I am looking to display only certain fields from the User Profiles Made Easy Plugin on my page. The users 'Display Name' for example, I don't need the full profile, just the display name. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to do this?
I have looked at the docs, posted on the plugin forum and trawled the Internet for help but I can't find any.
Currently I can only get the whole profile to display, even when I pass the display_name in.
<?php echo do_shortcode("[upme view=display_name]"); ?>
Any help would be appreciated.
I managed to accomplish this using the following code:
$display_name = get_user_meta($user_ID, 'display_name');
$description = get_user_meta($user_ID, 'description');
Then I pulled the value from the array using:
<?php echo $display_name[0]; ?>
I am no php expert so I am not sure if this is efficient (or even correct), but it seemed to work for me.
I am looking for some sage advice on how to best create a page/slug structure for a WP site I am building. It is a portfolio site that will showcase creative work. I have currently created several custom post types for things such as the portfolio/work items and for their associated clients and have created relationships between those items using the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin. All of this works great. What I am struggling with is how to create the best URL structure.
I have the following pages already created and working well:
/work/ - index page that shows all work regardless of client
/clients/ - list of all clients
I need to create the following pages:
/clients/client/ - this page would show all work associated with a specific client. Here is where I am struggling. I need help understanding how to use the page template system to set the correct page slugs. Can I use page slugs as part of my WP query? Can I simply query based on the custom post type? What do I name the page template file for this to work?
Appreciate any advice and/or examples anyone can offer. Thank you.
WordPress offers an easy mechanism to handle pages and posts as well that are being created and rendered. It is us who has to take up the challenge to do those wonderful designs and tasks that we need. Moving on to the following topic of page and slug architecture we shall discuss in detail.
First let us look onto the following thing.
Creating Page Template for Custom Posts Type
Ex: If you are creating the post type called news the WordPress system will look for the following structures.
If your custom post type were 'news', and/or query_var = "news", WordPress would look for single-news.php to display the single or permalink of the post.
If your custom post type were 'news', and/or query_var = "news", WordPress would look for archive-news.php to display the archive of posts.
If these files are not available in your Theme's directory WordPress will look for archive.php and single.php, respectively. If even these files are not present it will default to index.php.
Template File will be like this.
$args = array( 'post_type' => 'news', 'posts_per_page' => 10,'post_status'=>'publish','orderby'=>'ID','order'=>'DESC' );
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
<?php if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : ?>
<?php while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post(); ?>
<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
<div class="entry-content">
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<p><?php _e( 'Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.' ); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
Hence from the above code you can display the Latest Posts from News category in the count of 10.
If you need the count to be infinite you have to change the post_per_page=10 to post_per_page=-1.
Hope so this reference and advice that i have tried to explain will be helpful for you. Still if you face any issues about my explanation comment over to my answer and i am there to help you.
I didn't go this exact route to resolve my question as I am using the Advanced Custom Relationships plug-in. My solution is somewhat similar to this: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/querying-relationship-fields/ - but your response was very helpful and got me going on the right track, thank you!
Hello All I was wondering if someone could help me out. I have multiple users for my blog and they are allowed to create posts. I would like to create a mailto: link on the single.php post for that specific post type. I would like the mailto: email to be the author's email of that specific posts so that a viewer could email the author of the post.
I am aware that wordpress has the function:
<?php $user_email = get_the_author_meta('user_email'); ?>
this function stores the data, i would really appreciate it if someone could help me display a mailto: link with this function.
You can simply echo the value where you need it. For example:
Click here to email author
Or, more readable:
$user_email = get_the_author_meta('user_email');
echo 'Click here to email author';
I have a site that is going to be used by Real estate agents, Brokers, and apt. hunters to locate and lease apartments. I need the brokers to be able to add showing instructions to their listing that agents can view but not edit and the public cannot view.
I am using a "real estate" theme that has gotten me 2/3 of the way there but this added functionality that I require doesn't seem to be able to be plugged into the theme with... a plug in. I've tried Advanced custom fields, members, and numerous other role, and custom field plug ins. I was convinced that this project would or could be supported by some existing plugin or widget but am now not so sure.
If anyone has experience with this please throw me a bone. I dont expect code examples but just a pointer in the right direction.
Thanks in advance!
Assuming the theme uses custom roles for brokers/agents etc, why not add a custom field to the listing editor screen, then use an if current_user_can capability check in the template to display it.
<?php if( current_user_can( ' edit_listing ' ) : ?>
<?php echo get_field( ' instructions ' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
How to take on a problem in WordPress admin editing.
I'd like to edit an edit-category admin panel to add a featured image to it (just like in posts), but I'm a bit indecisive since a lot of people use a custom field with static path to a photo, but I'm wondering is there a way to do it better(enable some wp hook and such).
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Thanks for the plugin it seems good, but i have one additional problem. It seems i have a lack of knowledge on how to query an object [category] so i can apply filters, hope im making some sense. This is done on my home.php. all dumps are null
<?php get_header();
$listcat = get_categories('hide_empty=0');
foreach($listcat as $x){
$img = apply_filters( 'taxonomy-images-queried-term-image', '');
get_footer(); ?>
The same code works with no problems if i stick it in category.php. Any ideas? :)
i've used several times the plugin "Taxonomy Images". it works with multi-language wp installs too.
link with instruction: http://wordpress.mfields.org/plugins/taxonomy-images/
I'd like to implement a custom post retrieval page in wordpress. Basically, I'm using AJAX to call this page that will be passed a post ID and retrieve certain data from that post.
Note: please don't mistake this as a template question. I do not want a template for one single page -- I am looking to make this page query multiple different posts based on postID and return certain data from that post.
So I tried creating a page
$friends = new WP_Query($args);
<?php if ($friends->have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<?php the_title(); ?>
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<p>Sorry, no posts are available.</p>
<?php endif; ?>
But this does not work since it is not loading in the wp functions to handle the query.
Thanks in advance for any help!
You have to include the wp-blog-header.php file. If the page you are creating is in your theme's folder then you would put something like this at the top of your code
<?php require_once ('../../../wp-blog-header.php');?>
I think I guess what you are trying to do, and it sounds like you are going about it the wrong way. Do not make a 'new page' in the admin interface. What you want to do is serve up a file (JSON, XHTML fragment, whatever) to your Javascript and include in it WP data, right? I know that problem, having used it in some of my plugins.
There are two techniques:
(1) This is what you need to do: make a new plugin (just a loose php file in wp-plugins with the same format header as the other plugins in there). Write your function along these lines:
function mydatapage(){
if (...$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == the one I am using ...) {
$friends = new WP_Query($args);
if ($friends->have_posts()) :
<p>Sorry, no posts are available.</p>
<?php endif;
} //else do nothing and leave WP to serve the page normally
add_action('init', 'mydatapage');
What that does is do a lookup when pages are loaded to see if the url matches the one you want to hijack and use to send your custom data. If it is, you send the data/file/whatever you feel like and exit (die).
Give a shout if you want more detailed syntax. It is a bit messy, but works well.
(2) Directly call your plugin file. WP will only handle files that do not already exist, and leave the rest to Apache. That means you can make a plugin file and call that directly using the .../wp-plugin/myfile.php url. You would need to include some of the WP core files to get things like WP_Query to work. It is marginally more fragile a method.