Can't build libxml++ - libxml2

I have some legacy code which uses libxml++. I try to build it on RedHat:
There is a compilation error in libxml++/parsers/ error: 'auto_ptr' is not a member of 'std'
If I include in this file, there are much more other errors.
Maybe I should pass some extra options for configure?
Anybody have a ready rpm with libxml++-2.6 for RedHat?

I included header memory in 2 files: libxml++/parsers/, libxml++/parsers/textreader.h
After that I compiled the library.


command line compiling generates bigger file than the online version

I am testing google closure compiler on command line.
I took the latest version :
java -jar closure-compiler.jar --version
Closure Compiler (
Version: v20190618
Built on: 2019-06-21 17:24
I am generating a compressed version of my javascript like this :
java -jar closure-compiler.jar my_script.js > out.js
The problem is that the generated code is bigger than the one I get when I use the online service at
I noticed that the command line version added, at the beginning, the following code :
var $jscomp=$jscomp||{};$jscomp.scope={};$jscomp.findInternal=function(a,c,b){a instanceof String&&(a=String(a));for(var d=a.length,e=0;e<d;e++){var f=a[e];if(,f,e,a))return{i:e,v:f}}return{i:-1,v:void 0}};$jscomp.ASSUME_ES5=!1;$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_MAP=!1;$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_SET=!1;$jscomp.SIMPLE_FROUND_POLYFILL=!1;
$jscomp.defineProperty=$jscomp.ASSUME_ES5||"function"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(a,c,b){a!=Array.prototype&&a!=Object.prototype&&(a[c]=b.value)};$jscomp.getGlobal=function(a){return"undefined"!=typeof window&&window===a?a:"undefined"!=typeof global&&null!=global?global:a};$$jscomp.getGlobal(this);
$jscomp.polyfill=function(a,c,b,d){if(c){b=$;a=a.split(".");for(d=0;d<a.length-1;d++){var e=a[d];e in b||(b[e]={});b=b[e]}a=a[a.length-1];d=b[a];c=c(d);c!=d&&null!=c&&$jscomp.defineProperty(b,a,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:c})}};$jscomp.polyfill("Array.prototype.find",function(a){return a?a:function(a,b){return $jscomp.findInternal(this,a,b).v}},"es6","es3");
I do not have such a code in my script: Where does it come from ?
how can I produce the same output as the online version ?
To get the compiler command line work as the web service, I just added an option :
This is likely a discrepancy between the settings on the web service and the ones you're using locally.
Have a look at a Closure Compiler: Flags and Options to see what settings you might prefer.
If you'd share your source, it'd be possible to try and help you narrow down the options.
As for the extra code, I believe it is at least partially a polyfill for Array.prototype.find (aka [].find), which I assume is in your code?
If so, that's Closure injecting code to improve your cross browser compatibility.

GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK syntax error on configure

On "./configure" of an open source project I get:
user agent OS = Linux
./configure: line 13957: syntax error near unexpected token 0.9.3'
./configure: line 13957: GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK(0.9.3)'
make: *** [config.status] Error 2
Ubuntu 12.04 package "gobject-introspection" and "libgirepository1.0-dev" are present. Removing the GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK line allows configure to complete, but the project fails a dependency later.
How can I get past this configure step cleanly? Googling for this issue shows bugs filed against numerous OS projects for this same blocking issue, but the usual answer is "install gobject-introspection".
As the OP discovered on his own he had to install the gobject-introspection package to get the m4 macros that were being used.
The error message has the raw macro in it, as configure scripts are generated from files via m4/etc the fact that the raw macro is in the output file indicates that the macro did not get translated at generation time.
The gobject-introspection m4 files were apparently installed after (or equivalent) was run to generate the configure script. Re-running the script should regenerate the configure script and run the macro correctly.

Fail to link to standard library of Ocaml-java (or Cafesterol)

I am a new user of Ocaml-java (or Cafesterol) which compiles primtive Ocaml program to executable jar that is allowed run on JVM. However when I try to compile a test program into executable jar I got error info as follow:
>java -jar ~/ocaml-project/ocamljava-bin-1.4/bin/ocamljava.jar -standalone -o regexdna.jar
File "", line 1, characters 0-1:
Error: No implementations provided for the following modules:
Str referenced from regexdna.cmj
Unix referenced from regexdna.cmj
It seems module Str and Unix is missing from Ocaml-java. However, str.jar and unix.jar do exist under ~/ocaml-project/ocamljava-bin-1.4/lib/others/ when I install Ocaml-java, and within these jars we do have Str.class and Unix.class. (I suppose this directory is on the path of the standard library of Ocaml-java, so it should be included in default search path)
Can any Ocaml-java user tell me how Ocaml-java search for dependency libraries?
Quoting Xavier Clerc on this :
Well it should work, but you have to pass explicitly the referenced
library (just as in vanilla OCaml). Leading in your case to:
$ /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -jar ~/opt/ocamljava-2.0-early-access9/lib/ocamljava.jar str.cmja
Note that I am using the latest ocamljava preview.

Error while running make autoannotate sundance_apps 4.3.7

I am trying to install opinionfinder and I getting stuck when i am trying to make autoannotate for sundance apps.
The error log I get is huge and it has all undefined reference errors.
The first line says in function 'my_init_sundance(sunstr,sunstr)' and a list of undefined reference errors.
Anyway i can solve it?
Thanks in advance.
Before trying to compile autoannotate you must make sure Sundance compiled successfully. Check that your sundance-4.37/bin contains: aslog nlp prepro
In order for Sundance to compile on my 64 bit machine I had to edit the Makefile files in both src and include and add -m32 to the CFLAGS variable (or the NormalCC). Also down after the shared_lib_linux: target. Since I am on OSX I also had to add -dynamic flat to NormalOpts and LIBS.

illegal text reloc to non_lazy_ptr error while building in xcode 4 with libav* libraries

I'm trying to build a simple application that uses ffmpeg's libav* libraries in xcode 4 and getting the following error:
ld: illegal text reloc to non_lazy_ptr from /ffmpeg/temp/ffmpeg-0.8/builduni/lib/libavcodec.a(ac3.o) in _ff_ac3_bit_alloc_calc_psd for architecture i386
I've already tried to run ranlib -c libavcodec.a to fix this problem, but nothing happend.
One more thing: my libav* libraries are fat binaries (i386 + x86_64).
Any ideas what can it be?
I have the same error. Finally, I got the solution at
just add other link flag:
-read_only_relocs suppress
* EXPLANATION * The two assembly commands load the absolutes address of _trail into R15. Doing so is fine if _trail is ultimately
in the same linkage unit. _trail is in libmodule.dylib. For this to
work, at runtime the dynamic loader (dyld) would have to rewrite the
two instructions. Normally dyld only updates data pointers. One work
around is to make libdyalog an archive (e.g. libdyalog.a) and link
that with pere.s. Then all the code would be in the same linkage unit,
so there would be no need for runtime text relocs. The runtime (dyld)
does support text relocs (updating instructions) for i386, but you
need to link with -read_only_relocs suppress.
