CSS select :nth-of-class() alternative - css

With CSS: how do I target the first class of "approach", the second and the third one. All individually because they need different styles. I can't add an extra class to avoid responsive disorientation.
HTML code:
<div class="approaches">
<div class="col-md-4">
content here...
<div class="col-md-4">
content here...
<div class="col-md-4">
content here...
CSS code (which doesn't work at the moment):
.approaches .approach:nth-of-type(1){
color: red;
.approaches .approach:nth-of-type(2){
color: green;
.approaches .approach:nth-of-type(3){
color: blue;

There's a <div> between the .approaches and the .approach elements preventing your :nth selector from working properly. The selector looks for elements in their own nesting level, and because the .approach elements are wrapped in <div>s, they have separate nesting levels. Use the selector on the <div>s instead:
.approaches div:nth-of-type(1) .approach {
color: red;
.approaches div:nth-of-type(2) .approach {
color: green;
.approaches div:nth-of-type(3) .approach {
color: blue;

You could use .approaches div:nth-of-type(1) .approach { }, as others have suggested, but this assumes that each and every div inside .approaches has an a with the the .approach class, so it cannot really be considered to be a general way to achieve the equivalent of the non-existent nth-of-class if that's what you want.
To do that, you could use a bit of JS:
[].forEach.call(document.getElementsByClassName('approach'), function(elt, i) {
elt.classList.add('approach-' + i);
.approach-1 { color: red; }
Generalizing this for any class:
function add_nth_of_class(cls) {
[].forEach.call(document.getElementsByClassName(cls), function(elt, i) {
elt.classList.add(cls + '-' + i);
However, this will number the classes sequentially throughout the document. To get a true nth-of-class, based on the position within the parent element, we would need to do something like the following, using the little-known TreeWalker API:
function add_nth_of_class(cls) {
var walker = document.createTreeWalker(document, NodeFlter.SHOW_ELEMENT), n;
while (n = walker.nextNode()) { //for each node in turn,
[].filter.call(n.childNodes, function(elt) { //find the children which
return elt.classList.contains(cls); //contain the class we want
}).forEach(function(elt, i) { //and for each of those
elt.classList.add(cls + '-' + (i+1)); //add a numbered class
.approach-1 { // targets all elements with class .approach first within their parent

.approaches > div:nth-child(1) .approach {
.approaches > div:nth-child(2) .approach {
.approaches > div:nth-child(3) .approach {


P-Card component from PrimeNG simply won't accept CSS changes

I need to dynamically change a p-card component in my APP. But it's simply not working...
Heres what I've tried so far :
<div class="card-image-comp">
<p-card [class.activeCard]="profileCardSelected === 1" (click)="selectProfileType(1)">
<img src="../../../assets/icons/person.png">
<p-card [class.activeCard]="profileCardSelected === 2" (click)="selectProfileType(2)">
<img src="../../../assets/icons/estetoscopio.png">
<p>Profissional de Saúde</p>
My function:
selectProfileType(numCard: number){
this.profileCardSelected = numCard;
This part is working just fine, the issue is that the component is not obeying it's new class.
I've tried the normal stuff:
.activeCard {
background-color: black;
div {
.activeCard {
background-color: black;
.personalCardComp {
.activeCard {
background-color: black;
... and even some nasty stuff
:host {
::ng-deep .activeCard {
background-color: black;
:host {
::ng-deep p-card.p-element.activeCard {
background-color: black;
As I said before, the class is applied correctly, but the card only changes when I apply the css to the div children of the p-card...
Basically if I could apply the class to this div children It would work just fine... Is there a way to do so? Apply the class to p-card but the div children obbey...
Be sure to properly import your .scss file and then:
:host ::ng-deep {
.p-card.p-component {
background: black;

How to apply css to the property of the tag?

I am new to css and i would like to know if css can be applied to the properties of tag?
For example in the below code i would like to see entry.count and "files" in blue color.
render() {
<div className="AppL" id="AppList">
createApplicationList() {
var guiResult = [];
for (var key in this.state.AppName) {
var entry = this.state.AppName[key];
<Collapsible trigger={entry.AppName + "\t" + "\t" + entry.Count + " files"} className="AppList" transitionTime ="10">
return guiResult;
my scss for this component
color: black;
border-bottom: 1px solid #00a886;
.Collapsible .Collapsible__trigger {
color: blue;
.Collapsible selects all elements with the Collapsible class. Collapsible_trigger does the same for the Collapsible__trigger class. Together, the rule selects all .Collapsible__trigger elements within .Collapsible elements, and styles them with blue text.
This is based purely on your provided HTML code. The JavaScript appears to be irrelevant.
.Collapsible .Collapsible__trigger.is-closed also works and is more specific. Depends on your use-case.

scss prepending parent selector

I have a project where legacy code has classes like
promo game-promo
I've got the chance to clean up the css by changing to scss but the issue I'm trying to cover is I'd like to nest promo and have game- prepend the parent.
.promo {
display: flex;
game-& {
color: black;
I'd have liked the above to work but it doesn't and wondering if anyone has come across any ways of achieving what I'm after?
.game-promo {
color: black;
#at-root .promo {
display: flex;
It seems its not possible so after re-jigging the code I have now got this.
You can't do what you're trying. The "&" is used to get the current selector, in your case : game-.promo or .game-.promo if you add the class selector but it can't work.
In your case, you can do :
.game-promo {
color: black;
.promo {
display: flex;
Or rename your classes name : (I give an example with inverting the logic of your names)
Parent with ".promo"
Child with ".promo-game"
So you could do :
.promo {
&-game {
It is possible but not very pretty (code on jsFiddle):
/** see https://gist.github.com/Bamieh/912a6f0b63cbb53f3ad0bd8df7171c6a */
#function parse-dotless($class) {
$this: quote($class);
#return if(str-slice($this, 0, 1) == ".", str-slice($this, 2, str-length($this)), $this);
.promo {
#at-root .game-#{parse-dotless(&)} {
color: blue;
<span class="promo">Hello</span>
<span class="game-promo">World</span>
You cannot do exactly what your snippet states using only the & feature. Instead you could build modifier classes like this:
.btn {
&-primary {}
&-secondary {}
Which is translated to:
.btn-primary {}
.btn-secondary {}
In your code example, you can invert the rule names:
.promo {
display: flex;
&-game {
color: black;
Read more about the sass-ampersand

Use unknown values as selectors in Less

Given this markup:
<div class="parent" data-active="typeA">
<div class="child" data-show="typeA">Show only when parent=typeA</div>
<div class="child" data-show="typeB">Show only when parent=typeB</div>
<div class="child" data-show="typeC">Show only when parent=typeC</div>
I'm trying to write a globally applicable LESS rule that only displays a child when its data-show attribute matches the parent's data-active attribute.
Something like this:
.parent {
.child { display:none; }
&[data-active="?"] .child[data-show="?"] { display:block; }
...where ? should not be a fixed value, but a condition that applies no matter the value, as long as they are the same.
Any ideas?
As LESS gets compiled to CSS and there is no generic approach for doing this in CSS, I only come up with a solution that requires you to know every possible type.
.parent {
.child { display: none; }
&[data-active="typeA"] {
.child[data-show="typeA"] { display: block; }
&[data-active="typeB"] {
.child[data-show="typeB"] { display: block; }
&[data-active="typeC"] {
.child[data-show="typeC"] { display: block; }
Depending on your preferences and to avoid redundancy you could also define a function for adding the different types.
.parent {
.child { display: none; }
.addType(#type) {
&[data-active="#{type}"] {
.child[data-show="#{type}"] { display: block; }
And if you want to make this even more generic, you could define an array of types and call .addType for each of the types like this:
#types: "typeA", "typeB", "typeC";
.parent {
.child { display: none; }
.-(#i: length(#types)) when (#i > 0) {
#type: extract(#types, #i);
.-((#i - 1));
} .-;
.addType(#type) { /* see above */ }

parent selector in less

Normally in less to reference a parent selector is:
.parent {
.grand-pa & {
/* this rules will apply to: .grand-pa .parent {....}
background: grey;
What I'm trying to do is something similar. example code HTML:
<div class="panel panel-parent">
<div class="panel-child">
Less code:
.panel {
.panel-child {
// some rules
&.panel-parent & { //<=== IS IT POSSIBILE SOMETHING LIKE THIS??
// .panel.panel-parent .panel-child{...}
The only solution I have found is to repeat .panel-child:
.panel {
&.panel-parent .panel-child { //<=== Workaround
// .panel.panel-parent .panel-child{...}
.panel-child {
// some rules
The order of classes of the same element does not actually matter, i.e. .panel.panel-parent is equal to .panel-parent.panel (both will match <div class="panel panel-parent">), thus you can get what you need with just:
.panel {
.panel-child {
a: a;
.panel-parent& {
b: b;
