i18n and TideSDK app - tidesdk

I can't find any information about this. Is it possible to implement i18n in tidesdk application? Is yes, how do you achieve this? I need to implement i18n in todesdk app, with possibility to easly add new languages.

there is a simple solution for that, and is using jQuery and a localization plugin.
you store your localizations on a json structure per language and you setup the language as you need.
this should help you.


Teams FX(Teams Toolkit) Localization

We have created a Teams Tab using Teams Toolkit. I would like to know how to implement localization in TeamsFX project. In SPFX we implemented this using localization files under "Loc" folder created by default. Any ideas?
#Sai, thanks for your feedback. If you are asking how to Localize your app, you can follow this doc. If you are asking the localization of React content, you may find some useful information for this thread since there are many different ways to localize React app.

invoke C api with tidesdk

Could you please help me how to call/invoke plain C API from DLL file with JavaScript or Python or PHP language with TideSDK?
Thanks and best regards,
Phuong Tang Khai,
Can you elaborate how exactly that you wanna call the APIs. and what kind of APIs you are talking about. There are already various modules available which provides decent functionality available already.
However if you don't find required functionality, you can create your own custom module and plug it in with TideSDK.
The call to APIs needs to be wrapped up as custom modules of Tide and has to be built along with TideSDK.

Drupal multilingual

Apart from the module of i18n, is there any other module to build a multilingual site with Drupal?
If you don't want to use the many i18n-based modules, Drupal 6 already ships with Locale and Content Translation, however this can get cucumbersome if you have a lot of contents to translate.
The Translation Management or Localization Client modules would help on that regard.
You could get more ideas on this page: http://drupal.org/node/254214
You can use other modules like:
with these modules you don't need to add translated content manually for each languages.
But of course these modules uses 3rd party services to translate, so not efficient always.
So I suggest to use:
Internationalization with Localization update
Its work like charm, I am currently using it.
And you can also use entity translation which allows you to do field level translation .You can translate a field also if required using this module
Translation Management Tool (https://www.drupal.org/project/tmgmt) is a recent module.The Translation Management Tool (TMGMT) module provides a tool set for translating content from different sources. The translation can be done by people or translation services of all kinds. It builds on and uses existing language tools and data structures in Drupal and can be used in automated workflow scenarios.
With i18n you have to install other modules like l10n_update, language dropdown, language icons, translation overview, variable. These are some of the module which make your multi language drop-down easy to use.

Lib to build an admin-page from a Database schema?

I'm using ASP.Net and NHibernate to build a website. Now, I need to add some sort of administration functionality, and came to think of an old django tutorial I once ran through. Here the admin page was build for me, and I could customize it as I liked.
I see no reason that I couldn't accomplish the same, somehow, in ASP.Net, when I got my NHibernate schemas, thus reducing all the boilerplate admin-code I need to do. Are there any libs out there, that you think will fill my needs somehow?
Thanks in advance :)
- cwap
CodeSmith is good. It allows you to generate ASP.NET admin pages based on your data classes.
A free alternative is mygeneration

Add ons in a compiled language

We are developing a CMS in ASP.NET. We love the idea of add-ons (like in Wordpress, where any developer can add a menu button or a widget) and would like to enable developers to do the same with our system.
However I think that the fact that C# is a compiled language is an obstacle in the way of add-ons.
Am I right? Or is there a way to create add-ons for a ASP.NET application?
The fact that C# is a compiled language isn't a problem at all. In fact the .NET framework should make it relatively easy to load other code (just as Java does, for the same reason). Look into the Managed Extensibility Framework, which is all about loading Add-Ons in managed code.
It's not an obstacle at all. MEF has already been mentioned, you could also use:
I'm not sure for ASP.NET specifically, but in the only compiled programming language I know (Objective-C/Cocoa), there's the concept of Bundles that can be loaded dynamically. I'm not sure how that works on the backend, but I'd guess that there is some similar system for C#/ASP.NET.
I don't know how it's done in Wordpress, but there should be many ways. You can allow developers to upload their assemblies with compiled code or you can allow them to upload code in C# or IronPython or anything that supported and compile it dynamically. Maybe you can use WebParts for your task.
Microsoft has created the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), specifically for this problem: providing .NET plugins for .NET applications. It is the framework that (future versions of) Visual Studio use for writing managed plugins.
However, please consider using a dynamic scripting language for this! Problems like this are exactly what they are specifically designed for. If you host the Dynamic Language Runtime in your application, it not only means that your users can extend the application in a scripting language, but even in any dynamic language (scripting or otherwise) for which a DLR implementation exists: Ruby, Python, Smalltalk, Scheme, JavaScript, PHP, you name it. Biggest disadvantage: the DLR hasn't been released yet.
In C#, you can create any assemblies, link them as DLL files and then do whatever you want.
The usual case would be to define some kind of Plugin Interface which must be implemented by all the plugins.
Then you can load all plugins from the filesystem (by iterating over the plugin DLLs), find the class inside which implements the interface, instantiate it and work with it.
If you want to provide plugins with unloadability and security, you could create an application domain and load the plugins to that, increasing complexity, but also increasing stability (a bad plugin won't crash your app).
Please ask more specifically if you want a specific answer :-)
It's not too difficult to put hooks in place. You have to define in advance where the add-on features will appear. For example: when drawing a menu you can use reflection to search other dlls (with specific names and locations) for a "BuildMenu" function. You'll be defining the API for this function signature. It may have to return a list of items to be added to the base menu items collection.
