Weird issue with google maps. It shows wrong tiles - google-maps-api-3

It seems google maps stopped working properly a couple of hours ago. It displays the wrong tiles at the wrong coordinates. I've tried accessing my applications from different physical locations and tried different maps, but nothing helps.
Strange thing is.. it worked perfectly fine till last night and nothing changed in my source.
I'm also experiencing this issue in the basic example: and I'm curious if if works for anyone else.
I wonder if there is some (global) issue or if I somehow missed an important update? I can't find anything relevant using Google, so I hope someone here can help me out.
By the way.. works fine.
Kind regards,

It seems the issue has gone away. All of a sudden a simple map reload (not even clearing the cache) makes the default map load properly.
I still have no idea what happened, but at least I'm glad it's working again.

Google Maps For Business support just let me know that this issue should be fixed now.
It was a problem with "tile caching", they said.
Although it is still broken for someone I am working with


Desactivating a setinterval function?

I have absolutely no idea why, but on 2 websites (2 websites that I professionnaly work on, and they havent been hacked or compromised), my Chrome console keeps clearing every 500ms.
Which is pretty annoying.
I desactivated all extensions. Tried private browsing. It's the same thing.
I uninstalled chrome as well as my extensions. Same.
When I try to reproduce it on someone else's computer, I cannot.
When I use another Chrome session the issue does not happen.
I have absolutely no idea how to get rid of this or what is the exact cause of the issue.
The code running is :
setInterval(function(){console.clear();'Console was cleared by browser extension.');},500);
Since I unfortunately do not seem to find the reason, my only question will be : would there be a way to desactivate that code or postpone the setinveral to a bigger number?
Thanks !
In Chrome, on the developer tools, click on the settings icon, and tick the the "Preserve Log" option so the console is not cleared.
If your websites happen to be ecommerce (Magento specially) I'll advice you to check your code well for unknown js. This is one of the "symptoms" of the Magecart credit card skimmer. Preserve log option

JavaFX - Nodes Whiting Out

Hi I have quite an unusual query. I have made a small JavaFX program and am very proud of the results. However I recently noticed a bug I can't seem to rap my head around. I can't recreate it either and do not have a screen shot of it unfortunately. However you can see a screenshot of the general program below in the state that triggered the problems.
I was running my program like normal and gave it quite a large load to handle (a lot of gradients as seen below). Then what happened was that in any TextField I typed in all edited text became a completely white rectangle and if I tried to update the image preview to the right it also turned white. If I let the program be in this white state for about ten seconds everything would load back in and behave like normal until I went to edit anything again.
It happened with any StyleSheet I loaded and as mentioned I cannot seem to recreate it. So my question is this. Is this a known error that can occur if you configure your scene in the wrong way (or something similar) or have I just managed to screw things up in general? The source code is quite long and I have absolutely no Idea where the problem may lie so I won't post any if you don't feel like a specific part may be interesting.
I am also aware that this type of general question is not really liked here so sorry about that. If you can suggest another more suitable forum I would be more than happy to move my question there.
//Thanks for any help.
EDIT: I finally managed to get a screen shot of the bug. I am not having high hopes that anyone is going to answer this though...

Redactor editor not saving in Concrete

As said here: when I try and save any text with redactor, I get the index page's mark-up as the error message.
Someone suggested that this could be an ajax error however I really have no idea. There is no error log produced and I am at a loss as to what is actually causing this to happen.
The strange thing is I can leave the content block empty and it will save fine but when I type anything into the box and hit save it throws an error.
The site has been working for the last 3 months without issue so I'm not sure why it has suddenly stopped working.
If anyone could help, this problem is driving me and my client nuts.
On further testing this problem is localized to the server which is running the website because it works absolutely fine on my local version of the website. It also seems to not only affect redactor but also any form.
Updating to solved my problem.
Thanks to #pc-shooter for the suggestion!

RStudio "Source on Save" button missing

I'm having an issue where my "Source on Save" button has disappeared from RStudio, and it's really frustrating me. It was there yesterday, but now it's not. Does anyone have any idea what could be the cause of this?
The only thing I can figure out is that the button shows up BEFORE you save a new file. Once you save it, the button disappears. I've also tried updating RStudio, with no luck. Then I tried uninstalling/re-installing. Again, with no luck.
I have no idea what might have caused it to disappear since yesterday. I've been writing some code for one of my personal projects, but nothing crazy.
I'm running RStudio 0.98.977(now) on Win7.
This is really frustrating. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
edit: Also, I tried uploading a screenshot, but SO won't let. All of the file extensions are .R, so they SHOULD be interpreted correctly. Also, this behavior is consistent across all of my R scripts, including ones that previously worked correctly.
I finally figured it out, thanks to this short discussion (which was just answered 2 hours ago, lucky me!):
Apparently, shiny.ui and shiny.server cannot be located in the same folder as any of the files you want to source or else it thinks all of the other files in that folder are part of the Shiny app. I guess this throws it off somehow. I still don't know why it just showed up today, because I haven't used that app in the last several days, and I've been working on projects non-stop since then....but whatever, it works now.
Hopefully, this helps someone else out in the future.

Google Maps V3: Styled maps suddenly lost their styles?

I was working on my site last night and suddenly my styled map went back to the default style. Looking around it seems that the styles on Google's own blog aren't working.
Even the Map style wizard is not working.
I thought this might just be me, but I have looked in both Firefox and Chrome and on two different computers. Strangely, it does seem that there are some maps that are still styled.
Has there been a change in the syntax? None of my code has changed.
My site is here if you want to look for yourself. Can someone confirm this for me? Can you see a problem with my js code?
You are using a deprecated field. Change rules to stylers and it should work fine.
Ive just had the same problem with my implementation, just stopped working in the last 12 hours or so. I am going to try and figure out whats gone wrong because as you said, some are still working.
skarE's post fixed it for me, nice one!
