how to save meta box value? - wordpress

I've created a meta box. The code is:
// Create your custom meta box
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'hotel_amenities' );
// Add a custom meta box to a post
function hotel_amenities( $post ) {
'Meta Box Amenities', // ID, should be a string
'Amenities', // Meta Box Title
'amenities_content', // Your call back function, this is where your form field will go
'post', // The post type you want this to show up on, can be post, page, or custom post type
'normal', // The placement of your meta box, can be normal or side
'high' // The priority in which this will be displayed
// Content for the custom meta box
function amenities_content( $post ) {
echo '<label>Bed room</label>';
echo '<input type="text" name="amenity_bed_room" value="" />';
// Save your meta box content
add_action( 'save_post', 'save_amenities' );
// save newsletter content
function save_amenities(){
global $post;
// Get our form field
if( $_POST ) :
$amenities_meta = esc_attr( $_POST['amenity_bed_room'] );
// Update post meta
update_post_meta($post->ID, '_amenities_custom_meta', $amenities_meta);
It shows a meta box on admin post page with a text field. but it gets blank if I save or update the post after I put some thing on the text field.
Seems function save_amenities() is not working. What I am doing wrong in this code?
Also for getting that value I use the function below. Is that correct?
//get amenities meta box values
function get_amenities_meta_box() {
global $post;
$meta_values = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_amenities_custom_meta', true);

There are a few things going wrong there. The final value that you want to see will be displayed by the value attribute in the amenities_content function. Right now it is just displaying an empty string (""). Try putting any value in that attribute and you should see it show up in the meta box (value="this is a test").
The save_amenities function should take $post_id as a parameter. You'll need that to update the post meta-data and give a real value for the amenities_content function to echo back to the admin screen.
The amenities_content function should really have a nonce field that should then be verified by the save_amenities function. And user input should be sanitized before it is saved (I'm doing it both when I save it and when I display it. I'm not sure if that's necessary.)
try this out for the amenities_content function:
function amenities_content( $post ) {
// This is the value that was saved in the save_amenities function
$bed_room = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_amenity_bed_room', true );
wp_nonce_field( 'save_amenity', 'amenity_nonce' );
echo '<label>Bed room</label>';
echo '<input type="text" name="amenity_bed_room"
value="' . sanitize_text_field( $bed_room ) . '" />';
and this for the save_amenities function:
function save_amenities( $post_id ) {
// Check if nonce is set
if ( ! isset( $_POST['amenity_nonce'] ) ) {
return $post_id;
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['amenity_nonce'], 'save_amenity' ) ) {
return $post_id;
// Check that the logged in user has permission to edit this post
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_post' ) ) {
return $post_id;
$bed_room = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['amenity_bed_room'] );
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_amenity_bed_room', $bed_room );


How create new custom fields for my Theme in Wordpress

I have created a super simple theme. What i want to have is the ability to define an array of 3 fields for each post and page.
For example having the fields: Name, Link and a Dropdown for Type
Additionally i want to add multiple items of these "field sets" per post/page. I couldn't find any documentation on this but always results in Google which led me to WP Plugins. In general this is ood, cause in this case this seems to be possible programmatically, but bad cause i couldn't find any kind of information on this.
Hopefully someone can help me.
You are looking for custom meta boxes, with the add_meta_box() function:
Adds a meta box to one or more screens.
Source #
And the add_meta_boxes action hook.
Fires after all built-in meta boxes have been added:
Source #
A simple example would be if we wanted to add a "Listening to..." custom meta box, to share our mood while writing a post.
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'add_meta_listening_to' );
function add_meta_listening_to() {
'meta_listening_to', //id
'Listening to ...', //title
'listeningto', //callback
'post', //screen &/or post type
'normal', //context
'high', //priority
null //callback_args
function listeningto( $post ) { //function handle same as callback
$ListeningToInput = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'ListeningToInput', true );
echo '<input name="listening_to_input" type="text" placeholder="Listening to ..." value="'. $ListeningToInput .'" style="width:100%;">';
add_action( 'save_post', 'save_meta_listening_to' );
function save_meta_listening_to( $post_ID ) {
if ( isset( $_POST[ 'listening_to_input' ] ) ) {
update_post_meta( $post_ID, 'ListeningToInput', esc_html( $_POST[ 'listening_to_input' ] ) );
}; ?>
Then to display on the front end, we would use the following:
<?php echo get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'ListeningToInput', true ); ?>
Learn more
Learn more about the Custom Meta Boxes #

How to save Meta Data in WordPress back-end with PHP

I am relatively new to Post Meta Data in the WordPress backend using PHP. I have written the code that creates the Meta Data. I need help saving the data for which I have written. It will also need to allow me to edit the data once saved.
In this case its for a text field.
I have created the Meta Data for the input field which displays well in the back-end WordPress admin area.
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'cd_meta_box_add' );
function cd_meta_box_add()
add_meta_box( 'my-meta-box-id', 'Job Title', 'cd_meta_box_cb', 'people', 'normal', 'high' );
/* Save post meta on the 'save_post' hook. */
add_action( 'save_post', 'cd_meta_box_add', 10, 2 );
function cd_meta_box_cb()
echo "<input type='text' name='jobtitle'>";
I just need assistance with the code that will save the above Meta Data to the DB and allow for editing and revisions
You were almost there.
The final part of the puzzle is the function that saves the metadata, but first we need to make a few adjustments to your existing code:
add_action( 'save_post', 'cd_meta_box_add', 10, 2 ); has to be moved outside cd_meta_box_add(), and
Change add_action( 'save_post', 'cd_meta_box_add', 10, 2 ); into add_action( 'save_post', 'cd_meta_box_add' ); as this action hook only receives one parameter (the post ID), and
You need to define the function that will process the data (and it can't be cd_meta_box_add as you have it now so we'll create a new one called save_cd_meta_box_data).
/* Save post meta on the 'save_post' hook. */
add_action( 'save_post', 'save_cd_meta_box_data' );
function save_cd_meta_box_data( $post_id ) {
// Autosaving, bail.
if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) {
// #TODO
// You should add some additional security checks here
// eg. nonce, user capabilities, etc, to prevent
// malicious users from doing bad stuff.
/* OK, it's safe for us to save the data now. */
// Make sure that it is set.
if ( ! isset( $_POST['jobtitle'] ) ) {
// Sanitize user input.
$my_data = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['jobtitle'] );
// Update the meta field in the database.
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_job_title', $my_data );
Now that we're successfully saving the metadata into the database, let's allow the user to view it / edit it:
function cd_meta_box_cb( $post )
$job_title = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_job_title', true );
echo "<input type='text' name='jobtitle' value='" . esc_attr( $job_title ) . "'>";
The final code should look like this:
/* Register and display metabox */
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'cd_meta_box_add' );
function cd_meta_box_add()
add_meta_box( 'my-meta-box-id', 'Job Title', 'cd_meta_box_cb', 'people', 'normal', 'high' );
function cd_meta_box_cb( $post )
$job_title = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_job_title', true );
echo "<input type='text' name='jobtitle' value='" . esc_attr( $job_title ) . "'>";
/* Save post meta on the 'save_post' hook. */
add_action( 'save_post', 'save_cd_meta_box_data' );
function save_cd_meta_box_data( $post_id ) {
// Autosaving, bail.
if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) {
// #TODO
// You should add some additional security checks here
// eg. nonce, user capabilities, etc, to prevent
// malicious users from doing bad stuff.
/* OK, it's safe for us to save the data now. */
// Make sure that it is set.
if ( ! isset( $_POST['jobtitle'] ) ) {
// Sanitize user input.
$my_data = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['jobtitle'] );
// Update the meta field in the database.
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_job_title', $my_data );

Saving add_meta_box data to multiple post_types

I have the following code to create and save custom meta boxes within my Wordpress site. This solution works fine for my 'work' post_type, but will not save on a standard 'post'. The meta boxes appear fine on both post_types, but will only save on 'work'. Therefore I believe the issue lies within the save function, but I cannot decipher any reason why this works on only the one post_type?
I have pared the below code down to what I believe is the essential code.
// Allow registering of custom meta boxes
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'add_custom_metaboxes' );
// Register the Project Meta Boxes
function add_custom_metaboxes() {
$post_types = array ( 'post', 'work' );
foreach( $post_types as $post_type )
add_meta_box('xx_introduction', 'Introduction', 'xx_introduction', $post_type, 'normal', 'high');
add_meta_box('xx_more', 'More', 'xx_more', 'work', 'normal', 'high');
// Add Introduction Metabox
function xx_introduction() {
global $post;
// Noncename needed to verify where the data originated
echo '<input type="hidden" name="introductionmeta_noncename" id="introductionmeta_noncename" value="' .
wp_create_nonce( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) . '" />';
// Get the introduction data if its already been entered
$introduction = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_introduction', true);
// Echo out the field
echo '<textarea name="_introduction" class="widefat" rows="5">' . $introduction . '</textarea>';
// Add More Metabox
function xx_more() {
global $post;
// Noncename needed to verify where the data originated
echo '<input type="hidden" name="moremeta_noncename" id="moremeta_noncename" value="' .
wp_create_nonce( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) . '" />';
// Get the more data if its already been entered
$more = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_more', true);
// Echo out the field
echo '<textarea name="_more" class="widefat" rows="5">' . $more . '</textarea>';
// Save the Metabox Data
function xx_save_custom_meta($post_id, $post) {
// verify this came from the our screen and with proper authorization,
// because save_post can be triggered at other times
if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['introductionmeta_noncename'], plugin_basename(__FILE__) )) {
return $post->ID;
// Is the user allowed to edit the post or page?
if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post->ID ))
return $post->ID;
// OK, we're authenticated: we need to find and save the data
// We'll put it into an array to make it easier to loop though.
$introduction_meta['_introduction'] = $_POST['_introduction'];
$more_meta['_more'] = $_POST['_more'];
// Add values of $introduction_meta as custom fields
foreach ($introduction_meta as $key => $value) { // Cycle through the $testimonial_meta array
if( $post->post_type == 'revision' ) return; // Don't store custom data twice
$value = implode(',', (array)$value); // If $value is an array, make it a CSV (unlikely)
if(get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, FALSE)) { // If the custom field already has a value
update_post_meta($post->ID, $key, $value);
} else { // If the custom field doesn't have a value
add_post_meta($post->ID, $key, $value);
if(!$value) delete_post_meta($post->ID, $key); // Delete if blank
// Add values of $more_meta as custom fields
foreach ($more_meta as $key => $value) { // Cycle through the $more_meta array
if( $post->post_type == 'revision' ) return; // Don't store custom data twice
$value = implode(',', (array)$value); // If $value is an array, make it a CSV (unlikely)
if(get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, FALSE)) { // If the custom field already has a value
update_post_meta($post->ID, $key, $value);
} else { // If the custom field doesn't have a value
add_post_meta($post->ID, $key, $value);
if(!$value) delete_post_meta($post->ID, $key); // Delete if blank
add_action('save_post', 'xx_save_custom_meta', 1, 2); // save the custom fields
Having experimented with this for a couple of days, I have a semi solution to the issue I was experiencing. In the original code, I was attempting to register three meta boxes, but placing two of them in multiple post types ($post_type) and the other in just a single post type (work). I have not determined the cause, but this is what was causing the meta data not to save in one of the post types.
Whilst this isn't a full answer with a detailed breakdown, it at least locates the source of the issue, and my initial thought that the issue lies within the save function is correct, I just don't know how to fix this myself. This solution works fine for me however so I won't be investing anymore time into this issue.
Hopefully this is of use to others at least as a starting point.
// Register the Project Meta Boxes
function add_custom_metaboxes() {
$post_types = array ( 'post', 'work' );
foreach( $post_types as $post_type )
add_meta_box('xx_introduction', 'Introduction', 'xx_introduction', $post_type, 'normal', 'high');
add_meta_box('xx_more', 'Introduction', 'xx_introduction', $post_type, 'normal', 'high');

Trying to add a custom meta box to wordpress

I am trying to add a custom meta box to a wordpress page which stores a value in a custom field. It is not working. The meta box is displayed but when you press update the value entered ito the text box is lost and nothing is written to the wp_postmeta table (no _c3m_sponsor_ur meta_key is created)
I have adapted this from an example online. I also tried adding a die statement to see if the save post is even called but nothing dies. I also dont understand why the add_post_meta isn't being created for the page
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'c3m_sponsor_meta' );
function c3m_sponsor_meta() {
add_meta_box( 'c3m_meta', 'Sponsor URL Metabox', 'c3m_sponsor_url_meta', 'page', 'side', 'high' );
function c3m_sponsor_url_meta( $post ) {
$c3m_sponsor_url = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_c3m_sponsor_url', true);
if (!isset($c3m_sponsor_url))
add_post_meta($post->ID, '_c3m_sponsor_url', '', false);
echo 'Please enter the sponsors website link below';
<input type="text" name="c3m_sponsor_url" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $c3m_sponsor_url ); ?>" />
add_action( 'save_post', 'c3m_save_project_meta' );
function c3m_save_project_meta( $post_ID ) {
global $post;
if( $post->post_type == "page" ) {
if (isset( $_POST ) ) {
update_post_meta( $post_ID, '_c3m_sponsor_url', strip_tags( $_POST['c3m_sponsor_url'] ) );
Any help in fixing this is muh appreciated
Thanks a lot
This may be help you:--
add_action( 'save_post', 'c3m_save_project_meta' );
function c3m_save_project_meta( $post_ID ) {
if ( isset( $_POST['post_type'] ) && 'page' == $_POST['post_type'] )
if (isset( $_POST ) ) {
update_post_meta( $post_ID, '_c3m_sponsor_url', strip_tags( $_POST['c3m_sponsor_url'] ) );
You can simply use Advanced Custom Fields plugin instead of using code. This plugin much helpful for custom meta fields.

save the data of custom metabox to database

I want to save the data of my custom meta box to the corresponding table in a field.
my custom metabox..
add_action( 'admin_init', 'blc_add_custom_link_box', 1 );
add_action( 'save_post', 'blc_save_linkdata' );
function blc_add_custom_link_box() {
'Backlink URL',
function blc_backlink_url_input( $post ) {
// Use nonce for verification
wp_nonce_field( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), 'blc_noncename' );
// The actual fields for data entry
echo '<input type="text" id="backlink-url" name="backlink_url" value="put your backlink here" size="60" />';
function blc_save_linkdata( $link_id ) {
if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE )
if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['blc_noncename'], plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) )
if ( 'link' == $_POST['link_type'] )
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_page', $link_id ) )
if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_post', $link_id ) )
$blc_linkdata = $_POST['blc_link'];
now i want to store the data in to the database table WP_link in a custom field. i got meta box in the link edit admin page . but it cant save the data in database. how it can be save in database table wp_link.
I want know how to save the $blc_linkdata from custom metafield from the link edit page.
Plz help..
You should find this page on the Wordpress Codex useful:
I would simply use the Meta Box Script from DeluxeBlogTips.
I'm also working on a (huge) site that requires (many) metabox/custom field integrations. Trust me, this will save you lots of time and is well written and thoroughly tested ;)
