how to make login session unlimited? -

In the .NET application, we have given access to 3 authorized users with Log-in credentials. They are,
Now, out of the 3 users above, Admin session should be unlimited. He should not be logged out now matter for how long the application is idle and he has not clicked on log-out button. How to do this in web.config file in ASP.NET application.

There is technically no way to set it to unlimited, as far as I am aware, however there are several ways to prevent the timeout. The keyword is prevention, both methods I am about to link include refreshing the timeout internally as long as a page is opened. You could wrap the logic in something that will be included in every page and go with that.
Prevent Session timeout with JS
This is the first method, preventing session time out with a javascript that makes requests to another specific page that has no cache.
Prevent Session timeout with Iframe and Meta Refersh
Another method involving embedding an iframe to a specific page which plays around with Meta Refresh which is used to refresh a given page on a given time.
Things to consider:
You can artificially increase the session timeout in web.config to its maximum, which should be exactly one year or 526500 minutes according to this post.
There's usually an automatic recycle of your application pool which is configured in IIS or idling of your website after 20 minutes. The idle will be prevented by both techniques, however you can set it to 0 just in case. However, I'm not sure whether the recycle affects the session once it hits - you have to research it additionally.


ASP.Net Forms Authentication - Login times out after 5-10 minutes

I've got an app in MVC5 which uses forms authentication. Since rolling it out to a server, after being logged in for 5-10 minutes you are logged out; I would like the login to remain for minimum 1 day.
I suspect this is because the app pool is recycled after 5 minutes of inactivity; unfortunately this is a feature of our hosting and I have no control over it.
I've tried a number of things to work around this:
Set persistent to true on the login call, i.e. forcing it to
"Remember Me".
Set the session state to use a SQL Server database,
with a timeout of 1440.
Set timeout under to 1440 in the web.config.
Forced all three computers that use the site to trust the site in the browser, to make sure the cookie isn't being destroyed.
Set Session.Timeout to 1440 in global.asax.cs (probably redundant when this is also set in web.config)
A few points of background:
The site uses autofac to instantiate the database connection, which interacts with OWIN.
Pretty much everything else regarding the login comes from a standard visual studio setup, meaning I created a new web project and set authentication to forms.
The cookie is still there after being sent to the login screen.
The session is still there (in the database) after being sent to the login screen.
Does anyone know how I might fix this issue? forms authentication cookie not honoring timeout with IIS7
For anyone wondering, the fix here appears to have done the trick. Specifically, setting the machineKey in the web.config.

MVC manage session

I am using an MVC app to manage authentication. The issue I have is with chrome because it never actually kills the session because it runs in the background after it closes by default. I do not want to enforce all the end users to change this setting because then it will kill hangouts etc.. So I am wondering if I can use any standard web.config setting to handle this or do I need to make an ajax polling interval to keep updating the cookie expiration?
The ASP.NET session consists of 2 components the client-side http session cookie and the server's session storage provider. Suppose user has SessionId 1. If you delete session 1 from the server, the user returns and a new session is created with SessionId 1. If the user deletes the session cookie, the server keeps running session 1.
What you're asking for is generally not possible. There's no way you can force a user to send a request to your server when they are exiting your site or the browser. There is the javascript beforeUnload event which in some situations would allow you to send a request to /sign-off in some situations. The obvious limiter is no network access = no message.
The standard resolution for orphaned sessions is for session scavenging policy to clean them up. Some developers choose to use persistent storage to eliminate scavenging altogether such that a shopping cart would never disappear.
The only reasonable solution (which is still overkill) that would reach your goals. You use SingalR for a persistent connection of the user to the server and you ping them from the server. If the connection fails to respond you abandon the session. This will be a fragile process and if you don't make very very sure the user is disconnected you will have lots of support calls from users wondering why they are continuously logged out while browsing your site on cell phone.

ASP.NET LoginStatus control shows "Login" even though logged in

In my ASP.NET project, I am using Forms authentication. My main.master using LoginStatus control and web.config is set up for "Forms" authentication mode.
Before I log in, the control shows the text as "Login." After I log in, the control shows the text as "Logout." This is expected. However, after clicking around on a few links within the site, the control suddenly starts showing "Login" although I am still logged in. The session is still alive as some of the pages I visit dumps some session information.
Would appreciate if something can point me in the right direction. Regards.
If you are trying to redirect after setting a Session variable using
this may be causing the session token to gets lost, try using the overloaded version of Redirect:Response.Redirect("~/YourPage.aspx", false);
Another problem also may be miss configuration of application pool. If the application pool is configured as a web farm or a web garden (by setting the
maximum number of worker processes to more than one) and if you're
not using the session service or SQL sessions, incoming requests will
unpredictably go to one of the worker processes, and if it's not the
one the session was created on, it will get lost.
The solutions to this is either not to use a web garden if you don't need the
performance boost, or use one of the out of process session
For more information you can check the link of the original article below:

Why is session state lost so quickly?

We have a web application through which customers access information. It has been reported by many customers that they are logged out within 5 minutes of no activity. I believe this should only occur after the default 20 minute idle timeout, and this is the case when accessing the web app from inside our domain.
I also spent a few days troubleshooting an error in which some of the user's session data was lost between post backs about 60% of the time, causing an application error since the next page needed the data. The only resolution was a work-around in which I use an additional mechanism for caching the data between postbacks and pull the data from that cache if the session data is gone.
I have also noted that some websites that I visit which require logon credentials will also kick me out between postbacks. For example, a website for a school I take classes at requires logon credentials to their portal. At home I never have any issue, but if I access it from my work domain I often get random errors indicating that my credentials have been lost (i.e. "Unauthorized access is not permitted" after logging in and browsing to a page).
Combing the web for ideas has led me down a few paths, but most address the IIS worker process and ASP.NET and have not helped me.
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions about how to resolve this?
this is not because of the programming problem...this is because of your host you know session are a type of memory that is create for each user when they access to your website and it's terminated when they finish in this case I suppose the number of site visitors has risen up,so by default when the memory become full, it kicks one session out and causes all these problems...I think the best thing to do is calling where you get your host services and ask for a service that cover sites needs
You just store your session value in to cookie so you can access that value when session terminate.. or you can use global file to manage session state..

Double Logon for some users of an ASP.Net WebForms app

I have an asp .net webforms app that uses forms authentication. For a small number of users we have a problem where they log in, they navigate to a couple of pages and then they are asked to log in again. Once logged in for a second time they seem to be able to stay logged in as expected. They shouldn't be asked to login the second time.
This is a single server, no web farms, nothing tricky.
This only happens to a few users, but it does seem to be all users from the same building. I am unable to replicate this and at this point might even start to deny that t was happening if one of our trainers hadn't watched it happen to a couple of customers.
Has anyone else seen anything like this?
I am also seeing a lot of "Membership credential verification failed." errors in the event log. This may be related, but all the googling I've done seems to point to web farms and the like, not a single server.
There is no proxy server, the IIS server and the browser (IE8) are both on the same machine.
The AV software installed is Symantec Endpoint, on one machine, on the other the user didn't have any AV at all (AV Fail!).
The browser is IE 8 with no frills, not a single addin that didn't come with the default installation.
Both session and user login time-outs are set to 30 mins and the problem happens within 1 min of the user logging on.
Logging shows the user to only have one IP address.
I have tried the sessionMode in all it's variations, this doesn't seem to make any difference.
Something has to be causing ASP.NET to think these users have new sessions or their authentication cookie is getting invalidated. Here a a few things I can think to check:
Are the users accessing the site through a proxy server? One of our customers has a proxy that will sometimes close all open connections causing ASP.NET to see the session as new.
Could an overly agressive anti-virus, anti-spyware product be "eating" the session authentication cookie?
Do they have a cookie manager browser add-in that is causing the authentication cookie to disappear or change?
Sounds basic but I've seen this happen because of site timeouts being set too short. If the user sits on the page for longer than the timeout, they will be forced to logon again. And this could be specific to a page when that page presents a large amount of data that takes a while for them to go through.
One other thing I just thought of, have you allowed multiple worker processes for the ASP.NET process (aka web gardens)? If so, the same constraints as with a web farm would apply for authentication.
Crack open Fiddler from the problem user's PC and see what's getting passed in the headers. My bet is on a proxy server and or networking issue.
Are the users possibly coming from a dynamic ip address? I've seen problems where the users sessions get messed up because the IP address that they're accessing the site from changes for some reason.
Are the people this is happening using a browser that's somehow different (different browser, different version, different extensions)? That could be a clue.
In general, when the problem is somewhat reproducible or at least predictable, I use Http Fiddler. Install it on a client machine, turn it on, and start browsing (this works via a system proxy - so it'll work for firefox, IE and any other proxy-supporting browsers alike). Fiddler will record all http traffic between client and server, and you can then peruse such a session later on to find any oddities.
It's a long shot, but one thing I've seen happen occasionally that can lead to these sorts of unpredictable errors is scripting parallelization issues: sometimes buttons + links have onclick handlers which cause a post-back. If you have several such handlers that fire on the same event - in particular when the default event still fires additionally to your custom onclick or whatnot - you may be causing several postbacks when it appears to be just a single postback. That can cause all kinds of unpredictable weirdness as it's not entirely clear which request ends up "winning" - and some odd errors may cause a session to terminate. Since this behaviour is very browser + network latency sensitive, it seems quite unpredictable when it occurs.
Delete the cookie on the client PC's that are playing up
ASP.NET Forms Authentication can redirect users to the login page if they do not have the credentials to access a specific page. It does this so that users who may have more than one login are given the opportunity to login with another account which may have the appropriate access. Basic question I know, but are the users using the same credentials the second time they log in?
Its possible that you have don't have specifically specified to use cookie based session but are allowing either cookie or cookieless sessions.
In the later case the session id is embedded in the Url. The type of issues you are experiences might be explained by that. Basically depending on how you define your links, some of them would not get the session id, so the user would get a new session when using those links - or maybe during a redirect. That could explain why at specific parts of your site the users loose their session.
If you have the mixed mode enabled, try setting it to only cookieless and go through your site.
Update: Based on the extra info posted there is surely more info needed for it. Some extra things to check:
Are you using subdomains, if that's the case the cookie might not be configured to allow that and that doesn't fail in all environments.
If you are using in-process session, make sure there isn't a bug in the application causing it to restart the process
Maybe what's causing it to ask for login again is an authorization check, and you have an issue on some roles related code
Is it possible that the user is just opening a separate window? ;)
To rule out the possibility of the browser or a browser addon messing things up, have you checked their User Agent strings? If they are randomly distributed it might not cause the problem, but if they're all the same, this might be a hint too.
