Referring to this question from Wilmott Forums, I've just written the following function:
Public Function KmeansPrice(ByVal priceArray As Range, _
ByVal clustersNumber As Integer) As Double
' Following rows are reproducible only if RExcel has been installed
' on your Excel!
Dim y() As Double
RInterface.PutArrayFromVBA "x", priceArray
RInterface.PutArrayFromVBA "n", clustersNumber
RInterface.RRun "x = as.numeric(x)"
RInterface.RRun "cluster = kmeans(x, n)$cluster"
RInterface.RRun "bestBid = rep(NA, n)"
RInterface.RRun "for(i in 1:n)" & _
"{" & _
" assign(paste('group.', i, sep = ''), " & _
" x[cluster == i]);" & _
" bestBid[i] = max(get(paste('group.', i, sep = '')))" & _
RInterface.RRun "y = min(bestBid) + 0.01"
y = RInterface.GetArrayToVBA("y")
KmeansPrice = y(0, 0)
End Function
Of course I've prototyped it in R before and it worked properly, then I guess that the cause of this error:
Error -2147220501
in Module RExcel.RServer
Error in variable assignment
is related to the wrong usage of RInterface.GetArrayToVBA() for what concerns dimensions and indexing of arrays from R to VBA.
Is anyone able to make the code above work? A working example with an array of just five or ten elements as priceArray and clustersNumber equal to 2 or 3 would be sufficient.
I'm not familiar with the clustering function, but this returns a result without breaking.
I prefer to make my functions in an R editor and then source the code, so I did this in R, then sourced my R function.
kmeansPrice <- function(priceArray,clustersNumber)
`[` <- function(...) base::`[`(...,drop=FALSE) #in case we have a 1 dimensional table
n<- clustersNumber
cluster = kmeans(x, n)$cluster
bestBid = rep(NA, n)
for(i in 1:n)
assign(paste('group.', i, sep = ''),
x[cluster == i])
bestBid[i] = max(get(paste('group.', i, sep = '')))
return(min(bestBid) + 0.01)
Then you can just
Public Function KmeansPrice(ByVal priceArray As Range, _
ByVal clustersNumber As Integer) As Double
rinterface.PutArrayFromVBA "priceArray", priceArray.Value 'I think this ".Value" was your problem'
rinterface.PutArrayFromVBA "clustersNumber", clustersNumber
rinterface.RRun "theResult <- kmeansPrice(priceArray,clustersNumber)"
y = rinterface.GetRExpressionValueToVBA("theResult") 'preferred to GetArrayToVBA for single-value results'
KmeansPrice = y
End Function
and run it with example data: a 2x4 table that evaluates to
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 5 9
[2,] 6 10
[3,] 7 11
[4,] 8 12
with 3 "clusters"
Sub runkmeans()
theResult = KmeansPrice(Range("BH2:BI5"), 3)
MsgBox (theResult)
End Sub
which yields 6.01
I can't step into function calls or into the for loop in Rstudio.
for (i in seq_len(max(last))) {
r = normdata$.return[smpls[[i]]]
m = normmat(i)
for (j in which(i <= last)) {
x = = 1, m[, avail[i, ] & include[last[j], ], drop = F]), r)
temp[[j]][[i]] = if (!calc.tstat)
cbind(Estimate = coef(x))
else {
terms = terms(as.formula(paste(fieldmap["return"], paste(names(coef(x)), collapse
=" + "), sep = " ~ ")))
coef(summary.lm(structure(modifyList(x, list(terms = terms)), class = "lm")))[,
1:2, drop = F]
f = function(l, i, flip) t(sapply(l[!sapply(l, is.null)],
function(x) setNames(x[, i][fields], fields) * (if (flip) sign else 1)))
When I put my cursur on the first for loop line and hit run, it ignores my breakpoints inside both for loops and exits to the f= function line. On the Console, I can see:
Browse[9]> max(last) [1] 131
Browse[9]> j
[1] 1
Browse[9]> i
[1] 1
Browse[9]> temp[[j]][[i]]
Browse[9]> coef(x)
-7.236841e-10 1.121348e-01 -6.650536e-02 1.198634e-02 -5.849855e-02 8.291955e-02 -3.586112e-02 -6.218132e-02 1.936980e-01 -1.064521e-01
-3.522072e-02 6.294885e-02
Browse[9]> calc.tstat
I'm expecting temp[[1]][[1]] is set to coef(x), as calc.tstat is FALSE. But it remains NULL.
Could someone shed me some light on how to wake up my Rstudio please? Or I need a wakeup call?
Without access to your normdata object we can't investigate your exact problem. Two general suggestions:
Before running your code, run this at the console:
This occasionally makes RStudio's IL-to-source matching more accurate.
Instead of setting rstudio breakpoints, add them in code: add browser() calls where you wish to break.
I'm trying to do a solver for equations. When I run the code the X variable appears to be undefined, but it prints out perfectly. What am I missing?
I should give the program some numbers, than operations as Macros and it should create an outer product matrix of the operations applied.
function msu()
print("Insert how many values: ")
quantity = parse(Int64, readline())
values = []
for i in 1:quantity
num1 = parse(Float64, readline())
push!(values, num1)
print("How many operations? ")
quantity = parse(Int64, readline())
ops = []
for i in 1:quantity
push!(ops, Meta.parse(readline()))
mat = zeros((quantity, quantity))
for i in 1:length(mat)
sum = 0
for j in 1:length(values)
# here begins problems, the following prints are for debugging purpose
func = Meta.parse("$(ops[convert(Int64, ceil(j / quantity))]) * $(ops[convert(Int64, j % quantity)])")
x = values[j]
sum += eval(func)
mat[i] = sum
The original code was in Spanish, if you find any typo it's probably because I skipped a translation.
What is the parallel (over multiple CPUs) version of this code in Julia?
V = zeros(3)
for i = 1:100000
cc = rand(1:3)
V[cc] += 1
This is a direct rewrite of your loop that is thread, tread-safe and avoiding false sharing:
using Random
using Base.Threads
V = let
mt = Tuple([MersenneTwister() for _ in 1:nthreads()])
Vv = Tuple([zeros(3) for _ in 1:nthreads()])
#threads for i = 1:100000
#inbounds cc = rand(mt[threadid()], 1:3)
#inbounds Vv[threadid()][cc] += 1
reduce(+, Vv)
However, in general for such a small job probably using threading will not give you much benefit. Also if you really need performance probably the code should be restructured a bit e.g. like this:
function worker(iters, rng)
v = zeros(3)
for i = 1:iters
cc = rand(rng, 1:3)
v[cc] += 1
V = let
mt = Tuple([MersenneTwister() for _ in 1:nthreads()])
Vv = [zeros(3) for _ in 1:nthreads()]
jobs_per_thread = fill(div(100000, nthreads()),nthreads())
for i in 1:100000-sum(jobs_per_thread)
jobs_per_thread[i] += 1
#assert sum(jobs_per_thread) == 100000
#threads for i = 1:nthreads()
Vv[threadid()] = worker(jobs_per_thread[threadid()], mt[threadid()])
reduce(+, Vv)
Also under Julia 1.3 you will not have to do manual MersenneTwister management, as Julia will create separate PRNG per thread.
I am building a ShinyDashboard assessment tool with a Bayesian network engine using bnlearn. It is a discrete network created using expert knowledge to build the conditional probability tables. The shiny front end is used to elicit evidence, however, when I try and apply the evidence at the back-end using cpquery, it is not working. If I hard code the evidence in the backend shiny server, it works. So I think it is something to do with accessing the input variables I am missing.
I have tried various ways of formatting the evidence for cpquery but to no avail and as I have said, tried hard coding values, which worked fine.
This works fine!
Index <- shiny::reactive({
cpquery(fitted = tdag,
event = (A == "High"), # event
evidence = ( (B == "Yes") & # evidence
(C == "Medium") &
(D == "Medium") &
(E == "Yes") &
(G == "High") &
(H == "Low")
), # end evidence
n = 1000000, # no of samples generated
debug = TRUE
) # end cpqery
}) # end reactive
This does not:
Index <- shiny::reactive({
# Create a string of the selected evidence
str1 <<- paste0(
"(B == '", input$BChoiceInp, "') & ",
"(C == '", input$CChoiceInp, "') & ",
"(D == '", input$DChoiceInp, "') & ",
"(E == '", input$EChoiceInp, "') & ",
"(G == '", input$GChoiceInp, "') & ",
"(H == '", input$HChoiceInp, "')"
cpquery(fitted = tdag,
event = (A == "High"), # event
evidence = (eval(parse(text = str1))), # evidence
n = 1000000, # no of samples generated
debug = TRUE
) # end cpqery
}) # end reactive
I have also tried using
str2 = "(A == "'High'")"
eval(parse(text = paste("cpquery(fitted,",str2,",",str1,", n = 100000, debug=TRUE)")))
Same result.
The network runs but the result is as below - it does not seem to see the inputs.:
* checking which nodes are needed.
> event involves the following nodes: A
> evidence involves the following nodes: B C D E G H
> upper closure is ' A B C D E F G H I J '
> generating observations from 10 / 10 nodes.
* generated 10000 samples from the bayesian network.
> evidence matches 0 samples out of 10000 (p = 0).
> event matches 0 samples out of 0 (p = 0).
* generated 10000 samples from the bayesian network.
> evidence matches 0 samples out of 10000 (p = 0).
> event matches 0 samples out of 0 (p = 0).
This is the result with evidence hardcoded - works fine:
* generated 10000 samples from the bayesian network.
> evidence matches 39 samples out of 10000 (p = 0.0039).
> event matches 30 samples out of 39 (p = 0.7692308).
* generated 10000 samples from the bayesian network.
> evidence matches 33 samples out of 10000 (p = 0.0033).
> event matches 21 samples out of 33 (p = 0.6363636).
* generated 10000 samples from the bayesian network.
> evidence matches 36 samples out of 10000 (p = 0.0036).
> event matches 23 samples out of 36 (p = 0.6388889).
* generated a grand total of 1e+06 samples.
> event matches 2666 samples out of 4173 (p = 0.6388689)
The solution, many thanks to user20650, is to use renderText around the whole calculation. Works beautifully.
tdag =[5:6]), learning.test[5:6])
ui = basicPage(
selectInput("e", "E:", choices=letters[1:3] ),
selectInput("f", "F:", choices=letters[1:2] ),
server = function(input, output, session) {
output$prob <- renderText({
event <- paste0("(F == '", input$f, "')")
evidence <- paste0("(E == '", input$e, "')")
event = ', event, ',
evidence = ', evidence, ',
n = 100000,
debug = TRUE)'
I'm trying to get a visually clear output of my program:
a = -1234
b = 1234
#printf "a = %s%1.2e" "" a
#printf "b = %s%1.2e" " " b
which gives:
a = 1.23e+03
b = -1.23e+03
(The point is to add an extra space for positive number)
Now I want to automate it. I tried to write a funtion:
function negspace(x::Number)
if x < 0
return "", x
return " ", x
and print with
a = -1234
b = 1234
#printf "a = %s%1.2e" negspace( a )
#printf "b = %s%1.2e" negspace( b )
Even simpler is to use the printf format flag to do this directly by putting a space after the %:
julia> #sprintf("a = % 1.2e", -1234)
"a = -1.23e+03"
julia> #sprintf("b = % 1.2e", 1234)
"b = 1.23e+03"
Found a way:
#!/usr/bin/env julia
function signspace(x::Number)
if x > 0
return #sprintf(" %1.2e", x)
return #sprintf( "%1.2e", x)
a = -1234
b = 1234
println("a = ", signspace(a))
println("b = ", signspace(b))
but I'm not sure it is optimal.