Aptana - how to browse remote site? - aptana

I've recently upgraded to Aptana and the connection icons have disappeared from all my projects - this has happened on both my Mac and my Windows 7 PC, so I assume it is intentional.
I sued to use this feature extensively for browsing remote sites or editing files directly by FTP. What is the replacement, or how do I get this back?

I came here looking for the answer myself, but then I figured it out.
If you go to Window->Show View you'll see the option "Remote"
That worked for me.


MAMP icon unresponsive, unable to open

I have just installed MAMP in Windows 10 alongside my class so that we can begin to work with Wordpress. However, the installed icon, and the app itself within my 'start' search function is unresponsive. I always get this popup: "To run this application, you must install .NET Core." The Popup has MAMP.exe in the corner. I did the recommended download at x64, and got confirmation that it was installed, but I got no result. Any time I try to click on the MAMP icon on my desktop, I get that message. I made sure my Skype was off, I checked if I had multiple Apache installations (I saw none except a years-old one in an archived folder) and I restarted my computer but to no avail. I wonder if there is an issue with the path or the browser -- .NET Core was done with Edge, MAMP was done with Chrome. This is mysterious. If anyone has advice on what to try, much appreciated.
I found the answer! Download x86 version of .NET Core and then install it afterward no matter how old your computer is. I did that and it works perfectly now.

MAMP showing an older version of Wordpress

My macbook shut down unexpected. After starting it again, when going to localhost, I can see an older version of my wordpress website. Looks like the database rolled back. Is there anything I can do ? If not I am loosing most of my work.
I tought it's the cache but I've tried everything that I know to clean the cache and I don't think this is the issue.
I normally use MAMP for MAC, the free version. For some reasons, way back I played with MAMP PRO and it's install on my machine. Now I've just launched MAMP PRO and restarted the servers and BOOOOM! It worked. I can now see my recent changes in my Wordpress website.
I'm still confused why this had happed ? I've searched on google but nothing similar with my problem.

Visual Studio 2010 Dev Server Stopped Serving Style Sheets When Debugging ASP.NET MVC app?

About an hour ago my VS2010 stopped serving style sheets for both web projects in a solution. A hard refresh (Ctrl F5) brings the sheets back, but when I navigate to the next page, I have no style sheet again.
I've restarted my machine, cleaned and rebuilt the solution, stopped and started the dev server(s) several times, and hit the F5 key extra specially hard several times, none of which seem to have helped. I have not changed any settings, so presume this is some sort of bug.
Is this common, anyone else had to fix this or have any ideas?
Solved. This was caused a gzip http module in the application. Simple fix, I'll leave the question here for myself or anyone else that runs into the same issue.
Found the problem using Fiddler http debugger.

Convert File System Website to IIS Website

We recently migrated from VS 2008 to VS 2010. The migration went fine, except for our web project. Before, in VS 2008, the site showed up as http://localhost/Website. Now, it appears as C:...\Website. It appears that when we did the migration, VS started to treat it as a file system website.
I've tried removing the existing site and re-adding it as an existing website, but it still displays it as C:...\Website. Is there any way to convert it back to show it as a http://localhost/website, and run through IIS, as opposed to the default ASP.NET Development Server?
Special thanks to John Dundon at Microsoft for helping me resolve the issue. Here's what he said:
Thanks for all the details. This actually sounds like a quirky behavior
in VS that I think I can help you work
I believe the reason it’s remembering
to use the local development server is
because it got stored in the SUO file.
So there are two possible ways to fix
Re-open your solution from source control as an administrator on the
machine with IIS installed and
everything should get downloaded to
its right place
If you close VS, delete the SUO file (note – this will erase some
settings about the state of your
solution but shouldn’t cause any real
data loss), and then re-open the
solution, it should ask you to
re-download that particular web site
and will try to make it an IIS web
site again.
Note however though that since your
virtual directory already exists on
your machine, it’s going to ask you if
you want to use it – I’m assuming you
do, but it will overwrite any files
when it does.
Let me know if this works for you (and
while you technically shouldn’t need
to, it may be a good idea to back up
any work you’ve done in this
enlistment that hasn’t been checked in
prior to trying this).
I followed his advice and removed my SUO file and re-opened the solution. The website was automatically fixed as http://localhost/Website and it also checked out the .SLN file as well, and when I checked it in, it fixed the issue for other developers as well. Hope this solution helps out others as well with this quirky issue.
Look in the project properties, on the Web tab. You'll be able to select whether to use IIS or the development server, and which virtual directory to use.

Why does Visual Studio 2005/2008 keep 'forgetting' to color code and format?

Does any else have a problem where when using VS2005 or VS2008, it suddenly 'forgets' to color code and format the text for you? All of a sudden it acts like its a plain old notepad editor. Sometimes if I save and re-open the file, or else re-start Visual studio altogether, it suddenly 'remembers'. I thought maybe this was because of a bad install on my machine, but recently upgraded to a new one, brand new fresh install with all service packs - and we are right back to the erratic behaviour....
Is this a known problem? Is there a workaround (i.e. a key combo I can hit to tell it to do its thing?)
PS: This happens for me when doing asp.net with VB code - not sure if it affects other flavors of the tool...
EDIT: This is a clean install of VS2008 on Vista, but also have had it on XP. No addins on either setup, problem happens routinely.
Sometimes something similar to this happens to me in VB.Net. In my case it has alway been the backgroundcompiler service that has stopped working for one reason or another. Haven't found anything that helps besides restarting visual studio.
I got this often when working on large web projects (> 1K pages and 4K total files) and most often on ashx files.
At the same time, I would lose intellisense, This was happening because the files I was adding were not getting marked as "Compile" in the file properties -> build option.
I never found the cause (assumed it was overburdening the solution) but I found that it would stay fixed for longer if I deleted the SUO file periodically (it was getting into the 1MB range).
Since coming to a new company, new PC, etc, I have not had this problem but then again I'm not working on as large of a web project.
I use C# in VS2008, and haven't had any problems. Maybe this is VB.NET related?
I used to see the problem with "Web Sites". I have since changed most of my projects to "Web Applications" and haven't seen the issue in a while.
I had a similar issue with VS 2003. I use VS 2008 right now and this doesn't happen anymore.
