RowClick and find does not work in Devexpress XtraGrid Sub Levels - devexpress

I have populated a XtraGrid view with two leves.I can work with main level fine but when I want to find in second level by code or even I add an Event like OnRowClick or sth like that for sublevels it does not work.Does any one has my problems?
for example the name of gridview in sublevel is GridProperty..this code does not work
or even events does not fire
private void GridProperty_RowClick(object sender, RowClickEventArgs e){}
Here is how I populate my gridview
string owner = "SELECT [OBJECTID],[Name] ,[Family] ,[Father] ,[shenasname],[Dftarche] ,[Birthday] ,[education] ,[home_address] ,[farm_address] ,[ensurance] ,[phone] ,[home_number] ,[owner_id],[sodor] ,[shahr],[bakhsh] ,[dehestan] ,[rosta] ,[kodPosti] FROM [dbo].[OWNER]";
string strConnString = Properties.Settings.Default.land_gisConnectionString;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(strConnString);
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(owner, con);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
dsMain = new System.Data.DataSet();
adapter.SelectCommand = command;
adapter.Fill(dsMain, "First Table");
DataRelation newRelation = new DataRelation("املاک شخصی", dsMain.Tables["First Table"].Columns["owner_id"], dsMain.Tables["Table1"].Columns["owner_ID"]);
GridAttrebuteTable.DataSource = dsMain.Tables[0];
GridOwners.Columns["shahr"].Visible = false;
GridOwners.Columns["bakhsh"].Visible = false;
GridOwners.Columns["dehestan"].Visible = false;
GridOwners.Columns["rosta"].Visible = false;
GridOwners.Columns["kodPosti"].Visible = false;
GridOwners.Columns["sodor"].Visible = false;
GridOwners.Columns["sodor"].OptionsColumn.AllowShowHide = false;
GridOwners.Columns["shahr"].OptionsColumn.AllowShowHide = false;
GridOwners.Columns["bakhsh"].OptionsColumn.AllowShowHide = false;
GridOwners.Columns["dehestan"].OptionsColumn.AllowShowHide = false;
GridOwners.Columns["rosta"].OptionsColumn.AllowShowHide = false;
GridOwners.Columns["kodPosti"].OptionsColumn.AllowShowHide = false;

There are no problems with sublevels. You must check the following:
0. For ColumnView.ApplyFindFilter method check the ColumnView.OptionsFind.FindFilterColumns property. According to documentation:
If the FindFilterColumns property is set to "*", the Find Panel
performs searches against all visible columns.
To explicitly specify search columns, set the FindFilterColumns
property to a string consisting of the corresponding field names
delimited by a semicolon (without space characters):
So, if your FindFilterColumn property is set to wrong value then ApplyFindFilter method will not work.
1. For GridView.RowClick event according to documentation:
The RowClick event will not fire when clicking on a row cell, if data
editing is enabled and the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.EditorShowMode
property is set to MouseDown (and to Default if multiple row selection
is disabled).
So, check your ColumnView.OptionsBehavior.EditorShowMode property and set it to EditorShowMode.Click.
2. Check the GridLevelNode.RelationName. It must be equal to RelationName in your underlying DataSource:
DataRelation newRelation = new DataRelation("املاک شخصی", dsMain.Tables["First Table"].Columns["owner_id"], dsMain.Tables["Table1"].Columns["owner_ID"]);
gridControl.LevelTree.Nodes[0].RelationName = "املاک شخصی";


How to clear the gridview,literal and panel values?

I have a textbox called customer id and if the id is not valid, it should display a warning message and needs to go back to the main page where the user retries entering Id again. It works fine if the ID is valid. If the entered Id is invalid, panel and gridview are updating with some random values. How can I clear them? Any suggestions.
DataTable dt = oRecord.GetCustomerName(sId);
if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
// making panel and gridview visible false does not work.
pnlDetails.visible = false;
gvInfo.visible= false
pnlSuccess.Visible = false;
btnOk.Visible = false;
txtId.Text = string.Empty;
ViewState["sId"] = string.Empty;
You should not set visible false as it will be setting controls to invisible along with existing data but data is available and bind with these controls in memory. you should clear content of these controls to empty or null.
DataTable dt = oRecord.GetCustomerName(sId);
if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
gvInfo.DataSource = null;
txtId.Text = string.Empty;
ViewState["sId"] = string.Empty;

dropdownList doesn't displays selected value

I am new at I have a dropdownList which displays all categories for a specific article. The problem is that when I want to edit an article it doesn't displays the value that exists as default selected in dropdownList.
protected void datalist2_OnItemCreated(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.EditItem)
DropDownList drpdKategoria = e.Item.FindControl("drpdKategoria") as DropDownList;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connection);
string Qry = "select * from kategoria";
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(Qry, con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
drpdKategoria.DataSource = ds;
drpdKategoria.DataValueField = "id";
drpdKategoria.DataTextField = "emertimi";
drpdKategoria.SelectedValue = drpdKategoria.Items.FindByText(Qry).Value;
//drpdKategoria.Items.FindByValue(string val).Selected = true;
<asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" style="font-weight: 700">Kategoria</asp:Label>
<asp:DropDownList ID="drpdKategoria" runat="server" AutoPostBack="false"></asp:DropDownList>
ERROR:SystemNullReference Exception {"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}
This line probably isn't going to find anything:
Since Qry is a SQL statement:
string Qry = "select * from kategoria";
And I'm assuming that the display values in your DropDownList aren't SQL queries. Thus, when you call .Value on that first line, you're trying to de-reference something that isn't found (which is null), hence the error.
What item are you actually trying to find? If you want to select a default item, you need to be able to identify that item in some way. In your data that would be either by a known id value or a known emertimi value. For example, if you have a known emertimi value, it would be:
drpdKategoria.SelectedValue = drpdKategoria.Items.FindByText("some known value").Value
To make this a little more robust, you probably want to add some null checking. Something like this:
var defaultValue = drpdKategoria.Items.FindByText("some known value");
if (defaultValue != null)
drpdKategoria.SelectedValue = defaultValue.Value

C#/ASP.Net - Extract bit value of column in a gridview

I have a gridview that is SQL bound. In some of the columns there are bit values. When I use C# to get the values into the gridview, checkboxes are displayed. I need to extract the value of that column into text.
SqlConnection sConnection = new SqlConnection(MyConnectionString);
SqlCommand sCommand = new SqlCommand();
using (sConnection)
sCommand.Connection = sConnection;
sCommand.CommandText = "MyStoredProcedure";
sCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataReader reader = sCommand.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.HasRows)
while (reader.Read())
gridView.DataSource = reader;
for (int i = 0; i < gridView.Rows.Count; i++)
The gridview column data type is 'bit'. I do not have access to the database or stored procedure to change anything there. I need to somehow extract the '0' or '1' value, but when I do it like above, the text is blank.
I also tried to use 'GetOrdinal'. It returned a True/False value from the database, but I could not figure out how to get the value for each item in the gridview.
if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("MyColumn1")))
General overview:
You need to be able to find the CheckBox that's generated and get the value of it's "Checked" property.
To do this, you need to be able to use the FindControl() method on the GridViewRow.
To use FindControl, the CheckBox needs a predictable name.
To get a predictable name, you need to have that column be a TemplateColumn so that you can specify the name of the CheckBox in the markup on the ASPX page.
There's a full working set of code here:
This shows the code for a Repeater, but it's the same principle and general code for any DataBound control.
The code below should work with modifications to match your DB names:
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:checkbox id="MyColumnNameCheckbox" runat="server" />
string defaultvalue = "0"; // To be used to display the value of the original bit field.
foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows)
CheckBox chkBx = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("MyColumnNameCheckbox");
if (chkBx != null && chkBx.Checked)
defaultvalue = "1";
I was able to figure it out. Thanks, David Stratton, for pointing me in the right direction.
I did it by assigning an id to the dynamically created control first. then did the FindControl()...
Control ctrl = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[4].Control[0];
ctrl.ID = "ctrl";
Boolean result = Convert.ToBoolean(((Checkbox)GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[4].FindControl("ctrl")).Checked);
TextBox1.Text = result.ToString();
This returns a value of "True" or "False"...
Thanks again.
Another way to resolve it:
bool result = (GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[4].Control[0] as Checkbox).Checked;
TextBox1.Text = result.ToString();
it resolve the problem with less code :)

Mutliple dropdowns and values on the Paging

I have a GridView and I populate it via a DATASET . Three of its columns are three DropDownLists and AllowPaging is set to true for the grid view. My problem is when I choose a value on anyone of the ddl and click on serach button i get the data on the gridview which will have paginig, but when i click on the second page i loose teh filtered calue onthe drop down and i again get the earlier dataset.
Is there any way/idea to persist the selected values? Thanks for your help.
Please can you help me with this. if i am not filtering anyone of teh dropdown and then clicking on the second or third page i get the relevant data of that particular page. teh only problem is when i have a value selected on the dropdown .
button click:
string _strBU = BUDropDownList.SelectedValue;
string _strOU = OUDropDownList.SelectedValue;
string _strPortalID = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(TxtEmpPortalID.Text.Trim()) ? TxtEmpPortalID.Text.Trim() : string.Empty;
string _strRU = RUDropDownList.SelectedValue;
string _strMngrPortalID = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.ToString();
_strMngrPortalID = _strMngrPortalID.Substring(4, 6);
SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection();
sqlConnection.ConnectionString = "server=;uid=;pwd=;database=HROrgchartDB";
SqlCommand sqlEmployeeDetailsCommand = new SqlCommand();
sqlEmployeeDetailsCommand.Connection = sqlConnection;
sqlEmployeeDetailsCommand.CommandText = "EmployeeSearch";
sqlEmployeeDetailsCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
sqlEmployeeDetailsCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#BU", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)).Value = _strBU;
sqlEmployeeDetailsCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#OU", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)).Value = _strOU;
sqlEmployeeDetailsCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#PORTALID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 6)).Value = _strPortalID;
sqlEmployeeDetailsCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#RU", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)).Value = _strRU;
sqlEmployeeDetailsCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#ManagerPortalID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 6)).Value = _strMngrPortalID;
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlEmployeeDetailsCommand);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
if (ds != null)
// gvAddorRelease.Visible = true;
gridReportees.DataSource = ds;
Cache["D2"] = ds;
gridReportees.PageIndex = 0;
event for paging :
gridReportees.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
gridReportees.DataSource= ds;
When you click on the next page, dropdown also rebinds due to which there selected index changed to 0.
When you press the search button at that time you have to save the selectedvalues of the 3 dropdownlists. the dropdowns are present inside your gridview,so first you have to get the gridview row index. You can get the row index from gridveiw_selectedindexchange event. [Hint]
ViewState["svalue1"] = ((DropDownList) gv.Rows[index].FindControl("dropdownlistID")).Text;
// also get the selected values of other 2 dropdowns
Now after getting the selectedvalues you have to set the dropdwonlist.selected value to the values which we have saved in the ViewState.
// After binding the grid
// in this metho set the dropdown seleted value
// example get a reference of your dropdown
DropDownList ddl1 = (DropDownList) gv.Rows[index].FindControl("dropdownlistID");
ddl.SelectedValue = ViewState["svalue1"].ToString();
// follow the same steps for other 2 dropdownlists
Hope that it works for you.

A Panel Control doesn't appear in a GridView Column

one of the GridView Column has to store a Panel Control (with some Controls inside). The problem is, that code doesn't work, I mean, the Panel doesn't appear inside the column.
Panel myPanel = new Panel();
LinkButton zatw = new LinkButton();
zatw.CommandName = "Accept";
zatw.Text = "Accept";
LinkButton odrz = new LinkButton();
odrz.CommandName = "Deny";
odrz.Text = "Deny";
DataTable DT = new DataTable();
DT.Columns.Add("Options", typeof(Panel));
DataRow myRow = DT.NewRow();
myRow1[0] = myPanel;
GridView1.DataSource = DT;
That's because DT.Columns.Add("Options", typeof(Panel)); won't accept a control type as the second argument.
From the documentation. DT.Columns is of type
that, indeed, has a method Add(String, Type) as you used it. But the Type is the column data type... it does not accept a control.
Private Sub AddColumn()
Dim columns As DataColumnCollection = _
Dim column As DataColumn = columns.Add( _
"Total", System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal"))
column.ReadOnly = True
column.Unique = False
End Sub
In this example, a column of name "Total" and type "decimal" is being created.
I can't really tell what you are trying to do exactly but I don't think you can create a grid out of controls in this manner. Why don't have your grid use a template column and then adjust the template based on the data you bind to instead of binding to a prebuilt UI like you are trying to do?
