Players / Teams / Matches / Seasons - wordpress

I'm trying to figure out the best way to solve this 'problem'
I have 4 Custom Post Types:
And i want to connect them to each other somehow so that i can query the results in the frontend.
This is how i want them to be connected:
Each Season has many Teams
Each Team has many Players
Each Match has many Teams & Players
My first attempt was to connect these 4 types with the Relationship Field (Advanced Custom Field).
For example, in a Season's edit page there is:
Repeater Field -> Sub Field (relationship), Sub Field (Points), Sub Field (Games Played)
With the above method, I came across many problems while querying in the front end.
What would be the best method to achieve the desired results?

As per me, just prepare a new taxonomy for all these custom post types. This should be a common taxonomy is for all the four types of custom post types. Now you can relate the posts by categories of that taxonomy...Try it once


Showing count of content based on the select list values Drupal 7

I have a requirement in which I need to show some content along with its count based on values in a select list. I wanted to display the allocated,released and resigned resources of a particular department in a selected date range. Using views, date range and department fields are created as exposed filters.
Created a content type for creating resources. The Resources content type is having action as a select list with values allocated,released,resigned. Department is another select list and date field is also added.
Please help me with an answer if views module is not enough. Provide some other solutions also. I'm using Drupal 7.
I figured out how to show node count in views. In my view I’ve some exposed filters and passed my select list cck field as contextual filter. If no result available I made the view to display summary as row count. In the template file, I’m planning to do some calculations for showing the resources count in and out of the project. Please correct me if there is anything wrong in this approach.

Advanced Custom Fields - Filtering a Post Object Field by previously chosen Taxonomy

I have a custom post type called Event in which I want to add a location chosen from a large list of locations. To make this process easier I want to filter these locations by a category called locality.
To achieve this I have created a custom post type called Locations and a custom taxonomy called Locality. A field group holding two dropdowns one for Locality (Taxonomy) and another for Locations (Post Object) has been added to each event.
What I haven't managed to achieve is the filter of locations by the locality chosen.
I don't believe you can dynamically filter the choices of one custom field based on the current choice of another, and change that choice on the adminend. You can filter the choices that show up in your fields with a query modification that's very similar to WP_Query, and I'm pretty sure that can't be done on the fly.
I would almost cheat and instead of making posts with taxonomy assigned to them, include both the locality and the location in the post name itself.
So say, post [Museum of London] with taxonomy [London]
would become
[London][Museum of London]
[London][Hyde Park]... etc
or something similar. I'm presuming you only want to assign one location to any specific locality...
Then I'd create a relationship field and whenever I'm looking for Museum of London I'd type
London Muse...
It looks like this question is stale by now, but you would make your life easier if you added two custom fields to Event - location and locality. That way you don't have to join two tables and can easily use WP meta_query to filter posts.
What i understood is that you want that whenever you select the locality the location for it should be shown there and at last you can filter Events with locations.
=> To set location you assigned two drop-down for locality and location. You should use ajax. when i select any locality than the next drop-down has the options for the selected locality.
=> To add value in event post: you might have two options
i) you may add location as taxonomy and search using "tax query" to filter
ii) add location as parent of event and search "child of" in wp_query to filter
You have two options:
Program custom js to filter the locations field onchange of the localities field. This would not be so hard to do, because ACF sets the field id's for every field in their html. You can enqueue this js script in an admin hook (probably admin_enqueue_scripts, check this solution) and filter for the custom post type.
It can all be done in the ACF gui, but it's a bit of a trick, also because of the fact that the conditional logic for acf's taxonomy field is lacking. What you have to do is create as many Location fields in the Event acf fields as you have localities. Then set these locations to specific localities. Now comes the weird part. You would want to set the conditional logic to display if the locality is e.g. Russia, but it lacks a 'specific value' field. So you have to set two rules, one to set the 'greater than' and one to set the 'lesser than' for the id of the locality. . This will be a pain if you have a lot of localities, but it might be a good option if your localities list has no more than a few items. If you name the location fields all 'location' than you can just get the value with get_field('location'). I tested this and there is no conflict in naming all the location fields location. ACF has done a pretty decent job there, having unique names for these fields also to be able to name these fields as you whish.

Conditional Logic for getting a list of sub categories in ACF

I am creating a business listings and Advanced Custom Field (ACF) helps me to create the backend form.
The question is, how do I get the sub category of a main category only if I set the condition.
For example,
I have 100s of City names as City Taxonomy
I have 100s of Area names as sub category of the City Taxonomy
I have created a form that includes these 2 fields.
City:_________ (Drop down selection of City Taxonomy)
Area Name:_______ (I want this sub category drop down to show up based on City selection above)
Is this possible? Or does it require coding to make it work?
I have searched enough and I could not find even a premium plugins to support this.
I can simply set these 2 fields to pull data from City Taxonomy but the data entry becomes very tough with hyphen appearing before sub-city Taxonomies and possible duplicate value under different city.
Thanks in advance.

Add view filter to retrieve content associated with one or more Taxonomy Term IDs

I have created a Drupal 6 view which has two "Taxonomy: Term" (Term ID) filters, for two different taxonomy terms. I need to create a feed that pulls content that is associated with a OR b, or that is associated with a AND b. Currently, nothing is displayed because it seems that the logic of two filters is AND, not OR.
How do you pull content that has the logic OR with Drupal views?
It does work if there is only one filter, but as soon as I add a second filter, zero records are found.
The OR filter is not built in to Views2. For ways to get around this, see And this old post might help as well OR operator in Drupal View Filters

How to fetch pretty advanced relation in Drupal 6 - Views 2?

I have three content types: Artist, Artwork, Exhibition. An Exhibition has a field 'artworks' (unlimited values). An Artwork has a field 'artist' (1 value, required).
And there is the relation I can't seem to find with Views: I want all Exhibitions an Artist ever participated in. Which means: on the Artist page, show all Exhibitions all Artworks of this Artist were ever in.
The problem (I think) is that one field (Exhibition.artworks) has many values. Yet Artwork.artist has just 1 value.
I don't know what the problem is =) but it's not working and I've tried a million things. At this point, I'll accept writing SQL queries, but the drupal content database is so incredibly untransparent that I have no idea what to query and how.
Obviously I'd be happiest with an unhacked Views solution, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Anyone experience with relations like this?
You can build dependent relationships that should help you to accomplish this. Use a relationship (Artwork) on exhibition.artworks and a relationship (Artist) on (Artwork).Artist
It would be easier to understand what you're doing with exports of the views & content types.
The database structure for content types in Drupal works as follows;
The node is the base table, with nid as index. Your content types have their own tables, content_type_XXXXXX with all single entry fields (that aren't shared among content types) members of that table. Multiple entry and shared fields get their own table content_field_XXXXXX. All of the tables relate on the nid field, and multiple entry fields use a "delta" to indicate the entry order.
