How to add background music in without bgsound and embed -

How to add background music when a website loads for the first time without using embed and bgsound.I am using visual studio 2010 and these two are not supported in this.
I am developing website using master page and i want to use the code in master
What is the best practice to to be able when I open my website and some music starts f sometime.I am not much expert in .net with c#.So finding some problem in it.
If browser also matters?

Add the following code anywhere in the body of your HTML document to embed a music file and play it automatically when a visitor browses your website.
<audio src="music/yoursongname.mp3" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop"></audio>
Change the "src" attribute so that it contains the path and filename of the music file that you want to embed.
Note: Add the "loop" attribute if you want the music file to play over and over


How do I remove footer/watermark from Google Data Studio in an embedded report?

I'm redisplaying a Google Data Studio report on my wordpress site via the html embed box. For this particular report I don't want viewers to know the backend is data studio. I've tried readjusting the viewing size to be smaller than that of the report in hopes it would trim out the footer but have had no luck.
Below is the code placed in the html embed box:
<iframe width="2000" height="1600" src=">>>>DLB" frameborder="none" style="border:none" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
Does anyone know how I could remove the google data studio report footer/watermark from my website?
You can’t remove the data studio watermark without violating the Data Studio terms of service
You need to find the following line in HTML.
<div ng-if="reportViewCtrl.isReportEmbedding()">
when a page is loaded use JS to add the following attribute:
All together will look as follows
<div ng-if="reportViewCtrl.isReportEmbedding()" style="display:none">
3 easy steps:
Disable with ajax/jquery/... the right click function to prevent them from being able to inspect the element embedded and get the url anyway
With CSS, load anything that you can use to overlay it on embedded datastudio footer.
That same element, make it transparent to avoid google penalties

Open a link in a frame/lightbox

im using wordpress and want to add a link which open in a frame/lightbox. Cant find a small solution for that.
There should be no new window. Just a content box which appear inside the page where i am. I hope u know what i mean
That should be pretty easy using the Easy Fancybox plugin.
Citing the entry from the FAQ section of the plugin's page:
Can I display web pages or HTML files in a FancyBox overlay?
Yes. First, enable the iFrame option on Settings > Media. Then, in your post or page content create a link to any web page or .htm(l) file in your content. Then switch to the Text tab in the Classic Editor or to Edit as HTML (under More options in the block menu) in Gutenberg, find the link <a ... > tag and give it a class="fancybox-iframe" attribute.
Voilà !
Beware, though, that:
Note: Not all external web pages are allowed to be embedded in an iframe and may be blocked by a server response header or script. The result will be either an empty/blank light box or the target page “breaking out” of the light box and loading in the main browser tab.
And you'd probably face the same problem with any other iframe solution. So that would work better with locally served pages.

Sharepoint MasterPages/Templates customization

I am pretty new to Sharepoint.
I need to customize some Sharepoint Masterpages (the background color, the font type and a few other css requeriments).
Considering I have available the following files: v4.master, default.master and two more pages which are content pages of default.master, plus the COREv4.css file.
I know I should create a copy of one of those master pages (I am not sure which tho) and customize it changing the CSS linked to it). The following questions come in regards of this:
1) The custom CSS file should be a modified copy of the COREv4.CSS or just another CSS file with the desired styles?
2) How do I create/link the customized CSS file for the modified page via Site Settings?. How/Where should I save the new file?.
3) As for the copy of v4.master, How do I load it to "replace" the original one for the site?.
4) The system is built upon Sharepoint 2010. That ensures that the page to have the modified CSS would be a v4.master copy only?.
Thank you for the insight as always.
I managed to solve the problem getting a general idea with the pdf manual provided, your suggestions and some extra steps I will describe briefly:
1) To place my custom css file I put it in the folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\3082\STYLES
2) I opened the site to be customized with Sharepoint Designer 2010.
3) I clicked on the option Main Pages/Master Pages, and selected the page to be v4.master page, copied and pasted it. Then I renamed it right clicking on it, selecting "Rename" and typed the new name, after doing that I right clicked one more and selected "Set page as main default page".
4) To edit the contents of the page I right clicked once more and selected the option "Edit content in advanced mode", right before the head tag ended I copied and pasted:
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="customname.css" runat="server" After="core4.css"/>
Note that "customname.css" is my css file. Then I clicked on the floppy disk icon on the upper left side of the screen to save.
5) After doing that I used Chrome HTML/CSS Analyzer, inspecting the original (and now copied) master page to browse on the zones that needed customization in order to identify the class names/ids/element types that managed the styles to be changed. Once identified I only added to them the properties that required change, EG:
//Webparts Alternate Highlighted Rows
div#ctl00_MSO_ContentDiv tbody{ background-color:#F7FAF4 } tbody{ background-color:#F7FAF4 }
I mostly did this by myself by trial and error with Chrome Analyzer but I also helped the task using the Chart found here (, tho at some point going thru it turned a bit tricky and I decided to do it by myself as I mentioned. In the process I repeatedly added more styles to the custom file and then overwrote it on the server location to refresh the page/pages to see how it was looking, this till the end of the process.
Thanks for your help, I hope this serves as a guide for anyone that needs it. If you have questions let me know.
You can create a new master page from the scratch or modify the existing one.
Please have a look at this link it may help you to get answers of your questions
It's not advised to modify files of SharePoint.
Better to create new master page file, specify all CSS and script you want inside and install this with feature.
What version of SharePoint do you have? SharePoint 2010 Server or Foundation? Cause with server version you can brand your master page in a cool way:
see this link
Microsoft has a good introductory article on how you can/should do this.

Regarding CMS concept and html editor in

we create page through html editor in CMS project. when we design pages then we can add image through html editor. so i just want to know how automatically image path will be stored in my database table and image will upload in proper forlder. suppose i work with fckeditor.
fckeditor can automatically upload images in right folder and how images path will be saved in right table. do i need to parse the html and extract images and replace the image path with properly and atlast upload images programatically to right folder on server before saving the html to databased. please discuss this in detail because i never work with CMS before.
what is the best html editor for CMS and project.
also tell me what the best free open source CMS for

Load FlowPlayer video dynamically into page

I tried passing in the name of the file via querstrying but it looks like flowplayer wants to load it before the Request.Querstring["videoName"] value is retrieved.
Any Idea?
Have your page generate the clip configuration dynamically. It's hard to be more specific without seeing your code.
