How to define the number of columns to show on Jquery Full Calendar? - fullcalendar

I'm using the week view, but instead of showing 7 columns per slide I want to show three columns, is it possible to archive this?
I failed to see any related method on the official documentation:

Version 2.2.5+ of Full Calendar has this kind of customization built in.
You just need to do something like this:
views: {
agendaThreeDay: {
type: 'agenda',
duration: { days: 3 },
buttonText: '3 day'
defaultView: 'agendaThreeDay'
You can get more information on this from the document page here.

Pull the source, use this code (may need some additional change).
fcViews.agendaThreeDay = AgendaThreeDayView;
function AgendaThreeDayView(a) {, a);
AgendaThreeDayView.prototype = createObject(AgendaView.prototype);
$.extend(AgendaThreeDayView.prototype, {
name: "agendaThreeDay",
incrementDate: function(a, b) {
return a.clone().stripTime().add(b, "days");
render: function(a) {
this.intervalStart = a.clone().stripTime();
this.intervalEnd = this.intervalStart.clone().add(3, "days");
this.start = this.skipHiddenDays(this.intervalStart);
this.end = this.skipHiddenDays(this.intervalEnd, -1, true);
this.title = this.calendar.formatRange(this.start, this.end.clone().subtract(1), this.opt("titleFormat"), " — ");, 3);
Remembered that you need to add the file to lumbar.json
Look here for how to build:


moving plot dynamic by grouping

I try to do a highchairs code to make a Moving line with reality time ( manual action)
the first point it the same that standard line and can't be Moving
the other point can be Moving right or left
when I move the second point, it ok the other point move too
but when I move the 3 points (or more ) the 2nd point move too and it's not ok, I need the behind point not move
I try to do with groupid solution…
I select x point, the point x+1,x+2,x+3 move too but the point x-1, x-2 don't group with ( so don't move)
how can I group and ungrouped when I move point?
how can I do to limit min selected point to not move left behind x-1 point?
thank for your help
i do this code :
a piece of code :
groupId: 'Group A',
i find a solution to limite move point Under data
if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%e - %b - %Y', new Date(this.x)) ==
(Highcharts.dateFormat('%e - %b - %Y', Date.UTC(1970, 10, 9)))) {
setDragStatus('erreur condition 1 '+Highcharts.dateFormat('%e - %b - %Y', new Date(this.x))+' ');
return false;
i dont know how to do that
if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%e - %b - %Y', new Date(this.x)) <
(date point-1 )
thanks for your help
In mouseOver event function you can reduce the number of dragged points by changing groupId property for points with lower x value:
series: [{
point: {
events: {
mouseOver: function() {
var points = this.series.points;
points.forEach(function(point, i) {
if (i && point.x < this.x) {
groupId: false
}, false);
}, this);
mouseOut: function() {
var points = this.series.points;
points.forEach(function(point, i) {
if (i) {
groupId: 'Group A'
}, false);
Live demo:
API Reference:
thanks very much
it look like what i want to do
juste add a limite when i move point to left, before this than

Matter.js Gravity Point

Is it possible to create a single gravity / force point in matter.js that is at the center of x/y coordinates?
I have managed to do it with d3.js but wanted to enquire about matter.js as it has the ability to use multiple polyshapes.
The illustrious answer has arisen:
not sure if there is any interest in this. I'm a fan of what you have created. In my latest project, I used matter-js but I needed elements to gravitate to a specific point, rather than into a general direction. That was very easily accomplished. I was wondering if you are interested in that feature as well, it would not break anything.
All one has to do is setting = true and then the gravity vector is used as point, rather than a direction. One might set: = 355; = 125; = true;
and all objects will gravitate to that point.
If this is not within the scope of this engine, I understand. Either way, thanks for the great work.
You can do this with the matter-attractors plugin. Here's their basic example:
'matter-attractors' // PLUGIN_NAME
var Engine = Matter.Engine,
Events = Matter.Events,
Runner = Matter.Runner,
Render = Matter.Render,
World = Matter.World,
Body = Matter.Body,
Mouse = Matter.Mouse,
Common = Matter.Common,
Bodies = Matter.Bodies;
// create engine
var engine = Engine.create();
// create renderer
var render = Render.create({
element: document.body,
engine: engine,
options: {
width: Math.min(document.documentElement.clientWidth, 1024),
height: Math.min(document.documentElement.clientHeight, 1024),
wireframes: false
// create runner
var runner = Runner.create();, engine);;
// create demo scene
var world =;
world.gravity.scale = 0;
// create a body with an attractor
var attractiveBody =
render.options.width / 2,
render.options.height / 2,
isStatic: true,
// example of an attractor function that
// returns a force vector that applies to bodyB
plugin: {
attractors: [
function(bodyA, bodyB) {
return {
x: (bodyA.position.x - bodyB.position.x) * 1e-6,
y: (bodyA.position.y - bodyB.position.y) * 1e-6,
World.add(world, attractiveBody);
// add some bodies that to be attracted
for (var i = 0; i < 150; i += 1) {
var body = Bodies.polygon(
Common.random(0, render.options.width),
Common.random(0, render.options.height),
Common.random(1, 5),
Common.random() > 0.9 ? Common.random(15, 25) : Common.random(5, 10)
World.add(world, body);
// add mouse control
var mouse = Mouse.create(render.canvas);
Events.on(engine, 'afterUpdate', function() {
if (!mouse.position.x) {
// smoothly move the attractor body towards the mouse
Body.translate(attractiveBody, {
x: (mouse.position.x - attractiveBody.position.x) * 0.25,
y: (mouse.position.y - attractiveBody.position.y) * 0.25
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Historical note: the "gravity point" functionality was proposed as a feature in MJS as PR #132 but it was closed, with the author of MJS (liabru) offering the matter-attractors plugin as an alternate. At the time of writing, this answer misleadingly seems to indicate that functionality from the PR was in fact merged.
Unfortunately, the attractors library is 6 years outdated at the time of writing and raises a warning when using a newer version of MJS than 0.12.0. From discussion in issue #11, it sounds like it's OK to ignore the warning and use this plugin with, for example, 0.18.0. Here's the warning:
matter-js: Plugin.use: matter-attractors#0.1.4 is for matter-js#^0.12.0 but installed on matter-js#0.18.0.
Behavior seemed fine on cursory glance, but I'll keep 0.12.0 in the above example to silence it anyway. If you do update to a recent version, note that Matter.World is deprecated and should be replaced with Matter.Composite and engine.gravity.

Crossfilter reduce :: find number of uniques

I am trying to create a custom reduce function for a dataset attribute group that would sum a number of unique values for another attribute.
For example, my dataset looks like a list of actions on projects by team members:
{ project:"Website Hosting", teamMember:"Sam", action:"email" },
{ project:"Website Hosting", teamMember:"Sam", action:"phoneCall" },
{ project:"Budjet", teamMember:"Joe", action:"email" },
{ project:"Website Design", teamMember:"Joe", action:"design" },
{ project:"Budget", teamMember:"Sam", action:"email" }
So, team members work on a variable number of projects by performing one action per line. I have a dimension by team member, and would like to reduce it by the number of projects (uniques).
I tried the below (storing project in a uniques array) without success (sorry, this might hurt your eyes):
var teamMemberDimension = dataset.dimension(function(d) {
return d.teamMember;
var teamMemberDimensionGroup =
// add
function(p,v) {
if( p.projects.indexOf(v.project) == -1 ) {
p.projectsCount += 1;
return p;
// remove
function(p,v) {
if( p.projects.indexOf(v.projects) != -1 ) {
p.projects.splice(p.projects.indexOf(v.projects), 1);
p.projectsCount -= 1;
return p;
// init
function(p,v) {
return { projects:[], projectsCount:0 }
Thanks a lot!
Edit after DJ Martin's answer ::
So, to be clearer, I would like to get the numbers I am after here would be:
Sam : 2 (projects he is workin on, no matter the number of actions)
Joe : 2 (projects he is workin on, no matter the number of actions)
The answer provided by DJ Martin gets me there. But rather than hard coding a table, I would like to find a way to use these numbers for my DC.JS bar chart. When I was only using the number of actions (so just a reduceCount() ), I did it like below:
.margins({top: 5, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 20})
I guess there might be something to change in the group().
Sorry I misunderstood the question... you are actually on the right track. You'll just need to maintain a count of each project so that your subtract function can know when to remove the value.
teamMemberGroup =
function (p, d) {
if( d.project in p.projects)
else p.projects[d.project] = 1;
return p;
function (p, d) {
if(p.projects[d.project] === 0)
delete p.projects[d.project];
return p;
function () {
return {projects: {}};
Here is an updated fiddle:

How to calculate the Sum of Column and show On FooterRow In Jqgrid in

Hii Guys!!
I displayed data in jqgrid and enabled ' footerrow: true' in jqgrid Now as per my need i want to show the sum of particular column on footer Row...Plz guys Help me as I am using Jqgrid For first time ...
Thanks in advance....
If you want to sum the values which are in the jqGrid, you can do that in JavaScript (preferably in gridComplete event):
footerrow: true,
gridComplete: function() {
var $grid = $('#gridId');
var colSum = $grid.jqGrid('getCol', '<Your column name>', false, 'sum');
$grid.jqGrid('footerData', 'set', { 'Your column name>: colSum });
If you need to calculate the sum on the server side, then you must enable userDataOnFooter option first:
footerrow : true,
userDataOnFooter : true
And then include the sum in your server response. For exmple in case of JSON it should look like this:
total: x,
page: y,
records: z,
rows : [
userdata: { <Your column name>: <sum counted on server side> }
You can also take a look at live example available on jqGrid Demos page (you should choose "New in Version 3.5" and then "Summary Footer Row").

Fullcalendar - limit selectable to a single day

By default if you enable the 'selectable' attribute it will allow you to click and drag and select several days. I would like to only allow the user to select a single day, not drag over multiple. Is there a way to have 'selectable' enabled, but disable the dragging feature that comes along with it?
If you want to limit highlight to a single day in agenda week view you can use following:
start: '00:01',
end: '23:59',
if you want to limit the event you can use
start: '00:00',
end: '24:00',
in the select callback, adding the following does the trick:
(fullcalendar 2 using moment.js)
if (start.add('days', 1).date() != )
You can select a single date or time by passing fullcalendar's 'select' method to the dayClick event listener:
dayClick: function(date,jsEvent,view) {
$('#myCalendar').fullcalendar('select', date);
Note you will also need to fire the 'unselect' method on your next callback (or dayClick).
Why not use selectAllow?
Start by converting the start and end times to seconds. Compare that to the number of seconds in a day.
Working Solution Without Using Moment.js:
selectAllow: function (e) {
if (e.end.getTime() / 1000 - e.start.getTime() / 1000 <= 86400) {
return true;
This configuration setting worked for me on FullCalendar v5:
selectAllow: function(selectionInfo) {
let startDate = selectionInfo.start;
let endDate = selectionInfo.end;
endDate.setSeconds(endDate.getSeconds() - 1); // allow full day selection
if (startDate.getDate() === endDate.getDate()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
simply :
selectAllow: function (selectInfo) {
return selectInfo.end.diff(selectInfo.start, 'days') == 1;
For me using the selectAllow option like this worked
selectAllow: function(selectionInfo) {
// Don't allow creation of events over more than 1 day
return moment(selectionInfo.start).utcOffset(false).isSame(moment(selectionInfo.end).subtract(1, 'second').utcOffset(false), 'day');
I used utcOffset(false) because for whatever reason it doesn't work reliably without it and I used subtract(1, 'second') because the end date is inclusive, so without it you can't select the end of the day
This will be executed only when the user selects a day
// ...
select: function(start, end){
if(moment(start._d).add(1, 'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD')==moment(end._d).format('YYYY-MM-DD')){
// just select one day
// ...
I could do this using validRange:
Not at this time: the range of selectable days can not be customized without modifying the source.
