google font import doesn't work on linux - css

I'm currently finishing up a website but I have a weird problem. I have a font imported from Google, in my CSS file.
#import url(;
Then I just do a normal font-family call on the body tag like this.
font-family:'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;
It works fine in Chrome, Firefox, Exploder, Safari, Opera on Windows and whatever else I've been able to try it on.
I was at school yesterday between classes working on it, the computers in the lab are all Linux machines, I opened up the website with Firefox on Linux and the font didn't load on any of them. It defaulted to the sans-serif.
I also just checked on Safari on my Mac at work and it doesn't load there either. It defaults to sans-serif.
Is this a problem with the font file types on Google and would I have to go import the eof and ttf and all those in order to fix this? or is it something else?

The problem is you are importing Josefin Slab and are calling Josefin Sans.
#import url(;
font-family:'Josefin Slab', sans-serif;
That should work.

I would suggest uploading the font to using the webfont generator.
This will then give you the fontface css and also different font file types for cross browser compatability.


Open Sans looking weird on every browser

3 days ago out of nowhere, I noticed that some sites I've built before using "Open sans" font from Google fonts as the main font are looking strange, choppy and pixelated on Chrome.
I've tried several fixes, going from adjusting the ClearType on Windows to disabling flags (accelerated 2d canvas) and disabling hardware acceleration on Chrome, pretty much tried everything I could find on the internet, and nothing works.
I also tried removing "Open sans" from my Windows font folder, but the font still looks pixelated on my sites. It was fine in Photoshop before I removed it.
This is a screenshot of what I am currently seeing.
open sans strange behavior
The p tag is using a simple CSS for testing
font-family: 'Open sans';
font-size: 12px; / 20px (on the bellow paragraph)
font-weight: 700; / 400 (on the bellow paragraph)
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
On the style, I have the default #import url(',wght#0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800&display=swap'); from Gooogle fonts.
Can anyone shed a light? Any help is appreciated. I don't really want to format my computer just because of this damn buggy font. Also tested on Edge and Opera GX, and it happens on them as well.
You should be sure if it's open sans. You can check it with whatfont plugin
I've also run into the same issue using Google Fonts' Open Sans, both via the #import method and the <link> method. Tested this against Brave (Version 1.30.89 Chromium: 94.0.4606.81), Chrome (94.0.4606.71), and Firefox (93.0). It exhibits this graininess on the demo site at sizes like 18-20px, but at 16px or 21px the issue isn't present.
Interestingly, Adobe Fonts' version of Open Sans doesn't exhibit this issue, and is clear and antialiased at all sizes. I swapped my Google implementation with Adobe's <link> implementation instead and encountered the same issue.
However, inspecting Adobe's demo revealed they've also added a CSS property: font-feature-settings: 'calt', 'clig', 'kern', 'liga', 'locl', 'rlig';. These are OpenType features, and adding this to my styles seems to resolve the issue, but only for the Adobe implementation; it did not resolve the issue with Google's version. Perhaps Google's version of Open Sans lacks these additional features.
I had a similar problem, viz. Open Sans were looking jittery on our website (exactly as shown in the screenshot)
The problem was (kind of) solved when I used Adobe's Open-Sans version, as suggested in the comments.
Finally, I discovered that in our CSS we were using a font-weight (300) that we weren't importing from google fonts.
When added, everything worked smoothly, so we're back to Google Fonts.

Custom font not loaded via external CSS

I have a website A with css and custom font which all work fine. Now I'm trying to refer to this css from my website B. Everything works fine css-wise, except that the font is not applied. When I look under the network tab of Firefox console, everything is loaded correctly, including the custom font.
Here is how I declared the font in my css:
#font-face {
font-family: 'Raleway Light';
src: url('');
* {
font-family: 'Raleway Light', sans-serif;
I also tried to refer to the .ttf with relative path src: url('../fonts/Raleway-Light.ttf'); but it doesn't work either.
Any insight?
PS.: I tried different browser and cleaning the cache already.
Firefox does not allow cross-domain font embedding. See this similar question for various solutions.
.ttf is for windows fonts and true type fonts(.ttf) does not work on some browsers.
If you want use a font on web you better have the font in formats .ttf, .woff, .eot all and use them all to support all browsers.
And I do not agree this speak
Firefox does not allow cross-domain font embedding
Because i tested that previously and worked.
And in relative src please see if your #font-face style is in the html file or is in the external css file because each one has its src. Some times it make us confused.

how to copy font-family from a webpage

Although having read some articles about font-family, I still don't have a deep understanding how it works. So I'm hoping this question may help me better understand how font-family works.
I see some beautiful fonts on a website, the CSS of one of them is font-family:'Futura Today Bold',Arial,sans-serif. I try to copy it to my website, but it doesn't work. It seems the elements affected by this website are displaying default font. Here is a side question: how do I check what font an element is actually using? can I do it with javascript?
And the main question is, how do I use this 'Futura Today Bold' font on my website?
The problem with the font you intend to use is that it will not be installed on every user's device, which is why the fallback font (Arial) is specified in the website you checked.
You need to use web fonts if you wish to use a font that is not available on the user's device. Here's an example CSS code to do that:
#font-face {
font-family: 'Futura Today Bold';
src: url('http://path/to/futuratodaybold.woff') format('woff'), /* Chrome 6+, Firefox 3.6+, IE 9+, Safari 5.1+ */
url('http://path/to/futuratodaybold.ttf') format('truetype'); /* Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.5, Opera 10+, Safari 3—5 */
After including the above lines in your CSS code, the font can be applied by the CSS rule font-family:'Futura Today Bold' in your stylesheet.
Also note that as Christina pointed out in a comment, you should not use fonts that you do not have licensing rights to use.
Answering your other question as to how to find out which font is currently being applied, you can use your browser's developer tools to find that out. Here's a screenshot of how it can be done in Firefox.
Basically you need to have the font actually included in the bundle when the page loads to have access to it. You can easily do this once you have the file by using this html code in your <head>
<link href='font-name' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
or like this into your css
After you have done this all you have to do is set the font like you did before
This is needed to define the font name once you have the ttf. Put this in CSS
#font-face {
font-family: 'Futura Today Bold';
src: url('font-name.ttf');
If you look at this file:
Then at the beginning you can see this line which is what create the font and if you look in your file tree under fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.eot then you can find the eot file:
#font-face {
src:url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.svg#Roboto') format('svg');
There are some sets of fonts that are available in the website by default. If you want to use any other fonts then you must specify the same in your css. Normally font files are available in ttf or otf format.
For example if you want to use Futura Today Bold you should first download the font file from this page.
Next, you can specify in your css, the font path that you intend to use. Visit this link to know more
If you trying to use a font in your website and it doesn't show, in many cases you just doesn't have the font available.
So google and download it (if allowed). To use it in your online websites, you have to provide the font, if you're not sure, wether everybody has this font or not. Providing can be done via #font-face. But keep copyrights in mind.
When a browser renders a page, it uses the fonts from left to right. If the most-left is not available, it goes one step to the right and so on. You will often see something like sans or sans-serif at the right and, to provide a fallback, where the browser just pick a default font of that type.
To see which font is currently used, you can right click that part (in Firefox or Chrome) and inspect the element. Look for the font section. There you can see which font is used. If you see multiple fonts, the most left/top value should be applied.
You would need to actually have the font file in your project or you can download the file using #font-face in your css.
There are quite a few services that offer fonts for download online. Some are free to download (Google Fonts, others are paid (Typekit).
This link explains a bit of how it is with fonts on the web today.

Installed font from Google looks different than font gained through their API?

I'm going mad with an issue and I wonder if anyone can help. I'm currently using to see what different style of fonts look like together. This website simply loads fonts in from Google Fonts and displays them onscreen.
Now I choose a font, think it looks ok, and head over to Google and download it. I then paste that font into my local font directory so I can see what it looks like locally, and add it's name in my css like so:
font: 100%/1.6 "Font name here";
color: #bbb;
font-weight: 400; (for example)
Problem is when I look at it in the same browser as I did the Font Combinator, it looks rougher and more jagged. No settings have been changed. The font on both sites is 16px. For reference I am using Windows XP with cleartype turned off (I don't like it).
Now if I link to Google Fonts directly through my website, then it displays the same as on the Font Combinator. I don't understand how installing the same font that Google uses produces a different result? Ideally I would like to host the font on my website myself, but can't see a way around this? Am I doing something wrong, or is there something I've missed? Thanks!
For reference I am using the following reset:
html,body,etc.... {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
outline: 0;
list-style-type: none;
font-size: 100%;
Edit: #Fontface code that I've used, that does seem to look the same!
#font-face {
font-family: 'Molengo';
src: url('./fonts/Molengo-Regular.ttf')
(just picked this font as an example)
I had same problem and it's a mess and hard to solve. The main problem is that the font you've downloaded is not actually the "same" that google webfonts provides.
The font family is the same, but Google can provide it in different formats. The font that you've installed on your system is probably a .ttf file, that's a truetype font and Windows can use it. But, if you look the css that Google serves you when you includes a font, it's something like this:
For this:
you get this:
#font-face {
font-family: 'Open Sans';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
src: local('Open Sans'), local('OpenSans'), url( format('woff');
As you can see, if there is no local matching, it requests the font BUT in woff format, it's the same font but in another font format. In fact, I've done this example using chrome, but the css that google provides choose the best font format depending on browser and SO that made the request.
That's the reason why you see same font family rendering so different, the local one is .ttf, the another could be woff, svg (I think for IE), and there is other posibilities. And same font on different formats looks different, sometimes too much different.
I think the best choice is to create that css by yourself, not asking it to Google, and remove the local part, but it's important to add the other formats, other way it will not work on all supported browser.
This is potentially a duplicate of this question but this was my answer to that:
Fonts render differently based on:
Screen/Monitor resolution
Operating System
Size of use and hinting
Without seeing your code the only things I can recommend are:
Making sure you are using decent reset css (something like this:
Try adding font-weight: normal; to fonts to see if this makes a difference; sometimes browsers and frameworks try adding a fake bold to things.
Assuring you are using the actual versions of the fonts and not just applying CSS styles.
If all else fails then try bumping the font-size up/down a small amount and see if the font hints better at these sizes.
Some people also recommend not using the #import or direct link from google. Perhaps try downloading the file and using #font-face in your css.
Hope this helps!
If you’re hosting the font yourself — double check the #font-face call. Make sure you are calling all versions possible of the typeface. Also, Some browsers prefer certain formats being called earlier.

Myriad pro font does not appear on Safari

I have an page with an menu.
I defined the font in the menu items to be Myriad Pro.
In IE and Firefox it appears normally, but in Safari the menu items appear blank.
when I changed the font type to another font it worked fine.
so is there a way to make the Myriad Pro font appear on Safari.
As Rup mentioned, Myriad Pro is not a ubiquitously defined Mac font. However, if you have a copy of the .otf or .eot font files, you can make the font available to all CSS3 compliant browsers and supply a backup font for display should the browser not support CSS3. This would be the syntax for doing such:
#font-face {
font-family: "CustomMyriadPro";
src: url("path/to/myriadpro/font.otf") format("opentype");
h2 {
font-family: "CustomMyriadPro", Helvetica, Georgia;
Make sure your CSS specifies Myriad Pro in quotes, i.e.
font-family: "Myriad Pro", sans-serif;
Secondly, be aware that a font will only appear if it's installed on the end user's machine (unless you're using #font-face), so you always need to define some fall-back fonts, e.g.
font-family: "Myriad Pro", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
This problem is happening with multiple installed fonts on my Mac since the upgrade to 5.1 and then to Lion. I think something is broken with the upgrade. Other browsers are fine. It is affecting other fonts as well. I had to disable the font-family CSS in the Inspector in order to get this editor to include readable text because Consolas is affected as well.
The problem is not with fallback or specification in CSS. The problem is with Safari and specific fonts. It does not fallback past the problematic font but continues using it, replacing all characters with the capital A in a square; so fallback is of no help.
Discussion and possible explanation here:
According to the font survey, most Macs don't have Myriad Pro installed. (Nor Windows for that matter.) You should pick similar fallback fonts for all of Mac, Windows and Linux then specify a list of these fonts in your style.
If you specifically need Myriad Pro then you could use images, or embed the font using sIFR (maybe not for menus though) or through #font-face font-embedding (thanks Olly!) instead.
Check out the Typekit webfont-embedding service, they have Myriad in their library
