How to create user subscriber in aweber? - aweber

Anyone can help ,
I have created an api key and and secret key but I am getting an issue regarding to the login section means the api redirect to the url and here need a username and password but I am inserting my username and password but its not open and send me a message like
Notice: Invalid credentials - please retry

Make sure that you're using valid AWeber credentials when filling out that form. The username/password are not the API developer account from, but an actual AWeber account (i.e. what you would use to login to


Evernote SCIM API - Password reset

I can update the user attributes like userName, familyName, givenName, formatted, active and displayName using API [Method=PUT , URL=https:///scim/v2/] and I tried to do the same with the password attribute , It responds with status [200 - OK] , but the user's password is not updated.
Is there any other API is available for password reset?
Try doing GET request on /v2/ServiceProviderConfig and looking for the returned data. changePassword.supported should be false, which will confirm that changing password is not supported.
Now, SCIM is supposed to be only available when Single Sign On (SSO) is enabled on a business account (see this Help Center article). This means that users sign in using the SSO provider and are not supposed to have any Evernote-specific passwords. It's SSO provider that needs to take care about password management.

Meteor accounts set password throws server error

I use "sendResetPasswordEmail" to send reset password email to newly created user. Email goes well and the link work as expected bringing the user who got the email to reset password route. After setting passwords and submitting the form I get the following error in server(see below screenshot) and an "Internal error" message in client.
The user is actually created and has a token in password property but the password is not set.
I am having really bad time debugging it because I can not find the source. What am I doing wrong here? Is "sendResetPasswordEmail" used only when reseting existing user?
Thank you guys!
If you want a newly-created user to set password, use Accounts.sendEnrollmentEmail.
Read this docs for information about how to use Accounts.sendEnrollmentEmail.

OneDrive Webservice - Can different users access my OneDrive?

i want to implement a REST webservice in my wordpress blog. Visitors or other users can select images from my OneDrive Account and order them.
My problem is when i get the authentication code i must enter my password für OneDrive. After that i get the access_token. The access_token has only a runtime for 1 hour.
When i order i new access_token the code is expired and i must get a new authentication code with my user password.
How i can implement a webservice for OneDrive without enter my own password everytime?
Thanks for your help.
When you get the access_token through the code flow when authing you should also see a refresh_token come back (provided you requested the wl.offline_access scope). You should be able to use that to get a new access_token by using the this process without requiring user interaction.

/oauth/token from Controller

I want to implement oauth2 in my website.
I have the server configured.
In current scenario there is a login page, where user puts her credentials which in turn is submitted to my login controller. Now I want to authenticate user using oauth2. Since the server and client are part of same application I am wondering how to go ahead.
I want to authenticate the user via oauth and return the dashboard along with the bearer token so that next call can me made from here.
Please suggest how to go ahead. If there is a better way to do i am more than happy to adapt it.
Configure authorization server with spring-security-oauth. All the necessary endpoints will be mapped automatically (including /oauth/token)
Make a simple webpage with login form
Make POST request to /oauth/token with the username and password. In addition you have to send field called grant_type which will be filled with 'password' value.
As a response you will receive the access token. This means that you are authenticated.
P.S. Please pay attention that Oauth is the authorization standard, not the authentication one!

Posting to news feed with specified username and password

How do you post an update to a Facebook wall with Facebook PHP SDK and not need an authentication every time we call the script, when we have just specified an username and a password? I just read this link,, but we still need to log in.
You cannot use the API without authentication. It defeats the purpose of privileged access to the API.
Please read up on authentication and extended access tokens.
