Google Analytics Get Custom Dimension After Setting One - google-analytics

In Google Analytics, after setting a custom dimension via:
var tracker = ga.getAll()[0];
tracker.set('dimension1', 'myCustomValue');
I'd like to then GET the custom dimension value for that user when a user navigates to another page, via something like:
var tracker = ga.getAll()[0];
var dimension1_value = tracker.get('dimension1'); // 'myCustomValue'
Is there a way to do this?

There is no way native to Google Analytics to do this. Values are not stored in cookies anymore and there is no backchannel to the analytics server, get after set only works on the same page.
But of course nothing stops you from setting your own cookie/session storage and store the value(s) there (but then you knew that).


Google analytics user explorer get user report

How do I get user report from user explorer, using GA API. Didn't manage to find any information about it here For instance in user explorer (audiences section) you can see a list of records having ids like 11111111111.2222222222 and I want to get information about user activity on the website for record with id 11111111111.2222222222 using GA API
While the latest GA release notes says the client ids have been "surfaced" (i.e. made visible) it is (at least currently) not available as a dimension via the API. So if you want to use it you'd have to add the client id as a custom dimension to your reports yourself. Off the top of my hat this should look something like this:
ga(function() {
var trackers = ga.getAll();
trackers.forEach(function(tracker) {
Put before the pageview this would write the client id to your custom dimension with the index 1 (which you need to create in advance via the interface in properties->custom definitions). Should also work with multiple trackers on the same page.
This will of course not help you with data that's already been collected.

How do I pass a parameter from my site into google analytics?

Let's say I have a site and the user comes into it with a parameter:
How do I go about passing along the url value from the parameter into Google Analytics?
1) User comes to the page with a url in the params
2) User clicks a download link with a ga tracking code attached to it which was generated from ga account like this:
You have to create a custom Dimension and a metric for that.
About custom Dimensions and metrics:
After you have created a Dimension, you can add metrics to it by view, in example.
Follow the steps here for Universal Analytics:
Note that due to not have 10 point of reputation, I wrote the a "_" in http like "ht_tp"
I think what you want to know is the number os visitors that clicks a download link in your site that comes from, lets say "blahblahblah" as web origin or other methods.
For that, you have the param utm_source that you can receive directly in the url.
So instead of ht_tp:// you should receive ht_tp://
In this way, you have no care about it. Analytics is going to take care for you so you can get a report of clicks by source.
Or, just use the referer in case all the incoming visitors are from webs:
ga('set', 'referrer', 'ht_tp://');
And a final option, to use Events:
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'ReferencedVisitors', jsVarWhereYouHaveTheOrigin]);

Can I manually tell google the gclid?

Here's the scenario: visitor 1 (V1) clicks on an ad and gets a gclid as part of their __utmz cookie. V1 passes the url to visitor 2 (V2) on another computer. V2 visits the page from the specified url and therefore does not get a gclid. V2 completes the conversion, but adwords does not record the conversion as there is no gclid for V2.
If I can track all the above with some confidence, can I send the gclid from V1 to google when V2 completes their conversion?
Can I overwrite the __utmz cookie or can I add any javascript prior to the adwords conversion tracking script?
If I understand correctly, what you are trying to do is to maintain the campaign information if the user that was exposed to the ad sends the link to someone else. This is a major problem with user tracking in general and I see couple of methods that could help you to circumvent that.
First, gclid is used for adwords tracking. Theoretically you can save it in a cookie and then push it as a parameter to every URL that V1 is visiting and this way to maintain the campaign information when she shares the URL. This is possible, but the downside is that the data will appear as a new session of V1, not a new visitor (V2). From Google documentation:
...User A then copies this URL (containing the auto-tagging parameter)
and posts it in another location such as a public discussion board
(forum) or a social network, or sends it in an email or chat window to
other recipients.
Next, User B clicks this link (containing the gclid value) and arrives
at your website. Even though User B has never been to the website
before, this user will have the first session attributed to the same
click id (gclid) value that was assigned to the original User A. In
this case, you see new sessions (caused by User B) from an old
Unfortunately there is no workaround to this scenario at the moment.
The downside however is that you fix a solution only for Google Adwords, while you may have campaigns on different platforms and sites that do not employ the gclid, but for which you use the UTM parameters.
Another solution I've stumble upon in the past is this one: This script adds a unique query string parameter to every URL. If this URL is shared, in your GA reports it will show data in a custom dimension that denotes the user that shared the URL (V1) and those that used that URL (V2). This way you can analyze the "power of sharing". The downside is that you don't see the conversion under the campaign in question on GA. Never tried this script, only read about it.
Finally, you can make your own cookie and store the campaign information there. Then, you can append it with a parameter to every page that V1 views on your site. If V1 shares it, the campaign information will pass with this parameter to V2. The downside is that you will not see the conversion under the campaign in question on GA, only the parameter. However, you can see in your conversions report how many of campaign-->referral conversions you had by looking at the URL that led to the conversions (in the Reverse Goal Path, for instance). In addition, you are able to track this way not only Adwords campaigns with referrals, but any campaign. Try this project: This project will help you with creating your own campaign tracking, but not with pushing it to the URL.
I work on AdWords conversion tracking. Here's how I'd do it using AdWords Conversion Import...
If the GCLID is passed in the URL to V2, then the site can grab the GCLID for V2's visit and store it in a cookie (provided you craft some JS to do so).
Then, when the conversion occurs, you've got another bit of JS that collects the cookie and stores it somewhere along with the date/time of the conversion and the type of conversion (this type should match an equivalent conversion type that you've defined in your AdWords account).
Once you have this process in place, you can batch the conversion records up daily and import it into AdWords via the conversion import service (
The gclid value pertains to Adwords and Adwords only. To give credit to the converting gclid, you need to send the _ga cookie value in the URL query as such:
The x's above represent the clientID and this value needs to be cookied using JS:
function() {
var coo = window.location.href.split("_ga=")[1].split('.');
var cid = coo[2]+"."+coo[3];
return cid;
Have this above the UA tracking code:
ga('create', 'UA-xxxxxx-xx', {'clientId' : '<?php echo implode(".",array_slice(explode(".", $_GET["_ga"]), -2, 2)); ?>'});
Remember you must return the _ga cookie value in the URL in order for it fire off on this page. What's clever is, if you can record to a database IP and the associated _ga cookie value, you can track a user across different browsers and/or devices PROVIDED they are using the same IP address.

How to fetch the current session's utm parameters in Google Analytics

Let's say a user gets to one of my pages with all the utm data (utm_campaign, etc.). On the page they land, a session is created in Google Analytics with all this info.
Then, they browse my site and get to another page. On that page, the utm_campaign isn't in the query string anymore.
Is there a way I can fetch the utm_campaign data?
Please note I use Universal Analytics, so it's ga instead of _gaq.
UPDATE: In case anyone is wondering, this code doesn't work:
ga(function(tracker) {

Tracking email opens in Google Analytics

We have tracking in our emails to track clicks back to our site through Google Analytics. But is there a way to track opens? I would imagine I have to add a google tracking image to the email somewhere. Possibly javascript too?
As others have pointed out, you can't use Javascript in email. The actual tracking is done by a request for __utm.gif though and the Javascript just constructs the GET parameters.
Google supports non-Javascript uses of Google Analytics per their Mobile web docs:
They document the full list of parameters, but the only necessary parameters are:
Parameter Description
utmac Google Analytics account ID
utmn Random ID to prevent the browser from caching the returned image
utmp Relative path of the page to be tracked
utmr Complete referral URL
The reference that describes all of the parameters that the Google Analytics tracking GIF allows is here. Use it to build an <img> tag in your email that references the GA GIF.
According to this post, the minimum required fields are:
utmcc=_utma%3D<utma cookie>3B%2B_utmz%3D<utmz cookie>%3B
It sounds like you are using campaign tracking for GA but also want to know how many opens there were. This is possible to do with Google Analytics, since they track pageviews or events by use of pixel tracking as all (I think?) email tracking does. You cannot use javascript, however, since that will not execute in an email.
Using Google Analytics pixel tracking:
The easiest way would be to use browser developer tools such as Firebug for Firefox or Opera's Dragonfly to capture a utm.gif request and copy the URL. Modify the headers to suit your needs. You can count it either as an event or pageview. If you count it as an event it should look something like this:{10-digit time code}&utmr=0&utmp=email_name&utmac=UA-{your account}
You can use this to understand what describes what in the headers.
I better post this to save everyone the trouble of trying to construct that monstrous UTM gif URL.
You can now use the new Measurement Protocol API to send a POST request and easily record events, page views, hits, or almost any other type of measurement. It's super easy!
POST /collect HTTP/1.1
For example, here's a code snippet to send an event in C# (using SSL endpoint):
public void SendEvent(string eventCategory = null, string eventAction = null, string eventLabel = null, int? eventValue = null)
using(var httpClient = new HttpClient() {BaseAddress = new Uri("")}) {
var payload = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// Required Data
payload.Add("v", "1"); // Version
payload.Add("tid", "UA-XXX"); // UA account
payload.Add("aip", "1"); // Anonymize IP
payload.Add("cid", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); // ClientID
payload.Add("t", "event"); // Hit Type
// Optional Data
payload.Add("ni", "1"); // Non-interactive hit
// Event Data
if (eventCategory != null)
payload.Add("ec", eventCategory);
if (eventAction != null)
payload.Add("ea", eventAction);
if (eventLabel != null)
payload.Add("el", eventLabel);
if (eventValue != null)
payload.Add("ev", eventValue.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
using (var postData = new FormUrlEncodedContent(payload))
var response = httpClient.PostAsync("collect?z=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks, postData).Result;
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
throw new Exception("Could not send event data to GA");
Way easier than the hack with the __utm gif.
Helpful Example
You can easily add this to emails by doing this:
In an email:
<img src="{url}/newsletter/track.gif?newsletterName=X" />
In your MVC site, for example, NewsletterController:
public ActionResult Track(string newsletterName) {
using(var ga = new AnalyticsFacade()) {
return Content("~/images/pixel.gif", "image/gif");
In your Global.asax or RouteConfig:
controller = "Newsletter",
action = "Track"
BOOM, done, son. You can now track email opens using a much nicer API that's supported and documented.
Is your requirement is to track how many times an e-mail is open by given user. We have similar problem. We are using SMTP relay server and wanted to track how many times our marketing e-mails are open in addition to google-analytics which register an even only when someone clicks inside link to our site in e-mail.
This is our solution. It is based on making a REST call by overriding image element of html (our e-mails are html base)
where TRACKING is dynamically generated url which points to our REST service with tracking information about person to which e-mail was send. It is something like that
//def trackingURL = URLEncoder.encode("eventName=emailTracking&entityType=employee&entityRef=" + email.empGuid, "UTF-8");
trackingURL = baseUrl + "/tracking/create?" + trackingURL;
It will be something like ""
When when actual e-mail html is generated it, TRACKING will be replaced by
Important point is to return a response of type image and return a one pixel transparent image with REST response.
So i'll assume that the email contains a link to your Site. Certainly GA can record how often that link is clicked because clicking the link will open the page in turn causing the function *_trackPageview()* to be called, which is recorded by GA as a pageview.
So as long as that page has the standard GA page tag, no special configuration is required--either to the GA code in your web page markup or to the GA Browser. The only additional work you have to do is so that you can distinguish those page views from page views by visitors from another source.
To do that, you just need to tag this link. Unless you have your own system in place and it's working for you, i recommend using Google URL Builder to do this for you. Google URL Builder is just a web-form in which you enter descriptive terms for your marketing campaign: Campaign Source, Campaign Medium, Campaign Content, Campaign Name. Once you've entered values for each of these terms, as well as entered your Site's URL, Google will instantly generate a 'tagged link' for you (by concatenating the values to your Site's URL).
This URL generated by Google URL Builder is the link that would be placed in the text of your marketing email.
