Meteor private directory files not accessible - meteor

Within my meteor app I've created a private directory.
With meteor v. <0.9 the files in that directory have been available in '.meteor/local/build/programs/server/assets/app'
However now, using Meteor 0.9.2, the files are not there and I also can't access them via 'Assets.'
Does anyone have an idea what could be the problem?

I found the solution...whenever there is no JavaScript file present in the root folder of the meteor project, meteor somehow doesn't make the private files accessible (all my code is inside subfolders and packages). I solved the issue by adding an empty main.js file to the root folder, and voilà...the files can be accessed. I tried this across several projects and that really seems to be the issue. Very weird behavior indeed, since it doesn't even give me an error message.

I am taking a JSON file from the private directory, parsing the data and then inserting it into a collection on meteor startup. The JSON file is called categories.json with the file structure being /private/categories.json . The parsing and inserting code is below:
var data = JSON.parse(Assets.getText('categories.json'));
for (var i in data) {


Next.js production mode public folder can't access dynamically [duplicate]

I have a project in Next.js. I have that upload files and share that in public URL to this project.
With npm run dev first I uploaded files to public folder and it worked fine, but when I change to npm run start and upload files, the files upload to public folder but with URL http://mydomain/fileuploaded.jpg it did not show, is rare but it's there.
I searched on the Internet but I didn't find a solution for this problem.
From Next.js documentation:
Only assets that are in the public directory at build time will be served by Next.js. Files added at runtime won't be available.
You'll have to persist the uploaded files somewhere else if you want to have access to them in the app at run time.
Alternatively, you could setup your own custom server in Next.js, which would give you more control to serve static files/assets.
You can also achieve something similar using API routes instead. See Next.js serving static files that are not included in the build or source code for details.
a bit late but if someone need the same.
If your goal is to upload and get picture from your next server, you can instead of using the Next router, getting the image by yourself by create a route /api/images/[id] where [id] is your file name and you manually with fs send the picture back.
something like:
const file = await fs.readFile(`./uploads/image.png`)
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png')
Try and use nginx or another webserver to serve the public directory. That way it will serve newly added files without having to write extra code to serve files in nextjs.
server {
/images/ {
root /var/www/site/public

Server.MapPath does not find the path on Azure

I have deployed my project to Azure. In my project I have "App_Data\Images" folder.
Now I'm trying to do the following:
String filename = GLOBAL_IMAGES_VALS.GET_FILE_PREFIX(imageType) + "-" + User.Identity.GetUserId<int>().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(image.FileName);
String origPath = Server.MapPath("~\\App_Data")+"\\Images\\" + filename;
But then upon trying:
I get this error message:
Could not find a part of the path
How can I save my file to "App_Data\Images\"?
The actual problem was that the sub-folder 'Images' did not exist. I can't remember why the publish process did not create this sub-folder, however I added it manually and then everything worked fine.
As others wrote here (#Spectarion). I'll put here the important remark that explain why the folder was not created:
Just for the future readers, folder won't be created if it's empty.
Folder is empty even if there are files that are not included in
Just put some 'fake.txt' file into any folder you want to make sure that it will be created, and of course don't forget to add it to the project. Good luck.
Since you don't have any file in the particular folder, while publishing Web deploy ignores the empty folder.
Quick fix: Add any file to the folder before publishing will fix this issue.
if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/Images")))
The directory might be missing in the folder. Create the directory and use it in file path
Maybe this :
System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~\\App_Data")+"\\Images\\" + filename )
Maybe the images folder doesn't exist and you need to create it first? Although I wouldn't recommend saving images in your app like this if it is designed for people uploading images. I would save them in Azure storage via blobs or the new Azure File storage. I would keep your app deployment files clean just related to your app and save any user generated content outside of it.
BTW, If you are using Azure Web Apps you can use the environment variable of "HOME" to always get the correct path (which should be D:\home)
string path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") +
I assume your AppData folder is just under the wwwroot folder, which is usually the case.
Try this:
HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/AppData/Images/", filename));
I just had this problem on VS15. I first followed the advice in this question in order to generate the error you've got. I'm guessing this follows in part dsb's answer, but dsb hasnt given any description of the actual process of fixing this.
I then went to https://<mywebsite> to look through the directory and found that App_Data had not been published
Which was why the error was throwing. So, I then solved this by simply going to the solution explorer, right clicking App_Dataand selecting to "Publish App_Data".
However, my website was a short-term academic effort for a project - I think there is probably a lot to be said for considering Matt Watsons answer above about whether or not allowing users to upload to the deployment area is a good idea

Trouble initializing less stylesheets on my meteor app

My less style sheets are located in my /public folder for now. I'm trying implement them on my meteor app but to no avail.
This is the error I get:
The stylesheets are located in the /less folder, which is inside the public folder, so the URL should be correct. By the way, all those files that are in the screenshot above are files that import dozens of other variables located deeper in the folder.
I also checked and I have the latest version of less installed. Any help would be appreciated.
The public folder isn't the right place to store the files. Files stored in a “public” folder are served to visitors. These are files like images, favicons, and the “robots.txt” file. So they get served 'as-is', not processed by LESS and served as CSS.
More about Meteor folder conventions.
After discussion in the comments, it seems something is not working right in your less compiler, the less file should not be in the public folder, as already mentioned, and you should not need to include it with a script tag. You can follow these steps to create a new app and test less and see if you can find a difference between this and your current app.
Create a new meteor project
meteor create test
Add less
cd test
meteor add less
Start your server
add a file sytles.less to the top level folder with this...
.fun {
color: red;
Update the test.html file to add the fun class to the text output...
<div class="fun"><p>You've pressed the button {{counter}} times.</p></div>
Load the page, the text should pick up the class and become red. No link to the styles.less file needed. You can try moving it around to different folders, it worked fine from client for me as well. Look around and see what else might be different.
If you still have issues, try providing more information on how the project is set up.

Meteor: relative/absolute path issue

I'm testing out some old code and I'm getting an error and it looks like its with these lines of code:
var targetFile='../../../../../public/image1.png';
var sourceFile='../../../../../../game4-dirs/public/image2.png';
fs.writeFileSync(targetFile, fs.readFileSync(sourceFile));
The error I'm getting is:
Error: ENOENT, unlink '../../../../../public/image1.png'
I seem to vaguely remember that public and game4-dirs aren't accessible like this relatively to the product but relatively to where meteor is installed to (or something like that, I can't quite remember).
Has this change in version I was originally using v0.9.3.1
Thank you :)
If your Meteor application lives at myApp on disk then files under myApp/public will be available at root in HTML /. This means the url for image1.png should be simply /image1.png.
It looks like ../../../../../../game4-dirs/public/image2.png is trying to access a file that is not below your meteor app's root directory. Meteor won't allow this on the client for obvious security reasons. If you want to use image2.png you should move it to your app's /public directory and then refer to it in html with simply /image2.png

Meteor - Create a file to be downloaded (without triggering meteor to restart)

I want to create a file and then serve it using Meteor, but I don't want the server to restart when I create/update the file in the public directory.
The user will click on a button to create a config file on the server and I want the user to be able to download that config file.
Is there a way to do this without triggering the server to restart?
I have tried creating a link to the file and creating a hidden file but nothing has worked.
Thanks for your time.
Try meteor run --production. That might solve your problem.
Server restarts because you are running it in Development mode,
When it runs in production, it doesn't restart on content changes.
To run in production, only way I know is, after bundling application,
Have a look here:
If you doesn't want to run in production mode, here is a workaround:
In order to prevent reloading, you have to generate your files in a folder that is located outside of your project's repository.
Then you will have your meteor app to serve the content of that folder.
Here is an example that uses the connect npm repository to make your local folder /meteor/generated_files served under the url
var connect = Npm.require('connect');
var fs = Npm.require('fs');
function serveFolder(urlPath, diskPath){
return false;
RoutePolicy.declare(urlPath, 'network');
WebApp.connectHandlers.use(urlPath, connect.static(diskPath));
return true;
serveFolder('/downloads', '/meteor/generated_files/');
I published the very primitive package I have that does just that.
