Uploaded File could not be moved - wordpress

I am working with Mac Book Pro with OS X 10.9.4
I am trying to upload the theme in Wordpress but it's showing me this message
"The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/2014/09."
I have already changed the permission's of the folder htdocs, mywebsite folder, upload folder also configured http.conf file of apache server.
I am strucked with this issue from last 2 hours, read many blog's all are saying to change the permission rights but not working

if you can't solve the problem
please try
go to setting wordpress - media
don't cheklist Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders
save changes
i solve the problem


upload files in Godaddy cpanel, then create download link in WordPress. Possible?

I want to upload some video files in a GoDaddy cpanel folder, then create a downloadable link in a webpage and source it to that folder. I am assuming WordPress does not communicate with other folders in cpanel.
I am also getting this error
Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page.
Maximum upload file size: 1 GB. I changed the configuration.
GoDaddy Rep suggested to optimize files and upload it inside WP.
Found it LOL
You can link to a file on your host (in my case GoDaddy).
The file path will be:
Then you just create the link and use that path in WordPress web page Download Link.
The other upload issue is being fixed by GoDaddy engineers. Cheers

Uploading a file in Wordpress

New wordpress user.
I am trying to upload a file in WordPress using the Media > Add New -- Option but when I click upload I get the following error:
The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads.
I have Wordpress 5.3.2 installed locally on my system using XAMPP.
I have tried almost all the methods mentioned in other posts, including changing the permissions in the terminal using
chmod 755 uploads
This has no change whatsoever.
PS: I have created the uploads folder manually.
Any help is appreciated.

Can't Upload Images or Plugins via Wordpress Admin

I have a website that I just transferred from one server to another. I did this by copying all the files via FTP from the old server to my computer and then to the new server. I changed the URL in Settings to the new url and I downloaded a copy of the database. I then uploaded the database to the new server and changed all the database info in the wp-config file. Afterwards I used Velvet Blues Update URLs to make sure all the URLs have been changed in the database.
After doing all the the website is working fine. I could update my plugins and my WordPress core files that needed updated.
The problem is now I can't upload a plugin from my computer or any media files like images. When uploading an image, I get this message:
“image.jpg” has failed to upload.
Unable to create directory uploads/2017/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
I checked and this directory is already on the server. In FTP I changed the folder permissions to all be set to 775.
I then tried to change the folder structure for media files to not be broken into month/date folders and I get this message:
“image.jpg” has failed to upload.
Unable to create directory uploads. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
I know this directory exists and is set to 775. To double check I also change the wp-content directory to the same permissions.
What am I doing wrong here? Why can't I upload images and plugins via the WordPress backend?
I actually think I figured this out. I went into Settings -> Media and noticed there was a box that says Store Uploads to This Folder and had a folder for the old website. I deleted the information that was in that box and updated the settings and now it works!
I had this exact issue today. After much troubleshooting, I solved this images not uploading issue -- specifically, when I clicked the upload button, no dialog window appeared. As a new WordPress installation, the dashboard was displaying asking if this was going to be a business or personal site. When I clicked I DON'T NEED ANY HELP, then I saw the normal dashboard with WooCommerce module displayed and I was able to upload media files and images from my hard drive.
I'm posting in case this answer can help someone else having this very weird problem. Also, it is possible that a plugin like OpinMonster might be what generated that "business or personal" message.

Folder permissions for custom Wordpress uploads folder

I have created a new Wordpress website on my server and done everything as I normally would (nothing fancy or custom, just upload theme, a couple of plugins etc.) except I wanted a custom file path to my media folder.
I have created the folder '/public_html/i', updated my .htaccess file, updated the Setting > Media section in Wordpress with the file path and all is working fine.
My issue is that I do not want the uploads folder to be visible by navigating to the URL (www.site.com/i/).
If I change the folder permissions to execute only for group / world (711) the images become unavailable / unviewable and although I can still upload they show as broken images.
If I set to execute and read (755) the images and uploads work fine but the folder can be viewed by typing in the URL.
What are the correct permissions I should be using for a custom uploads folder to make images on the site viewable but the containing folder itself not?
Note that this is a site that will regularly have new images uploaded to it, so I would also need to be able to upload without having to change the permissions each time, which is one solution I have found online.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Add the following to your .htaccess file with the WordPress .htaccess instructions:
Options -Indexes

My wordpress isnt coming up after I put it into my ftp client

So i have uploaded my unzipped wordpress files onto my filezilla ftp client and put them in a folder. But when I check the domain.com/wordpressfolder I keep getting a 404 this url does not exist on the server. Not sure what im doing wrong because there were no failed transfer when uploading onto my ftp. Could I have done something wrong on the hosting server side(bluehost) or should that not matter?
Basically all you need to do is download WordPress zip. Unzip files and open wordpress folder. After that select all and transfer them into root directory. When all files will be uploaded, open Tutorial and go through it.
Please make sure that the file you are uploading is a theme file or a complete wordpress file. If it is a theme file, you need to activate it in the admin panel. If it is complete wordpress file, please make sure that you are uploading it to the right location.
