MFC: Is there any way to active button without On_Bn_Clicked() event? - button

I have a task that are hiding a dialog but I need to click the button belong to this dialog to
implement some function before go to the next dialog.
But when I hide this dialog, I can't click the button. Is there any way to implement this button without On_Bn_Clicked() event? I mean that when the dialog is called, the button is also activated.
Thank for the helps.

When you click the button a few Windows messages are sent. The important ones are WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP which tells the button you clicked the left mouse button down and up. Then some time later a WM_COMMAND message is sent to the parent window to handle the button click. At that point your ON_COMMAND() MFC handler is called. MFC abstracts this all away from you for the most part.
You could go and simulate this using the Win32 SendMessage API but if the message pump is blocking your button may not be clicked when you think it will. If you want a quick answer to your question then this is an approach to "get it done". It would look something like this:
SendMessage(button.GetSafeHwnd(), WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, 0);
SendMessage(button.GetSafeHwnd(), WM_LBUTTONUP, MK_LBUTTON, 0);
I think a more sensible approach is to take the code that is in this On_Bn_Clicked() event handler and simply move it to a reusable function. This way you can call the code in On_Bn_Clicked() from anywhere in your program.

Just call On_Bn_Clicked() directly from your code. There is no harm in doing so. (I suppose you don't want to actually click the hidden button with the mouse...)


No event getting generated on button click in MFC

I have a dialog based application. I have one static text control and a button on this, both of which I have made invisible in the beginning. I want to show both the controls on reaching a certain condition. When I click this button, again I want to make both the controls invisible.
However, I am able to show and hide the control and also captured the button click event like this:
and defined OnBnClickedMyButton().
But when I press the button, it is not pressed and the event is also not generated.
Any suggestions?
First check if the IDC_MY_BUTTON exists and is valid.
Remember to add DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() at the header file.
Also check at the BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(MyClass,MyParentClass) if the class
and the parent class you write are right.
I hope this helps.
I think the IDC_MY_BUTTON maybe is invalid or other control has the same ID.
Well, finally I have come to know that though the button was visible but on clicking it was not taking control, hence I used BringWindowToTop() to draw it on top. Now it is being clicked and OnBnClickedMyButton() is also being called.
But now the issue is that after calling BringWindowToTop() the button is not shown. It is shown only when I take the mouse pointer on it. Not able to understand what is the issue.

How to catch all and only button release events in Qt?

My team is developing an UI for an apparatus with touch screen and we would like it to emit a sound (from a buzzer) each time the user correctly presses a button (so using the release event). Notice that I don't want to play the sound after each click on the interface, but only when the click is over a button.
We use many types of button, sometimes QPushButton and most of the times customized buttons derived from QAbstractButton. In most cases these buttons get an objectName.
So I supposed in order to do that, I would have to catch the MouseButtonRelease event and since I'm already working with a subclass of QApplication to handle excetions, I decided to do this in the notify function.
I tried, then, some methods to recognized when the MouseButtonRelease was related to a button but none of them were successfull. The best one, verifying the receiver's objectName was still not good enought not only because not all buttons had an objectName (which, of course, can be handled), but specially because not always the event was caught for buttons with names set. In other words, sometimes I would click in a button and it recognizes the event and sometimes I would click in the same button and the event is not recognized.
I did some research and another method I found was to set an event filter in the MainWindow, but not all widgets have the MainWindow as their parent which means I would have to Ctrl+c / Ctrl+V the same code time after time when I obviously want something more localized (i.e. in only one spot).
So why it happens that the notify not always handles the events? And how could I do this? Any suggestions are appreciated specially one that is less heavier then handling the events globally.
As info, the other two ways I tried to catch the events with similar or even worst results inside notify were with receiver->inherits("...") and qobject_cast< QAbstractButton* >(receiver).

Detect right clicks on a RichEditableText

I am currently implementing squiggly in a flex application to enable spell checking. Due to certain requirements, I can not use SquigglyUI to hook onto my spark RichEditableText. I have successfully used com.adobe.linguistics.utils.TextTokenizer to tokenize and highlight mispelt words.
I would like to be able to let the user rightclick on a mispelled word and show a list of suggestions in the context menu using getSuggestions.
I have tried to attach a listener to my RichEditableText:
richtexteditor.addEventListener("rightClick", showSuggestions);
And this is my event handler:
private function showSuggestions(event:MouseEvent):void{
trace('hi there');
The problem is when debugging the application, I never get the trace in my console as the rightclick event is never dispatched. In addition, I need to detect the word the user has right clicked on. How can I go about doing this and how can I detect right clicks?
All I had to do was add an event handler to the contextmenu property of the richeditable text:
richtexteditor.contextMenu.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_SELECT, doSomething);
r.addEventListener(MouseEvent.RIGHT_CLICK, listener)
This will listen for the right-click of the mouse (Flex4.5)

QTableView: Best way to change activation-trigger to double-click

In my application, I have one tableview of items, and a side-panel "preview":ing the latest selected item.
I want clicking on an item to change the selection, and double-clicking to cause a "run"-action to be performed. More specifically, I want the "run"-action (including key-navigation and pressing enter) to be bound to the "activation" of the item in the table-row.
My problem is; single-clicks does not only change the selection, but fires the "activated" signal on the item. I would like to tweak it such that:
Navigation Keys, Single Mouse Click: Selection-change, update preview-panel
Enter Key, Double Mouse Click: Activate/run/open action triggered.
Is there a nice clean way to do it, or are overriding the onclick/doubleclick events my best option? Or is there some other tabular list-widget better suiting my needs?
I would connect the slot for the preview action to the currentChanged() signal of the table view's selectionModel(). This covers single clicks and key navigation.
Then there's two options for the double clicks and Enter key presses:
Subclass your tableview, override doubleClickEvent() and keyPressEvent() and fire your custom signal in there, with maybe the model index or something else as an argument. Then just connect your run method to your own signal as you have full control over when it is fired.
If you don't want to subclass, you can use the installEventFilter() mechanism.
Either I'm getting your approach wrong or I'm too tired, but if you want to trigger a run event you should avoid the activated signal completely. Set the signal slot mechanism so that your double click and Enter key press event trigger your run() function, and then the single click/nav buttons should trigger the 'activated' slot which will return your index in the tableview.
I'm pretty certain Qt wants you to be explicit about which signal points to which slot or it'll ignore it or point to a default.

jQuery dialog serving multiple button's click event handller

I have a scenario where...
1.) Have created a div with a dropdown list and ok, cancel button
2.) On document ready - registering div created on step 1 into a jQuery dialog
3.) on a javascript button click - I am opening this dialog box.
4.) Now, the problem is - the jQuery dialogbox which I have created, needs to be used by other button clicks as well on same page. Now, my div's (which is a dialog at runtime using jQuery) ok button click is already engaged with a javascript function (button1 click) and I can not associate other button's click events with it - thus stuck up here and have no clues or hit to resolve this.
Anyone have faced this issue in, jquery earlier? Can someone provide a guidance?
Why you cant associate another event?
buttons will have different id. Is it?
$('#button1').click(function() {
alert('Handler for button 1 .click() called.');
$('#button2').click(function() {
alert('Handler for button 2 .click() called.');
Is this not possible in your case.?
1) disassociate the click handler when the function opens the div, then later in the function of opening the div associate a click handler to the button.
2) create multiple buttons toggle them all hidden, associate the click handler to each button you want. When the div is opened do a check to see which button to toggle to visible.
3) create no buttons but have a function create the button on the fly. When the div is opened, create the button for that div by calling the function and passing in a code telling it which button to open and what to associate to the click handler (this can be stored in an array and all that is passed in is the key).
Depending on the application, I have used all of these methods. The last one can have a twist that allows it to call an ajax server based application to get the button text and functionality (stored in a database), this saves you from having to load an array with button data, and also allows for easier expansion of the application.
