx="25" cy="25" r="23" stroke="#000" stroke-opacity=".5" />
<circle class="spinner" cx="25" cy="25" r="23" clip-path="url(#a)" stroke="#191919" stroke-width="3" />
<svg xmlns="" height="50" width="50">
.spinner2 {
transform-origin: 25px 25px;
-webkit-transform-origin: 25px 25px;
animation: loading-spin2 .8s infinite linear;
-webkit-animation: loading-spin2 .8s infinite linear
#-webkit-keyframes loading-spin2 {
100% { opacity:0; }
#keyframes loading-spin2 {
100% { opacity:0; }
<clipPath id="a">
<path d="M0 0h25v25H0z" />
<g fill="none">
<circle cx="25" cy="25" r="23" stroke="#000" stroke-opacity=".5" />
<circle class="spinner2" cx="25" cy="25" r="23" clip-path="url(#a)" stroke="#191919" stroke-width="3" />
Just had the same issue myself. After digging around I found out that CSS transforms in SVG's are not supported by Edge at the moment. It's really annoying but your only option is to use Javascript to animate an SVG on Edge.
You can follow the status of the feature on the Microsoft Edge site.

SVG scale transform has motion

Can anybody tell me why this SVG has a motion animation? Only the scale should animate.
They are scaling in relation to the origin 0,0.
You can override that moving the circles to the origin 0,0, and then use an enclosing g object to move them back to where they should be:
<g transform="translate(391.1,22.9)">
<circle class="pulse2" ... cx="0" cy="0" r="9"/>
<g transform="translate(457.6,22.9)">
<circle class="pulse2" ... cx="0" cy="0" r="9"/>
See: Updated CodePen 1
Another is to use transform-origin: center in CSS:
.pulse2 {
transform-origin: center;
-webkit-transform-origin: center;
See: Updated CodePen 2
