Updating Cassandra Map Value through querybuilder - collections

Cassandra support updating specific value in Collection by syntax
ALTER TABLE users ADD todo map<timestamp, text>
UPDATE users SET todo['2012-10-2 12:00'] = 'throw my precious into mount doom'
WHERE user_id = 'frodo';
Did not see any example of using QueryBuilder to update specific row in Map. How it can be done?

I think you have several options.
1/ Build your own query based on the CQL one.
Example: Consider that you have a table named Interactions and in your schema a column of type named 'attributes'.
String update ="UPDATE demo.Interactions SET attributes=attributes + {'i':'j'} where id='ff';
SimpleStatement statement = new SimpleStatement(update);
2/ Use Java API.
Java API is not that documented indeed.
Let's take an example
a- Create an update object using queryBuilder
Update update = QueryBuilder.update(keyspace, tableName);
b- Then populate with 'put' or 'putAll' functions. put/putAll will add/update content
update.with(QueryBuilder.putAll(key, map));
To remove a key, set the content of a key to null, like:
for (Object item : map.keySet()) {
QueryBuilder.put(columName, item, null)
Then execute the query.
Following methods are available for different types:
The list is not exhautive.
Have a look in QueryBuilder class if you do not find what you are looking for.
Best regards and best luck with Cassandra.


How to filter objects based on the Symfony workflow's place which is an array?

I've been struggling with this for a while but can't find a clean way to do it, so I'm seeking for some help.
I have custom filters (ApiPlatform 2.5 and Symfony 5.1) on database API outputs, and I need to filter on the current workflow place, or status as you like, of each output.
The Status has the below structure, which is a symfony workflow's place :
Status = { "OPEN": 1 }
My issue is that the status is stored as an array in the DB, and I can't find a way to have the querybuilder finding a match.
I've tried to build locally an array to do an = , a LIKE or an IN :
$status['OPEN'] = 1;
$queryBuilder->andWhere(sprintf('%s.Status = :st', $rootAlias))
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s.Objs', $rootAlias), 'o')
->andWhere('o.Profile = :p')
'st' => $status,
'p' => $profile
But no way :(
I implemented a workaround that works but I don't like it as I'm using workflows a lot and need a clean way to filter outputs.
My workaround is fairly simple, when the status is writen as an array in the DB, I also store it as a string in another field called StatusText, then filtering on StatusText is easy and straight.
Status can have different contents obviously : OPEN, CLOSING, CLOSED, ...
Help appreciated !!
EDIT & Solution
As proposed by Youssef, use scienta/doctrine-json-functions and use JSON_EXTRACT :
composer require scienta/doctrine-json-functions
Important, that was part of my issue, use the Doctrine type json_array an not array to store the status or the state, however you call it, in the Database.
Integrate the alias provided inside the ApiPlatform custom filter :
$rootAlias = $queryBuilder->getRootAliases()[0];
$json_extract_string = "JSON_EXTRACT(".$rootAlias.".Status, '$.OPEN') = 1";
$queryBuilder->andwhere($json_extract_string )
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s.Objs', $rootAlias), 'o')
->andWhere('o.Profile = :p')
->setParameter('p', $profile);
You need to ask Doctrine if the JSON array contains the status, but you can't do that with the QueryBuilder method.
When you hit the ORM limitations you can use a Native Query with ResultSetMapping. It allows you to write a pure SQL query using specific features of your DBMS but still get entity objects.
Or you can use scienta/doctrine-json-functions and use JSON_EXTRACT

DynamoDb - .NET Object Persistence Model - LoadAsync does not apply ScanCondition

I am fairly new in this realm and any help is appreciated
I have a table in Dynamodb database named Tenant as below:
"TenantId" is the hash primary key and I have no other keys. And I have a field named "IsDeleted" which is boolean
Table Structure
I am trying to run a query to get the record with specified "TenantId" while it is not deleted ("IsDeleted == 0")
I can get a correct result by running the following code: (returns 0 item)
var filter = new QueryFilter("TenantId", QueryOperator.Equal, "2235ed82-41ec-42b2-bd1c-d94fba2cf9cc");
filter.AddCondition("IsDeleted", QueryOperator.Equal, 0);
var dbTenant = await
_genericRepository.FromQueryAsync(new QueryOperationConfig
Filter = filter
But no luck when I try to get it with following code snippet (It returns the item which is also deleted) (returns 1 item)
var queryFilter = new List<ScanCondition>();
var scanCondition = new ScanCondition("IsDeleted", ScanOperator.Equal, new object[]{0});
var dbTenant2 = await
_genericRepository.LoadAsync("2235ed82-41ec-42b2-bd1c-d94fba2cf9cc", new DynamoDBOperationConfig
QueryFilter = queryFilter,
ConditionalOperator = ConditionalOperatorValues.And
Any Idea why ScanCondition has no effect?
Later I also tried this: (throw exception)
var dbTenant2 = await
_genericRepository.QueryAsync("2235ed82-41ec-42b2-bd1c-d94fba2cf9cc", new DynamoDBOperationConfig()
QueryFilter = new List<ScanCondition>()
new ScanCondition("IsDeleted", ScanOperator.Equal, 0)
It throws with: "Message": "Must have one range key or a GSI index defined for the table Tenants"
Why does it complain about Range key or Index? I'm calling
public AsyncSearch<T> QueryAsync<T>(object hashKeyValue, DynamoDBOperationConfig operationConfig = null);
You simply cant query a table only giving a single primary key (only hash key). Because there is one and only one item for that primary key. The result of the Query would be that still that single item, which is actually Load operation not Query. You can only query if you have composite primary key in this case (Hash (TenantID) and Range Key) or GSI (which doesn't impose key uniqueness therefore accepts duplicate keys on index).
The second code attempts to filter the Load. DynamoDBOperationConfig's QueryFilter has a description ...
// Summary:
// Query filter for the Query operation operation. Evaluates the query results and
// returns only the matching values. If you specify more than one condition, then
// by default all of the conditions must evaluate to true. To match only some conditions,
// set ConditionalOperator to Or. Note: Conditions must be against non-key properties.
So works only with Query operations
Edit: So after reading your comments on this...
I dont think there conditional expressions are for read operations. AWS documents indicates they are for put or update operations. However, not being entirely sure on this since I never needed to do a conditional Load. There is no such thing like CheckIfExists functionality as well in general. You have to read the item and see if it exists. Conditional load will still consume read throughput so your only advantage would be only NOT retrieving it in other words saving the bandwith (which is very negligible for single item).
My suggestion is read it and filter it in your application layer. Dont query for it. However what you can also do is if you very need it you can use TenantId as hashkey and isDeleted for range key. If you do so, you always have to query when you wanna get a tenant. With the query you can set rangeKey(isDeleted) to 0 or 1. This isnt how I would do it. As I said, would just read it and filter it at my application.
Another suggestion thing could be setting a GSI on isDeleted field and writing null when it is 0. This way you can only see that attribute in your table when its only 1. GSI on such attribute is called sparse index. Later if you need to get all the tenants that are deleted (isDeleted=1) you can simply scan that entire index without conditions. When you are writing null when its 0 dynamoDB wont put it in the index at the first place.

make book.randomID key in amazon dynamodb table

for some reason I want to use book.randomID as key in amazon DynamoDB table using java code. when i tried id added a new field in the item named "book.randomID"
List<KeySchemaElement> keySchema = new ArrayList<KeySchemaElement>();
keySchema.add(new KeySchemaElement().withAttributeName("conceptDetailInfo.conceptId").withKeyType(KeyType.HASH)); // Partition
and here is the json structure
so is it possible to use such element as key. if yes how can we use it as key
When creating DynamoDB tables AWS limits it to the types String, Binary and Number. Your attribute book.random seems to be a String.
As long as it's not one of the other data types like List, Map or Set you should be fine.
Just going to AWS console and trying it out worked for me:

NHibernate - Duplicate Records with lazily mapped collection

I have an entity, that has several collections,- each collection is mapped lazily. When I run a criteria query, I get duplicate results for my root entity in the result set. How's that possible when all my collections are mapped lazily!
I verified, my collections, load lazily.
Here's my mapping:
Root entity 'Project':
[Bag(0, Lazy = CollectionLazy.True, Inverse = true, Cascade = "all-delete-orphan")]
[Key(1, Column = "job_id")]
[OneToMany(2, ClassType = typeof(ProjectPlan))]
public virtual IList<ProjectPlan> PlanList
get { return _planList; }
set { _planList = value; }
The criteria query is:
ICriteria criteria = session.Session.CreateCriteria<Entities.Project>()
.Add(Restrictions.Eq(Entities.Project.PROP_STATUS, !Entities.Project.STATUS_DELETED_FLAG));
.CreateAlias(Entities.Project.PROP_PLANLIST, "p")
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("p.County", 'MIDDLSEX'))
I know, I can correct this problem w/ Distinct result transformer, I just want to know if this is normal behavior on lazy collections.
EDIT: I found the cause of this,- when looking at the raw SQL, the join, and where clause are correct but what baffles me is the generated Select clause,- it not only contains columns from the project entity (root entity) but also columns from the project plans entity which causes the issue I described above. I am not at work right now, but I'll try to do this: .SetProjection(Projections.RootEntity()), so I only get Project's columns in the select clause.
One way, how to solve this (I'd say so usual scenario) is: 1) not use fetching collections inside of the query and 2) use batch fetching, as a part of the mapping
So, we will always be querying the root entity. That will give us a flat result set, which can be correctly used for paging.
To get the collection data for each recieved row, and to avoid 1 + N issue (goign for collection of each record) we will use 19.1.5. Using batch fetching
The mapping would be like this
[Bag(0, Lazy = CollectionLazy.True
, Inverse = true
, Cascade = "all-delete-orphan"
, BatchSize = 25)] // Or something similar to batch-size="25"
[Key(1, Column = "job_id")]
[OneToMany(2, ClassType = typeof(ProjectPlan))]
public virtual IList<ProjectPlan> PlanList
Some other similar QA (with the almost same details)
How to Eager Load Associations without duplication in NHibernate?
NHibernate QueryOver with Fetch resulting multiple sql queries and db hits
Is this the right way to eager load child collections in NHibernate
And we still can filter over the collection items! but we have to use subqueries, an example Query on HasMany reference

Tridion Query for component that have no exact metadata field

I have a components that based on schema that have a non mandatory metadata field ExtendedType. I can query for a component that have this field with a certain value:
new CustomMetaValueCriteria(new CustomMetaKeyCriteria("ExtendedType"), "Highlight", Criteria.Equal)))
I need to query for a components that have no this field filled in. How can I query for a that.
In SQL I can write next:
select * from t where t.ExtendedType IS NULL
How can i do this using Trdion Query? In common i need to implement query like:
select * from t where t.ExtendedType = "Highlight" OR t.ExtendedType IS NULL
You might be able to achieve this with the NotInCriteria, as follows:
new NotInCriteria
new CustomMetaValueCriteria
new CustomMetaKeyCriteria("ExtendedType"), "%", Criteria.Like
I haven't tested this, it's just a thought. Even if it works, be sure to check if it performs as well!
PS: next time, please use the tridion.stackexchange.com forum for Tridion-related questions!
