Sqlite database connection with c# - sqlite

Hi Am developing a windows phone app and using Sqlite DB and as a first step created login page. Now once i close my application the database does not persist and end up creating DB evertime the app opens followed by adding all values. How to i make it persistent and retain all values instead of adding them again and again?

Save the database file in the isolated storage . this is the place you should save all your application data you need to persist for next executions


Can we connect a web application to ONA ODK forms?

Can we connect a web application to ONA ODK forms ?
I need to replace a system where employees goes to field, collect information, and then sync to database when they come back.
What we need is to find a solution, by creating odk surveys, let the employee collect data, and then sync directly to ona and mysql database. And I need to give them the ability to read and edit data directly form the forms into database.
I know the idea is a little bit strange.
You should ask this question in ODK Community and as you want a solution for sending data that can be done by the cloud-based server like google cloud and for editing data. It's not a good practice to edit data in a raw dataset. You can download data from the server and then you can make a change in your computer.
Even if you want to give them access to the server so they can log-in and make a change on the server, you can create a username and password so they can update their records.

Xamarin multi platform background database sync

I am developing an application which collects data into a local sqlite database, and (when the Internet is available) synchronises the data with a server.
I understand roughly how to create a background task (in different ways for each platform, unfortunately), but I read in Xamarin Background Tasks...
As a word of caution, be aware of what service or application is accessing an application, for example a SQLite DB. Two processes can not access a file at the same time, unless read-only. Hence ensure only one process is performing actions on file’s or locked resources.
This worries me - I need both the background task and the app to be able to update a single database. Is it in fact possible for the background task and the main app to access the same database? If so, how does one go about avoiding "Database is locked" messages?

How a process running SQLite knows that a particular page has been updated by another process?

How 2 independent SQLite cache modules get notified about the change in DB. More specifically, how the cache module know that a page has to be fetched from disk, as its content has been updated in DB by some other process.
SQLite writes all changed pages when a transaction finishes; once another connection is allowed to read, there are no dirty pages.
To detect changes made by other connections, there is the file change counter in the database header. However, it does not apply to specific pages but to the entire database.

APIGility - Multi DB at run time

I am writing API for my application which has one fix database information, where based on user we decide the second database at run time.
How I can implement this in APIGility.
Thanks in advance!

sqlite db usage in iphone app giving errors

I am creating an app with user login using sqlite i am storing the login details which includes the users favorite movies.suppose another user who has downloaded the app also picks the same movie i want to be able to let the other 1st know about 2nd user.how do i do that.does the sqlite db used to store login details be available for the other user or should i have server to upload each user's login details?I think my confusion is stemming from the fact that i dont understand how people use sqlite in iphone app ?
In very rare instances SQLLite should be used directly. The best way to handle data storage local to an iOS device is CORE DATA. I would suggest you consider using Core Data for storage and not call or mess with SQL Lite directly.
