corrupt data in decode base64 to image in Qt - qt

I write a program decode the base64 string to image. I wrote a sample:
QFile file("./image.jpg");
if(! | QIODevice::Text))
QByteArray raw = file.readAll().toBase64();
QImage = image;
image.loadFromData(QByteArray::fromBase64(raw), "JPG");"output.jpg", "JPG");
The output of the program is:
Corrupt JPEG data: 65 extraneous bytes before marker 0xc0
Quantization table 0x01 was not defined
I can't find something useful with google. I only read image file, and encode it with base64, then decode it. Could you tell me what's wrong with my code?

I have figured out what's wrong with my code. When i open a image file, i use the QIODevice::Text open mode. But the image is a binary file, so i should remove the QIODevice::Text option. After do that, the code run well.


With Qt, how to check if stdin is empty?

I have a Qt program that processes stdin data like this:
QTextStream qtin(stdin);
QString stdindata = qtin.readAll();
QByteArray ba;
ba = stdindata.toUtf8();
QJsonDocument exJSONDoc(QJsonDocument::fromJson(ba));
QJsonObject extRoot;
extRoot = exJSONDoc.object();
QStringList keys;
keys = extRoot.keys();
for (int n=0; n <= keys.count()-1; n++)
qDebug() << extRoot.value(keys[n]).toString();
It works when I call my program like this:
myprogram < ./data.json
But if I call it without any "<" it hangs in qtin.readAll().
How can I check with Qt if the stdin is empty?
(I am assuming a Linux -or at least POSIX- operating system)
QTextStream qtin(stdin);
QString stdindata = qtin.readAll();
This would read stdin till end-of-file is reached. So works with a redirected input like
myprogram < ./data.json
But if I call it without any "<" it hangs ...
But then (that is, if you run myprogram alone) stdin is not empty. It is the same as your shell's stdin. and your program, being the foreground job, is waiting for input on the terminal you are typing (see also tty(4)). Try (in that case) typing some input on the terminal (which you could end with Ctrl D to make an end-of-file condition). Read about job control and the tty demystified and see also termios(3).
Perhaps you could detect that situation with e.g. isatty(3) on STDIN_FILENO. But that won't detect a pipe(7) like
tail -55 somefile | myprogram
You need to define what an empty stdin is for you. I have no idea what that means to you, and I would instead think of myprogram < /dev/null (see null(4)) as the way to get an empty stdin.
Perhaps you should design myprogram so that some program
option (perhaps --ignore-stdin) is avoiding any read from stdin.
Problem here is readAll. See documentation:
Reads the entire content of the stream, and returns it as a QString.
Avoid this function when working on large files, as it will consume a
significant amount of memory.
So it reads stdin until it encounters end of file and since stdin is associated with console you have to signal end of file. Usually it is Ctrl-D and press enter.
It is more probable you what to read stdin line by line.
To alow user text editing console transfers data to standard input of the application only line by line. This was designed like this ages ago when computer had only a printer as user interface (no screen).
Now question is how to read JSon form stdin console connected with console without end of file information?
I would use some SAX parser, but this would be to complicated for you.
So is there another way to detect end of JSon?
You can try this approach (this is basic idea, not final solution, so it has couple shortcomings):
QFile file(stdin);
QByteArray data = file.peak(largeNumber);
QJsonParseError error;
QJSonDocument doc = QJSonDocument::fromJson(data, &error);
while (!doc.isValid() && JSonNotTerminatedError(error.error))
// TODO: wait for new data - it would be best to use readyRead signal
doc = QJSonDocument::fromJson(data, &error);
Where JSonNotTerminatedError returns true for respective QJsonParseError::ParseError values (see linked documentation) which are related with unterminated JSon data.
Now I see QFile doesn't have required constructor, but main concept should be clear. Read data from stdin and check if it is a valid JSon document.

Save pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> in format compatible with Meshlab

Is there any function in PCL library to save pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> point cloud in format XYZRGB that can be opened with Meshlab?
Seems pcl::io::savePCDFileASCII (filename, cloud); stores RGB values in some specific way.
For me it works, if I store it as PLY file in binary format. It seems as if Meshlab is having some troubles with ASCII files occasionally. Here is what works for me.
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr sceneCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
//Fill cloud somehow...
std::string writePath = "your/path";
pcl::io::savePLYFileBinary(writePath, *sceneCloudPtr);
You can convert to .ply, .obj or any other supported format. Have a look to the demo pcd2ply in the PCL, or just use pcl::PLYWriter setting up the parameters depending on your needs:
pcl::PLYWriter writer;
writer.write (filename, cloud, Eigen::Vector4f::Zero (),
Eigen::Quaternionf::Identity (), binary, use_camera);

`fprintf` with SD.h's File type

I'm using the SD.h library to write onto an SD card with the Arduino Uno. I need to write out in a file a template string with some placeholder replaced by certain values, in the way of printf behaves. I would use the fprintf function, but when I tried this:
File dataFile ="myfile.txt", FILE_WRITE);
fprintf(dataFile, "mynumber: %d\n", 100);
I got this error:
cannot convert 'File*' to '__file*' for argument '1' to 'int
fprintf(__file*, const char*, ...)'
How can I manage this?
printf() makes your executable object ~1000 bytes larger, so you may not want to use it if size is a problem.
The fprintf is not intended to use with the SD.h so I think
The simple solution that comes into my mind is using sprintf to format your text then write it to the file with the println function
File dataFile ="myfile.txt", FILE_WRITE);
char text[100];
sprintf(text,"My number: %d",yournumber);

Converting an image to text

I want to be able to save an image as text in a xml file and I can't manage to find a efficient way to do it !
So far I tried :
QByteArray ImageAsByteArray;
QBuffer ImageBuffer(&ImageAsByteArray);;, "PNG");
return QString(ImageAsByteArray.toBase64());
Despite the fact it's working, the result is a file that is huge ! I tried adding some QCompress in there but without much success... Actually the QCompress doesn't seem to compress anything...
I think I'm doing it the wrong way, but could someone enlight my path please ?
Are you loading the image file to QImage and then getting the bytes from that QImage? If yes, then you are base64 encoding the raw image. In that case it really doesn't matter at all how much the original image file is compressed.
You should read the original image file (png or jpg) as a binary stream and base64 encode that stream. Example:
QFile* file = new QFile("Image001.jpg");
QByteArray image = file->readAll();
int originalSize = image.length();
QString encoded = QString(image.toBase64());
int encodedSize = encoded.size();
My test image's originalSize is 1028558 bytes, and encodedSize is 1371412 bytes, which is 33% more than the originalSize (see Jérôme's comment to your question).

How to save a QPixmap Object to a file?

I'm having trouble reading and writing QByteArray data to a file.
My goal is to save QPixmap data into a QByteArray and save that QByteArray to a file (with the ability to read this QByteArray back from the file and into a QPixmap). I want to use following code from the QPixmap documentation:
QPixmap pixmap(<image path>);
QByteArray bytes;
QBuffer buffer(&bytes);;, "PNG"); // writes pixmap into bytes in PNG format
After writing the buffer to a file, I want to be able to retrieve the QByteArray and load it back into a QPixmap using the QPixmap::loadFromData() function.
Please let me know if any further clarification is needed (I'm open to alternative approaches as well, I just need to be able to read and write the QPixmap to a file! :) );
That seemed like a really long way to go about doing it (but your comment better explains):
For writing:
QFile file("yourFile.png");;, "PNG");
For reading:
QPixmap pixmap;
QBuffer is great when you need a QIODevice and want to keep it in memory, but if you're actually going out to disk, then it's an unnecessary middle step.
To write pixmaps, and other things, to a single file I'd recommend that you use QDataStream.
For writing:
QFile file("outfile.dat");;
QDataStream out(&file);
out << QString("almost any qt value object")
<< yourQPixMap << yourQList /* << etc. */;
Then, you can do similarly for reading:
QFile file("infile.dat");;
QDataStream in(&file);
in >> firstQString >> yourQPixmap >> yourList /* >> etc. */;
You'll need to make sure that you read in the same objects as you wrote them out. In order to save yourself future compatibility headaches, set the QDataStream version explicitly.
