Using result from a function to access a julia array - julia

I'm new to julia and have a problem. I have an array, y.
y = rand (5, 10)
y [1. 1] = 0
Running this gives me an error
for j=1:d
x_filt [j, 1] = y [j, findfirst (y [j, :])]
ERROR: syntax: missing separator in array expression
But this doesn't
for j=1:d # fix to 1st obs if 1st tick is missing
temp = findfirst (y [j, :])
x_filt [j, 1] = y [j, temp];
Can someone explain how to make the first version work? Or at least explain why it doesn't?

First, I guess you meant y[1, 1] = 0? I get an error if I use y [1. 1] = 0.
Julia has space sensitive syntax in some contexts, notable inside brackets [].
Some examples:
julia> max(1, 2)
julia> max (1, 2)
julia> [max(1, 2)]
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> [max (1, 2)]
1x2 Array{Any,2}:
max (1,2)
julia> [1 + 2]
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> [1 +2]
1x2 Array{Int64,2}:
1 2
In your first example, the call to findfirst in
x_filt [j, 1] = y [j, findfirst (y [j, :])]
is interpreted as two space-separated items, findfirst and (y [j, :])]. Julia then complains that they are separated by a space and not a comma.
In your second example, you were able to circumvent this since the call to findfirst in
temp = findfirst (y [j, :])
is no longer in a space sensitive context.
I would recommend that when writing Julia code, you should never put a space between the function name and parenthesis ( in a function call or the variable and bracket [ in indexing, because the code will be treated differently in space sensitive contexts. E.g., your first example without the extra spaces
for j=1:d
x_filt[j, 1] = y[j, findfirst(y[j, :])]
works fine (provided that you define d and x_filt appropriately first).


Outputting variable name and value in a loop

I want to loop over a list of variables nad output the variable name and value. E.g., say I have x=1 and y=2, then I want an output
x is 1
y is 2
I suspect I need to use Symbols for this. Here is my approach, but it isn't working:
function t(x,y)
for i in [x,y]
println("$(Symbol(i)) is $(eval(i))") # outputs "1 is 1" and "2 is 2"
t(1, 2)
Is there a way to achieve this? I guess a Dictionary would work, but would be interested to see if Symbols can also be used here.
One option is to use a NamedTuple:
julia> x = 1; y = 2
julia> vals = (; x, y)
(x = 1, y = 2)
julia> for (n, v) ∈ pairs(vals)
println("$n is $v")
x is 1
y is 2
Note the semicolon in (; x, y), which turns the x and y into kwargs so that the whole expression becomes shorthand for (x = x, y = y).
I will also add that your question looks like like you are trying to dynamically work with variable names in global scope, which is generally discouraged and an indication that you probably should be considering a datastructure that holds values alongside labels, such as the dictionary proposed in the other answer or a NamedTuple. You can google around if you want to read more on this, here's a related SO question:
Is it a good idea to dynamically create variables?
You can do this by passing the variable names:
x = 1
y = 2
function t(a, b)
for i in [a, b]
println("$(i) is $(eval(i))")
t(:x, :y)
x is 1
y is 2
At the start of the function, there's no record of the "x"-ness of x, or the "y"-ness of y. The function only sees 1 and 2. It's a bit confusing that you also called your two local variables x and y, I renamed them to show what's happening more clearly.
A solution with dictionaries would be nicer:
dict = Dict()
dict[:x] = 1
dict[:y] = 2
function t(d)
for k in keys(d)
println("$(k) is $(d[k])")
y is 2
x is 1
If you rather want to see programmatically what variables are present you could use varinfo or names:
julia> x=5; y=7;
julia> varinfo()
name size summary
–––––––––––––––– ––––––––––– –––––––
Base Module
Core Module
InteractiveUtils 316.128 KiB Module
Main Module
ans 8 bytes Int64
x 8 bytes Int64
y 8 bytes Int64
julia> names(Main)
7-element Vector{Symbol}:
With any given name it's value can be obtained via getfield:
julia> getfield(Main, :x)
If you are rather inside a function than use #locals macro:
julia> function f(a)
#show Base.#locals
julia> f(1)
#= REPL[13]:4 =# Base.#locals() = Dict{Symbol, Any}(:a => 1, :b => 5, :c => 8)
Dict{Symbol, Any} with 3 entries:
:a => 1
:b => 5
:c => 8

Julia - Equivalent of python `pop`. Remove elements from array using boolean array and return them

Is there an equivalent to Python's pop? I have an array x and a boolean array flag of the same length. I would like to extract x[flag] and be able to store it in a variable x_flagged while at the same time remove them in place from x.
x = rand(1:5, 100)
flag = x .> 2
x_flagged = some_function!(x, flag) # Now x would be equal to x[x .<= 2]
Try this one using deleteat!
julia> function pop_r!(list, y) t = list[y]; deleteat!( list, y ); t end
julia> x = rand(1:5, 100)
100-element Vector{Int64}
julia> flag = x .> 2
100-element BitVector
julia> pop_r!( x, flag )
60-element Vector{Int64}
julia> x
40-element Vector{Int64}
You can use splice! with a bit of help from findall:
julia> x_flagged = splice!(x, findall(flag))
59-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> size(x)
splice!(a::Vector, indices, [replacement]) -> items
Remove items at specified indices, and return a collection containing the removed items.

Combining vectors of unequal length

x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
y = [1, 2]
If I want to be able to operate on the two vectors with a default value filling in, what are the strategies?
E.g. would like to do the following and implicitly fill in with 0 or missing
x + y # would like [2, 4, 3, 4]
Ideally would like to do this in a generic way so that I could do arbitrary operations with the two.
Disregarding whether Julia has something built-in to do this, remember that Julia is fast. This means that you can write code to support this kind of need.
extend!(x, y::Vector, default=0) = extend!(x, length(y), default)
extend!(x, n::Int, default=0) = begin
while length(x) < n
push!(x, default)
Then when you have code such as you describe, you can symmetrically extend x and y:
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
y = [1, 2]
extend!(x, y)
extend!(y, x)
x + y
==> [2, 4, 3, 4]
Note that this mutates y. In many cases, the desired length would come from outside the code and would be applied to both x and y. I can also imagine that 0 is a bad default in general (even though it is completely appropriate in your context of addition.
A comment below makes the worthy point that you should consider using append! instead of looping over push!. In fact, it is best to measure differences like that if you care about very small differences. I went ahead and tested:
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> extend1(x, n) = begin
while length(x) < n
push!(x, 0)
julia> #btime begin
x = rand(10)
59.815 ns (1 allocation: 160 bytes)
julia> #btime begin
x = rand(10)
extend1(x, 1000)
7.281 μs (8 allocations: 20.33 KiB)
julia> x = rand(10)
julia> #btime begin
x = rand(10)
append!(x, zeros(990))
1.290 μs (3 allocations: 15.91 KiB)
Pushing primitives in a loop is damned fast, allocating a vector of zeros so we can use append! is very slightly faster.
But the real lesson here is seen in the fact that the loop version takes microseconds to append nearly 1000 values (reallocating the array several times). Appending 10 values one by one takes just over 150ns (and append! is slightly faster). This is blindingly fast. Literally doing nothing in R or Python can take longer than this.
This difference would matter in some situations and would be undetectable in many others. If it matters, measure. If it doesn't, do the simplest thing that comes to mind because Julia has your back (performance-wise).
Taking a hint from another of Colin's comments, here are results where we use append! but we don't allocate a list. Instead, we use a generator ... that is, a data structure that invents data when asked for it with an interface much like a list. The results are much better than what I showed above.
julia> #btime begin
x = rand(10)
append!(x, (0 for i in 1:990))
565.814 ns (2 allocations: 8.03 KiB)
Note the round brackets around the 0 for i in 1:990.
In the end, Colin was right. Using append! is much faster if we can avoid related overheads. Surprisingly, the base function Iterators.repeated(0, 990) is much slower.
But, no matter what, all of these options are pretty blazingly fast and all of them would probably be so fast that none of these subtle differences would matter.
Julia is fun!
Note that if you want to fill with missing or some other type different from the element type in your original vector, then you will need to change the type of your vectors to allow those new elements. The function below will handle any case.
function fillvectors(x, y, fillvalue=missing)
xl = length(x)
yl = length(y)
if xl < yl
x::Vector{Union{eltype(x), typeof(fillvalue)}} = x
for i in xl+1:yl
push!(x, fillvalue)
if yl < xl
y::Vector{Union{eltype(y), typeof(fillvalue)}} = y
for i in yl+1:xl
push!(y, fillvalue)
return x, y
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
y = [1, 2]
julia> (x, y) = fillvectors(x, y)
([1, 2, 3, 4], Union{Missing, Int64}[1, 2, missing, missing])
julia> y
4-element Vector{Union{Missing, Int64}}:
julia> (x, y) = fillvectors(x, y, 0)
([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 0, 0])
julia> y
4-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> (x, y) = fillvectors(x, y, 1.001)
([1, 2, 3, 4], Union{Float64, Int64}[1, 2, 1.001, 1.001])
julia> y
4-element Vector{Union{Float64, Int64}}:

How to broadcast set operation on array of sets in Julia?

I'm trying to perform set operations between a given set y and all items in some array of sets X as follows:
X=Array{Set}([Set([1,2,1]), Set([4,6,8 ]), Set([4,5])])
z=broadcast(intersect, y, X)
Which gives me empty sets, instead of sets with the singletons in y, for my example.
You have to protect y from being iterated over. Normally you would get an error but unfortunately y has three elements as well as vector X. Let us create a bigger vector then so see the problem:
julia> X=Array{Set}([Set([1,2,1]), Set([4,6,8 ]), Set([4,5]), Set([7])])
4-element Array{Set,1}:
Set([2, 1])
Set([4, 8, 6])
Set([4, 5])
julia> y=Set{Int16}([2,8,4])
Set{Int16} with 3 elements:
julia> z=broadcast(intersect, y, X)
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths 3 and 4")
How to solve it - wrap y in a 0-dimensional container with Ref(y) like this:
julia> z=broadcast(intersect, Ref(y), X)
4-element Array{Set{Int16},1}:
Set([4, 8])
or equivalently just write:
julia> z=intersect.(Ref(y), X)
4-element Array{Set{Int16},1}:
Set([4, 8])

Modify object whose name is based on contents of an array

I have a two-element vector whose elements can only be 0 or 1. For the sake of this example, suppose x = [0, 1]. Suppose also there are four objects y00, y01, y10, y11. My goal is to update the corresponding y (y01 in this example) according to the current value of x.
I am aware I can do this using a series of if statements:
if x == [0, 0]
y00 += 1
elseif x == [0, 1]
y01 += 1
elseif x == [1, 0]
y10 += 1
elseif x == [1, 1]
y11 += 1
However, I understand this can be done more succinctly using Julia's metaprogramming, although I'm unfamiliar with its usage and can't figure out how.
I want to be able to express something like y{x[1]}{x[2]} += 1 (which is obviously wrong); basically, be able to refer and modify the correct y according to the current value of x.
So far, I've been able to call the actual value of the correct y (but I can't summon the y object itself) with something like
eval(Symbol(string("y", x[1], x[2])))
I'm sorry if I did not use the appropriate lingo, but I hope I made myself clear.
There's a much more elegant way using StaticArrays. You can define a common type for your y values, which will behave like a matrix (which I assume the ys represent?), and defines a lot of things for you:
julia> mutable struct Thing2 <: FieldMatrix{2, 2, Float64}
julia> M = rand(Thing2)
2×2 Thing2 with indices SOneTo(2)×SOneTo(2):
0.695919 0.624941
0.404213 0.0317816
julia> M.y00 += 1
julia> M[1, 2] += 1
julia> M * [2, 3]
2-element SArray{Tuple{2},Float64,1,2} with indices SOneTo(2):
(Side note: Julia indices begin at 1, so it might be more idiomatic to use one-based indices for y as well. Alternatively, can create array types with custom indexing, but that's more work, again.)
How about using x as linear indices into an array Y?
x = reshape(1:4, 2, 2)
Y = zeros(4);
Y[ x[1,2] ] += 1
Any time you find yourself naming variables with sequential numbers it's a HUGE RED FLAG that you should just use an array instead. No need to make it so complicated with a custom static array or linear indexing — you can just make y a plain old 2x2 array. The straight-forward transformation is:
y = zeros(2,2)
if x == [0, 0]
y[1,1] += 1
elseif x == [0, 1]
y[1,2] += 1
elseif x == [1, 0]
y[2,1] += 1
elseif x == [1, 1]
y[2,2] += 1
Now you can start seeing a pattern here and simplify this by using x as an index directly into y:
y[(x .+ 1)...] += 1
I'm doing two things there: I'm adding one to all the elements of x and then I'm splatting those elements into the indexing expression so they're treated as a two-dimensional lookup. From here, you could make this more Julian by just using one-based indices from the get-go and potentially making x a Tuple or CartesianIndex for improved performance.
