Files disappearing from Dropbox - meteor

Suddenly (at about the same time as upgrading to 0.9.0) my machine seems to be deleting older versions of Meteor-based apps, from anywhere on the machine including Dropbox. Thousands of files are disappearing. It is a little terrifying. Am I doing something wrong? Can I get them back?

You can retrieve deleted files from . There is a small trash bin icon "Show deleted files" and you can recover them.
I don't know what your files are, but if a program is deleting them according to their format for instance, you may want to zip/rar them prior to put them into the box. This can also save space if the goal is to archive them.


Goland Search functionality not indexing all files in project

I'm using Goland version 2021.1 on a mac, and recently I've noticed when searching for files, symbols, or types (using command+shift+o), it doesn't index across my entire project. For example, if I have two files A.txt in two different directories, the file search will only show one of them.
Has anyone encountered this?
It's a known issue, please see IDEA-266391. You can download Toolbox App and install the Nightly build of GoLand.
As another workaround, you can invalidate caches via File | Invalidate Caches.

On-demand resources not downloading from testflight

I have enabled OnDemandResources and checked the flow in the simulator. It's working fine. When made a test flight release, I'm able to see the ODR field enabled and 1 asset file is available. But when installed, the resources are not getting downloaded.
I'm using Xcode 10.1 and changed build setting to legacy mode but it didn't work.
I found the solution for the problem I was facing.
"An asset pack is eligible for purging when all of the associated tags are no longer retained by any request. The resources associated with a tag may remain on the device for some time before it is purged, including across app launches."
Ultimately, the cache will get automatically purged if there is a memory issue, so it is only a cosmetic issue where users will potentially see your app as being larger than they expected, and then at some point down the line, it will be magically smaller.
So I copied my resources into another directory locally.
Another idea is I zipped my images and added zip file as on-demand resources. So after ODR got installed I extracted and copied my zip files contents locally. (I did this because finding the path for images in asset file was difficult in my case)

Forgot to backup my database before reinstalling WAMP

I uninstalled and reinstalled my WAMP earlier today. I backed up my /www directory but totally forgot about my database (phpmyadmin). I didn't delete my C:/wamp directory, i just reinstalled on top of it.
Does this mean my databases are gone forever? Is there a way to retrieve them? Next time i'll know to export a dump of my databases before I meddle with the installation, I guess I had to learn this the hard way...
Thanks for your help.
That depends if you deleted the data directory or not. By default, wamp's data directory is c:/wamp/bin/mysql/mysql5.x.x/data check there and see if you have some folders with the names of your old databases. In those folders there would be a bunch of .frm, .MYD, and .MYI files assuming you are using myisam. If those files exist then you can recover. Just make sure the datadir in my.ini is pointing to the directory where your database are and restart mysql. It should fix itself automatically.
If you use innodb tables then it's a little more complicated but can be done. Those would be stored in files named ibdata1, ibdata2, etc.
If you don't have any of those files then I'm afraid you're out of luck.
I was able to retrieve mine on windows 7 by doing the following
Open Computer by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Computer.
Navigate to the folder that used to contain the file or folder c:/wamp/bin/mysql/mysql5.x.x/data
Copied it just in case I needed to revert
Right-click it, and then click Restore previous versions. ...
Double-click a previous version of the folder that contains the file or folder you want to restore.

.goutputstream-XXXXX - possible to relocate?

I've been trying to create a union file system for a college project. One of its features that differentiates it from unionfs is the fact that there are no copy-ups. This means that if a file is located in a certain branch, it will remain there even if it is written to.
But my current problem with that is the fact that .goutputstream-XXXXX are created, renamed, and deleted whenever a write operation occurs. This is actually OK if the file being written to is in the highest priority branch (i.e. the default branch where files can be created), but makes my kernel crash if I try to write to a file in a lower branch.
How do I deal with this? How can I rig it so that all .goutputstream-XXXXX files are written to only one location? These .goutputstream-XXXXX files seem to be intricately connected to the files they correspond too, and seem to work only the same directory as the file being written to.
I also noticed that .goutputstream-XXXXX files appear when a directory is read. What are they for, anyway?
There has been a bug submitted to the ubuntu launchpad in which the creation of .goutputstream-xxxxx files is discussed.
From what i see now, these files are created when shutting down without preceding logout, but several other sources may occur, like evince or maybe gedit.
maybe lightdm has something to do with the creation of these files.
which distribution did you use?
maybe changing the distribution would help.
.goutputstream-XXXXX created by gedit and there is no simple way (menu or settings) to relocate them.

could not guess version control system

recently, i upgraded to Flex Hero 4.5 and created a new workspace. Then, i imported a project from the former workspace and started working. when i tried to upload the project from the new workspace to codereview, i got the error message: could not guess version control system. Are you in a working copy directory? How does one resolve this issue?
I have read somewhere that i need to checkout my svn but i thought that you only checkout when you want to get a folder/file from the svn.
Sounds like you've got a bit of a mess unfortunately. Hopefully you're not in the habit of doing a ton of changes without checking in. I would suggest you:
Back up your latest changes to a safe location
Check out the project from SVN into your new workspace (which is what you should have done initially) - creating a brand new project folder
Merge the changes you've made into the now-correctly-versioned copy of your project (you could do this by just copying files from the "latest"/project backup folder overwriting the SVN versioned files, but if you do--do NOT overwrite any .svn folders). You could also use a tool such as WinMerge or WinDiff to find differences between the two projects (of course ignoring .svn folders).
If you have a small number of changes it shouldn't be bad, but if there's a lot, you might want to follow SolarBear's branch suggestion, if WinMerge isn't going to cut it.
If I understand correctly your latest comment, you did a svn export on your code. The export command, as the doc mentions, creates a "clean" directory tree, i.e. without the .svn directory. So basically, these are files not controlled by SVN; also, you lose all the history of your files. The best way would have been, I think, to do a checkout in your new workspace and then work from there. It could take some time, but it's much easier to manage afterwards.
One possible way to make this work would be to checkout a clean copy your code somewhere safe and then merge your changes into this clean copy. However, if your trunk or branch changed a lot in the meantime, this could be very, very tedious. I could then suggest to branch your trunk, checkout that new branch, slowly merge your changes into that branch and when you're done and everything's working OK, merge the branch back into the trunk.
