accessing Meteor.users.emails[0].address in Meteor.publish - meteor

I want to publish a collection to the owner which is accessed by this.userId (that part is working) and to those that the owner has invited. The only way I can do this is through the in my collection because the user being invited may not be a registered user yet.
Meteor.publish("meals", function () {
var current_user = Meteor.user();
return MealModel.find(
{$or: [{"": current_user.emails[0].address}, {owner: this.userId}]});
I don't want to publish the entire collection and query on the client side because I am afraid the collection could potentially get too big.
Any suggestions? Thanks.

Unfortunately, you can't use Meteor.user() inside of a publish function. Instead, you need to do a findOne with the userId. Give this a try:
Meteor.publish('meals', function() {
if (!this.userId)
return this.ready();
var user = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId);
var email = user.emails[0].address;
return MealModel.find({$or: [{'': email}, {owner: this.userId}]});


Meteor.js accounts package [duplicate]

I want to have client-side access for a certain set of fields for ALL users while I would like to have access to even more fields for the current user only. How do I go about writing publish code to accomplish this?
Right from Meteor documentation:
Meteor.publish("userData", function () {
return Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId},
{fields: {'other': 1, 'things': 1}});
And also:
Meteor.publish("allUserData", function () {
return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields: {'nested.things': 1}});
Hope this helps.
As mentioned above, the
Meteor.publish("userData", function () {
return Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId},
{fields: {'other': 1, 'things': 1}});
Meteor.publish("allUserData", function () {
return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields: {'nested.things': 1}});
publish functions will push the data from the Users collection.
Subscribe with
Tracker.autorun(function () {
And the additional data will automatically go into the Users collection and be available in the Meteor.user() object.
My story with that:
I proceeded as documentation says, but encountered with weird behavior.
I had publish function, where I published whole profile and email object for current user (lets say userData) and just some subset for the other users (allUserData).
When I had -
On client side right after user logged in, I've received just allUserData data. Thats mean even for my logged in user (That user couldn't see his own email address). When I refresh browser, bug was fixed and I got properly allUserData for all users except one logged in, which has his proper userData (with mentioned email address).
What is interesting, if I changed the sequence of that subscriptions, bug was fixed.:
Putting into Meteor.autosubscribe(function () { }) doesn't changed anything.
Finally I tried put that subscription into Deps.autorun(function() { }) and explicitly add reactivity and the problem with sequence was resolved..:
Deps.autorun(function() {
Meteor.subscribe("allUserData", Meteor.userId());
Meteor.subscribe("userData", Meteor.userId());
// or
// Meteor.subscribe("userData", Meteor.userId());
// Meteor.subscribe("allUserData", Meteor.userId());
In publish function I just replace this.userId with userId from parameter.
With next bug which I encountered was, that I've got secret systemData object in profile user's object and that can see just admins, not regular logged in users. But although correct set publish function with 'profile.systemData': 0 that secret object could see all logged in users which looked into his profile object.
Probably it was because my publish function(s) somehow interfered with publish function in Meteor Account package:
// Publish the current user's record to the client.
Meteor.publish(null, function() {
if (this.userId) {
return Meteor.users.find(
{_id: this.userId},
{fields: {profile: 1, username: 1, emails: 1}});
} else {
return null;
}, /*suppress autopublish warning*/{is_auto: true});
Anyway I resolved it with help of method Account.onCreateUser() and adding systemData next to profile object, not into profile.
There starts my other problems :) see Meteor.loginWithPassword callback doesn't provide custom object in User accounts doc
PS: If I knew it at begin, I've put systemData object into special collection.

Different userId get same document with server publish this.userId

With autopublish package is removed, While this Meteor code is running, a different userId has been confirmed on 2 different browsers consoles Meteor.userId();
But when a string is typed in the inputText of one of them, and a collection.insert is done, the other shows the same string.
I thought that this.userId was good enough for the server to publish only the documents that belongs to each of the different clients simultaneously.
Why is this happening and how to fix it? Thanks
Meteor.publish('displayCol', function () {
return DisplayCol.find({userId: this.userId});
DisplayCol.before.insert(function (userId, doc) {
doc.userId = userId;
taskInputs: function () {
var ready = Meteor.subscribe('displayCol').ready();
var data = DisplayCol.find({});
return {items: data, ready: ready};
Do you have autopublish still installed? If so, both clients will get everything automatically. Remove it with 'meteor remove autopublish'
You can also add the {userId: Meteor.userId()} condition on the client side.

Meteor / Jasmine / Velocity : how to test a server method requiring logged in user?

Using velocity/jasmine, I'm a bit stuck on how I should test a server-side method requiring that there be a currently logged-in user. Is there a way to make Meteor think a user is logged in via stub/fake ?
myServerSideModel.doThisServerSideThing = function(){
var user = Meteor.user();
if(!user) throw new Meteor.Error('403', 'not-autorized');
Jasmine.onTest(function () {
describe("doThisServerSideThing", function(){
it('should only work if user is logged in', function(){
// this only works on the client :(
Meteor.loginWithPassword('user','pwd', function(err){
What you could do is add users just to your test suite. You could do this by populating these users in a the server-side test script:
Something like:
Jasmine.onTest(function () {
Meteor.startup(function() {
if (!Meteor.users.findOne({username:'test-user'})) {
username: 'test-user'
... etc
Then, a good strategy could be to use the beforeAll in your test to login (this is client side):
Jasmine.onTest(function() {
beforeAll(function(done) {
Meteor.loginWithPassword('test-user','pwd', done);
This is assuming your test isn't logged in yet. You can make this more fancy by checking for Meteor.user() and properly logging out in an afterAll, etc. Note how you can handily pass the done callback to many of the Accounts functions.
Essentially, you don't have to mock a user. Just make sure you have the right users, with the correct roles, available in the Velocity/Jasmine DB.
Lets say you have a server side method like this:
serverMethod: function(){
// check if user logged in
if(!this.userId) throw new Meteor.Error('not-authenticated', 'You must be logged in to do this!')
// more stuff if user is logged in...
// ....
return 'some result';
You do not need to make a Meteor.loginWithPassword before executing the method. All you got to do is stub the this.userId by changing the this context of the method function call.
All defined meteor methods are available on the Meteor.methodMap object. So just call the function with a different this context
describe('Method: serverMethod', function(){
it('should error if not authenticated', function(){
var thisContext = {userId: null};
it('should return a result if authenticated', function(){
var thisContext = {userId: 1};
var result =;
expect(result).toEqual('some result');
EDIT: This solution was only tested on Meteor <= 1.0.x
What are you testing and why does it require a user to be logged in? Most of the methods I have that need a user object I pass the user object into. This allows me to call from a test without actually being logged in. So in the actual running of the code I would pass...
var r = myMethod(Meteor.user());
but when running from the test I would call like...
it('should be truthy', function () {
var r = myMethod({_id: '1', username: 'testUser', ...});
I think that Meteor.server.method_handlers["nameOfMyMethod"] allows you to call/apply a Meteor method and supply this as the first parameter at least in the current version (1.3.3)
this.userId = userId;
Meteor.server.method_handlers["cart/addToCart"].apply(this, arguments);

How can I publish records that I am getting through a Meteor.method() call

I am getting a set of documents from a call to a function in Meteor.methods(). Now I want to publish these documents in a local collection which should be client only. How can I do this?
fillCollection: function (userId) {
var record ='checkedOutRecordIds', userId);
var results ='getCheckedOutDocuments', userId, record);
// I want to store these results in a local collection.
// I have tried it, but it doesn't let me.
results.forEach(function (doc) {

Adding an array object to Users collection in Meteor.js

I'm very new to Meteor.js and I'm finding the documentation a bit hard to understand.
I'm starting with a very simple app where Users will simply be allowed to add existing Games to their profile by clicking a button. The Games are stored in another Meteor Collection.
In rails I would just create a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship but that isn't how Meteor works. I thought the best way would be to add an empty array when the user's account is created - then, when they click the "add game" button it would pass the game's title into the users array.
I have this in my /server/users.js file:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user){ = [];
return user;
addGame: function(title) {
Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), { $addToSet: { games: title}});
And I'm making a call to the addGame method in my /client/views/games/games_list.js file as such:{
'click .add-to-chest-btn': function(e){
var title = $('name');
e.preventDefault();'addGame', title, function(title){ console.log(title)});
Am I on the right track or is there a better way to do this?
You're on the right track, but do declare an array instead of an object:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user){ = [];
return user;
Push the value directly instead of an object, and use $addToSet to avoid duplicates in case you push the same gameId multiple times:
addGame: function(gameId) {
Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), { $addToSet: { games: gameId }});
