Lookup on ListPage Dynamics AX 2012 - axapta

I've tried to create control with lookup so client can choose Vendor and filter grid with this data but I dont have any idea how to create lookup on ListPage when I cant override any method.

A ListPage is a very special form only to search and find a record with few fields and parts to validate you're on the right record.
Also, a ListPage can be deployed as is on EP. So, you can't have any code in it as the web browser will not be able to run X++ code.
My first answer will be to check if the field you want to filter on is currently in the query and showed in the ListPage. If so, you can filter using the standard filter already in your ListPage or activate the grid filter (ctrl+G).
If you really want to add a new control (which seems not to be in the ListPage best practices), you can look at interaction class. It's a helper class to add some code at server side in which you can handle the form. For example, modifying the query.


What is the proper way to add records to a V2 odata model with two way binding in SAP UI5?

I have a SAP UI5 V2 odata model with a two way binding to a table and to a form.
The table is displaying all records, and when clicking on a record, I am using setBindingContext to bind the selected table record to the form for editing. When typing in the form, the values dynamically update in the table (because of the two way binding). model.submitChanges() writes the change back to the server.
So displaying the list, and editing records in the list are working just fine.
Now for the problem How to create records with the same form?
I also want to use the same form for adding new records, but I cannot figure out how to unbind the form from a previously selected record, or otherwise create a new blank entry in the data model to be sent to the server.
All of the tutorials I have been able to find on doing UI5 Odata CRUD operations don't really address this problem.
I discovered this example in the documentation which pointed me in the correct direction.
In summary, you use the oModel.createEntry method to create a new entry in the oData Model. You then have to bind this new entry to your form with setBindingContext - this is the part I was missing.

Populating insert values in asp.net dynamic data site?

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 to create a dynamic data site with scaffolding according to: http://www.asp.net/web-forms/videos/aspnet-dynamic-data/your-first-scaffold-and-what-is-dynamic-data
The site displays a SQL table with an "Insert New Item" link, which takes you here:
I have another SQL table which holds some of the information already. I would like to add a function that is called when the user navigates away from the "account" field; the function will query the other SQL table and populate the fields that it already holds for that account.
I'm stuck on where to put the function and how to setup the account field to call it.
It's a couple of years since I did one of these so pardon the details being a bit short.
You can 'override' the default New Item form. In that you can pre-populate the fields with anything you want. I think you have to take care of the Save also, and of setting out the controls on the form and populating them (you've overridden the generated form after all).
Another possibility is to create a partial class which extends the Model class and populates it in a constructor extension (I remember doing various stuff with this technique). There might also be some extension points on the model Context (or whatever its called) which you can tap into - it's pretty flexible as I remember.

Razor MVC - Object Edit Field Change Log

Users modify a DB object in an edit form that I have, pretty straight forward.
I need to implement a 'change log' on this object. I need to record which fields where changed and what they were before and after. I'm using Razor MVC.
I've done this by writing triggers for the table on update/delete. On update/delete of a record, the trigger pushes the record to a History table, in a History database. This creates the change log. Then you would just need to display it; to identify the change would require evaluating each and every field.
There's nothing already built that wold do this for you that I know of.

umbraco and custom system table

I have the following scenario:
My website db has a system table called "Companies", which includes an id field, companyName field, and companyImageUrl field.
How do I set up an umbraco document type for adding entries to this table ?
Maybe I shouldn't use a custom table at all ?
As far as I know, Umbraco doesn't support what you want to do out of the box (mapping a document type to a table that isn't part of the umbraco core).
One approach that might work is to create an action handler that syncs a Company doc type to your table when creating a node of that type.
It's a bit of a hack though. I've found that I've very rarely needed to create custom tables. What exactly are you trying to do with it? My guess is that you don't really need it and would be better off working with a doc type instead. Umbraco provides a variety of ways to get and act upon doc types from within custom C# code (check out the umbraco.NodeFactory namespace). You'll also get the added benefit of being able to easily interact with these nodes from XSLT/Razor.

CRM 2011 - Using contact data on Case form

I've installed CRM 2011 to see if I can tailor it to our business. We do repairs, I want to be able to book in a contact (client) and then a case and have the clients number and address print on the case form. All I can find are fields relevant to the case and not client, any idea on how I can select them?
To get fields from the contact onto the case form you could -
Create redundant fields on the case form for the fields that you want to port over from the contact, and then edit the mappings of the relationship from Contact to Case to map those fields to the case.
Create a web application that loads contact data and then add it to an iframe on the case form. Make it so that the web application accepts the case id in the query string of the URL so that it can look up the related contact and load its details within the web app.
Add JScript (or HTML resource in 2011) to the case form to load the contact values on the fly. You will have to use SOAP XML (or REST endpoints in 2011) messages to pull the data from the CRM service and then can inject it into the CRM case form's DOM.
Option 1 is the quickest solution but will not be realtime (only comes over when the case is first created and must be related to the contact on creation. Option 1 also adds some database redundancy.
Option 2 is the most supported realtime solution, but also requires the most work.
Option 3 is easier than option 2, but any DOM injection will likely not be supported for future releases.
To use the mapping option, go to Settings > Customization > "Customize the System". Expand the Case item in the left hand navigation. Then click on N:1 relationships and open the relationship "incident_customer_contacts". This relationship connects the contact to its cases.
On the relationship window click on "Mappings" in the left hand navigation. This controls what fields are mapped from the case when it is created.
Click new and select the contact field from the left that you want to map to the case on the right. Repeat this for each field that you want mapped. Note that the fields need to be the same types, and if they are option sets, they will have to have the same underlying integer values for each of their options.
Now when you create a new case from a contact (or set the contact during the create), the fields should map onto the case.
Seeing as how Craig mentioned he's using CRM 2011, I felt I'd clarify that for Option 3 of Cole's suggestion, you can also use SOAP Xml against the Organization Service, or just use the REST endpoint and both will be supported. So long as you utilize CRM's Xrm.Page object to display the data on the form and don't do any other DOM manipulation, you should be fully supported.
Another Option, "Option 2b" we'll call it would be to add fields to the form for the data you want to be loaded, then add a plugin registered to the Retrieve of the case entity that would populate those fields on the fly for you. No redundancy other than the fields on the form at that point.
I would personally recommend Option 2b if possible because there will not be any lag in loading the data onto the form, and it provides for minimal data redundancy, minimal service calls, and the least amount of additional customizations.
My option is a lot easy one. All we are doing is using Dialog to create cases and in the dialog fields you can get contact detail dynamically. At the end of the form when you create new case, use this dynamic values to submit in Case form.
We get times when customer tell us that the phone number is changed since last time and this method gives you option to change customer's details on the fly and submit both in Contact Entity and Case entity at the same time.
