How to write with a single node in MPI - mpi

I want to implement some file io with the routines provided by MPI (in particular Open MPI).
Due to possible limitations of the environment, I wondered, if it is possible to limit the nodes, which are responsible for IO, so that all other nodes are required to perform a hidden mpi_send to this group of processes, to actually write the data. This would be nice in cases, where e.g. the master node is placed on a node with high-performance filesystem and the other nodes have only access to a low-performance filesystem, where the binaries are stored.
Actually, I already found some information, which might be helpful, but I couldn't find further information, how to actually implement these things:
1: There is an info key MPI_IO belonging to the communicator, which tells which ranks provide standard-conforming IO-routines. As this is listed as an environmental inquiry, I don't see, where I could modify this.
2: There is an info key io_nodes_list which seems to belong to file-related info-objects. Unfortunately, the possible values for this key are not documented and Open MPI doesn't seem to implement them in any way. Actually, I can't even get the filename from the info-object which is returned by mpi_file_get_info...
As a workaround, I could imagine two things: On the one hand, I could perform the IO with standard Fortran routines, or on the other hand, create a new communicator, which is responsible for IO. But in both cases, the processes, which are responsible for IO have to check for possible IO from the other processes to perform manual communication and file interaction.
Is there a nice and automatic way to restrict the IO to certain nodes? If yes, how could I implement this?

You explicitly asked about OpenMPI, but there are two MPI-IO implementations in OpenMPI. The old workhorse is ROMIO, the MPI-IO implementation shared among just about every MPI implementation. OpenMPI also has OMPIO, but I don't know a whole lot about tuning that one.
Next, if you want things to happen automatically for you, you'll have to use collective i/o. The independent I/O routines cannot send a message to anyone else -- they are independent and there's no way to know if the other side will be listening.
With those preliminaries out of the way...
You are asking about "i/o aggregaton". There is a bit of information here in the context of another optimization called "deferred open" (and which OMPIO calls Lazy Open)
In short, you can definitely say "only these N processes should do I/O", and then the collective I/O library will exchange data and make sure that happens. The optimization was developed some 15-odd years ago for just the situation you proposed: some nodes being better connected to storage than others (as was the case on the old ASCI Red machine, to give you a sense for how old this optimization is...)
I don't know where you got io_nodes_list. You probably want to use the MPI-IO info keys cb_config_list and cb_nodes
So, you've got a cluster with master1, master2, master3, and compute1, compute2, compute3 (or whatever the hostnames actually are). You can do something like this (in c, sorry. I'm not proficient in Fortran):
MPI_Info info;
MPI_File fh;
MPI_Info_set(info, "cb_config_list", "master1:1,master2:1,master3:1");
With these hints, MPI_File_write_all will aggregate all the I/O through the MPI processes on master1, master2, and master3. ROMIO won't blow up your memory because it will chunk up the I/O into a smaller working set (specified with the "cb_buffer_size" hint: cranking this up, if you have the memory, is a good way to get better performance).
There is a ton of information about the hints you can set in the ROMIO users guide:


MPI_Lock_win / passive synchronization usage confusion

I'm trying to convert an application from using standard point-to-point MPI calls (e.g., MPI_Isend, MPI_Irecv) to using MPI-3's one-sided calls. My goal is to improve performance on my hardware, which is a system that has Infiniband hardware support and an MPI implementation that's optimized for RDMA calls. I've been told that the hardware performs particularly well with passive synchronization mode, as opposed to active synchronization (i.e., Post-Start-Complete-Wait).
However, even after reading through the MPI standard documentation and examples, I'm confused on how to actually use the calls. For context, my program has a setup phase where I will know the communication pattern and even the buffers of the send data and ultimate buffer of the receiver. So, it's straightforward to set up a window and use it.
Specifically, with passive synchronization, I'm confused about when the "receiver" knows the data in the window has been written by the sender. What I want to do is have the sender produce the message data, then call MPI_Win_lock on the window and then do an MPI_Put and then wait for completion with a MPI_Win_Unlock. But, what is an efficient / recommended way for the "receiver" (window target) of the data to know when the message data has been written? Similarly, given that the communication pattern is iterated and the same receive buffer (the target's buffer) is used multiple times, how do I know that the receiver is done consuming the buffer and it can be reused?
I can envision a couple of approaches:
I can use an MPI_Barrier after the MPI_Win_unlock and before the receiver accesses the data. (This seems that it would work but I'm skeptical that this would yield better performance than active synchronization.)
I can possibly use MPI_Lock and MPI_Unlock on the receiver (target), locking the window when the target is actually using the data so the access epoch can't start on the origin (but, is that the way it works? I've read that lock and unlock don't create critical sections in the traditional sense).
Some sort of home-grown approach where the receiver polls for some sort of a nonce to be written, knowing the data is available when that happens.
Docs for MPI_Win_lock:
In general, how does a programmer synchronize with MPI_Lock and 'MPI_Unlock` in a way that's any more efficient than the active synchronization approach? It does feel like I need to just use post-start-complete-wait, but I'm hoping you can help me find a way to try passive synchronization as well.

Can ZeroMQ provide grounds for a bidirectional non-blocking asynchronous transmission?

I have a system which consists of two applications. Currently, two applications communicate using multiple ZeroMQ PUB/SUB patterns generated for each specific type of transmission. Sockets are programmed in C.
For example, AppX uses a SUB formal-socket archetype for receiving an information struct from AppY and uses another PUB formal-socket archetype for transmitting raw bit blocks to AppY and same applies to AppY. It uses PUB/SUB patterns for transmission and reception.
To be clear AppX and AppY perform the following communications:
AppX -> AppY :- Raw bit blocks of 1 kbits (continous),- integer command (not continuous, depends on user)
AppY -> AppX :Information struct of 10kbits (continuous)
The design target:
a) My goal is to use only one socket at each side for bidirectional communication in nonblocking mode.
b) I want two applications to process queued received packets without an excess delay.
c) I don't want AppX to crash after a crashed AppY.
Q1: Would it be possible with ZeroMQ?
Q2: Can I use ROUTER/DEALER or any other pattern for this job?
I have read the guide but I could not figure out some aspects.
Actually I'm not well experienced with ZeroMQ. I would be pleased to hear about additional tips on this problem.
A1: Yes, this is possible in ZeroMQ or nanomsg sort of tools
Both the ZeroMQ and it's younger sister nanomsg share the vision of Scaleable ( which you did not emphasise yet )Formal ( hard-wired formal behaviour )Communication ( yes, it's about this )
Pattern ( that are wisely carved and ready to re-use and combine as needed )
This said, if you prefer to have just one socket-pattern on each "side", then you have to choose such a Formal Pattern, that would leave you all the freedom from any hard-wired behaviour, so as to meet your goal.
So, a) "...only one" is doable -- by a solo of zmq.PAIR (which some parts of documentation flag as a still an experimental device) or NN.BUS or a pair of PUSH/PULL if you step back from allowing just a single one ( which in fact does eliminate all the cool powers of the sharing of the zmq.Context() instantiated IO-thread(s) for re-using the low-level IO-engine. If you spend a few minutes with examples referred to below, you will soon realise, that the very opposite policy is quite common and beneficial to the design targets, when one uses more, even many, patterns in a system architecture.
The a) "...non-blocking" is doable, by stating proper directives zmq.NOBLOCK for respective .send() / .recv() functions and by using fast, non-blocking .poll() loops in your application design architecture.
On b) "...without ... delay" is related to the very noted remark on application design architecture, as you may loose this just by relying on a poor selection and/or not possible tuning of the event-handler's internal timings and latency penalties. If you shape your design carefully, you might remain in a full control of the delay/latency your system will experience and not bacoming a victim of any framework's black-box event-loop, where you can nothing but wait for it's surprises on heavy system or traffic loads.
On c) "... X crash after a Y crashed" is doable on { ZeroMQ | nanomsg }-grounds, by a carefull combination of non-blocking mode of all functions + by your design beeing able to handle exceptions in the situations it does not receive any POS_ACK from the intended { local | remote }-functionality. In this very respect, it is fair to state, that some of the Formal Communication Patters do not have this very flexibility, due to some sort of a mandatory internal behaviour, that is "hard wired" internally, so a due care is to be taken in selecting a proper FCP-archetype for each such still scaleable but fault-resilient role.
Q2: No.
The best next step:
You might feel interested in other ZeroMQ posts here and also do not miss the link to the book, referred there >>>
Q1: yes
Q2: no, ZMQ_DEALER should be used by both AppX and AppY.
See Notice ZMQ_ROUTER in this example just aim to distribute request from multi-client to different thread where ZMQ_DEALER do real work.

Is it possible to write with several processors in the same file, at the end of the file, in an ordonated way?

I have 2 processors (this is an example), and I want these 2 processors to write in a file. I want them to write at the end of file, but not in a mixed pattern, like that :
[file content]
(and so on..)
I'd like to make them write following this kind of pattern :
[file content]
(and so on..)
Is it possible? If so, what's the setting to use?
The sequence in which your processes have outputs ready to report is, essentially, unknowable in advance. Even repeated runs of exactly the same MPI program will show differences in the ordering of outputs. So something, somewhere, is going to have to impose an ordering on the writes to the file.
A very common pattern, the one Wesley has already mentioned, is to have all processes send their outputs to one process, often process 0, and let it deal with the writing to file. This master-writer could sort the outputs before writing but this creates a couple of problems: allocating space to store output before writing it and, more difficult to deal with, determining when a collection of output records can be sorted and written to file and the output buffers be reused. How long does the master-writer wait and how does it know if a process is still working ?
So it's common to have the master-writer write outputs as it gets them and for another program to order the output file as desired after the parallel program has finished. You could tack this on to your parallel program as a step after mpi_finalize or you could use a completely separate program (such as sort on a Linux machine). Of course, for this to work each output record has to contain some sequencing information on which to sort.
Another common pattern is to only have one process which does any writing at all, that is, none of the other processes do any output at all. This completely avoids the non-determinism of the sequencing of the writing.
Another pattern, less common partly because it is more difficult to implement and partly because it depends on underlying mechanisms which are not always available, is to use mpi io. With mpi io multiple processes can write to different parts of a file as if simultaneously. To actually write simultaneously the program needs to be executing on hardware, network and operating system which supports parallel i/o. It can be tricky to implement this even with the right platform, and especially when the volume of output from processes is uncertain.
In my experience here on SO people asking question such as yours are probably at too early a stage in their MPI experience to be tackling parallel i/o, even if they have access to the necessary hardware.
I disagree with High Performance Mark. MPI-IO isn't so tricky in 2014 (as long as you have have access to any file system besides NFS -- install PVFS if you need a cheap easy parallel file system).
If you know how much data each process has, you can use MPI_SCAN to efficiently compute how much data was written by "earlier" processes, then use MPI_FILE_WRITE_AT_ALL to carry out the I/O efficiently. Here's one way you might do this:
incr = (count*datatype_size);
MPI_Scan(&incr, &new_offset, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT,
MPI_File_write_at_all(mpi_fh, new_offset, buf, count,
datatype, status)
The answer to your question is no. If you do things that way, you'll end up with jumbled output from all over the place.
However, you can get the same thing by sending your output to a single processor having it do all of the writing itself. For example, at the end of your application, just have everything send to rank 0 and have rank 0 write it all to a file.

Computer with no registers

I wasn't able to find an answer to my question anywhere on the web, so I thought stackoverflow would be my best bet! My question simply is, is it possible to establish a computer with no registers? I know registers are temp. data holders and provice the fastest way possible to access data, but what are the consequences to the inexistence of registers in a computer, besides making data transmission a lot slower?
No. You can have a model of computation that doesn't involve registers. In fact, most theoretical models don't.
But as for a CPU, which is an electrical circuit, any kind of persistent state is implemented by a flip-flop, a.k.a. a register. There is no way to feed data into the circuits that perform processing without connecting a register to their inputs.
As for practical models of computation, i.e. instruction set architectures, you can avoid the terminology of calling anything a "register" but you inevitably need to define some means of data storage upon which operations act. Even if you don't, programmers will end up calling such storage locations as registers. Some old machines used the first page of RAM as primary scratch space, therefore the first 256 bytes were dubbed "registers," even if they were DRAM in the electronic sense. (Memory fails me; this could have been before DRAM. There is no difference between SRAM and what is physically called a register.)

Asynchronous MPI with SysV shared memory

We have a large Fortran/MPI code-base which makes use of system-V shared memory segments on a node. We run on fat nodes with 32 processors, but only 2 or 4 NICs, and relatively little memory per CPU; so the idea is that we set up a shared memory segment, on which each CPU performs its calculation (in its block of the SMP array). MPI is then used to handle inter-node communications, but only on the master in the SMP group. The procedure is double-buffered, and has worked nicely for us.
The problem came when we decided to switch to asynchronous comms, for a bit of latency hiding. Since only a couple of CPUs on the node communicate over MPI, but all of the CPUs see the received array (via shared memory), a CPU doesn't know when the communicating CPU has finished, unless we enact some kind of barrier, and then why do asynchronous comms?
The ideal, hypothetical solution would be to put the request tags in an SMP segment and run mpi_request_get_status on the CPU which needs to know. Of course, the request tag is only registered on the communicating CPU, so it doesn't work! Another proposed possibility was to branch a thread off on the communicating thread and use it to run mpi_request_get_status in a loop, with the flag argument in a shared memory segment, so all the other images can see. Unfortunately, that's not an option either, since we are constrained not to use threading libraries.
The only viable option we've come up with seems to work, but feels like a dirty hack. We put an impossible value in the upper-bound address of the receive buffer, that way once the mpi_irecv has completed, the value has changed and hence every CPU knows when it can safely use the buffer. Is that ok? It seems that it would only work reliably if the MPI implementation can be guaranteed to transfer data consecutively. That almost sounds convincing, since we've written this thing in Fortran and so our arrays are contiguous; I would imagine that the access would be also.
Any thoughts?
Here's a pseudo-code template of the kind of thing I'm doing. Haven't got the code as a reference at home, so I hope I haven't forgotten anything crucial, but I'll make sure when I'm back to the office...
pseudo(array_arg1(:,:), array_arg2(:,:)...)
integer, parameter : num_buffers=2
Complex64bit, smp : buffer(:,:,num_buffers)
integer : prev_node, next_node
integer : send_tag(num_buffers), recv_tag(num_buffers)
integer : current, next
integer : num_nodes
boolean : do_comms
boolean, smp : safe(num_buffers)
boolean, smp : calc_complete(num_cores_on_node,num_buffers)
current = 1
next = mod(current,num_buffers)+1
do i=1,num_nodes
check_all_tags_and_set_safe_flags(send_tag, recv_tag, safe) # just in case anything else has finished.
check_tags_and_wait_if_need_be(current, send_tag, recv_tag)
end if
calc_complete(my_rank,current)=calculate_stuff(array_arg1,array_arg2..., buffer(current), bounds_on_process)
if(not calc_complete(my_rank,current)) error("fail!")
check_all_tags_and_set_safe(send_tag, recv_tag, safe)
check_tags_and_wait_if_need_be(next, send_tag, recv_tag)
recv(prev_node, buffer(next), recv_tag(next))
check_tags_and_wait_if_need_be(current, send_tag, recv_tag)
send(next_node, buffer(current), send_tag(current))
end if
end do
end pseudo
So ideally, I would have liked to have run "check_all_tags_and_set_safe_flags" in a loop in another thread on the communicating process, or even better: do away with "safe flags" and make the handle to the sends / receives available on the slaves, then I could run: "check_tags_and_wait_if_need_be(current, send_tag, recv_tag)" (mpi_wait) before the calculation on the slaves instead of "wait_until_true(safe(current))".
"...unless we enact some kind of barrier, and then why do asynchronous comms?"
That sentence is a bit confused. The purpose of asynchrononous communications is to overlap communications and computations; that you can hopefully get some real work done while the communications is going on. But this means you now have two tasks occuring which eventually have to be synchronized, so there has to be something which blocks the tasks at the end of the first communications phase before they go onto the second computation phase (or whatever).
The question of what to do in this case to implement things nicely (it seems like what you've got now works but you're rightly concerned about the fragility of the result) depends on how you're doing the implementation. You use the word threads, but (a) you're using sysv shared memory segments, which you wouldn't need to do if you had threads, and (b) you're constrained not to be using threading libraries, so presumably you actually mean you're fork()ing processes after MPI_Init() or something?
I agree with Hristo that your best bet is almost certainly to use OpenMP for on-node distribution of computation, and would probably greatly simplify your code. It would help to know more about your constraint to not use threading libraries.
Another approach which would still avoid you having to "roll your own" process-based communication layer that you use in addition to MPI would be to have all the processes on the node be MPI processes, but create a few communicators - one to do the global communications, and one "local" communicator per node. Only a couple of processes per node would be a part of a communicator which actually does off-node communications, and the others do work on the shared memory segment. Then you could use MPI-based methods for synchronization (Wait, or Barrier) for the on-node synchronization. The upcoming MPI3 will actually have some explicit support for using local shared memory segments this way.
Finally, if you're absolutely bound and determined to keep doing things through what's essentially your own local-node-only IPC implementation --- since you're already using SysV shared memory segments, you might as well use SysV semaphores to do the synchronization. You're already using your own (somewhat delicate) semaphore-like mechanism to "flag" when the data is ready for computation; here you could use a more robust, already-written semaphore to let the non-MPI processes know when the data is ready for computation (and a similar mechanism to let the MPI process know when the others are done with the computation).
