Can bean validation be documented with enunciate? - bean-validation

Is there a way to have enunciate document bean validation rules?
Does it work for both bean validation by annotation and bean validation by xml configuration?

Enunciate doesn't currently have support for enhancing documentation based on bean validation annotations.


Spring MVC #PreDestroy method not working

I am using #controller in my controller class which internally creates bean. For this controller I need to use #postConstruct and #preDestroy methods, #postConstruct is working fine but #preDestroy is not working. It means Bean is not destroying. So how can I destroy bean in spring MVC(annotation based)(I am not using ApplicationContext).
Correct me if my assumption was wrong.
WHen you say you dont use application context, do you mean to say that you are not using xml based configuration and are using java annotation config?
With spring mvc controllers, #PreDestroy annotated method will be called on session expiry (unless it's prototype scoped)
Here is a post #PreDestroy on Session-scoped Spring MVC Controllers
Here is a good explantation on spring bean life cycle
I found out that if I set the bean scope to singleton, I can get PreDestroy called but not if I set it to prototype.

spring MVC errors : Could not instantiate bean class []: Specified class is an interface

I want to pagination in Spring MVC but getting error :
Could not instantiate bean class []: Specified class is an interface . Anyone can help? thanks!
To resolve Pageable parameters, Spring MVC uses a component called a HandlerMethodArgumentResolver(reference here). Specifically for Pageable as parameter, HandlerMethodArgumentResolver used is, this can be registered using Java Configuration by just adding the #EnableSpringDataWebSupport annotation.
More options are available here:

How do you create CouchDB Views using Spring Bean Deployment with LightCouch

I am using Spring-MVC LightCouch and CouchDB and I have custom Views that need to be inserted into the DB on deployment. I have found the LightCouch has a method for pulling documents "from desk" as noted on their website:
DesignDocument designDoc ="example");
Response response =;
This Works good from within JAVA code, however I need to be able to do it in the Spring ApplicationContext.xml I have more than one so I would like to mimick the call of:
How would I do this in the bean definition of the ApplicationContext I already have this:
<bean id="dbClient" class="org.lightcouch.CouchDbClient" lazy-init="false" destroy- method="shutdown">
<constructor-arg value="" />
It seems you can't do it with Spring xml config, as the init method falls under a different instance; that is returned by the call to design() factory method. Maybe you can try Java code equivalence, i.e. #PostConstruct.
I ended up having to make a bean that synchronized the database on init and created that when the app starts

What does <mvc:annotation-driven /> do?

I use filenames in my REST API (example: GET http://xxx/api/myImage.jpg)
problem is #PathVariable dropped ".jpg".
this problems already asked few times in here and answered. but not worked to me.
so I searched then found at the
"... is simply not supposed to be combined with manual DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping instances; this is designed as an either-or choice at present, quite similar to and ."
"mvc namespace are make simplifed configurations".
Real question is mvc what does do? and changed?
I found my self these things..
intercepter configuration changed. (mvc namspace required in bean configuation)
useDefaultSuffixPattern is not working.
adds JSON message converter. if jackson library is available
#PathVariable arguments are auto added to model
Any others?
Thanks in advance!
The mvc:annotationDriven tag essentially sets you your Spring context to allow for dispatching requests to Controllers.
The tag will configure two beans DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping and AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter.
You can find more information from the spring documents:
Before I provide certain points let me clear up the answer provided by Roy is not accurate. You don't have to provide mvc:annotation-driven tag to instantiate default beans. This tag can be used Spring 3.0+ to enable new feature introduced from Spring 3.0
(Do not use it if you want backward compatibility, especially if you are using old controller based classes like MultiActionController, SimpleFormController)
Now lets come to what this tag actually does -
Prior to Spring 3.1 default beans used where
These are deprecated in Spring 3.1 and if you use above mentioned tag it will be replaced by -
DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping decided which controller to use and the AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter selected the actual method that handled the request. RequestMappingHandlerMapping does both the tasks. Therefore the request is directly mapped right to the method.
There are other infrastructure beans that are instantiated by these tag (chained in addition to defaults) like - MappedInterceptor, ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer, SessionFlashManager, ContentNegociationManager etc. I am not going to explain these :) as they each are long answers themselves, so google it for more info.
PS : And yes Spring 3.1+ automatically expose #PathVariables to the model. Also you have mvc:interceptors tag. But I think it is not related to <mvc:annotation-driven />. I would highly recommend read -
To enable MVC Java config add the annotation #EnableWebMvc to one of your #Configuration classes:
public class WebConfig {
To achieve the same in XML use the
element in your DispatcherServlet context (or in your root context if you have no DispatcherServlet context defined):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
The above registers a RequestMappingHandlerMapping, a RequestMappingHandlerAdapter, and an ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver (among others) in support of processing requests with annotated controller methods using annotations such as #RequestMapping, #ExceptionHandler, and others.
For details refer the below link :
mvc:annotation-driven tag do extra work from context:component-scan tag
The tag registers the Handler Mapping and Handler Adapter required to dispatch requests to your #Controllers:
tag helps registering the following components.
DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping - This is a HandlerMapping implementation which maps the HTTP requests to the handler methods defined using the #RequestMapping annotation.
AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter - It is responsible for scanning the controllers to identify methods (and parameters) annotated with #MVC annotations. It scans and caches handler methods annotated with #RequestMapping. Also handles the #RequestParam, #ModelAttribute, #SessionAttributes and #InitBinder annotations.
ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer - The initializer for the Web Data Binder. Helps in declaratively configuring the Web Binder with validators, conversion services, property editors, etc.
LocalValidatorFactoryBean - Implements the validator interface and enables JSR303 validation. This is injected into ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer.
FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean - A conversion factory that returns conversion services for basic objects like date and numbers. This factory is again injected into ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer.
Message Converters
ByteArrayHttpMessageConverter - A HTTP request message converter that reads a HTTP message body and returns a byte stream. It can also read a byte stream and construct a response body. Used for receiving and sending documents like PDF, XLS, etc.
StringHttpMessageConverter - A HTTP request message converter that reads a plain text request body and binds it to a String object. And vice-versa with response.
FormHttpMessageConverter - A HTTP request message converter that reads a form encoded request body and binds it to a form Binding object.
SourceHttpMessageConverter - A HTTP request converter that converts a XML message body to/from Binding Object.
If we do not use mvc:annotation-driven tag then we have to do register these components manually in xml file in order to use them , which results in too much extra work.

Inject CDI Session Bean in Servlet

I'm getting in my project inject (# Inject) CDI Beans scopes Request and Session in a servlet. The problem is that for session beans CDI I'm not getting that states remain. I try to modify the state of the bean from my servlet but when I try to recover from a page is as if the servlet had failed to change state.
Someone could help me?
Hard to help you with so few information. Could you post code and configuration ?
Regarding CDI and Servlet, you also should have a look to Seam Servlet module, it could help you to achieve tour needs differently
