I am trying to change the sign of a number to negative if it is below a specific target and it is to remain positive if it is above. - r

I put the section of code in bold that seems to be the problem. Here is the code:
## price impact analysis
### import data from excel spreadsheets
chtr_trades <- read.csv("F:/FRE 6951 Mkt Micro Struc/CHTRTRADES.csv")
chtr_quotes <- read.csv("F:/FRE 6951 Mkt Micro Struc/CHTRQUOTES.csv")
## initialize bid ask
max_bid <- NULL
min_ask <- NULL
### cleans data
maxrm <- function(x) {
max(x, na.rm=TRUE)
minrm <- function(x) {
min(x, na.rm=TRUE)
## retrieve max bid and ask for each iteration
max_bid<- tapply(chtr_quotes[,4],chtr_quotes[,3], maxrm)
min_ask<- tapply(chtr_quotes[,5],chtr_quotes[,3], minrm)
time <- levels(chtr_quotes[,3])
## calculate previous second midpoint
midpoint <- (min_ask + max_bid)/2
askbidtime <- data.frame(midpoint,time,max_bid,min_ask)
row.names(askbidtime) <- seq(nrow(askbidtime))
askbidtime[,2] <- as.POSIXct(askbidtime[,2], format="%H:%M:%S")
ordered.askbidtime <- askbidtime[order(askbidtime$time),]
row.names(ordered.askbidtime) <- seq(nrow(ordered.askbidtime))
chtr_trades_revised <-chtr_trades[which(as.POSIXct(chtr_trades[,3],format="%H:%M:%S") %in% ordered.askbidtime[,2]),]
midpoint[1:5] <- NA
for(i in 6:3917) {
midpoint[i] <- as.numeric(ordered.askbidtime[which(ordered.askbidtime[,2]==as.POSIXct(chtr_trades_revised[i,3],format="%H:%M:%S"))-1,1])
***## sign trades
chtr_trades_revised$midpoint <- midpoint
for(i in 6:3917) {
if((!is.na(chtr_trades_revised$midpoint[i])) & (chtr_trades_revised$midpoint[i] > chtr_trades_revised$PRICE[i])) {
chtr_trades_revised$signed_volume <- -chtr_trades_revised$SIZE
if((!is.na(chtr_trades_revised$midpoint[i])) & (chtr_trades_revised$midpoint[i] < chtr_trades_revised$PRICE[i])) {
chtr_trades_revised$signed_volume <- chtr_trades_revised$SIZE
Here are the results. In the last column rows 4062 and 4054 should be positive but it makes the entire column negative:
SYMBOL DATE TIME PRICE SIZE midpoint signed_volume
4060 CHTR 20130718 2014-08-26 15:59:44 124.46 100 124.485 -100
4061 CHTR 20130718 2014-08-26 15:59:52 124.46 100 124.495 -100
4062 CHTR 20130718 2014-08-26 15:59:55 124.52 100 124.490 -100
4063 CHTR 20130718 2014-08-26 15:59:58 124.53 100 124.410 -100
4064 CHTR 20130718 2014-08-26 16:00:00 124.57 7951 124.550 -7951
4065 CHTR 20130718 2014-08-26 16:00:00 124.53 100 124.550 -100

Here's a cute way:
foo<- 1:10
threshold <- 5
foo<- foo*(-1)^(foo < threshold)
[1] -1 -2 -3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Another method:
foo = 1:10 ; threshold = 5
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
foo = ifelse(foo>=threshold, foo, -foo)
[1] -1 -2 -3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10


R: Counting rows in a dataframe in which all values fall within individual ranges

I have a dataframe (A rows x K columns). For each column, I get the 5th and 95th percentile value. I want to know how many rows in the df have all K of their values within these K sets of 5th and 95th percentile values.
Example code below works, removing rows that do not fall within the bounds (1 and 9 here, but in practice will be percentiles), and then counting what remains. But A will be 10K and K will be 40, and I am simulating this dataframe 10K times, so I am wondering if there is code that will run faster.
data <- rbind(c(1,2,3,4,5), c(3,5,7,8,5), c(2,8,9,5,9), c(9,1,1,8,9),
Lower_Bound <- rbind(1,1,1,1,1)
Upper_Bound <- rbind(9,9,9,9,9)
for (i in c(1:5)) {
data <- data[data[,i] > Lower_Bound[i,],]
data <- data[data[,i] < Upper_Bound[i,],]
N <- nrow(data)
If I understand correctly, the OP is only interested in the number of rows which fulfill the condition. So, there is no need to actually remove rows fromdata that do not fall within the bounds. It is sufficient to count the number of rows which do fall within the bounds.
This answer contains solutions for
and a benchmark which compares
OP's approach,
apply() with matrices and data.frames,
an approach using purrr's map() and reduce() functions.
apply() with matrices
Let's start with the provided sample data and fixed Lower_Bound and Upper_Bound. Please, note that all three objects are matrices created by rbind(). This is in contrast to the text of the question which refers to a dataframe (A rows x K columns). Anyhow, we will provide solutions for both cases.
apply(data, 1, function(x) all(x > Lower_Bound & x < Upper_Bound))
returns a vector of type logical
The number of rows which fulfill the condition can be derived by
N <- sum(apply(data, 1, function(x) all(x > Lower_Bound & x < Upper_Bound)))
[1] 2
because TRUE is coerced to 1L and FALSE to 0L.
The next step is to also compute the bounds for each column as 5th and 95th percentile. For this, we have to create a new sample dataset mat, again as matrix
# create sample data
n_col <- 5
n_row <- 10
set.seed(42) # required for reproducible results
mat <- sapply(1:n_col, function(x) rnorm(n_row, mean = x))
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 2.3709584 3.3048697 2.693361 4.455450 5.205999
[2,] 0.4353018 4.2866454 1.218692 4.704837 4.638943
[3,] 1.3631284 0.6111393 2.828083 5.035104 5.758163
[4,] 1.6328626 1.7212112 4.214675 3.391074 4.273295
[5,] 1.4042683 1.8666787 4.895193 4.504955 3.631719
[6,] 0.8938755 2.6359504 2.569531 2.282991 5.432818
[7,] 2.5115220 1.7157471 2.742731 3.215541 4.188607
[8,] 0.9053410 -0.6564554 1.236837 3.149092 6.444101
[9,] 3.0184237 -0.4404669 3.460097 1.585792 4.568554
[10,] 0.9372859 3.3201133 2.360005 4.036123 5.655648
For demonstration, each column has a different mean.
# count number of rows
probs <- c(0.05, 0.95)
bounds <- apply(mat, 2, quantile, probs)
idx <- apply(mat, 1, function(x) all(x > bounds[1, ] & x < bounds[2, ]))
N <- sum(idx)
1 5
If required, the subset of mat which fulfills the condition can be derived by
mat[idx, ]
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 2.3709584 3.304870 2.693361 4.455450 5.205999
[2,] 1.6328626 1.721211 4.214675 3.391074 4.273295
[3,] 0.8938755 2.635950 2.569531 2.282991 5.432818
[4,] 2.5115220 1.715747 2.742731 3.215541 4.188607
[5,] 0.9372859 3.320113 2.360005 4.036123 5.655648
The bounds are
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
5% 0.641660 -0.5592606 1.226857 1.899532 3.882318
95% 2.790318 3.8517060 4.588960 4.886484 6.135429
apply() with data.frames
In case the dataset is a data.frame we can use the same code, i.e.,
df <- as.data.frame(mat)
probs <- c(0.05, 0.95)
bounds <- apply(df, 2, quantile, probs)
idx <- apply(df, 1, function(x) all(x > bounds[1, ] & x < bounds[2, ]))
N <- sum(idx)
The OP is looking for code which is faster than OP's own approach because the OP wants to replicate the simulation 10000 times.
So, here is a benchmark which compares
OP1: OP's own approach using matrices
OP2: a slightly modified version of OP1
apply_mat: the apply() function with matrices
apply_df: the apply() function with data.frames
purrr: using map(), pmap(), and reduce() from the purrr package
(Note that the list of methods is not exhaustive)
The benchmark is repeated for varying problem sizes, i.e., 5, 10, and 40 columns as well as 100, 1000, and 10000 rows. The largest problem size corresponds to the size of OP's simulations. As some codes modify the input dataset, all runs start with a fresh copy of the input data.
bm <- press(
n_col = c(5L, 10L, 40L)
, n_row = 10L^(2:4)
, {
mat0 <- sapply(1:n_col, function(x) rnorm(n_row, mean = x))
df0 <- as.data.frame(mat0)
OP1 = {
data <- data.table::copy(mat0)
Lower_Bound <- as.matrix(apply(data, 2, quantile, probs = 0.05), ncol = 1L)
Upper_Bound <- as.matrix(apply(data, 2, quantile, probs = 0.95), ncol = 1L)
for (i in seq_len(ncol(data))) {
data <- data[data[, i] > Lower_Bound[i, ], ]
data <- data[data[, i] < Upper_Bound[i, ], ]
OP2 = {
data <- data.table::copy(mat0)
Lower_Bound <- as.matrix(apply(data, 2, quantile, probs = 0.05), ncol = 1L)
Upper_Bound <- as.matrix(apply(data, 2, quantile, probs = 0.95), ncol = 1L)
for (i in seq_len(ncol(data))) {
data <- data[data[, i] > Lower_Bound[i, ] & data[, i] < Upper_Bound[i, ], ]
apply_mat = {
mat <- data.table::copy(mat0)
probs <- c(0.05, 0.95)
bounds <- apply(mat, 2, quantile, probs)
idx <- apply(mat, 1, function(x) all(x > bounds[1, ] & x < bounds[2, ]))
apply_df = {
df <- data.table::copy(df0)
probs <- c(0.05, 0.95)
bounds <- apply(df, 2, quantile, probs)
idx <- apply(df, 1, function(x) all(x > bounds[1, ] & x < bounds[2, ]))
purrr = {
data.table::copy(df0) %>%
map2(map_dfc(., quantile, probs), ~ (.x > .y[1L] & .x < .y[2L])) %>%
pmap(all) %>%
Note the logarithmic time scale
print(bm[, 1:11], n = Inf)
# A tibble: 45 x 11
expression n_col n_row min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time
<bch:expr> <int> <dbl> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <bch:tm>
1 OP1 5 100 1.46ms 1.93ms 493. 88.44KB 0 248 0 503ms
2 OP2 5 100 1.34ms 1.78ms 534. 71.56KB 0 267 0 500ms
3 apply_mat 5 100 1.16ms 1.42ms 621. 26.66KB 2.17 286 1 461ms
4 apply_df 5 100 1.41ms 1.8ms 526. 34.75KB 0 263 0 500ms
5 purrr 5 100 2.34ms 2.6ms 374. 17.86KB 0 187 0 500ms
6 OP1 10 100 2.42ms 2.78ms 344. 205.03KB 0 172 0 500ms
7 OP2 10 100 2.37ms 2.71ms 354. 153.38KB 2.07 171 1 484ms
8 apply_mat 10 100 1.76ms 2.12ms 457. 51.64KB 0 229 0 501ms
9 apply_df 10 100 2.31ms 2.63ms 367. 67.78KB 0 184 0 501ms
10 purrr 10 100 3.44ms 4.1ms 222. 34.89KB 2.09 106 1 477ms
11 OP1 40 100 9.4ms 10.57ms 92.9 955.41KB 0 47 0 506ms
12 OP2 40 100 9.18ms 10.08ms 96.8 638.92KB 0 49 0 506ms
13 apply_mat 40 100 5.44ms 6.46ms 146. 429.95KB 2.12 69 1 472ms
14 apply_df 40 100 6.12ms 6.75ms 141. 608.66KB 0 71 0 503ms
15 purrr 40 100 10.43ms 11.8ms 84.9 149.53KB 0 43 0 507ms
16 OP1 5 1000 1.75ms 1.94ms 478. 837.55KB 2.10 228 1 477ms
17 OP2 5 1000 1.69ms 1.94ms 487. 674.36KB 0 244 0 501ms
18 apply_mat 5 1000 4.84ms 5.62ms 176. 255.17KB 0 89 0 506ms
19 apply_df 5 1000 6.37ms 7.66ms 122. 333.58KB 0 62 0 506ms
20 purrr 5 1000 9.86ms 11.22ms 87.7 165.52KB 2.14 41 1 467ms
21 OP1 10 1000 3.35ms 3.91ms 253. 1.89MB 0 127 0 503ms
22 OP2 10 1000 3.33ms 3.72ms 256. 1.41MB 2.06 124 1 484ms
23 apply_mat 10 1000 5.86ms 6.93ms 142. 491.09KB 0 72 0 508ms
24 apply_df 10 1000 7.74ms 10.08ms 99.2 647.86KB 0 50 0 504ms
25 purrr 10 1000 14.55ms 15.44ms 62.5 323.17KB 2.23 28 1 448ms
26 OP1 40 1000 13.8ms 16.28ms 58.8 8.68MB 2.18 27 1 459ms
27 OP2 40 1000 13.29ms 14.72ms 67.9 5.84MB 0 34 0 501ms
28 apply_mat 40 1000 12.17ms 13.85ms 68.5 4.1MB 2.14 32 1 467ms
29 apply_df 40 1000 14.61ms 15.86ms 62.9 5.78MB 0 32 0 509ms
30 purrr 40 1000 41.85ms 43.66ms 22.7 1.25MB 0 12 0 529ms
31 OP1 5 10000 5.57ms 6.55ms 147. 8.15MB 2.07 71 1 482ms
32 OP2 5 10000 5.38ms 6.27ms 157. 6.55MB 2.06 76 1 485ms
33 apply_mat 5 10000 43.98ms 46.9ms 20.7 2.48MB 0 11 0 532ms
34 apply_df 5 10000 53.59ms 56.53ms 17.8 3.24MB 3.57 5 1 280ms
35 purrr 5 10000 86.32ms 88.83ms 11.1 1.6MB 0 6 0 540ms
36 OP1 10 10000 12.03ms 13.63ms 72.3 18.97MB 2.07 35 1 484ms
37 OP2 10 10000 11.66ms 12.97ms 76.5 14.07MB 4.25 36 2 471ms
38 apply_mat 10 10000 50.31ms 51.77ms 18.5 4.77MB 0 10 0 541ms
39 apply_df 10 10000 62.09ms 65.17ms 15.1 6.3MB 0 8 0 528ms
40 purrr 10 10000 125.82ms 128.3ms 7.35 3.13MB 2.45 3 1 408ms
41 OP1 40 10000 53.38ms 56.34ms 16.2 87.79MB 5.41 6 2 369ms
42 OP2 40 10000 46.24ms 47.43ms 20.3 58.82MB 2.25 9 1 444ms
43 apply_mat 40 10000 78.25ms 83.79ms 11.4 40.94MB 2.85 4 1 351ms
44 apply_df 40 10000 95.66ms 97.02ms 10.3 57.58MB 2.06 5 1 486ms
45 purrr 40 10000 361.26ms 373.23ms 2.68 12.31MB 0 2 0 746ms
To my surprise, OPs approach does perform quite well despite the repeated copy operations. In fact, for OP's problem size of 10000 rows and 40 columns the modified version OP2 is nearly tow times faster than apply_mat.
A possible explanation (which needs to be verified, though) is that OPs approach is kind of recursive where the number of rows to be checked are reduced when iterating over the columns.
Interestingly, the purrr variant has the lowest memory requirements.
Taking the median run time of about 50 ms for the OP2 method from this benchmark, 10000 repetitions of the simulation may take less than 10 minutes.

How to know if a number is in a determinated interval in R

I have a dataset with 3 columns: Default, Height and Weight.
I made a binning of the variables and almacenated it (I have to do it this way) in a list. Every binning has a woe associated, but now I want to put those woes in the original Dataframe depending in which buckets are my observations:
For example, the data frame
df1 <- data.frame(default=sample(c(0,1), replace=TRUE, size=100, prob=c(0.9,0.1)),
height=sample(150:180, 100, replace=T),
> head(df1)
# default height weight
# 1 0 172 54
# 2 0 169 71
# 3 0 164 61
# 4 0 156 55
# 5 0 180 66
# 6 0 162 63
The bins (I will just show the first one)
bins <- lapply(c("height","weight"), function(x) woe.binning(df1, "default", x,
stop.limit = 0.05)[2])
# [[1]]
# [[1]][[1]]
# woe cutpoints.final cutpoints.final[-1] iv.total.final 0 1 col.perc.a col.perc.b iv.bins
# (-Inf,156] -46.58742 -Inf 156 0.1050725 21 5 0.24137931 0.38461538 0.0667299967
# (156,168] 23.91074 156 168 0.1050725 34 4 0.39080460 0.30769231 0.0198727638
# (168,169] -10.91993 168 169 0.1050725 6 1 0.06896552 0.07692308 0.0008689599
# (169, Inf] 25.85255 169 Inf 0.1050725 26 3 0.29885057 0.23076923 0.0176007627
# Missing NA Inf Missing 0.1050725 0 0 0.00000000 0.00000000
Now I want to see in with bins is my data.
My desired output is something similar to this
# default height weight woe_height woe_weight
# 1 0 160 54 23.91074 -8.180032
# 2 0 140 71 -46.58742 -7.640947
Is there any way to do it? The main problem I see here is that the intervals (a,b) are strings. I was thinking about use substr() or something similar to separate the strings in logical options, but I dont think that would work, and its not very elegant.
Any help will be welcome, thanks in advance.
Does this work fine for you?
apply_woe_binning <- function(df, x){
# woe binning
w <- woe.binning(df, "default", x,
stop.limit = 0.05)[[2]]
# create new column name
new_col <- paste("woe", x, sep = "_")
# define cuts
cuts <- cut(df[[x]], w$cutpoints.final)
# add new column
df[[new_col]] <- w[cuts, "woe", drop = TRUE]
# one by one
df2 <- apply_woe_binning(df1, "height")
df2 <- apply_woe_binning(df2, "weight")
# in a functional
df2 <- Reduce(function(y, x) apply_woe_binning(df = y, x = x),
init = df1)

Averaging every n columns and keep first two columns in the new data.frame in r

I have a data frame for daily time series with 4 observation for every day (every 6 hours) for each x and y (I have 202552 cells).
> head(tab,10)
x y X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990.
1 5.000 60 276.9105 277.8516 278.9908 279.2422 279.6751 279.8078 280.4396
2 5.125 60 276.8863 277.8682 278.9966 279.2543 279.6863 279.7885 280.4033
3 5.250 60 276.8621 277.8830 279.0006 279.2659 279.6989 279.7688 280.3661
4 5.375 60 276.8379 277.8969 279.0029 279.2772 279.7123 279.7477 280.3289
5 5.500 60 276.8142 277.9094 279.0033 279.2879 279.7257 279.7244 280.2909
6 5.625 60 276.7913 277.9224 279.0033 279.2987 279.7396 279.6993 280.2523
7 5.750 60 276.7707 277.9363 279.0020 279.3094 279.7531 279.6715 280.2142
8 5.875 60 276.7537 277.9520 279.0002 279.3202 279.7656 279.6406 280.1770
9 6.000 60 276.7416 277.9713 278.9980 279.3314 279.7773 279.6070 280.1407
10 6.125 60 276.7357 277.9946 278.9953 279.3435 279.7871 279.5707 280.1071
X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990.
1 280.5674 280.3316 280.3796 280.2308 280.6216 280.6216 280.1842
2 280.5414 280.3106 280.3697 280.2133 280.6220 280.6368 280.2053
3 280.5145 280.2886 280.3594 280.1927 280.6184 280.6503 280.2227
4 280.4858 280.2653 280.3482 280.1703 280.6113 280.6619 280.2380
5 280.4562 280.2420 280.3379 280.1466 280.6010 280.6722 280.2492
6 280.4262 280.2192 280.3280 280.1219 280.5880 280.6816 280.2572
7 280.3957 280.1981 280.3209 280.0973 280.5732 280.6910 280.2613
8 280.3661 280.1793 280.3159 280.0748 280.5571 280.7009 280.2626
9 280.3384 280.1640 280.3155 280.0542 280.5414 280.7112 280.2599
10 280.3128 280.1542 280.3195 280.0385 280.5270
I'd like to compute the daily average for every 4 columns (as each day has 4 measurements). I was able to use this function but I need to keep x and y for each row.
### daily mean
byapply <- function(x, by, fun, ...)
# Create index list
if (length(by) == 1)
nc <- ncol(x)
split.index <- rep(1:ceiling(nc / by), each = by, length.out = nc)
} else # 'by' is a vector of groups
nc <- length(by)
split.index <- by
index.list <- split(seq(from = 1, to = nc), split.index)
# Pass index list to fun using sapply() and return object
sapply(index.list, function(i)
do.call(fun, list(x[, i], ...))
DM<- data.frame(byapply(tab[3:2800], 4, rowMeans))
> head(DM, 10)
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
1 278.2488 280.1225 280.3909 279.4138 276.6809
2 278.2514 280.1049 280.3789 279.4395 276.7141
3 278.2529 280.0871 280.3648 279.4634 276.7437
4 278.2537 280.0687 280.3488 279.4858 276.7691
5 278.2537 280.0493 280.3319 279.5066 276.7909
6 278.2539 280.0294 280.3143 279.5264 276.8090
7 278.2546 280.0086 280.2974 279.5453 276.8244
8 278.2565 279.9873 280.2818 279.5639 276.8377
9 278.2605 279.9658 280.2688 279.5819 276.8495
10 278.2673 279.9444 280.2598 279.5998 276.8611
Then I can use cbind to link daily means with each x and y
DMxy<- data.frame(cbind(lonlat, DM))
But I am looking for a way that I can compute the daily average directly by keeping the first two columns (x and y) in the new data frame (without deleting x and y) to minimize any possible error in cobind
Instead of
DM<- data.frame(byapply(tab[3:2800], 4, rowMeans))
DM2 <- cbind(byapply(tab[-(1:2)], 4, rowMeans), tab[1:2])
That will get you the desired result in a single step. Also, you minimize the chance of a mistake because you don't need to know the length of your dataframe; tab[-(1:2)] means "Every column in tab except the first two".
Classic textbook case to not store data in wide format due to needed operations such as grouped aggregation, specifically averaging. Consider melting your data into long format, and aggregate by the day for each X and Y grouping:
DATA (OP's posted example but filled in missing row 10 last two values)
txt= ' x y X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990. X1990.
1 5.000 60 276.9105 277.8516 278.9908 279.2422 279.6751 279.8078 280.4396 280.5674 280.3316 280.3796 280.2308 280.6216 280.6216 280.1842
2 5.125 60 276.8863 277.8682 278.9966 279.2543 279.6863 279.7885 280.4033 280.5414 280.3106 280.3697 280.2133 280.6220 280.6368 280.2053
3 5.250 60 276.8621 277.8830 279.0006 279.2659 279.6989 279.7688 280.3661 280.5145 280.2886 280.3594 280.1927 280.6184 280.6503 280.2227
4 5.375 60 276.8379 277.8969 279.0029 279.2772 279.7123 279.7477 280.3289 280.4858 280.2653 280.3482 280.1703 280.6113 280.6619 280.2380
5 5.500 60 276.8142 277.9094 279.0033 279.2879 279.7257 279.7244 280.2909 280.4562 280.2420 280.3379 280.1466 280.6010 280.6722 280.2492
6 5.625 60 276.7913 277.9224 279.0033 279.2987 279.7396 279.6993 280.2523 280.4262 280.2192 280.3280 280.1219 280.5880 280.6816 280.2572
7 5.750 60 276.7707 277.9363 279.0020 279.3094 279.7531 279.6715 280.2142 280.3957 280.1981 280.3209 280.0973 280.5732 280.6910 280.2613
8 5.875 60 276.7537 277.9520 279.0002 279.3202 279.7656 279.6406 280.1770 280.3661 280.1793 280.3159 280.0748 280.5571 280.7009 280.2626
9 6.000 60 276.7416 277.9713 278.9980 279.3314 279.7773 279.6070 280.1407 280.3384 280.1640 280.3155 280.0542 280.5414 280.7112 280.2599
10 6.125 60 276.7357 277.9946 278.9953 279.3435 279.7871 279.5707 280.1071 280.3128 280.1542 280.3195 280.0385 280.5270 280.6581 280.3139'
df <- read.table(text=txt, header=TRUE)
mdf <- melt(df, id.vars = c('x', 'y'), variable.name = "day")
mdf$day <- gsub("X", "", mdf$day)
mdf$datetime <- as.POSIXct(mdf$day, format="%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")
mdf$day <- format(mdf$datetime, "%Y-%m-%d")
# x y day value datetime
# 1 5.000 60 1990-05-01 276.9105 1990-05-01 01:00:00
# 2 5.125 60 1990-05-01 276.8863 1990-05-01 01:00:00
# 3 5.250 60 1990-05-01 276.8621 1990-05-01 01:00:00
# 4 5.375 60 1990-05-01 276.8379 1990-05-01 01:00:00
# 5 5.500 60 1990-05-01 276.8142 1990-05-01 01:00:00
# 6 5.625 60 1990-05-01 276.7913 1990-05-01 01:00:00
aggdf <- aggregate(value ~ x + y + day, mdf, FUN=mean)
aggdf <- with(aggdf, aggdf[order(x,y),]) # RE-ORDER BY X
row.names(aggdf) <- NULL # RESET ROW NAMES
head(aggdf, 12)
# x y day value
# 1 5.000 60 1990-05-01 278.2488
# 2 5.000 60 1990-05-02 280.1225
# 3 5.000 60 1990-05-03 280.3909
# 4 5.000 60 1990-05-04 280.4029
# 5 5.125 60 1990-05-01 278.2514
# 6 5.125 60 1990-05-02 280.1049
# 7 5.125 60 1990-05-03 280.3789
# 8 5.125 60 1990-05-04 280.4211
# 9 5.250 60 1990-05-01 278.2529
# 10 5.250 60 1990-05-02 280.0871
# 11 5.250 60 1990-05-03 280.3648
# 12 5.250 60 1990-05-04 280.4365

How to get the output from the function in a column of a dataframe - R

Hi I have a simple function:
same_picking <- function(cena){
data_model2$price_model2 <- 0.6 + cena * data_model2$item_SKU + 0.4
I would like the output to be rewritten in a column of a data.frame.
currently, because I still did not get the first writing of a function the column is still filled with NAs.. but I would like that after every run of a function the values would be rewriten in theat column.
count_code sifra item_SKU price_model2
281 0421 2 NA
683 0499 5 NA
903 0654 3 NA
7390 0942 3 NA
2778 0796 5 NA
2778 0796 7 NA
7066 0907 83 NA
281 0421 2 NA
I have tried with the comands: data.frame and within... but it got me nowhere.
I would appraciate the help.
same_picking <- function(cena){
data_model2$price_model2 <<- 0.6 + cena * data_model2$item_SKU + 0.4
<<- operator allows you to access the object from the ouside. Very clean :)
The simplest way would be to return the df from function:
df <- read.table(
text = "count_code sifra item_SKU price_model2
281 0421 2 NA
683 0499 5 NA
903 0654 3 NA
7390 0942 3 NA
2778 0796 5 NA
2778 0796 7 NA
7066 0907 83 NA
281 0421 2 NA",
header = TRUE)
head(df, 2)
# count_code sifra item_SKU price_model2
# 1 281 421 2 NA
# 2 683 499 5 NA
# 1st ---------------------------------------------------------------------
same_picking_1 <- function(df, cena){
df$price_model2 <- 0.6 + cena * df$item_SKU + 0.4
df2 <- same_picking_1(df, 1)
head(df2, 2)
# count_code sifra item_SKU price_model2
# 1 281 421 2 3
# 2 683 499 5 6
Other options, data.table and dplyr:
same_picking_2 <- function(cena, item_SKU){
0.6 + cena * df$item_SKU + 0.4
# data.table --------------------------------------------------------------
dt <- data.table(df)
dt[, price_model2 := same_picking_2(1, item_SKU)]
head(dt, 2)
# count_code sifra item_SKU price_model2
# 1: 281 421 2 3
# 2: 683 499 5 6
# dplyr -------------------------------------------------------------------
df3 <- df %>% mutate(price_model2 = same_picking_2(1, item_SKU))
head(df3, 2)
# count_code sifra item_SKU price_model2
# 1 281 421 2 3
# 2 683 499 5 6
Edit after OP comment:
You can also wrap data.table solution into a function
# data.table --------------------------------------------------------------
same_picking_2_int <- function(cena, item_SKU){
0.6 + cena * df$item_SKU + 0.4
same_picking_2 <- function(dt, cena){
dt[, price_model2 := same_picking_2_int(cena, item_SKU)]
# Use update by reference
dt <- data.table(df)
head(dt, 2)
same_picking_2(dt, 1)
head(dt, 2)
# Slightly more readable, the same output, also utilizes the update by reference of data.table (see tracemem())
dt <- data.table(df)
head(dt, 2)
dt <- same_picking_2(dt, 1)
head(dt, 2)

R: Error: vector are not the same length in a for loop

I am starting to learn R and I got an error for the loop.
Here is the error I got:
Error in names(data1)[5] <- "TR" :
'names' attribute [5] must be the same length as the vector [4]
Here is my code:
#read data
data1<-read.table("C_0.txt",header = T,sep=",")
#name the 5th col TR
#calculate the length of data1
#initialize first TR value to NA
for (i in 1:(n-1)){
if (data1[i,3]==data1[i+1,3]) {data1[i+1,5]<-data1[i,5]}
if (data1[i,3]< data1[i+1,3]) {data1[i+1,5]<- 1}
if(data1[i,3]> data1[i+1,3]) {data1[i+1,5]<- -1}
Here is the algorithm I am trying to codify:
if the current price is above the previous price, mark +1 in the column named TR
if the current price is below the previous price, mark -1 in the column named TR
if the current price is the same as the previous price, mark the same thing as in the previous price in the column named TR
I marked the first TR row as NA because there is no price to compare it to.
here is the data from C_0.txt:
Thanks a lot!
Adding a column to a data frame is fairly basic stuff. Here's a question that summarises that.
You can't add a column to a data frame by changing the length of the names attribute vector. You have to create it by methods like in this question.
As for the other part of your question, let's use diff and rle instead of a for-loop.
d <- read.table(sep = ",", text =
02/18/2014,07:57:12,49.5,200", header = TRUE)
tmp <- c(NA, diff(d$Price))
tmp <- sign(tmp)
tmp <- rle(tmp)
l <- tmp$lengths
v <- tmp$values
idx <- which(v == 0L)
l[idx - 1] <- l[idx - 1] + l[idx]
l <- l[-idx]
v <- v[-idx]
d$TR <- inverse.rle(list(lengths = l, values = v))
# Date Time Price Size TR
# 1 02/18/2014 05:06:13 49.60 200 NA
# 2 02/18/2014 05:06:13 49.60 200 NA
# 3 02/18/2014 05:06:13 49.60 200 NA
# 4 02/18/2014 05:06:14 49.60 200 NA
# 5 02/18/2014 05:06:14 49.60 193 NA
# 6 02/18/2014 05:44:41 49.62 100 1
# 7 02/18/2014 06:26:36 49.52 100 -1
# 8 02/18/2014 06:26:36 49.52 500 -1
# 9 02/18/2014 07:09:29 49.60 100 1
# 10 02/18/2014 07:56:40 49.56 300 -1
# 11 02/18/2014 07:56:40 49.55 400 -1
# 12 02/18/2014 07:56:41 49.54 200 -1
# 13 02/18/2014 07:56:43 49.55 100 1
# 14 02/18/2014 07:56:43 49.55 100 1
# 15 02/18/2014 07:56:50 49.55 100 1
# 16 02/18/2014 07:57:12 49.53 100 -1
# 17 02/18/2014 07:57:12 49.51 2200 -1
# 18 02/18/2014 07:57:12 49.51 100 -1
# 19 02/18/2014 07:57:12 49.50 200 -1
