How to avoid copy-paste when styling web components from the outside? - css

Say, I am using a <core-input> inside my web component, and I want to style the <input> element inside the <core-input>.
For that I would need to do
:host::shadow input {
background-color: green
Now, the selector is okay, but I don't want to define the style properties here, because I have a CSS file made by a designer guy, that looks like this:
.input-like-things {
background-color: green
On the other hand, the designer guy is not going to produce almost identical CSS files for each web component I use that has something looking like an input.
How do I correctly apply the ".input-like-things" class (or its contents) to the <input> field inside <core-input>?
I am not considering /deep/ as an option.
I created a custom component that can copy the contents of the ".input-like-things" class into the <style> tag, and that works, but only in Chrome. I could not get it to work in Firefox as long as data binding does not work inside <style> in ShadowDOM polyfill.


Can I disable vaadin flow theeming and apply ordinary css

Vaadin flow theming and styles confuse me. Is there a way to disable it and apply natural css. I know how to reference a css file inside vaadin, and use setClassName but I would prefer to use ordinary css style for components.
Thank you
You can override the default lumo styling by providing yours. For instance, to remove the background color from a ComboBox, I can target the input as follows in a CSS file named vaadin-combo-box.css:
[part="input-field"] {
background-color: var(--lumo-base-color);
max-width: fit-content;
To set the colors for a disabled button, you can target it as follows:
filename: vaadin-button.css
:host([theme~='primary'][disabled]) {
background-color: red;
And you get the following:
To change the primary color or any other global styling, explore your styles.css file.
For a better understanding, take a look at this video
Like with all other styling you need to check the states / attributes of the component while the specific state is active and check the DOM - only caveat would be that you need to add those style in the specific files like vaadin-button.css to be applied inside the shadow DOM.

What scoped CSS selector allows me to override the mdDialog container width?

Given a typical Angular Material dialog, which has a max-width of 80vw set on .mat-dialog-container, how can I formulate a selector to override it? I'd like a true full-width dialog.
The problem is scoping--Angular-CLI compiles component CSS with scope attribute selectors.
Therefore, this:
.parent .child
.parent[some_attr] .child[some_other_attr]
However, this particular element doesn't seem attached to any component--it doesn't have a dynamically-generated attribute on it.
I've attempted overrides in both the dialog stylesheet and the host component's stylesheet with no success.
Angular special selectors
Dialog Plunkr
Let me try again. I'm not doing a good job of explaining the issue.
Let's say I add this to my host component stylesheet:
.mat-dialog-container {
max-width: 100%;
I have a build watch running, so the app is recompiled. The CSS output is now this:
.mat-dialog-container[_ngcontent-c6] {
max-width: 100%;
However, that element doesn't actually have the attribute _ngcontent-c6 on it. That attribute is applied to other elements which are inside siblings of ancestors of .mat-dialog-container. The selector is just wrong.
If I add that CSS to the dialog component's stylesheet, something similar happens, but with a different attribute ID.
If you can add an id to your main body tag and you want it to be on all of these dialogs you can use this
#bodyID .mat-dialog-container {
background-color: blue;
It will override the current style, at least in the plunker you supplied.
If you need specific style for each dialog, did you look into this?
You don't need a body id, because as you've mentioned the selector is rewritten by Angular such that it stops matching the element altogether.
But yeah it seems the only way around this is to just throw your hands up and forget about component stylesheet scoping and add your CSS rule to the page stylesheet. The caveat, of course, is that this rule needs to be added to every page that uses the component, which can be seen as absurd depending on what your component is intended to be used for and by whom.

Dojo FilteringSelect CSS Styles

What are all the css style classes that has to be changed to restyle dojo filtering select ?
Note: I am using claro theme.
I want to
1.Set the style for one particular filteringselect with id QuickSearchPane_SelectBox
2.Set the style for all other filteringselect
I found a few like:
.claro .dijitTextBox .dijitInputInner
.claro .dijitInputField .dijitPlaceHolder
.claro .dijitSelect
But these are not giving the desired effect. I am not even able to change the background colors.
For Menu
[dijitpopupparent="QuickSearchPane_SelectBox"] > .dijitComboBoxMenu .dijitMenuItem
This seems to work.
You can use the following CSS class to start styling your dijit/form/FilteringSelect;
This example will style all instance of dijit/form/FilteringSelect:
.dijitInputInner {
background-color: green !important;
.dijitMenuItem {
background-color: orange;
This other example below will style only ONE instance of dijit/form/FilteringSelect, please note the use of Descendant combinator as selector (where you use the ID for your widget DOM):
#widget_stateSelect .dijitInputInner {
/* your style*/
Generally you can use (in Chrome Dev Tool) Event Listen Breakpoints for click/mouse down, so when you open you FilteringSelect, you can block execution, and check with the inspector its HTML structure and see additional CSS classes you want to override with your styles.
More about CSS selector:
If you need more details, please post your HTML and CSS and desired layout so we can work out a specific solution.

GWT - Changing CSS hover property

I'm a new user of GWT and I'm looking for some advice concerning "theme management".
I have to make a website that can handle theme changes. What I mean is that a user can make is own theme by filling a form, then the website will automatically and dynamically changes its color to display the new ones.
I thought using a CSS sheet for all the static properties and using some GWT lines (e.g. label.getElement.getStyle.setColor(...)) to change color. But I have many "hover" properties and I think creating many MouseOverHandler is not a good idea ...
Is there a way to edit CSS sheet dynamically or a magic trick to do that ?
You have many options - the most straight forward (to me) is to make use of the existing CSS classes that GWT introduces. If you look at javadocs for any of the widgets GWT provides, you'll notice the CSS Style Rules section. For example, Button:
the outer element
That means that every Button you add to the page has a .gwt-Button style applied to it. If you inject a CSS stylesheet with a rule that overrides this style:
.gwtButton {
background: red;
All your buttons will turn red. You can inject stylesheets using StyleInjector. Creating the stylesheet's content dynamically is up to you - but it's just text, it shouldn't be hard (but make sure the generated CSS rules are valid!).
To get you started, try hooking up this code to some button and see if clicking it triggers changing all the Buttons on the page red:
StyleInjector.inject(".gwt-Button { background: red; }");
If you have custom widgets that you want styled differently, just add an individual class to them (.customWidgetWhatever, like Button has .gwt-Button, etc.) that you will include in your custom stylesheet.
Make sure you understand how CSS works and what it can do for you. For example, if you want to style each button the same, you don't have to change each button's style individually, just use:
button {
background: green;
And all the <button>s will turn green.
The easiest way to change themes without reloading the whole application is to assign a theme class to the body element.
You'd want to prepend each CSS class in your app with a particular theme, e.g.:
.theme1 .myClass {
color: red;
.theme2 .myClass {
color: blue;
Then you'll apply a particular theme to the body element:
<body class="theme1">
When you want to change themes, you'll have to change the body class so it will become:
<body class="theme2">
this way, each element that has class myClass will have its color changed from red to blue.
You cannot edit a CSS file dynamically, but you can inject CSS style either as a new CSS file, or directly into your document.
For example, you can define all key CSS rules in your "main.css" file, and add your user-defined rules directly into the host HTML page with a style tag.

How can I apply CSS style changes just for one page?

I have two css files:
A main file (main.css)
A specific page file (page5.css). My page.css contains main.css (#import url(main.css));)
My main.css has this as one part of it that sets the height of the page
#content {
background:url(../images/image.png) no-repeat;
This works fine for all the other pages, but at page 5, I need a little bit more height.
How would I go about doing it?
You don't even need a separate CSS file necessarily. You can add classes to your body for various purposes, identifying page or page type being one of them. So if you had:
<body class="page5">
Then in your CSS you could apply:
.page5 #content {
height: XXXpx;
And it would only apply to that page as long as it occurs after your main #content definition.
Just re-define it somewhere after your #import directive:
#content { height: 456px }
for identical CSS selectors, the latter rule overwrites the former.
In page5.css, simply re-define the height.
#content {
The other answers did not help me on a more complex page.
Let's suppose you want something different on page X.
On your page X, create a class at the body tag (body class="myclass").
Open the Developer tools (I use chrome) and select the item to be modified. Let's say it's a link ( a.class - 'class' is your class name of your anchor, so change it accordingly). The browser will give something rather generic that works on the developer tool - but messes up in real life.
Check the parent of the modified field.
Add the HTML tag to your developer tool as testing
f your new CSS path does not grey out, you are good. If it greys out, your selected path still needs fixing.
Let's suppose that the parent is a div with a class 'parent'. Add this path "div.parent >" to the already chrome selected a.class
The symbol > means you are going up on the tree.
You can keep going backward on the DOM all the way to body.myclass, or you may not need. There is no need to add the classes for the parents, but you can add them if there are great similarities on your pages.
This works for me.
