in wordpress 4.0 with buddypress how do I add a profile field that can only be changed by administrators - wordpress

I am running a club-based wordpress application.
In it has buddypress installed into it.
What I want to do, is add a profile field whose value can only be set by the administrator of the site. I know how to add a custom field, but the default behavior is to allow the user to set it. I don't want that.
Can this be done, and if so, how?
Thank you.

Create a template overload of this file:
Untested, but try changing this:
$field_type = bp_xprofile_create_field_type( bp_get_the_profile_field_type() );
To this:
$name = bp_get_the_profile_field_name();
if( $name == 'name of your field' ) {
if( is_super_admin() ) {
$field_type = bp_xprofile_create_field_type( bp_get_the_profile_field_type() );
echo $name . '<br/>' . bp_get_the_profile_field_value();
else {
$field_type = bp_xprofile_create_field_type( bp_get_the_profile_field_type() );

Have you checked Advanced Custom Fields? That's an easy way to add custom fields to the pages you want.
They have some documentation on how to How to Hide ACF Menu from Clients.


Wordpress User Role Accessibilities

in wordpress, how to create a new user role that can only access the 'donation' sidebar function as the image below? Please help...View Image
Yes yes it is possible to do this.
You need to select the user role "Give Accountant" for the concerned user in the WordPress backoffice "Accounts" -> "All Accounts" -> Select the user and change his status.
Then you have to add these PHP instructions in your child theme
add_action( 'current_screen', 'restrict_screen' );
function restrict_screen() {
if (current_user_can('give_accountant')) {
if( preg_match('/\bindex\.php\b|\bprofile\.php\b|\bwp-admin.?$/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
$current_admin = get_admin_url() .'edit.php?post_type=give_forms';
header('Location: ' . $current_admin . '', true, 301);
add_action('admin_init', 'disable_dashboard');
function disable_dashboard() {
if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
return null;
if (current_user_can('give_accountant')) {
remove_menu_page( 'index.php' );
remove_menu_page( 'profile.php' );
For user role capabilities you can also use the plugin.
Here I have shared the plugin which I like.
I know it is a little bit longer but it is a very good plugin if in the future any changes in the requirement then the plugin will very helpful.
Here you can set the settings according to your requirement.

How to add verified badge in front of author name across wordpress blog

Good Day,
I have been trying to add verification badge to WordPress users but I no success. I tried using administrator to do the testing by checking if user has role administrator and trying to enter code here update_user_meta (display_name) but I wasn't able to add icons to the display name.
I have as well tried creating a custom field in user profile called verify_user (text field) .... In which I entered the value "verified" and saved ... I have been searching for hooks to use but haven't seen one. I'm not sure which hook/filter to use here
Please is there any solution to adding this verification icon to author's display name in which when the word "verified" is entered into the custom field created in user profile or any other approach available (e.g if user has specific role). I don't mind if the little structure I wrote above would be changed.
I was able to get a solution which worked exactly as i wanted. For anyone who might have same task to tackle;
function add_verification_bagdge_to_authors($display_name) {
global $authordata;
if (!is_object($authordata))
return $display_name;
$icon_roles = array(
$found_role = false;
foreach ($authordata->roles as $role) {
if (in_array(strtolower($role), $icon_roles)) {
$found_role = true;
if (!$found_role)
return $display_name;
$result = sprintf('%s <i title="%s" class="fa fa-check-circle"></i>',
__('This is a Verified Author', 'text-domain-here')
return $result;
add_filter( 'the_author', 'add_verification_bagdge_to_authors' );
The way i was able to tackle this was to create a user role called Verified Author (using add_role() function from Wordpress Codex ), which will be the role assigned to verified author across the website. All Users with Admin Role are automatically Verified while user role has to be switched from either contributor/Author role to Verified Author.
The above code was able to do 98% of the task but when a verified author / administrator comments, their display name doesn't show the verified badge. I was able to use the below code to fix that (combining the code with a shortcode).
function my_comment_author( $author = '' ) {
// Get the comment ID from WP_Query
$comment = get_comment( $comment_ID );
if ( ! empty($comment->comment_author) ) {
if (!empty($comment->user_id)){
$author=$user->display_name.' '. do_shortcode('[this_is_verified-sc]'); // This is where i used the shortcode
} else {
$author = $comment->comment_author;
} else {
$author = $comment->comment_author;
return $author;
add_filter('get_comment_author', 'my_comment_author', 10, 1);
Shortcode to return the Verified Badge if user is admin or verified author
function add_verification_bagdge_to_authors_sc($display_name) {
global $authordata;
if (!is_object($authordata))
return $display_name;
$icon_roles = array(
$found_role = false;
foreach ($authordata->roles as $role) {
if (in_array(strtolower($role), $icon_roles)) {
$found_role = true;
if (!$found_role)
return $display_name;
$result = sprintf('%s <i title="%s" class="fa fa-check-circle"></i>', $display_name, __('This is a Verified Author', 'text-domain-here') );
return $result;
add_shortcode( 'this_is_verified-sc', 'add_verification_bagdge_to_authors_sc' );
Please Note: Not all Magazine theme are properly coded / have a hard coded Block and module elements, so the verified badge might not work on their block / module element. I experienced this during the whole website design process, so we had to change up theme and the only modification i had to make to the new theme was to remove the html escape added to their block/module code, so that the icon can be rendered. i.e. in their module/block code they had something like this esc_html( the_author() ) and i removed the esc_html to have just the_author() an it all worked.
Its not really a straight forward solution but that is how i was able to tackle the task without using a plugin. Just add the codes to your functions.php file and that's it. I hope it helps someone.
Thanks to Kero for pointing me in the right direction, providing the code i was able to work with and manipulate

How to hide advanced custom fields(ACF) in the WP-admin UI?

Check the screenshot below; all I want to do is to hide certain ACF fields for custom users in the wordpress backend.
As of ACF 5.0.0 there is an easier way to do this without having to output CSS. If you use the acf/prepare_field hook and return false the field will not render.
function so37111468_hide_field( $field ) {
// hide the field if the current user is not able to save options within the admin
if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
return false;
return $field;
add_filter( 'acf/prepare_field/key=MYFIELDKEY', 'so37111468_hide_field' );
The documentation for that filter can be found here:
If you mean to hide it with CSS, then you should insert custom CSS to admin footer area.
For example, you can add such kind of code to your theme's functions.php file:
add_action('admin_footer', 'my_admin_hide_cf');
function my_admin_hide_cf() {
$user_roles = $u->roles;
if ($user_roles[0]=='CUSTOM_USER_ROLE_NAME'){
echo '
#acf-FIELD_SLUG_HERE {display:none}
And of course you should replace FIELD_SLUG_HERE and CUSTOM_USER_ROLE_NAME values with correct ones.
F.e. #acf-FIELD_SLUG_HERE can be #acf-url, CUSTOM_USER_ROLE_NAME can be "contributor".

Remove wp-login completely

First of, I'm new to using Wordpress so please excuse me if I ask something really stupid.
I want to completely remove wp-login and the register function, I don't want users to be able to register and don't want to show the option on my blog.
I did some research on this and all i get are results that explain how to hide the wp-login or change the url, which is not what i want.
Is there a function within wordpress to completly remove this from my blog? Or do i have to remove these pages from my source code?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Untick "Anyone Can Register" in "Settings" > "General" - I think that will take care of it. If you insist on taking the form down completely then this function would completely remove the login form, and yet still provide emergency access:
add_filter( 'wp_login_errors', 'my_login_lock_down', 90, 2 );
function my_login_lock_down( $errors, $redirect_to ){
// Get to the login form using:
$secret_key = "secretform";
$secret_password = "secretcode";
if ( !isset( $_GET[ $secret_key ] ) || $_GET[ $secret_key ] != $secret_password ) {
login_header(__('Log In'), '', $errors);
echo "</div>";
do_action( 'login_footer' );
echo "</body></html>";
return $errors;

How to hide media uploads by other users in the Media manager

i am using wordpress multisite and wan to hide medea which others have uploaded. Like if X User of that site have uploaded any media in the wordpress, Y User should not be able to see or access this from there login. Please help
You could try something like this.
* Allow access to own content only
function my_authored_content($query) {
//get current user info to see if they are allowed to access ANY posts and pages
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
// set current user to $is_user
$is_user = $current_user->user_login;
//if is admin or 'is_user' does not equal #username
if (!current_user_can('manage_options')){
//if in the admin panel
if($query->is_admin) {
global $user_ID;
$query->set('author', $user_ID);
return $query;
return $query;
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'my_authored_content');
This will only let admin and the author see the content.
You can either add it to the main functions file or turn it into a plugin.
To create it as a plugin:
Create a new file
add the code from here:
save it as my-authored-content.php
upload it to your plugins directory.
Hope this helps you! :-)
For me works this:
function mymo_parse_query_useronly( $wp_query ) {
if(isset($wp_query->query_vars['post_type']) && $wp_query->query_vars['post_type'] == 'attachment'){
if ( !current_user_can( 'level_5' ) ) {
$wp_query->set( 'author', get_current_user_id() );
add_filter('parse_query', 'mymo_parse_query_useronly' );
I use this for uploaded profile picture for the user profile in front end
