Have configure.ac But Not autoconf. Can I Generate Configure Without It? - build-process

I'm trying to build curl...specifically libcurl...on my Android device; I've built OpenSSL and have cloned the repo. Unfortunately the curl sources use buildconf, which requires autoconf, and I don't have autoconf installed.
Is there an alternate way to generate the configure script and/or the Makefile from the included configure.ac and Makefile.in?

The source tarballs provided by the curl project include generated configure scripts, no need for autoconf then! You can get release versions or daily snapshots from curl.haxx.se.
The configure script is generally generated with the ./buildconf script in the curl source code root directory and it requires autoconf, automake and libtool to be installed.


What does --prefix in ./configure script do when building a software in Linux?

I'd install a software in Linux from source code. I already downloaded the source code from the git project then the next step is to install the libraries needed for running the software.
Let's say the source code is found in a folder called Main_Folder and the library is found in another folder Lib_Folder. Let's go to latter folder and running the configure.sh script to configure the program, so my question is the following:
In the ./configure command line there is an option called --prefix{} which should specify a given path, I'd know which path I have to put here ? is it the path to the main software or whatever ?
In general --prefix defines target installation directory where built software will be installed when running make install.
For example if you run ./configure=/opt executables will be installed in /opt/bin, libraries in /opt/lib, man pages in /opt/man/ etc.
See autoconf --prefix documentation.

Where to install "guile-git" on Ubuntu 14?

I got stuck installing "git clone https://gitlab.com/guile-git/guile-git.git". In which directory is this supposed to be cloned and installed?
Dunno if you're still looking for an answer but it doesn't seem you need this installed to install guix; the read-me of the repository says that you can install it via guix. guix is an agnostic package manager that you can install on any Linux distribution alongside the default package manager and guix is the default package manager of the GuixSD operating system (https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/).
If you're on a distro which doesn't use guix, you may not want to install guix (I've yet to find reason enough to, yet); if you use a lot of GNU tools or Guile (some Guile packages are available through guix), you may want to.
Most repositories that don't have a binary for you to run follow the build process of configure, make, and [sudo ]make install.
I cloned the repository, myself, and find that this one does, as well.
Get a terminal (if you haven't been using one, yet) and cd into the directory you cloned the repository to and then cd into the guile-git directory (cd guile-git).
If we do ls -l, we'll see that the only executable file there is the bootstrap one; I've never seen one before but doing ./bootstrap generates the configure file and sets up the make process for us. So now back in familiar territory.
Given these are Guile files, we'll probably want to install this under the same prefix as where Guile is installed so run which guile. I believe, if you install it under Ubuntu (I'm running Linux Mint), it'll install to /usr/bin/ but, if you install it manually, it'll install to /usr/local/bin/.
The latter is where mine is and that's the default prefix that configure uses so I can just do ./configure; if you wanted to install it under /usr/, run /.configure --prefix=/usr/.
This'll verify that all of the necessary libraries and programs that guile-git needs are installed and properly setup. Heads up that configure balked at me over not having the Guile module bytestructures installed (https://github.com/TaylanUB/scheme-bytestructures) so you may need to do that.
I'm not going to run through everything to get it installed but, once you can run it without any errors, run make to build it within the directory.
If you want to install it permanently on your computer with the rest of your operating system able to detect it, run make install. Since you'll likely've specified a directory under /usr, you'll have to do sudo make install so that the make process can have permissions to install under /usr/local or /usr.
Sorry if I reiterated anything you already knew; 'just didn't want to assume you knew something and result in confusion.

Building SQLITE for the Nodewebkit (Using express.js)

I am having problems compiling SQLite for use with Nodewebkit. After research, it seems that I am having wrong versions of the programs. So I have:
- Node
- NW
- SQLite
Apparently there must be certain version of each of the mentioned programs to make it work.
What versions of the programs I must have, so I can run this command:
npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --runtime=node-webkit --target_arch=ia32 --target=0.12.3
This link suggests I should have NW version 0.8.x. But I cant find it for download. Or maybe that is not the problem at all...
I build on Mac using node-webkit v0.12.3 using the following commands:
sudo npm install nw-gyp -g
npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --runtime=node-webkit --target_arch=ia32 --target=0.12.3
First, make sure you installed nw-gyp globally. Then, run the command either in the directory containing node-webkit executables (nwjs), or in a subfolder of that folder.
Running the command should then create a node_modules folder in the same directory as the binaries, containing the sqlite3 module.

Running JavaFX applications on Redhat 5

From my previous question, I know that JavaFX is not supported in RedHat 5.8 meaning, even when I have Java 8 (jdk1.8.0_05) installed on my Linux, a JAR file created in win7 can't be executed via java -jar helloworld.jar. Does that mean there is NO way to run JavaFX jars on this machine?
The problem with running JavaFX applications on RHEL5 is the version of glib that comes with that OS is not new enough. The trick, then, is to provide a newer version of that library and all of the other libraries that depend on it to the JRE. The next hurdle is that RHEL5 shared library loader won't load those libraries. You have to use a compatible loader. But the JVM has the path to the loader hard-coded in the executable! So you need a separate JVM with a custom loader path patched in. Roughly, the steps to get this working are...
Unpack the following packages from RHEL6:
Put all of the shared libraries from those packages in a directory on your RHEL5 system. Let's call it /YOUR-ALIEN-RHEL6-LIBS-PATH.
Unpack another copy of a JRE to, say, /YOUR-ALIEN-JVM-PATH.
Use patchelf to point the JVM executable to the new loader.
./usr/bin/patchelf --set-interpreter /YOUR-ALIEN-RHEL6-LIBS-PATH/lib/amd64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /YOUR-ALIEN-JVM-PATH/jre1.8.0_25/bin/java
Run the application after setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/YOUR-ALIEN-RHEL6-LIBS-PATH/lib/amd64:/YOUR-ALIEN-RHEL6-LIBS-PATH/lib/amd64/jli
Although it is not pretty, I have successfully run JavaFX applications on RHEL5 using this method. Having said that, I highly recommend just upgrading your OS if it is even remotely feasible.
Note this builds upon the existing answer from James with more concrete detail
Obtain RPMs from a RedHat 6.x, e.g. http://vault.centos.org/6.2/os/i386/Packages. Copy into directory rpms/
libXcomposite-0.4.1-2.el6.i686.rpm <== not mentioned in other answer
libXdamage-1.1.2-1.el6.i686.rpm <== not mentioned in other answer
Extract all the contents from the RPMs into separate directory. Use rpm2cpio and xzcat. xzcat can be installed from these RPMs if necessary [xz, xz-libs, xz-lzma-compat]
mkdir redhat-6u2-libs
cd redhat-6u2-libs/
ls -1 rpms/* | xargs -i{} bash -c "rpm2cpio {} | xzcat | cpio -idmv"
Obtain copy of patchelf. I built from source as couldn't find a Redhat 5 RPM. Only requires dependent RPMs [gcc, gcc-c++, glibc-devel, kernel-headers, libstdc++-devel]
wget https://nixos.org/releases/patchelf/patchelf-0.9/patchelf-0.9.tar.bz2
tar xjf patchelf-0.9.tar.bz2
cd patchelf-0.9
./configure --prefix /tmp/patchelf
make install
Use patchelf to set location of redhat 6u2 loader (aka interpreter)
/tmp/patchelf/bin/patchelf --set-interpreter ~/redhat-6u2-libs/lib/ld-linux.so.2 jdk1.8.0_40/bin/java
Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, this needs to have both /usr/lib and /lib, otherwise you get a segfault.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/redhat-6u2-libs/usr/lib:/home/user/redhat-6u2-libs/lib
(Note that any other applications run after LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set other than java which has had its interpreter location corrected will segfault.)
Now run java app...
./jdk1.8.0_40/bin/java -cp etc...
Happy days

Installing Nginx-auth-ldap on Debian

I tried to install Nginx-auth-ldap on my Debian server, but I can't understand how to do it right. I have been looking on https://github.com/kvspb/nginx-auth-ldap/wiki/How-to-install and tried the commands for Linux.
The thing I can't understand is
./configure --add-module=path_to_http_auth_ldap_module
make install
I don't have a folder called configure in the Nginx folder.
Please help me to understand how I will make that work.
The key is one sentence from the linked page that you skipped. The whole instructions say:
cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/kvspb/nginx-auth-ldap.git
in nginx source folder
./configure --add-module=path_to_http_auth_ldap_module
make install
"In nginx source folder" refers to a directory where you would have the source code of nginx. This means you are supposed to re-build nginx with the new module.
What you should do
Download the nginx sources 1
Download the nginx-auth-ldap module
Compile nginx with the module
However, I did not test this, so it is possible that you need additional libraries or sources like the ones for ldap...
Don't install nginx through Debian's package manager. Instead, as jasperado suggested, you'll want to download nginx from source.
You can download the mainline version thus:
wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.9.2.tar.gz && tar xzf nginx-1.9.2.tar.gz
Before you build, you may want to make sure PCRE3 is installed on your system because ngx_http_rewrite_module requires it, and the installer will try to load this module.
When ready, you go into the nginx source directory and then you can do the whole configure and make thing. You might find this article helpful.
For example,
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-http_stub_status_module --add-module=$HOME/nginx-auth-ldap
sudo make install
