excluding children from a firebase node with read access - firebase

I'm creating a simple chat application using firebase and am running into some issues with the available security settings.
The data model for this application is very simple and is as follows
name: //string
status: // what the user is doing, typing, still connected etc.
secret: // the problem is with this
{/* message to and payload*/}
the issue is that I only want the user that created the rooms[i].people[j] to be able to update the status of that person.
Being new to firebase I though I would be able to use the update function as follows
'status': // newStatus
'secret': // used to authorize the update
the problem with this is I can't find any way to make the secret write only and give access to the people at the same time. That is I need anyone to be able to pull the data located at rooms[i].people - meaning rooms[i].people would have to have ".read":true (in firebases security rules). But this would give read access to every child and anyone in the room would be able to see any one else's update secret. I'm I thinking of this problem incorrectly?
Is there a way to give read access to a parent but exclude some of the children from the results?

It depends a bit on how you're using the secret to implement authorization, but I suspect denormalizing your data is going to do the trick. Try something like this:
<user's ID>: {
}, ...
name: //string
status: // what the user is doing, typing, still connected etc.
{/* message to and payload*/}
That would allow you to segment the security rules:
"rules": {
"people-secrets": {
"$user_id": {
".read": "$user_id === auth.uid",
".write": "$user_id === auth.uid"
"rooms": {
"$room_id": {
"$user_id": {
".read": "auth.uid != null",
".write": "$user_id === auth.uid && root.child('people-secrets/' + auth.uid + "/secret") === <that token>"


Firebase Realtime Database Security Rules - How to get into second node

I am struggling with the security rules on the firebase realtime database. My database structure is as following:
On the first level you have Chats. On the second level there are the Chat partners (a concatenated string with user IDs of chat partners). On the third level you have the messages. And on the last level there are the variables datetime, userid and message.
My question is, how can I get into the second child node, e.g. check if the auth.uid is within the concataneted string. My idea was to give the users read access, if the userid is within the chatpartners string, to ensure that only the chatpartners can read their messages. Or is this a thinking error?
I have tryid a lot of things, however no success:
".read": "root.child('Chats').val().contains('auth.uid')"
"rules": {
"Chats": {
"$chatid": {
".read": "$chatid.contains(auth.uid)",
".write": "auth != null"
"Suchencards": {
".read": "true",
".write": "auth != null"
"UserData": {
"$uid": {
".read": "$uid === auth.uid",
".write": "$uid === auth.uid"
I am using the playground on firebase console to check if I get true or false, however in that case I get false.
#Update 2
You can only access data in your rules if you know the exact path to that data, so you won't be able to access all chats from a rule on /Chats. Trying to do so typically means that you're trying to define your rules on the wrong level.
For example, if you want to allow a user to read a specific child of Chats, you'll need to define rules on that level:
"$chatid": {
".read": "$chatid.contains(auth.uid)"
While the above will work for accessing a specific room, you will not be able to use this to query for all chat rooms that a user has access to (as Firebase queries don't support a "contains" operation). Have a look at the userChatrooms node in my answer here for a better model for tracking the chat rooms for a user: Best way to manage Chat channels in Firebase

Can I set one child to be .write: true whilst others are restricted?

I have an object called 'Service' This can be read by anyone but changes can only be made by the owner. My firebase rule for this is:-
"Service": {
".read": true,
"$uid": {
".write": data.child('owner').val() == auth.uid"
Service has a child called 'owner' which is == to the users UI when logging in through firebase Auth.
I also have a User object which can make a Service as a favourite. I'm saving these in the user object as an array of [businessKey:true].
However, I've been asked to also save in the Service object the reverse relation of what users have favourited it. So an array However as a user isn't always the owner of a service I come into a permissions error. I'm trying to write rules that allow anyone to write to one child but not the others.
I have tried...
"Service": {
".read": true,
"$uid": {
".write": data.child('owner').val() == auth.uid" || data.child('users').val() != root.child('users').val()"
this is would allow a write if the user was the Service owner or just changing the child 'users' The effect was that any user was able to write to anything.
I've also tried
"Service": {
".read": true,
"$uid": {
"$users": {
".write" : true,
".write": "data.child('owner').val() == auth.uid"
thinking this would always allow a write to 'users' and any other child if user was owner.
I'm pretty new to firebase and this rules syntax in general so I'm probably making some glaring error! If what I want to achieve possible? what have I got wrong?

firebase realtime database security rules for non user data

So, I have an app where users can order the cakes and do other profile management, the rules looks like below:
"rules": {
"cakes" : {
".read": true,
".write": false
"users": {
"$user_id": {
".read": "auth != null && $user_id === auth.uid",
".write": "auth != null && $user_id === auth.uid"
Simply, they mean any one can read the cakes node (but no one can write). And an authenticated user can see or write to his on node.
This is good so far.
Now, my requirement is: When someone places an order through the app then i need to store it to firebase db in a top level node (lets say it orders). The question is what kind of security would be placed on orders node?
In functional definition: The app should be able to create new orders as user checks out, no one except seller should be able to read those orders, only seller should be able to have update access to a order.
If you want everybody to be able to write orders, and nobody able to read, the rules are simply the inverse of the ones for cakes:
"rules": {
"orders" : {
".read": false,
"$orderId": {
".write": true
With this anyone can push new data under /orders. And as long as you use push() to generate the new keys, you're guaranteed that they'll never conflict.
With these rules only a system-level admin can read the data. That is: you can read it in the Firebase Console, or someone can read it if they use the Admin SDK.
You might want to open it up for reading a bit more, e.g. by having the concept of an application-level administrator. Say that your UID is uidOfVik, you could model a list of admins in your database:
admins: {
uidOfVik: true
Now you can allow only admins to read the orders with:
"rules": {
"orders" : {
".read": "root.child('admins').child(auth.uid).exists()",
"$orderId": {
".write": true

Firebase Database Rules: can't write to database

I tried to set some important write persmissions but I can't solve my problem. I got told that, if I add a write-rule to room, then I overwrite my room/$roomID/ingame rule.
What I'm trying to do is
Creating a room by auth users.
Set/update ingame of a room only by the creator of the room. (That works)
"rules": {
".read": true,
"user": {
".indexOn": "displayname"
"room": {
"$roomID": {
".write": "data.parent().child('creatorUid').val() == auth.uid"
How I call to create a new room:
let user = firebase.auth().currentUser
dbRoomRef.push().then((room) => {
creatorUid: user.uid,
ingame: false,
}).catch(function(err) {
Error message (as expected):
FIREBASE WARNING: set at /room/-L572bnuRv0_vntko-Bd failed: permission_denied
Thank you.
The error messages says that you're trying to write /room/-L572bnuRv0_vntko-Bd and have no permission to write there. That is correct, since your rules only give permission to write to /room/-L572bnuRv0_vntko-Bd/ingame.
If creatorUid is already set when you create the room, you don't have to include it in your write statement and can just do:
If you're trying to allow everyone to create a new room (or write to an existing room) as long as they are the owner, you need to set your rules one level higher:
"room": {
"$roomID": {
".write": "newData.child('creatorUid').val() == auth.uid"

Firebase: Cannot add user entry (`set` permission denied)

I want to ensure that a new user can be created (from the client), but only an authenticated user can read or write an existing object.
I have a simple rule set:
"rules": {
"users": {
"$uid": {
".read": "auth != null && auth.uid === $uid",
".write": "!data.exists() || auth.uid === $uid"
I am calling createUser and then in the callback I'm trying to add an entry to my own users object:
const usersRef = ref.child('users');
const userEntry = {
[userData.uid]: {
created: new Date().getTime()
I would have thought that even though the user is not yet logged in, they should have write permission because of !data.exists(). Yet I am getting a PERMISSION_DENIED error.
If I set ".write": true on the users level then it will cascade (and override?) my inner rules won't it?
This fails even with:
"users": {
"$uid": {
".read": true,
".write": true
I think I initially misunderstood the problem. In your current callback, you are trying to overwrite the entire users level because of how set works.
You would really want to set only the thing that doesn't exist:
const userRef = ref.child('users').child(userData.uid);
const userEntry = {
created: new Date().getTime()
Then, I think that your existing rules would work.
I think this a confusing question because creating a user and writing to the database are completely different things. So i will just show how i do it in my app.
First step is creating the user
Next log the user in because creating doesn't automaticly log the user in (I do this in the callback function of create user)
Last step is writing the user data to firebase
I use the following rule to make sure each user can only write to his own node in firebase (documentation):
"rules": {
"users": {
"$user_id": {
".write": "$user_id === auth.uid"
And one thing to keep in mind is that set() will replace any existing data at that path. So make sure you use the uid of the user and not the users node.
Finally i want to point out a huge flaw in the rules you posted in your question:
".write": "!data.exists() || auth.uid === $uid"
This rule states you can write if there isn't any data yet OR you have the correct uid. The first part of this statement is the problem because ANYONE can write to this locaion when there isn't any data. Also because $uid is a dynamic path you can add anything there like:
"users": {
"WoWIjustMadeThisUp": {
"nice": "Some huge value making you go over your limit"
If you want users to only write an initial value and after that won't be able to edit it just use a validate rule to check if there is already data at that location.
