how do i resend a request after processing it inside my apigee endpoint - apigee

I have a endpoint called get user data which accepts a token
I need to read this token in my apigee and send it to tokenVarificationExtUrl
which gets back to me with
a) valid 200
b) userid attached with that token
now what i have to do is i need to read the response header and then conditionally check it for 200 success and then extract the userid from the response.
Once its extracted i need to attach it with another request; which i need to send to getUserData external url
which will get back to me with required user details.
I am successful of extracting data and doing conditional check. I am seeking help for
how do i send another request to getUserData external url.

You need to use a few policies in your proxy.
For example
For checking a header and throwing an error, you may want to use rasie fault policy conditionally
For making an API call to external end-point you can use service callout policy or a standard target
For exrtacting response data from json or xml payload you can use json path of xpath policies
and so on.
I suppose you may want to take a look at a few sample proxies with these functions to be able to design your own.
Check this link out.


Camel how to bypass request header from entering to http dsl component request?

I'm having a following problem with camel http requests. I would want to preserve a value of url query string parameter without passing it to another http request that needs to be done on the route. The value is needed after the http request to external api to process the data. Below is a clarification of the problem:
rest("/api")//We get requests as /camel/api?param1=xyz...
.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("GET"))
.setHeader("Accept-Encoding", constant("gzip"))
.setHeader("Accept", constant("*/*"))
.removeHeader(Exchange.HTTP_URI)//Remove this
//How do I prevent the {header.param1} from being passed to the following http request but still be able to use it after the request on the route?
//To process the result, we need the original {header.param1} value from the request to this /camel/api endpoint
What is the correct way to achieve this?
If you receive parameters that are only needed in the current route and should not be passed on to any other endpoints, you can also copy them over to Exchange properties and delete the headers.
In contrast to message headers, the Camel Exchange properties are not propagated to routings and they are removed together with the Exchange when the message reaches an end of the current route.
.setProperty("param1", header("param1")) // create property from header
.removeHeader("param1") // remove the header
This is a very explicit and transparent way to do this, but you have to do it everywhere you need it. So it is good for exceptional cases that you want to make explicit.
On the other hand a HeaderFilterStrategy prevents sending specific headers (based on patterns) to the endpoints you configure it. So it is very good for general header rules you want to apply to all endpoints of a specific type (for example to all HTTP endpoints).

Can we do regex for Response so that Consumer can have values dynamically?

I have written regex for response but the .json files are are creating with some wierd values like ABSGDKJEUDSGASH,
Can some help me in these
'agent': value(consumer((anyNonBlankString())), producer("abcd"))
Created Stubs
Can spring cloud contract support response dynamically as it supports request??
consumer() is related to stubbing, producer() is related to the generated test. The matching in the request part is to make sure that the incoming HTTP request on your WireMock server matches the criteria that you have specified. Now everything that you write in the response side is what WireMock will return if your HTTP request matches those criteria.
If you need to return a fixed value, use consumer('my agent').
If it doesn't matter what you receive as a response, you can use eg. consumer(anyNonBlankString()).
If you want to return the same value as what you received from the client you can do something like consumer(fromRequest().header('agent')).
Hope that helps! :)

How to pass dynamic headers to the Http Request in jMeter?

There is a initial request going to the server which should retrieve the CSRF token and use that token id in post request header.
if that does not happen any POST requests to the server will return that error.
In the above screen shot, where token is the request to get the CSRF token Id, If I run the test this will generate one dynamic random token ID. But I need to pass the generated token ID in the post request through Header Manager. How can it possible. If yes, Can any one suggest some way to do that.
I resolved it by using User defined variables and Regular Expression Extractor to pass the parameters from one request sampler to another.
In the firs request add a postprocesor of the request. if the response is un json format user json Extractor, in json Extractor define a variable that read the token
In the second request add a header Manager an refer varaible declare in json Extractor in the following way in value cell, ${variable}

How can I add custom JSON parameter in JIRA webhook?

I have a web-servise which listens to the JSON requests from different data sources. I want to identify data source by special parameter data-source. My question is how I can add field "data-source": "jira" to the webhook JSON body?
For now my solution is to add to my webhook uri data source parameter like this:, then check data source type and if it is equal to jira send request JSON body to method jiraJsonParser().
But I'm not sure if it is the best solution, isn't it?
I had a similar need, and solved the problem by creating a REST API with flask that acts as an aggregator/translator to accept requests from multiple tools, format the request as needed, and pass it on to it's intended target. For example, I have a Jira 'build request' ticket that sends a POST request via webhook to my API upon ticket creation. The API accepts the request, formats it as needed, fwd's the request on to Jenkins to run a build. As each part of the build runs, Jenkins sends requests back to the API, which get formatted as needed, and the original Jira ticket gets updated with the details/status of the build.
Here's a good article on building a REST API with flask -

Is there a default http request header to identify the user making a request?

In the data model behind my RESTful API there are several entities with the CreatedBy/ModifiedBy fields. The only access to this data is through my API, and as such, the fields should be populated with the user id of the user making the request to my API.
I have considered either adding these fields to the models exposed by my API or expecting a request header containing the user id on all PUT/POST/DELETE requests. I would be interested in any opinions as to which approach is best, or any other approach.
I like the idea of providing it in the header since it is necessary for every request and I am wondering if there is a standard request header to contain the information, or a common x-header.
I have seen the from request header; however, it seems to be defined as the email address of the user making the request and I need to pass the user id.
In our current implementation, we use the authorization header to authenticate the calling application with the API, and not for a specific user.
Which header would you use to pass information to identify the user making a request?
You can extend the Authorization header to add your own parameters. Both the Digest and OAuth authorization schemes support parameters. The Basic scheme already have the user credentials readable. Something like:
Authorization: OAuth realm="Photos",
Yahoo! does something similar with their OAuth implementation, but in another context.
However, if these fields are shown or exposed somehow in your public API, they belong to RESTful resources and should be represented always in the body, not the headers. If you GET the username in the message body, you should POST the username using the message body as well.
Assuming you can use HttpClient
HttpClient client = HttpClientManager.getNewClient();
HttpMethod get = new GetMethod(...);
get.addRequestHeader("x-newHeader", "value");
more here
OR using URLConnection using setRequestParameter
