SQLite redistrubution in my exe doesn't seem to work - sqlite

I've created an application that uses the SQLite 1.0.92 library and EntityFramework 5. This application works great on my development machine, but when I move the contents from the bin directory to a clean machine, it doesn't run.
When I say doesn't run, I mean, I double click on the icon and the Windows icon spins for about 5 seconds and then quits and nothing happens. I've checked things enough to know that if I take out SQLite, the program will run as expected. From the SQLite FAQ, there shouldn't be anything that needs to happen except copying the bin files for the project to the new machine. Oh yes, the config file points to a correct location for the database, so that is also not the issue.
I've asked help from the SQLite community, but they get defensive and were no help. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, and I also know there is not a lot here to go from, but perhaps there is someone in the know that has had a similar problem that can give me some direction.
Thanks for your help


What is the huge Next JS dev builld "core" file used for?

My Next JS dev build has a 1.7Gb file named "core" in my dev directory. Ive been using next for a few months and its the first time i noticed it.
I cant find any documentation on its use or reason for it's existence and an increasing amount of projects its consuming a lot of hard drive space.
I have effectively deleted it (renaming it just in case I do need it) and my dev server is still running fine. Leads to the question what is it and why do I need it? Is it dev specific? I certainly didnt put it there myself and if Next needs it why is my dev server still running without it?
Any insights much appreciated.

How can/should I set my path.expand in RStudio per project?

My goal is to have path.expand to be automatically modified as I open a project, so that I don't have to keep writing fread(paste0(getwd(),"foo.csv") every time I load a new file, replacing it instead with fread("~.foo.csv")
I've found this question: address project root in Rstudio
Which seems to suggest that there is a .R_USER file per project in Rstudio. I have successfully been running an R studio project in a folder, and have 'unhidden' the the .Rproj_user folder, however, I am now at a loss to edit it. I'm seeing a tonne of different folders and don't really understand what I can edit, or how.
Is this the right path to expand upon? (jks), or is there a simpler and different way to do this? Is this even sensible? It seems like it is to me, but I'm new to all this, so please do say if this is stupid (and why).

ASP.NET Development Webserver Instantly Crashing for Seemingly No Reason

Working on an ASP.NET Project (not Web Site) and trying to Start without Debugging from Visual Studio.
First this:
alt text http://uploadimages.epiforge.com/Crash.png
Then this:
alt text http://uploadimages.epiforge.com/Burn.png
Once completely reinstalled Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and it was fixed... for a while.
Looking for any information I can find, including:
What in the Hell is going on?
What way is there to fix it other than completely reinstalling VS2008?
How can it just be fixed permanently?
Try this - shouldn't take more than a minute or two.
Create a brand-spanking-new, empty Web Application Project. Enter something like "hello world" on the default.aspx page. Run it.
If your problem disappears, you've got something (3rd party DLL, etc) referenced in your project causing the issue.
Else, your looking at an OS, IDE or other environmental issue. I've had some odd VS issues in the past on Win7 that were solved by available updates. I still have to run VS as an administrator to use the "attach to process" for debugging.
So, the new project works, which tells us that the problem is somewhere in your old project. This is where the fun part starts, which is what I like to call "binary search debugging." It's crude, a pain in the ass, and if your app is pretty complex, sorting out dependencies can be a pain in the ass.
Create a new project and add all of your source to it.
Build, run. Did it work?
No? Remove half of the source.
Build. run. Did it work?
If so, the problem is in the half that you removed.
Else, it's in the half that remains.
Now, I know this is an incredibly naive approach to debugging, and its very brute-force, and some app configurations can make this damn near impossible, but at least its straightforward.
Any other service listening to the port number you're using? Try changing the port number or use IIS instead of running it on cassini.

Does Live Mesh exclude .aspx/.ascx files?

I'm tired of zipping up my ASP.net MVC project all the time, so I tried to connect the entire project folder to Live Mesh, so I could work on it both at home and at the office. It seemed to work, but it turns out all the views are excluded and replaced with .wlx counterparts.
Is this a known limitation of Mesh? Does anyone know of a workaround?
.wlx is a temporary extension that indicates that a file is a placeholder for a file that hasn't been transferred yet.
I agree live mesh appears to still be very much in beta. Some of my files are still .wlx 10 hours later and nothing appears to be syncing. However, it is a great program and I look forwward to the next update. It makes my life much easier since I run Windows inside VMWare.

stopping app_offline.htm from being created and deleted at each build?

I have a solution with 2 projects in Visual Studio 2008 SP1, .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.
a ASP Web site.
a Class Library (dll) project.
I have a reference from the Web Site to the Class Library, as the Class Library is my data layer. But anyway, the thing happens only with this basic setup, a solution with these 2 types of projects and a reference from the Web Site to the Class Library.
Now, each time I modify something in the Class Library and I build it, Visual Studio creates a file called app_offline.htm and then deletes it (it sends it to the Recycle Bin).
This is really annoying because at the end of the day I end up with a full Recycle Bin and me, being the perfectionist I am, I want to keep it clean. I'm not the only one with this problem: here and here.
I know now the cause of the problem, but still not how to fix it. If you didn't hear about app_offline.htm before, here's ScottGu's article on app_offline.:
Does anyone know a solution to the problem? Some setting in VS to delete the file forever after the Build process? (I really don't want to set my Recycle Bin to do that, as I do delete things unintentionally from time to time and I'd like to be able to recover those.)
This file does not go into the Recycle Bin for me. Perhaps you have some draconian utilities installed, which do this? Many anti-virus tools and general system utility suites used to do this back in 2000 but I do not have experience with later versions.
Update: You can use Process monitor to find out which process moves this file to the recycle bin.
[Disclaimer: I'm adding an answer firstly because I hope it will get the question seen by more people (I admit it) and secondly because I have no characters limit on an answer, as oposed to a comment.]
I followed Sander's suggestion and used Process Monitor to track which process moves this file to the Recycle Bin.
It was indeed devenv.exe.
There are several events where it makes operations like: QueryDirectory, QueryOpen, CreateFile and CloseFile. And devenv.exe is the only process that has anything to do with app_offline.htm
Still... How could I make Visual Studio stop filing up my Recycle Bin? (way to go, Dan, putting a question in the 'answer' (: )
I started seeing the same problem shortly after we suffered a VSTS server problem. The VSTS server went down for a day so I had to open the solution in offline mode. After the VSTS server came back online, I had to reopen the solution under source control, and the app_offline.htm files start occurring non-stop every time I recompile my web projects.
I am not sure how to stop it yet, but I know how to reliably recreate the problem on my environment:
Windows XP Pro, VS2008, SourceGear (Source Control System).
Whenever I perform a checkout, the app_offline.htm file is instantly created and deleted in/from the root folder. The source control system is using SQL Enterprise, so I am not sure it is related to some references from posts people are making about SQL Express.
Again, still don't know how to stop it, but maybe this will help other figure out how/when the file is generated and deleted.
Use Web Application projects, not the Web Site templates, those are for 'dummies'. :)
I had this problem because I published directly to Azure Web Service from the dev machine.
The answer here with another possible workaround here.
This is all I could find on the subject. Unfortunately it's also speculation.
