Can netty be used with jssc for serial comms? - serial-port

I've used netty with udp and tcp protocols.
To my surprise it can be used with serial port as well.
Transport used is rxtx, there are a very few positive recommendations for rxtx.
Can netty be used with jssc instead of rxtx?
Should an application developer really care about the underlying implementation (rxtx or jssc)?
Should there be a problem developing in x86 then swapping to ARM?

There is currently no support for jssc, but you could write your own transport implementation using it.

As Norman said you could write your own jssc channel implementation to make it work with netty. However you may find ready libraries here below:
Original lib:
My fork with some fixes:
Regarding ARM/x86 question I believe jssc supports ARM, but I did not try it.
Regarding rxtx and jssc comparison I had unpleasant experience with rxtx performance and maven build.


Where OS Kernel and Network protocol stack overlaps?

I'm trying to learn network protocol stack(ie. Transport, IP, datalink layer library code implementation) along with linux. I'm confused where to start.
First question is whether these codes come as in-built features of linux kernel/above library layers.
If so why I can see 3rd party protocol stack in some applications (by blunk micro system - developer of protocol stack)
If Linux doesn't have it as core feature, is linux give only placeholders for network part(like just Macros to enable the 3rd party stack ). But an article says it has Net4 networking codebase.
If linux has in-built network features what are the linux modules I need to go through or where to start? Not only in the network perspective, if i'm guided to explore in linux in all aspects (process, memory, drivers) in the "code level", it would be helpful please.
Note: I'm greedy to write my own OS and protocol stack hence trying to understand an existing system.
Thanks in advance!
First question is whether these codes come as in-built features of linux kernel/above library layers.
Linux kernel has network stack up to including layer 4, i.e., TCP and UDP (well, kernel + a set of utilities needed to configure it). I think DNS is in kernel too, but I am not so sure. TLS used to be implemended as a library (OpenSSL and GnuTLS are I think the most common ones), but there seems to be kernel part too now (link.
Note, that some of the TCP functionality is offloaded to the network card (hardware). At high speeds (1Gb+) you won't get full performance without these features.
I am not familiar with all VoIP related protocols, but I think they are libraries, not kernel.
If so why I can see 3rd party protocol stack in some applications (by blunk micro system - developer of protocol stack)
I believe the reason is performance. If you implement a custom stack with a subset of features, it might work better for your applications. Also there are advanced features and protocols that might not be available in the kernel itself.
If Linux doesn't have it as core feature, is linux give only placeholders for network part(like just Macros to enable the 3rd party stack ). But an article says it has Net4 networking codebase.
there is a very large codebase
If linux has in-built network features what are the linux modules I need to go through or where to start? Not only in the network perspective, if i'm guided to explore in linux in all aspects (process, memory, drivers) in the "code level", it would be helpful please.
hmmm, this is a very good question, and I don't think there is an easy answer. In my experience reading the code is the only way to figure this out. However some people tried to fish for information.
you could probably start somewhere here: include/net/
First question is whether these codes come as in-built features of linux kernel/above library layers.
If linux has in-built network features what are the linux modules I need to go through or where to start?
You can think of a protocol stack as of a library. Linux kernel has one which runs inside the kernel address space and uses kernel APIs unavailable in user-space:
There are multiple in-depth books about Linux kernel networking. Reading one is required for good understanding.
If so why I can see 3rd party protocol stack in some applications (by blunk micro system - developer of protocol stack)
Zero-copy, low-latency and streaming (processing an Ethernet packet in CPU-L1-cache-line-sized chunks while it hasn't been read off the wire in full) networking have been problematic with Linux kernel network stack. For these reasons makers of networking hardware offered their own user-space network stacks, aka kernel bypass.
Linux kernel network stack is getting better these days with MSG_ZEROCOPY and io_uring.

Light Weight Bluetooth LE library in C

I have been looking around for a simple Bluetooth LE library in C that allows me to scan for BLE devices, connect and receive periodic notifications from a given service UUID from the BLE device. Something that directly works with Bluetooth sockets and libbluetooth(created from BlueZ) and not using DBUS. Pairing and security functionality are not required.
Came across Appears to be good but uses dbus API and has dependency on libdbus, glib, so on. To use this library, there is an additional 5MB of libraries required, hence decided to go without dbus. We do not have space on our device to support 5MB of bluetooth stack on compressed rootfs image. The total size of our rootfs image is 9 MB. The bluetooth stack with dbus itself appears to be more than 50% of our rootfs size.
There is also - which is in c++ and doesn't use dbus. This would require to write a C wrapper to be used in C programs and also overhead of C++ constructs such as compiler generated copy constructors, assignment operators and so on. Also issues in cross-compiling.
Target board is Xilinx Zynq running Linux and the build system is buildroot.
Please suggest.
Found a solution, it may be of help for someone...
After searching and going through Linux Conference and IOT conference videos on youtube, figured that Bluez has light weight executables and the code is present in src/shared folder of Bluez. For btgattclient.c produces "gatt-client" executable when compiled which does the same functionality as "gatttool" and is not dependant on bluetoothd or dbus. The only dependency it has is on glib-2.0.
This is helpful if we need lightweight tools when the OS has no bluetoothd running or has no dbus library installed.
If you want to use BlueZ for BLE communication, the only supported API is the D-Bus API. Everything else is either discouraged or deprecated.
If you want something more minimal and/or not use BlueZ at all, you can use the HCI_CHANNEL_USER feature in Linux to get raw access to the HCI connection in the kernel. With this you can use any Bluetooth Host stack software or write your own minimal if you only require an extremely small subset.
Questions asking for software library recommendations are not allowed on Stack Overflow due to the possibility for opinion-based results though.

Does DPDK provide a native TCP/IP network stack implemetation?

I'm trying to find out if there is any native TCP/IP stack implemetation provided in DPDK or any popular open-source project to achieve it. Any help will be grateful.
My platform is Ubuntu 16.04 x64, Intel 82599es NIC with DPDK 20.08. What I'm trying to accomplish is to rebuild TCP connections out of the packets I receive on the NIC port for later use. I thought tools like ANS, mTCP and fstack may do the track but they are third party and some of them are not fully open-sourced, so I'm looking for a native one or one that is popular for developers. I don't know what should I call this kind of requirement, sorry for troubles causing because of the question, I'll change it after I know the related concept better.
There are no native TCP-IP stack implementation in DPDK version till date DPDK version 20.11 LTS. Going further in my humble opinion DPDK would not be implementing native TCP-IP stack. Hence current options are
Since the requirement is to rebuild TCP connection state information, my recommendation is to
create RTE_FLOW_ACTION_MIRROR to create the packet copy at HW NIC level for all interested TCP connection using a combination of IP-TCP address-ports.
If there is no HW option, either using ref_cnt_update or copying the user packet payload create a copy of the packet.
With help RTE_RINGS or RTE_FB_ARRAY organize the packets from client and server based on symmetric RSS (if available) or based on custom HASH to appropriate containers.
For you packet processing recommendation is either use FSTACK or mTCP or BSD TCP-ip from scratch
there are multiple references on the Internet which gives hints to get started too. Please refer
mTCP slide 14
fstack slide deck

AES Encrypting for ESP8266 implemented on Software or Hardware? How to implement?

I need to write a basic encryption program for ESP8266. I did read the datasheet (, and them says that existis the methods of encrypt: WEP/TKIP/AES. My main question is: The AES method, is implemented on software or hardware? This module is very simple, (36KB RAM, 90MHz CPU clock), so the algorithm is heavy to process. If AES is implemented in hardware, I think this task gets simpler, but I don't know how to use this. I did read at web, and the examples uses a #include "AES.h" lib, I don't know if this is implemented on hardware or software. The site of ESP8266 don't reply this question. So, I wants know about this and how, or where I found help, to implement this.
Ps.: I don't want use Arduino.
Also, I've already use this, But, for little jobs.
It's a software implementation. The RTOS SDK contains two implementations of AES, one of them shared with the basic SDK - all in software:
In addition, there's an implementation optimized for the AES-NI instruction set:
However, AES-NI is only implemented by certain Intel and AMD CPUs. So it will not be compiled.
There are no signs of a hardware implementation.

NDIS 5/6 driver with tcp/ip stack, is there code?

I'm trying to write a windows kernel driver which requires tcp/ip communication using NDIS 5/6. Since it will use NDIS, as I understand it, it needs it's own tcp/ip stack implementation.
Could anyone point me in the direction of an implementation of this, or something close to it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards
You don't need to implement your own TCP/IP stack!
First, are you sure that this needs to be done in a driver? All your complex code and business logic should usually be in a usermode application or service. Drivers are mostly meant to be very simple wrappers around hardware. This rule isn't just some abstract principle either — it's much easier to write usermode code, where you can use a familiar debugger and the much-broader set of Win32 APIs. You'll solve your problem sooner if you can move most of your code to usermode.
If you really must do TCP socket I/O in kernel mode, then you should use Winsock Kernel (WSK). WSK allows you to open a socket, similar to Winsock in usermode. (Although the usermode Winsock API has more options and features; WSK is bare-bones).
WSK is available on Windows Vista and later. If you must support Windows XP, then you need to use TDI. TDI is much harder to get right; I don't reccomend using it if you can avoid it.
