Multiple WordPress Sites on XAMPP - wordpress

Ok I know this has been answered a few times but as far as I can tell all answers are now outdated. Bitnami released a new installer. Instead of installing to xampp\htdocs\<name> it installs directly as xampp\apps\wordpress so I can't see a way of installing a new site.
I had stupidly renamed the folder and all instances of wordpress as a directory path to ezc only to find out that it didn't work. Turns out 4,300 files opening all at once isn't good for Notepad++...
For those of you aren't aware of the new file structure, it's as follows
How can I have multiple instances of WordPress hosted locally with XAMPP?

Just hopped onto the Bitnami community and found out how to create multiple sites.
Just pop the following into the command prompt (make sure you're in the same directory as installer)
bitnami-wordpress*.exe --wordpress_instance_name blog1
Replace the * with your version and blog1 with the name of your site.


AWS Lightsail Wordpress Version control

I'm working on a wordpress site hosted on an AWS Lightsail instance (Bitnami) and i'd like to have version control to work on our site themes with a coworker.
I like the idea of just having to git pull to make changes to the site.
In the wordpress folder (that contains wp-admin, licences, wp-config.php, etc...), there is the wp-content folder but it's a symbolic link that points outside the wordpress folder to root/bitnami/wordpress/wp-content. I can't use git in the wordpress folder but I can set it up in the root/bitnami/wordpress/wp-content but it feels like bad practice since it asks me for admin privileges for every command line.
Is there a reason the wp-content folder is a symbolic link that points to outside the wordpress folder or is it just a mistake from the person who set things up?
Is it okay to use git to bypass an ftp client in this case?
So I just had this same issue today, and I resolved this by moving the directories for .../wp-content to the location of the symlinks and deleting the symlinks.
This was my process (though you could delete the symlinks first):
Move wp-content mv /bitnami/wordpress/wp-content /location/of/wordpress/temporary-directory-name
Delete symlinks rm -f /location/of/wordpress/
Rename temporary-directory-name using move mv /location/of/wordpress/temporary-directory-name /location/of/wordpress/wp-content
You can then repeat the same steps for the wp-config.php file. Once this was done I was able to verify Wordpress was still working on my LightSail instance. Hope this helps

WORDPRESS - How to manage code repository with GIT

In wordpress development, we have to deal with upgrade version of plugins and I don't know how to manage code repository with them. actually, we have 3 folders like wp-content, wp-admin, wp-includes, ...
Should I push all of the code which belong to wordpress folder into the GIT repository? Then the new version of plugin will affect to changes of files.
How do I manage the changing of files as less as it can? Should I use .gitignore for it?
Updated: I found the solution at here with the examples. Check this link out
.It is really cool
WordPress can be a joy for running in a GIT repository, this is how I handle it.
I gitignore wp-config.php because that is usually different between local, staging and live sites.
I also gitignore the uploads folder because binary files in git suck and your repo will grow brutally fast. Plus it makes it a pain in the butt to do local development while the site is live.
There are some cool solutions out there, search for Bedrock by Roots for doing interesting deploys, but honestly the simplest way is just to make a repo of the entire install minus the uploads and wp-config.php.
Manually create the wp-config.php on the server.
Use rsync to manage the uploads or you could use FTP if you're not keen on the terminal.
This is the .gitignore file that I use for my projects.
I only work with private repositories so I don't have to exclude the wp-config.php.

How to upload WordPress child theme to XAMPP + Bitnami + Mac OS?

Everything was going so well: installed XAMPP on Mac (OS 10.10.2). Installed Bitnami WordPress module. Imported existing WordPress site (this site is already live). Then imported/installed the theme I want to modify. All good up to that point.
Now I want to create a child theme. Following the instructions from Themify, which are great. BUT: I can't open the htdocs directory within the wordpress dir that was installed by the Bitnami module. No permissions.
There's a help page, but it's not helping me. Reason 1: I open FileZilla, I FTP to localhost, but the wordpress dir is nowhere to be found there. Reason 2: I try to follow their sudo chown instructions but the path is not valid for me. I tried:
$ sudo chown daemon:daemon Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apps/wordpress/htdocs
... but no luck. "No such file or directory." I can find this folder in the Finder (see screencap), but I can't seem to access it from the command line. (Is that because XAMPP is in the Applications directory?)
In case it's not obvious, I am doing all this to muck around with my child theme offline. But I can't get my child theme folder into the wp-content/themes folder, because I can't FTP or access the folder directly through the Finder.
I was able to change permissions through the Mac "Get Info" panel. Doh!!
"Get Info" panel, unlocked
See screencap.
Try and put a Leading slash at the front of the directory listing so run this instead:
sudo chown daemon:daemon /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apps/wordpress/htdocs
Just go to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/mysite/wp-content/themes/your-child theme and set permission of your child theme folder to writable to everyone.

Bitnami WordPress for OSX: Install in Root Directory

Using Bitnami WordPress installer, I want to install WordPress in the root directory, instead of /wordpress directory.
(Or rather, move the WordPress website to the root directory after the installation.)
I attempted to follow somewhat dated instructions I found here:
But I couldn't even complete the very first step because URL settings are grayed-out in the Settings panel. Also, the DocumentRoot value is very different from what is described. I think it's because the WordPress has greatly changed since 2010.
Could someone knowledgeable please help with this?
Wordpress hasn't changed much since it was initially released 10 years ago or whenever it was.
Currently: Wordpress is installed in var/www/html/wordpress/[all the wp files are in this folder]
You want: Wordpress to be installed var/www/html/[all the wp files are in this folder]
1: Via ssh or ftp copy the files
From: var/www/html/wordpress To: var/www/html
2: In phpmyadmin > wp_options > first row > remove wordpress from the url.
3: there is another entry of the url on the second page of the wp_options table. Change the url there too.

How to install site-specific modules in a Drupal 7 multi-site?

I have a "multi-site" installation of Drupal 7, which means that I have these folders in my "sites" folder:
And in each of these folders, I also have "modules" and "themes" folders.
If I click the "install new module" link on the modules page ("admin/modules") from any domain X, Drupal tries to download modules in the "all/modules" folder instead of the "X/modules" folder.
Maybe I am not using the proper phrase to search in Google, but I do not see similar problems, so it may just be my problem.
How to install site-specific modules in a Drupal 7 multi-site?
You can try the example detailed out in this post: which basically requires you to create a drushrc.php file for each multisite, which includes the path to the respective modules folder.
Here are the lines from that post that explain
To start, go to your drush folder where you will find a file entitled example.drushrc.php. Copy that file into the individual site folder in your Drupal multisite installation (sites/yourmultisite), and rename the file to drushrc.php.
Now open that file and add the following line:
$command_specific['dl']['destination'] = 'sites/yourmultisite/modules';
$command_specific['dl']['destination'] = 'sites/yourmultisite/modules/contributions';
This is also a step by step walkthrough of the updating process using drush on multisites.
I found good article for multisite install here,
This worked for me:
Changed working directory on terminal to specific site directory
i.e. "cd [drupal_site_directory]/sites/[site_one]/ "
use usual drush command to install modules i.e. "drush dl [module_name]"
Hope this might help you guys also.
