R function without exporting in Namespace - r

I am writing an R package. Generally, I have some functions that they are not useful for external uses. So when I put them in Namespace file, it causes an error about documentation of functions. On the other hand, if I remove them from Namespace file, it causes another problem, Function not found. So, is there any way of calling a function without a need of writing documentations?

As Andrie commented if you want to include the function in the R package you need to put it inside a folder (e.g. packageparent/R/) and declare in NAMESPACE. You do not put a function in NAMESPACE.
IF you do not want to include it in your package, none of your functions in your package shall call this function, otherwise the package does not compile. You still can include this function in your package and not write any documentation for it.
To use this function outside your package just source it


R: how to properly include libraries in my package

I'm writing by first R-Package and was wondering what the right way is to include other libraries, like ggplot2.
So there are two places where an import statement can go in my package. The DESCRIPTION file and the NAMESPACE, where the latter requires to include ggplot in some roxagen statement like #'#import ggplot2.
Actually I thought that is is enough to include ggplot2 inside DESCRIPTION, as I thought that loading my packages will also load or dependencies, however, when ggplot2 is not in the namespace it seems like I cannot use function, e.g. aes, ggplot without writing ggplot2::aes or ggplot2::gpplot. So for what are the import statements in each of the config files, i.e. DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE?
The one required step is to include ggplot2 under Imports: in your DESCRIPTION file. This ensures that ggplot2 is installed when your package is installed.
Then, to use functions from ggplot2 in your package, you need to tell R where to look for them. You can do this in 3 ways:
Put the name of the package before the function name when you use it: ggplot2::aes(). This is my preferred method, as it doesn’t add anything extra to your NAMESPACE, avoids any name collisions, and avoids breakage if you later rework or remove a function.
Import specific functions as you use them. Do this by putting #’ #importFrom ggplot2 aes in the roxygen block above the function using it. Add however many function names you need to that line. After doing that, you can use aes() directly without having to specify the namespace it’s coming from with ggplot2::aes(). This can be convenient if you’re working with a lot of functions (like with ggplot2), but I recommend using the first option instead in general to keep your NAMESPACE tidier. You technically only need to include the #importFrom line for once in your package for any function, but I recommend including it for each function that is using the imported functions. That way, if you ever rework or remove a function, the other functions don’t break.
You can import a whole package of functions by putting #’ #import ggplot2 in a roxygen block. This imports every function from a package. This can be a lot for big packages like ggplot2 and dplyr, and the can potentially cause issues, so I suggest never doing this and instead importing only the specific functions you need or calling them with ggplot2::aes().
If you depend on a package you should put it in the Imports field of the DESCRIPTION file, after which you can use pkgname::function() in your code.
usethis::use_package() function can help you do this.
If you want your code to be able to use any code of the package without the use of ::, you should put a roxygen comment somewhere like this:
#' #import pkgname
This then gets ported by roxygen2 to your NAMESPACE file.
If you want to specifically use some functions (but not others), you can use the following that is used by roxygen2:
#' #importFrom pkgname fun1 fun2
The usethis::use_import_from() function can help you do the above. In the examples above NULL only indicates that you're not documentating a function or data, and you can use it at the end of a documentation comment block.

Self-written R package does not find its own function

I created a package with some functions which are helpful at my company. Recently, I restructered the package such that there are helper functions which need not to be accessible for everyone, but are called internally from other (exported) functions of the package. These helper functions are not exported to the namespace (no #' #export in the respective .R files).
Now, when I call one of the "major" (exported) functions, I get the error message (no real function names):
Error in major_function() : could not find function "helper_function"
Im fairly new in building packages, but from what I understood so far (from https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/roxygen2/vignettes/namespace.html), it should neither be necessary to export the helper functions, nor to add #' importFrom my_package helper_function to the .R file of the major function.
When I tried this, it actually produced errors when checking the package. I also tried to call the helper functions with my_package:::helper_function, but this lead to the note that it should almost never be necessary to call functions from the same package like this.
Maybe useful information:
The error occurs only when I call a major_function_1 which internally calls major_function_2 which calls a helper_function.
I think there is more to your problem than what you state. As long as all your functions are defined in the same namespace (this also means that all your functions need to live in .R files in the same folder), the calling function should find the helper-functions accordingly.
I suspect you have your helper functions nested in some way, and that is causing the problem.
I recommend to recheck your namespace structure, or post a simplistic outline of your package here.
Another reason that could come to mind, is that you do not export your 'mayor_function2' in your NAMESPACE-file in your package root (maybe you have not recompiled the Roxygen documentation generating this file), and additionally have a local shadow of the the calling function 'mayor_function1'. Try to check this and rerun from a clean compile.

Imported packages do not work with my package in R for some functions?

I built my own package. I imported the most important package that I need them in my package. In these packages there are some functions are not exported by the package (I did not find them in the namespace of the package). I need these functions. When I call them, I get an error that those funciton are not found. So, How I can solve this problem. Also, how does these packages uses this functions inside their packages without using #export!! any help please?
based on the answer:
I understand I do it like this inside my R code: I need the following function:
args <- preproc(c(as.list(environment()), call = match.call()),
list2env(args, environment())
Then I must do like this:
Then how to call args?
You can call non exported functions with
It is however not recommended to do that since those functions might not be supported in future versions of packages.
If you want to use a non exported function from your own library inside your own library, you can just use functionname() altough some package developers still prefer packagename:::functionname().

Difference between environment and namespace

I know what a namespace is from other languages but in R I just cannot find a difference between the environment and namespace. Could anyone explain this since in the tutorials I have read (as The Art of R Programming and others) I just cannot find a distinction?
A namespace is something specific to a package. It is defined as a list of directive that allow you to import functions from other packages to be used locally or to export your functions and classes to be used in R.
So if you have created in your package a function called foo you will add to your namespace something like export(foo) to make your function usable.
If you want to import function from a specific package to use them in yours, you will add import(thePackage)
The environment is simply the space where you associate names to values. You can see it as a context in which you can evaluate functions and expressions.

How to define which variables or functions from a package are exported

My R package uses an internal variable x. If I load the package (I've only tried using devtools::load_all), then x doesn't appear in the ls() list, but it does have a value. How can I avoid this?
I'm fine with the user being able to access the variable with myPackage::x, but not simply x.
The load_all function has an export_all argument.
From ?load_all
If TRUE (the default), export all objects. If FALSE, export only the objects that are listed as exports in the NAMESPACE file.
So, try using export_all=FALSE in your load_all call.
Try building the package first, and check whether the problem still exists. The exports from a package are defined in the NAMESPACE file. When you use devtools::load_all, the namespace isn't loaded ( see here). Read more about this and building a package in the manual Writing R extensions.
You might be using a default export pattern in your NAMESPACE file. Check it in your package, and if it looks like this:
then the package exports everything from the namespace that doesn't start with a dot. So you either call it .x, or you change the exportPattern() to eg...
export(myfun1, myfun2)
to export the functions myfun1 and myfun2 from the package. By explicitly defining what you want to export, you avoid that something's available when there's no need for that.
