Wordpress SEO by Yoast doesn't display meta tags on paginated pages - wordpress

I have a wordpress site that has SEO Meta tags populated by Yoast plugin.
This seems to work fine, except on any paginated page. On page2 or higher there is no
<meta name="description" > tag. Is there a simple setting I need to change? I can't find anything about it online at all.

You have to check if your Wordpress header.php has a line with:
<?php wp_head(); ?>
That allows Wordpress to inject code in the header. It has to be just before the closing head tag </head>. If not present just add it.


How to remove page name from google tab bar in wordpress

i want to remove the "home" or "shop" title from the google tab of my WordPress website as show in the picture.
how can i remove that "home" or any other page name from there in WordPress and just display my site name or maybe site title
You can do it by hooks, put this on function.php
function hairmone_title($title){
$title='Your new title'; //define your title here
return $title;
Easier is using Yoast Plugin
For all pages,
For single pages,
You should provide code here then we can help accurately.
But anyway, In header.php there is some code like <title><?php //Some Code Here ?></title>. You can remove everything between <title></title> and write your own text there.
For example <title> This is my website </title>

How do I stop Wordpress from inserting a noindex meta tag?

I'm trying to get my website to be indexed by search engines. According to this, something from Wordpress is injecting a meta tag that's preventing search engines from crawling my site: https://aw-snap.info/file-viewer/?protocol=secure&tgt=chrispokey.com
I'm beginning to think it's something to do with the wp_head(); function. What next steps can I take to remove the noindex tag that's somehow getting inserted in my website's header section?
if ( is_singular() ) wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' );
Please visit Settings ยป Reading and make sure you don't have checkbox checked near the "discourage robots" setting.

Trying to claim website URL for Facebook Instant Articles, but receive fb:pages error

The fb:pages tag on the url doesn't contain this page's id. The url has
fb:pages tag but they don't have this page's id. Please work with your
developers / webmaster to add this tag to your website.
On a Wordpress site, using a child theme. I copied the header.php file from the parent and uploaded it to the child theme, and placed the following code within the tags in the header.php file:
<meta property="fb:pages" content="#############" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
I have troubleshooted this issue in all the recommended ways, including clearing my browser and Wordpress cache, and still continue to get this error. What am I doing wrong?

Where is the metadata robots no index, no follow in my wordpress site comming from?

This is my wordpress site: linearedge.com
If you check the source code you will find:
<meta content="noindex,nofollow" name="robots">
I'm not using ANY SEO plugin, so, where is this coming from? I also checked my header.php and that line isn't there.
Its getting put in there by the call to wp_head() in the header.php file of your theme. Check your Search Engine Visibility setting (Settings > Reading). Make sure that box is unchecked.

Wordpress how to prevent category and archive crawl and index

I've noticed in Google's webmasters tools that I have two records showing where I have unexpected duplicated content.
Its apparently happening because Google has crawled and indexed my categories and archives although I have no visible links for either (that I'm aware of).
I'd like to prevent these items from being crawled and indexed, but how?
Here are the two records that Google's webmaster tools are showing....
One way to control spider access is of course to manually create (or modify) a robots.txt file.
However, for Wordpress, it might make more sense to use a plugin, such as Google Sitemap Generator or the more SEO-geared All in One SEO Pack
You could add an if statement to the header.php file
if(is_archive) {
<?php } ?>
Google should respect that. The is_archive conditional covers categories as well - http://codex.wordpress.org/Conditional_Tags#Any_Archive_Page
