JavaFX buttons with same size - javafx

I have these buttons with different size:
How I can make all buttons with same with size?

It depends on layout where the button is located. For example, if you add all the buttons into GridPane or BorderPane, you have to specify each button width to correspond to certain variable. In the following example I wrap all buttons inside VBox, set VBox preference width and tie up all buttons minimum width to it:
VBox vBox = new VBox();
Button btn1 = new Button("Short");
Button btn2 = new Button("Super Long Button");
vBox.getChildren().addAll(btn1, btn2);
It is also worth to mention that there are two ways to specify the button size. You can do it in the java code or specify it in javafx .fxml file. The above method is an example for java code implementation.
You can also unclamp a button's maximum dimensions so it will grow to fill the available space (unlike most nodes, by default a button node has it's max size clamped to it's preferred size so it doesn't usually grow to fill available space). An Oracle tutorial on Tips for Sizing and Aligning Nodes explains this in more detail.
VBox vBox = new VBox();
Button btn1 = new Button("Short");
Button btn2 = new Button("Super Long Button");
vBox.getChildren().addAll(btn1, btn2);

using css you can override the preferred width of all buttons like
.button {
-fx-pref-width: 200px;
or create your own style class for certain button groups and add the style to the button like:
.my-special-button {
-fx-pref-height: 28px;
-fx-pref-width: 200px;
and then set the style to your button with either
or in java


set spacing among elements within button javafx

I want to specify spacing between two elements within JavaFX Buttons, Here is the Code :
ImageView fiv = new ImageView(new Image("/modified/map.png"));
Button cr = new Button( "Crop", fiv);
Here I want to Specify Spacing Between "Crop" and fiv, How can i do this ?
Use graphicTextGap property of the button.

Override JavaFX CSS style in code

Is it possible to override a JavaFX CSS definition in code?
For example, in my CSS file I defined a button's height as follows:
.button {
-fx-pref-height: 30px;
When I try to override this height for some button in code...
Button button = new Button();
button.setPrefSize(100, 50); // width, height
...the button still has a height of 30 pixels.
There are two solutions:
Make sure that button.setPrefSize(100, 50); // width, height is called after the Button became visible.
Use Bindings to force its size (CSS does not overwrite bound values), for example: button.prefHeightProperty().bind(new SimpleDoubleProperty(60));

JavaFx Change position or Location of a button manually?

I have a problem with changing the location of my Button i want to set a Specific location where to put it but when i use .setLayoutX and .setLayoutY i even tried using .relocate and it is still not working am i doing something wrong? here is my sample code.
Button b1 = new Button();
b1.setLayoutY(120); // this are just some randome numbers for this sample
StackPane pane = new StackPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(pane,500,500);
when i run the program the button is still in the center of the screen am doing something wrong?
Use Anchor pane or a pane to align nodes as per your layout.
StackPane, GridPane and many panes they come with inbuilt layout methods, you dont have control on locating the nodes based on x and y values.

JavaFX: Fit child elements to HBox width

Is it possible to manage child elements in a HBox, so that the sum of the widths of all child elements is equal to the width of the HBox?
So that elements fill the HBox and no space is left.
The height of the child elements is by default the height of the HBox, so how about the width? I don't want to calculate the width in my program. It would be better if the layout does this automatically, so that no calculation is needed.
It depends what kind of children does the HBox contain. Some of the children may not be resizable nodes. However, generally speaking, you can use HBox.setHgrow() method and set the same Priority for all children of hbox. The explanation is in its javadoc:
Sets the horizontal grow priority for the child when contained by an
hbox. If set, the hbox will use the priority to allocate additional
space if the hbox is resized larger than it's preferred width. If
multiple hbox children have the same horizontal grow priority, then
the extra space will be split evening between them. If no horizontal
grow priority is set on a child, the hbox will never allocate it
additional horizontal space if available. Setting the value to null
will remove the constraint.
Additionally, if you are trying to obtain a grid-like layout then try out other layout options, for instance TilePane or FlowPane and maybe GridPane.
The simple code for your answer would be this:
Button button1 = new Button("Save");
Button button2 = new Button("Delete");
HBox.setHgrow(button1, Priority.ALWAYS);
HBox.setHgrow(button2, Priority.ALWAYS);
It's recommended to use HBox class rather than name of HBox pane.
<Label HBox.hgrow="ALWAYS" maxWidth="Infinity">
Adding to #bdshahab's answer, since HBox will try to resize their children to their preferred widths, they will only fill the box if their combined preferred widths are wider than the HBox width.
So it may be necessary to do something like:
Button button1 = new Button("Save");
Button button2 = new Button("Delete");
HBox.setHgrow(button1, Priority.ALWAYS);
HBox.setHgrow(button2, Priority.ALWAYS);

How to set the width of a component(HBOX) dynamically in flex

I have a custom component that is extending the HBOX. Am adding a VBOX and a "HBOX" to it as its children.The VBOX has a label which acts as title to component and adding/deleting a pair of LINK BUTTONS to the "HBOX" dynamically on a particular event(might be a button click).
The parent HBOX width must grow/shrink whenever the link button is added/deleted dynamically.
How to calculate the same.I do not know.
you can set width and height dinamically with this:
var hb:HBox;
hb.percentHeight = 100; //height:100%
hb.percentWidth = 100; //widht:100%
You can set width with percent (100%) or bind width property to another width property (in mxml with {}).
