Wordpress Administrator access to plugins page - wordpress

I recently downloaded the Advanced Access Manager Plugin for wordpress and accidentally removed the capability of the administrator to view the plugins page. Is there a place I can access the users/administrators capabilities with the wordpress php files to fix my mistake?

Go to the Access Control page i.e. http://example.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=aam
Go to the Capability option and click the plus icon to "Add New Capability"
For the Capability Name add each of the following:
Activate Plugins
Update Plugins
Delete Plugins
Install Plugins
Edit Plugins
After adding the above refresh the page (might need to do a hard refresh).
The Plugin options should be added back.


What is the "Endurance Cache" feature in my WordPress website?

I noticed this new wordpress version I'm running has a "Endurance Cache" option at the bottom of the "Settings > General" page.
That is caching all of the changes I'm doing on css. So whenever I update something the changes don't reflect on the browser instantaneously.
I'm wondering if that's wordpress native or if I can remove it.
I'm using wordpress 4.8.1.
My other website that has an older wordpress version doesn't have it.
It's not listed as an installed plugin. So that I don't think it is.
I'm using thesis theme.
It is a plugin installed by hostgator. They install two plugins "Endurance Browser Cache" and "Endurance Page Cache."
You can disable the Endurance Page Cache plugin by going to "Plugins" > "Must-Use" then locating the "Endurance Page Cache" plugin and clicking "disable."
The other plugin called "Endurance Browser Cache" does not have a disable button.
I hope this works for you. I do not know if hostgator will remove these plugins for you.
Here is the easiest solution I found for it:
Log into your Cpanel and click on Files.
Choose your domain/subdomain and click on the WP-Content.
Click on the "mu-plugins".
Rename the File "endurance-page-cache.php" to "endurance-page-cache.php.old"
Create a blank file there and name it "endurance-page-cache.php"
That's it, problem solved. And if you ever in the future want to activate it again, simply delete the blank file that you created and remove the word "old" from the original file name.
I found the issue. It's a plugin installed by hostgator.
Unfortunately it's not listed in the wordpress plugins area.
So I needed to request them to remove it.
To get rid of Endurance Page Cache or whatever other mu-plugin that you don't need, you can now use Mu Manager.
After activation Go to Plugins => Must Use, and deactivate the unneeded mu-plugins that you don't need. It will be like deactivating standard plugins.
Of course, you should know which mu-plugin are not needed. In the case of Endurance Page Cache, I think you never need it if you have a proper caching plugin.
If you prefer to use FTP it will be not enough to rename the mu-plugin, because it will run the same. You need to delete it or replace the extension .php with something else.
This caching plugin was installed most probably by your hosting provider. A brief and quick solution to the problem:
Instal WP File Manager Plugin:
Go to the plugin settings and head over to htdocs/WP Content/mu-plugins
Find the file "endurance-page-cache.php" and either rename it for temporal deactivation or delete it altogether if you want to get
rid of this plugin.
If this was the only file in the folder mu-plugins, you may as well delete the folder mu-plugins. "MU" stands for "Must Use". Sometimes a hosting provider or a developer might install their custom code for a site project as an mu-plugin so it doesn't get uninstalled by their customer.
Uninstall WP File Manager Plugin as it's not needed anymore. Better look on how to access your site files using C-panel if provided by your hosting provider or via FTP (like Filezilla) rather than a plugin.
Get a proper caching plugin. (Give Cachify plugin a go - it is free).

Can't activate WordPress plugin -- no settings page

I am trying to install the JM Twitter Cards plugin and am having a problem I suspect is not specific to this plugin.
I clicked the "activate" link for this plugin in my local dev site, my staging site and my production site. In my local dev site, the plugin installed successfully. But in my staging and production site, the "Deactivate" link appears when the plugins list reloads, but there is no "Settings" link, and if I point my browser to the URL where the settings page should appear...
...I see "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page."
I've tried deactivating the plugin and re-activating, but I still do not have a settings page for this plugin in my staging or production site.
It caused by permissions. Yours might not be sufficient to view settings for the plugin. This specific plugin requires manage_options capability which is available to Administrator and Super administrator roles.
Refer to this doc to learn more about roles and capabilities

how to prevent wordpress custom theme hacking

I have a problem that every some days my theme has changed and add one file upload form.In wordpress editor i found some hacking code
so how to increase my security in wordpress theme
Basically, you have to keep your website updated with latest version of Wordpress and your plugins as well in order to not leaving yourself open to attacks.If your username is "admin" and your password isn"t strong enough, your site is defenceless to a malicous attack. Never use admin as your user name. I recommend you to install "wordfence security" plugin for your website"s security.

Plugin edit made Wordpress.org admin panel broken

So I went and edited a plugin called Huge IT portfolio and added an echo "1"; exit(); in it and now i can't access the admin panel (yet i can access the site) it just gives me the echo 1.
What can I do to revert the changes to it? I can't even paste the code anymore since i can't access it
If you can access the admin panel anymore you have a few options, they all involve accessing the website via FTP.
Rename the plugins folder (ex plugins_old), logging in now will cause all plugins to disable.
Rename the directory of your specific plugin, logging in now will cause this plugin to disable.
Download the file you edited in the WordPress dashboard, undo your edits and upload it again.

Wordpress don't have plugin tab on dashboard

I'm logged in as the administrator,
my site is self-hosted (the url is www.domain.com )
I'm not the one who built the site and I cant contact him,
this is the first time that I'm trying to install a plugin so I have never checked if it exists or not before today.
the problem is in the local version and in the online version.
thanks :-)
Since your site is self-hosted, you can navigate to the folder wp-content -> plugins and add "zzzzz_" to the front of all plugins. This will disable all plugins without breaking anything. From there, see if your Plugins tab returns in the WordPress backend. If nothing happens, change the naming structure back.
After that, you'll want to download all of the files from your theme, which can be found in wp-content -> themes -> YOUR_THEME_NAME. From there, download the files, and KEEP A BACKUP. The file you'll be looking for in your theme is functions.php. Use CTRL + F (or whatever the search is in your favorite text editor) and find remove_menu_page( or add_action('admin_menu'. You'll want to look for something referencing plugins. This site has some information on how to remove the plugins tab. There should be code using some of these functions specifically set to remove the plugins menu from your admin.
Try to disable all plugins, and see if the tab return
You can do this only in this way: http://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-deactivate-all-plugins-when-not-able-to-access-wp-admin/
Try to change theme,too.
