I have to send a Flat File with each text field with the wrap character "". I have requirement that if the field has no data there should not be any "" in it. But when I make the wrap Character for a field, by default there is "" in the output irrespective of there is data or empty. How can I handle this.
I am getting output as
"ABC", "","ABC,DEF","ABC#org.com"
But I want it to be
you have to create a custom pipeline component to replace the empty "" by a simple empty.
this an artcile explaining how to do it : http://boutalebhicham.wordpress.com/2014/09/16/developing-biztalk-custom-pipeline-component/
I am trying to import a .csv file to match the records in the database. However, the database records has leading zeros. This is a character field The amount of data is a bit higher side.
Here the length of the field in database is x(15).
The problem I am facing is that the .csv file contains data like example AB123456789 wherein the database field has "00000AB123456789" .
I am importing the .csv to a character variable.
Could someone please let me know what should I do to get the prefix zeros using progress query?
Thank you.
You need to FILL() the input string with "0" in order to pad it to a specific length. You can do that with code similar to this:
define variable inputText as character no-undo format "x(15)".
define variable n as integer no-undo.
input from "input.csv".
import inputText.
n = 15 - length( inputText ).
if n > 0 then
inputText = fill( "0", n ) + inputText.
display inputText.
input close.
Substitute your actual field name for inputText and use whatever mechanism you are actually using for importing the CSV data.
FYI - the "length of the field in the database" is NOT "x(15)". That is a display formatting string. The data dictionary has a default format string that was created when the schema was defined but it has absolutely no impact on what is actually stored in the database. ALL Progress data is stored as variable length length. It is not padded to fit the display format and, in fact, it can be "overstuffed" and it is very, very common for applications to do so. This is a source of great frustration to SQL reporting tools that think the display format is some sort of length limit. It is not.
I have the following string in TextMeshPro: "<style=Title>This is a Title (...)".
I would like to translate the StyleTag to the defined Opening Tags.
For this example it would translate the string above to the following: "<size=125%><align=center>This is a Title (...)".
How can I do this?
You can get the OpeningTags to a StyleTag by calling the following function: TMP_StyleSheet.GetStyle("[StyleName]").styleOpeningDefinition (with TMP_StyleSheet being a reference to the used TMP-StyleSheet).
So a possible solution is to extract the StyleName from your string (e.g. "(...text) <style=Example> (text...)" would become "Example") and feed it to the function above. Regular Expressions can help to extract the StyleName from your string. Then replace the whole tag with whatever the function returns (e.g. "<size=125%>"). (Note: It returns Null if the tag does not exist). Then do the same with the closing tag.
I'm writing a test case in robot framework. I'm getting the response in below json string:
"groupConfigRules" {
From that I want to take "_object" using:
${reqresstr} = ${response['_object']}
... but am getting the error "No keyword with name '=' found" error
If I try the following:
${reqresstr}= ${response['_object']}
... I'm getting the error "Keyword name cannot be empty." I tried removing the '=' but still get the same error.
How can I extract '_object' from that json string?
When using the "=" for variable assignment with the space-separated format, you must make sure you have no more than a single space before the "=". Your first example shows that you've got more than one space on either side of the "=". You must have only a single space before the = and two or more after, or robot will think the spaces are a separator between a keyword and argument.
For the "keyword must not be empty" error, the first cell after a variable name must be a keyword. Unlike traditional programming languages, you cannot directly assign a string to a variable.
To set a variable to a string you need to use the Set Variable keyword (or one of the variations such as Set Test Variable). For example:
${reqresstr}= Set variable ${response['_object']}
${reqresstr}= '${response["_object"]}'
wrap it inside quotes and two spaces after =
There is a syntax error in your command. Make sure there is a space between ${reqresstr} and =.
Using your example above:
${reqresstr} = ${response['_object']}
This might have been asked and solved before, I just can't get a straightforward answer.
I got the following:
text <- 'Testing to be translated'
Which I am trying to get into JSON format like:
[{"Text": "Testing to be translated"}]
I have tried using toJSON but I could not get that structure.
Additionally, I did some quick-fix:
paste0('[{"Text":"', text, '"}]')
Which would work fine; however, I have some strings with the " and ' characters in it and they would break this code.
Any input would be helpful.
More context: I am using a GET request to translate text from Azure server, could not use translateR so I am creating my own function.
To create an array, pass jsonlite::toJSON an unnamed list or vector. You should also set auto_unbox=TRUE so that scalars aren't treated as arrays.
text <- 'Testing to be translated'
jsonlite::toJSON(list(list(Text=text)), auto_unbox=TRUE)
# [{"Text":"Testing to be translated"}]
A blank space will be treated as 0 if using float:
for eg:
declare #f float
set #f = ''
print #f
I tried using blank spaces in the columns using update statement, the output will be 0.
But i want to save blank space and retrieve blackspace for field value.
How to possible this.
I am using to update table value from xml file,i am getting balnk value from xml file,but i save this,it will be saved like zero,but i wnat to save this as blank
I need to allow blank space for an decimal parameter how can we do that ?
In order to store a blank like you require in a float column, you need to make it nullable and save null value into this column.
Empty string ('') can only be saved into varchar, text and similar text columns.