lumen works cssv reader not reads the values starting with # symbol - opencsv

i have a code snippet in c# which helps in reading the csv file in to list .the problem is it is not reading the record which starts with # symbol
for instance if i have two record like this, then only sderik record i taken and the other record is missing as it starts with # symbol. what coul be the reason?
sderik | sample1 | sample 2| sample 3
#smissingrecord | sample1 | sample 2| sample 3
using (LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.CsvReader csv = new LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.CsvReader(reader, true,'|'))
outDataTable = Common.CommonFunction.ConvertListToDataTable(csv.ToList());
retValue = true;

The # is the default comment character. Override it by including a 6th parameter to the CsvReader call that is not '#'.


Why is my vector not accumulating the iteration?

I have this type of data that I want to send to a dataframe:
So, I am iterating through it and sending it to a vector. But my vector never keeps the data.
Dv = Vector{Dict}()
for item in reader
This is what I get:
And I am sure this is the right way to do it. It works in Python:
This is the code that I use to access the data that I want to send to a dataframe:
kwargs_oneshot = (earliest_time= "2019-09-07T12:00:00.000-07:00",
latest_time= "2019-09-09T12:00:00.000-07:00",
searchquery_oneshot = "search index=iis | lookup geo_BST_ONT longitude as sLongitude, latitude as sLatitude | stats count by featureId | geom geo_BST_ONT allFeatures=True | head 2"
oneshotsearch_results =; kwargs_oneshot...)
# Get the results and display them using the ResultsReader
reader = results.ResultsReader(oneshotsearch_results)
for item in reader
ResultsReader is a streaming reader. This means you will "consume" its elements as you iterate over them. You can covert it to an array with collect. Do not print the items before you collect.
kwargs_oneshot = (earliest_time= "2019-09-07T12:00:00.000-07:00",
latest_time= "2019-09-09T12:00:00.000-07:00",
searchquery_oneshot = "search index=iis | lookup geo_BST_ONT longitude as sLongitude, latitude as sLatitude | stats count by featureId | geom geo_BST_ONT allFeatures=True | head 2"
oneshotsearch_results =; kwargs_oneshot...)
# Get the results
reader = results.ResultsReader(oneshotsearch_results)
# collect them into an array
Dv = collect(reader)
# Now you can iterate over them without changing the result
for item in Dv

IndexOf() is not working if there is some accent characters in it

I have datatable(dtblCostCategory) which has the following values which i use it in the dropdown. And i have saved some data after selecting the value from the dropdown. When i load the same page again the selected value is not being shown instead the first values is shown in dropdown.
CostCategory | typeId | itemCount
Softwaré | 3 | 15
CostCategory | typeId
Electronics | 1
Groceries | 2
Softwaré | 3
cboCategory.DataSource = dtblCostCategory
cboCategory.DataTextField = dtblCostCategory.Columns(1).ToString
cboCategory.DataValueField = dtblCostCategory.Columns(0).ToString
Dim lstItem As New ListItem
lstItem.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(Trim(CStr(dsOthersDetails.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("CostCategory"))))
lstItem.Value = Server.HtmlEncode(CStr(dsOthersDetails.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("typeId")))
cboCategory.SelectedIndex = cboCategory.Items.IndexOf(lstItem)
In the above code I have used indexOf to get the selected index by comparing the values from two tables. As there is accent in category (Softwaré) the indexOf is not working properly. Is there way where I can get selected index ignoring the accents so that the drop down will have correct selected value.
Try with FindByValue()
cboCategory.SelectedIndex = cboCategory.Items.IndexOf(cboCategory.Items.FindByValue(lstItem.Value));

Sumtotal in ReportViewer

| +------------+------+------+--------------+---------+---------+
| | Subj1 | 35 | 100 | 13 | FAIL | 13.00% |
|EXAM NAME | Subj2 | 35 | 100 | 63 | PASS | 63.00% |
| | Subj3 | 35 | 100 | 35 | PASS | 35.00% |
| +------------+------+------+--------------+---------+---------+
| | Total | 105 | 300 | 111 | PASS | 37.00% |
This is my report viewer report format.The SubTotal row counts the
total of all the above column.Every thing is fine. But in the status
column its showing Pass. I want it to show fail if there is single
fail in the status column. I am generating Status if Result < Min then
it is fail or else it is pass. Now how to change the SubTotal row
below depending upon the condition. And is there any way to show the
Subtotal row directly from database. Any suggestion.
The easiest way to do this would be to use custom code (right-click non-display area of report, choose Properties and click the Code tab) - calculate the pass/fail score in the detail, display it in the group footer and reset it in the group header:
Dim PassFail As String
// Reset Pass or Fail status in group header
Public Function ResetAndDisplayStatusTitle() AS String
PassFail = "PASS" // Initialise status to pass
ResetAndDisplayStatusTitle = "Status"
End Function
// Calculate pass/fail on each detail row and remember any fails
Public Function CalculatePassFail() As String
Dim ThisResult As String
// Calculate whether this result is pass or fail
If Fields!Result.Value < Fields!Min.Value Then
ThisResult = "FAIL"
ThisResult ="PASS"
End If
// Remember any failure as overall failure
If ThisResult = "FAIL" Then PassFail = "FAIL"
CalculatePassFail = ThisResult
End Function
Then you tie in the custom code to your cells in your table as follows:
In the value for the status column in your group header you put:
In the value for the status column in the detail row you put:
In the value for the status column in the group footer you put:
With respect to getting the subtotal row from the database directly from the database, there are a couple of ways depending on what result you are after.
Join the detail row to a subtotalling row in your SQL (so that the subtotal fields appear on every row in the dataset) and use those fields.
Again, use custom code (but this is probably overly complicated for subtotalling)
However, these tricks are only for strange circumstances and in general the normal out-of-the-box subtotalling can be tweaked to give the result you are after. If there is something specific you want to know, it is probably best to explain the problem in a separate question so that issue can be dealt with individually.

Replacement and non-matches with 'sub'

Months ago I ended up with a sub statement that originally worked with my input data. It has since stopped working causing me to re-examine my ugly process. I hate to share it but it accomplished several things at once:
active$id[grep("CIR",active$description)] <- sub(".*CIR0*(\\d+).*","\\1",active$description[grep("CIR",active$description)],perl=TRUE)
This statement created a new id column by finding rows that had an id embedded in the description column. The sub statement would find the number following a "CIR0" and populate the id column iff there was an id within a row's description. I recognize it is inefficient with the embedded grep subsetting either side of the assignment.
Is there a way to have a 'sub' replacement be NA or empty if the pattern does not match? I feel like I'm missing something very simple but ask for the community's assistance. Thank you.
Example with the results of creating an id column:
| name | id | description |
| a | 343 | Here is CIR00343 |
| b | | Didn't have it |
| c | 123 | What is CIR0123 |
| d | | CIR lacks a digit |
| e | 452 | CIR452 is next |
I was struggling with the same issue a few weeks ago. I ended up using the str_match function from the stringr package. It returns NA if the target string is not found. Just make sure you subset the result correctly. An example:
str = "Little_Red_Riding_Hood"
sub(".*(Little).*","\\1",str) # Returns 'Little'
sub(".*(Big).*","\\1",str) # Returns 'Little_Red_Riding_Hood'
str_match(str,".*(Little).*")[1,2] #Returns 'Little'
str_match(str,".*(Big).*")[1,2] # Returns NA
I think in this case you could try using ifelse(), i.e.,
active$id[grep("CIR",active$description)] <- ifelse(match, replacement, "")
where match should evaluate to true if there's a match, and replacement is what that element would be replaced with in that case. Likewise, if match evaluates to false, that element's replaced with an empty string (or NA if you prefer).

AdvancedDatagrid Iterating Through Each Row of the Open Leaf/Tree

I need to get the data for each row in an advanceddatagrid where the nodes are open.
For example, my ADG looks like this:
+ Science
- Math
- Passed
John Doe | A+ | Section C
Amy Rourke | B- | Section B
- Failed
Jane Doe | F | Section D
Mike Cones | F | Section D
- English
+ Passed
+ Failed
- History
+ Passed
- Failed
Lori Pea | F | Section C
I tried using the following code to get the open nodes:
var o:Object = new Object();
o = IHierarchicalCollectionView(myADG.dataProvider).openNodes;
But doing the following code to inspect the object:, 'object inpsection');
Gives me:
Math (2)
children = (mx.collections::ArrayCollection)#2
filterFunction = (null)
length = 2
list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#3
length = 2
source = (Array)#4
[0] (Object)#5
children = (mx.collections::ArrayCollection)#6
filterFunction = (null)
length = 2
list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#7
length = 2
source = (Array)#8
[0] <Table>
<Name>John Doe</Name>
<Section>Section C</Section>
[1] <Table>
<Name>Amy Rourke</Name>
<Section>Section B</Section>
Basically, I just need to create an object or array or xmllist that would give me:
Math | Passed | John Doe | A+ | Section C
Math | Passed | Amy Rourke | B- | Section B
Math | Failed | Jane Doe | F | Section D
Math | Failed | Mike Cones | F | Section D
History | Failed | Lori Pea | F | Section C
Any suggestion would be highly appreciated. Thanks
You should be able to iterate across the openNodes object's properties and for each one grab the collection and concat the values onto a new array then use that as the source of another type of collection if necessary. Something like this:
var newArray:Array = [];
for(var property:String in o)
newArray = newArray.concat(o[property][0].source); //Passed, property is subject as in Math
newArray = newArray.concat(o[property][1].source); //Failed property is subject as in Math
The only real problem with this is you're trying to also keep the Math and passed or failed in the objects, otherwise the above should work. To get this other part working I think you need to break each of the statements above into it's own loop that iterates across the source of the openNodes object and puts the right values into a new Value Object you make up that has the subject and the pass or fail set on it. Then you could store these values as well, also notice I'm assuming the pass fail is always organized this way in the original data structure where in each subject you'll have two arrays and the first will be pass followed by fail.
