Importing and accessing large data files in Shiny - r

I have an app where I want to pull out values from a lookup table based on user inputs. The reference table is a statistical test, based on a calculation that'd be too slow to do for all the different combinations of user inputs. Hence, a lookup table for all the possibilities.
But... right now the table is about 60 MB (as .Rdata) or 214 MB (as .csv), and it'll get much larger if I expand the possible user inputs. I've already reduced the number of significant figures in the data (to 3) and removed the row/column names.
Obviously, I can preload the lookup table outside the reactive server function, but it'll still take a decent chunk of time to load in that data. Does anyone have any tips on dealing with large amounts of data in Shiny? Thanks!

flaneuse, we are still working with a smaller set that you but we have been experimenting with:
Use rds for our data
As #jazzurro mentioned rds above, and you seem to know how to do this, but the syntax for others is below.
Format .rds allows you to bring in a single R object so you can rename it if needs be.
In your prep data code, for example:
mystorefile <- file.path("/my/path","data.rds")
# ... do data stuff
# Save down (assuming mydata holds your data frame or table)
saveRDS(mydata, file = mystorefile)
In your shiny code:
# Load in my data
x <- readRDS(mystorefile)
Remember to copy your data .rds file into your app directory when you deploy. We use a data directory /myapp/data and then file.path for store file is changed to "./data" in our shiny code.
We have placed our readRDS calls to load in our data in this global file (instead of in server.R before shinyServer() call), so that is run once, and is available for all sessions, with the added bonus it can be seen by ui.R.
See this scoping explanation for R Shiny.
Slice and dice upfront
The standard daily reports use the most recent data. So I make a small latest.dt in my global.R of a smaller subset of my data. So the landing page with the latest charts work with this smaller data set to get faster charts.
The custom data tab which uses the full.dt then is on a separate tab. It is slower but at that stage the user is more patient, and is thinking of what dates and other parameters to choose.
This subset idea may help you.
Would be interested in what others (with more demanding data sets have tried)!


Copying data from SQL Server to R using ODBC connection

I have successfully set up a R SQL Server ODBC connection by doing:
DBI_connection <- dbConnect(odbc(),
driver = "SQL Server"
server = server_name
database = database_name)
Dataset_in_R <- dbFetch(dbSendQuery(DBI_connection,
"SELECT * FROM MyTable_in_SQL"))
3 quick questions:
1-Is there a quicker way to copy data from SQL Server to R? This table has +44million rows and it is still running...
2-If I make any changes to this data in R does it change anything in my MyTable_in_SQL? I dont think so because I have saved it in a global data.frame variable in R, but just checking.
3-How to avoid going through this step every time I open R? Is there a way to save my data.frame in the "background" in R?
1: Is there a quicker way to copy data from SQL Server to R?
The answer here is rather simple to answer. the odbc package in R does quite a bit under-the-hood to ensure compatibility between the result fetched from the server and R's data structure. It might be possible to obtain a slight increase in speed by using an alternative package (RODBC is an old package, and it sometimes seems faster). In this case however, with 44 mil. rows, I expect that the bigger performance boost comes from preparing your sql-statement. The general idea would be to
Remove any unnecessary columns. Remember each column will need to be downloaded, so if you have 20 columns, removing 1 column may reduce your query execution time by ~5% (assuming linear run-time)
If you plan on performing aggregation, it will (very close to almost) faster to perform this directly in your query, eg, if you have a column called Ticker and a column called Volume and you want the average value of Volume you could calculate this directly in your query. Similar for last row using last_value(colname) over ([partition by [grouping col 1], [grouping col 2] ...] order by [order col 1], [order col 2]) as last_value_colname.
If you choose to do this, it might be beneficial to test your query on a small subset of rows using TOP N or LIMIT N eg: select [select statement] from mytable_in_sql order by [order col] limit 100 which would only return the first 100 rows. As Martin Schmelzer commented this can be done via R with the dplyr::tbl function as well, however it is always faster to correct your statement.
Finally if your query becomes more complex (does not seem to be the case here), it might be beneficial to create a View on the table CREATE VIEW with the specific select statement and query this view instead. The server will then try to optimize the query, and if your problem is on the server side rather than local side, this can improve performance.
Finally one must state the obvious. As noted above when you query the server you are downloading some (maybe quite a lot) of data. This can be improved by improving your internet connection either by repositioning your computer, router or directly connecting via a cord (or purely upgrading ones internet connection). For 44 Mil. rows if you have only a single 64 bit double precision variable, you have 44 * 10^6 / 1024^3 = 2.6 GiB of data (if not compressed). If you have 10 columns, this goes up to 26 GiB of data. It simply is going to take quite a long time to download all of this data. Thus getting this row count down would be extremely helpful!
As a side note you might be able to simply download the table directly via SSMS slightly faster (still slow due to table size) and then import the file locally. For the fastest speed you likely have to look into the Bulk import and export functionality of SQL-server.
2: If I make any changes to this data in R does it change anything in my MyTable_in_SQL?
No: R has no internal pointer/connection once the table has been loaded. I don't even believe a package exists (in R at least) that opens a stream to the table which could dynamically update the table. I know that a functionality like this exists in Excel, but even using this has some dangerous side effects and should (in my opinion) only be used in read-only applications, where the user wants to see a (almost) live-stream of the data.
3: How to avoid going through this step every time I open R? Is there a way to save my data.frame in the "background" in R?
To avoid this, simply save the table after every session. Whenever you close Rstudio it will ask you if you want to save your current session, and here you may click yes, at which point it will save .Rhistory and .Rdata in the getwd() directory, which will be imported the next time you open your session (unless you changed your working directory before closing the session using setwd(...). However I highly suggest you do not do this for larger datasets, as it will cause your R session to take forever to open the next time you open R, as well as possibly creating unnecessary copies of your data (for example if you import it into df and make a transformation in df2 then you will suddenly have 2 copies of a 2.6+ GiB dataset to load every time you open R). Instead I highly suggest saving the file using arrow::write_parquet(df, file_path), which is a much (and I mean MUCH!!) faster alternative to saving as RDS or csv files. These can't be opened as easily in Excel, but can be opened in R using arrow::read_parquet and python using pandas.read_parquet or pyarrow.parquet.read_parquet, while being compressed to a size that is usually 50 - 80 % smaller than the equivalent csv file.
If you already did save your R session after loading in the file, and you experience a very slow startup, I suggest removing the .RData file from your working directory. Usually the documents folder (C:/Users/[user]/Documents) from your system.
On question 2 you're correct, any changes in R won't change anything in the DB.
About question 3, you can save.image() or save.image('path/image_name.Rdata') and it will save your environment so you can recover it later on another session with load.image('path/image_name.Rdata').
Maybe with this you don't need a faster way to get data from a DB.

File organization - how to handle different combinations of filters on one data.frame efficiently?

I currently do a lot of descriptive analysis in R. I always work with a data.table like df
net <- seq(1,20,by=2)
gross <- seq(2,20,by=2)
color <- c("green", "blue", "white")
height <- c(170,172,180,188)
df <- data.table(net,gross,color,height)
In order to obtain results, I do apply a lot of filters.
Sometimes I use one filter, sometimes I use a combination of multiple filters, e.g.:
df[color=="green" & height>175]
In my real data.table, I have 7 columns and all kind of filter-combinations.
Since I always address the same data.table, I'd like to find the most efficient way to filter the data.
So far, my files are organized like this (bottom-up):
execution level: multiple R-scripts with a very specific job (no interaction between them) that calculate and write the results to an excel file using XL Connect
source file: this file receives a pre-filtered data.table and sources all files from the execution level. It is necessary in case I add/remove files on the execution level.
filter files: read the data.table and apply one or multiple filters, as shown above with df_green_high. By filtering, filter files create a
new data.table and source the "source file" with this new filtered table.
I am currently challenged, since I have too many filter files. Having 7 variables, there is such a large number of combinations of filter, so I'll get lost sooner or later.
How can I do my analysis more efficient (reduce the number of "filter files"?)
How can I conveniently name the exported files according to the filters used?
I have read Workflow for statistical analysis and report writing and some other similar questions. However, in this case, I always refer to the same basic table, so there should be a more efficient way. I do not have a CS background, so any help is highly appreciated. On SOF, I also read about creating a package, but I am not sure if this reasonable.
I usually do it like this:
create a list called say "my_case_list"
filter data, do computation on the filtered data
add a column called "case" to each filtered dataset. Fill this column with some string i.e. "case 1: color=="green" & height>175"
put this data to my_case_list
convert list to data.frame like object
export results to sql server
import results from sql server to Excel Pivot table
make sense of results
Automate the process as much as possible.

How can I check that new data extracts have the same structure?

I work for a research consortium with a web-based data management system that's managed by another agency. I can download the underlying data from that system as a collection of CSV files. Using R and knitr, I've built a moderately complex reporting system on top of those files. But every so often, the other agency changes the format of the data extracts and blows up my reports (or worse, changes it in a subtle yet nefarious way that I don't notice for weeks).
They'll probably never notify me when these things happen, so I suppose I should be testing more. I'd like to start by testing that those CSV files have the same structure each time (but allowing different numbers of rows as we collect more data). What's the best way to do that? R is my preferred tool but I'm interested in hearing about others that are free and on Windows.
If your files are just CSVs, here is an example (assuming you keep a reference file around):
reference.file <- read.csv("ref.csv")
new.file <- read.csv("new.file")
struct.extract <- function(df) {
vapply(df, class, character(1L)),
attributes(df)[names(attributes(df)) != "row.names"]
identical(struct.extract(reference.file), struct.extract(new.file))
This compares attributes of the data frame, as well as classes of the columns. If you need to get more detailed on column format you can extend this easily. This assumes the reports are not changing # of rows (or columns), but if that's the case, that should be easy to modify as well.

Sample A CSV File Too Large To Load Into R?

I have a 3GB csv file. It is too large to load into R on my computer. Instead I would like to load a sample of the rows (say, 1000) without loading the full dataset.
Is this possible? I cannot seem to find an answer anywhere.
If you don't want to pay thousands of dollars to Revolution R so that you can load/analyze your data in one go, sooner or later, you need to figure out a way to sample you data.
And that step is easier to happen outside R.
(1) Linux Shell:
Assuming your data falls into a consistent format. Each row is one record. You can do:
sort -R data | head -n 1000 >data.sample
This will randomly sort all the rows and get the first 1000 rows into a separate file - data.sample
(2) If the data is not small enough to fit into memory.
There is also a solution to use database to store the data. For example, I have many tables stored in MySQL database in a beautiful tabular format. I can do a sample by doing:
select * from tablename order by rand() limit 1000
You can easily communicate between MySQL and R using RMySQL and you can index your column to guarantee the query speed. Also you can verify the mean or standard deviation of the whole dataset versus your sample if you want taking the power of database into consideration.
These are the two most commonly used ways based on my experience for dealing with 'big' data.

Undo command in R

I can't find something to the effect of an undo command in R (neither on An Introduction to R nor in R in a Nutshell). I am particularly interested in undoing/deleting when dealing with interactive graphs.
What approaches do you suggest?
You should consider a different approach which leads to reproducible work:
Pick an editor you like and which has R support
Write your code in 'snippets', ie short files for functions, and then use the facilities of the editor / R integration to send the code to the R interpreter
If you make a mistake, re-edit your snippet and run it again
You will always have a log of what you did
All this works tremendously well in ESS which is why many experienced R users like this environment. But editors are a subjective and personal choice; other people like Eclipse with StatET better. There are other solutions for Mac OS X and Windows too, and all this has been discussed countless times before here on SO and on other places like the R lists.
In general I do adopt Dirk's strategy. You should aim for your code to be a completely reproducible record of how you have transformed your raw data into output.
However, if you have complex code it can take a long time to re-run it all. I've had code that takes over 30 minutes to process the data (i.e., import, transform, merge, etc.).
In these cases, a single data-destroying line of code would require me to wait 30 minutes to restore my workspace.
By data destroying code I mean things like:
x <- merge(x, y)
df$x <- df$x^2
e.g., merges, replacing an existing variable with a transformation, removing rows or columns, and so on. In these cases, it's easy, especially when first learning R to make a mistake.
To avoid having to wait this 30 minutes, I adopt several strategies:
If I'm about to do something where there's a risk of destroying my active objects, I'll first copy the result into a temporary object. I'll then check that it worked with the temporary object and then rerun replacing it with the proper object.
E.g., first run temp <- merge(x, y); check that it worked str(temp); head(temp); tail(temp) and if everything looks good x <- merge(x, y)
As is common in psychological research, I often have large data frames with hundreds of variables and different subsets of cases. For a given analysis (e.g., a table, a figure, some results text), I'll often extract just the subset of cases and variables that I need into a separate object for the analysis and work with that object when preparing and finalising my analysis code. That way, I'm less likely to accidentally damage my main data frame. This assumes that the results of the analysis does not need to be fed back into the main data frame.
If I have finished performing a large number of complex data transformations, I may save a copy of the core workspace objects. E.g., save(x, y, z , file = 'backup.Rdata') That way, If I make a mistake, I only have to reload these objects.
df$x <- NULL is a handy way of removing a variable in a data frame that you did not want to create
However, in the end I still run all the code from scratch to check that the result is reproducible.
