MPI Runtime environment issue [duplicate] - mpi

This question already has an answer here:
MPI_Rank return same process number for all process
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am trying to run below program
main(int argc, char **argv){
int size, myrank;
printf("My rank is\n",myrank);
command to compile and run:
mpicc hello.c
mpirun -np 4 a.out
Expected Output:
My rank is 0
My rank is 1
My rank is 2
My rank is 3
Actual Output:
My rank is 0
My rank is 0
My rank is 0
My rank is 0
Why did I get the output with all ranks equal to zero, and what should I do to
get the expected output?

Your line
printf("My rank is\n",myrank);
is missing %d:
printf("My rank is %d\n",myrank);
Furthermore, MPI_init should be MPI_Init, and you are missing a MPI_Finalize statement.
Apart from that, make sure that a.out that you run is really the one you think it is, for instance using
mpirun -np 4 ./a.out
rather than
mpirun -np 4 a.out
and make sure that both mpicc and mpirun come from the same implementation : OpenMPI, IntelMPI, MPich, etc, do not like to mix commands from one another.


Using GNU Parallel etc with PBS queue system to run more than 2 or more MPI codes across multiple nodes as a single job

I am trying to run more than 1 MPI codes (eg. 2) in PBS queue system across multiple nodes as a single job.
E.g. For my cluster, 1 node = 12 procs
I need to run 2 codes (abc1.out & abc2.out) as a single job, each code using 24 procs. Hence, I need 4x12 cores for this job. And I need a software which can assign 2x12 to each of the code.
Someone suggested:
How to run several commands in one PBS job submission
which is:
(cd jobdir1; myexecutable argument1 argument2) &
(cd jobdir2; myexecutable argument1 argument2) &
but it doesn't work. The codes are not distributed among all processes.
Can GNU parallel be used? Becos I read somewhere that it can't work across multiple nodes.
If so, what's the command line for the PBS queue system
If not, is there any software which can do this?
This is similar to my final objective which is similar but much more complicated.
Thanks for the help.
Looking at it seems you need to use $PBS_NODEFILE.
Let us assume you have $PBS_NODEFILE containing the 4 reserved nodes. You then need a way to split these in 2x2. This will probably do:
run_one_set() {
cat > nodefile.$$
mpdboot -n 2 -f nodefile.$$
mpiexec -n 1 YOUR_PROGRAM
rm nodefile.$$
export -f run_one_set
cat $PBS_NODEFILE | parallel --pipe -N2 run_one_set
(Completely untested).
thanks for the suggestions.
Btw, i tried using gnu parallel and so far, it only works for jobs within a single node. After some trial and error, I finally found the solution.
Suppose each node has 12procs. And you need to run 2 jobs, each req 24 procs.
So u can request:
#PBS -l select=4:ncpus=12:mpiprocs=12:mem=32gb:ompthreads=1
sort -u $PBS_NODEFILE > unique-nodelist.txt
sed -n '1,2p' unique-nodelist.txt > host.txt
sed 's/.*/& slots=12/' host.txt > host1.txt
sed -n '3,4p' unique-nodelist.txt > host.txt
sed 's/.*/& slots=12/' host.txt > host2.txt
mv host1.txt 1/
mv host2.txt 2/
(cd 1; ./ &
(cd 2; ./ &
What the above do is to get the nodes used, remove repetition
separate into 2 nodes each for each job
go to dir 1 and 2 and run the job using
Inside for job 1 in dir 1:
mpirun -n 24 --hostfile host1.txt abc
Inside for job 2 in dir 2:
mpirun -n 24 --hostfile host2.txt def
Note the different host name.

Is `ls -f | grep -c .` the fastest way to count files in directory, when using POSIX / Unix system (Big Data)?

I used to do ls path-to-whatever| wc -l, until I discovered, that it actually consumes huge amount of memory. Then I moved to find path-to-whatever -name "*" | wc -l, which seems to consume much graceful amount of memory, regardless how many files you have.
Then I learned that ls is mostly slow and less memory efficient due to sorting the results. By using ls -f | grep -c ., one will get very fast results; the only problem is filenames which might have "line breaks" in them. However, that is a very minor problem for most use cases.
Is this the fastest way to count files?
EDIT / Possible Answer: It seems that when it comes to Big Data, some versions of ls, find etc. have been reported to hang with >8 million files (need to be confirmed though). In order to succeed with very large file counts (my guess is > 2.2 billion), one should use getdents64 system call instead of getdents, which can be done with most programming languages, that support POSIX standards. Some filesystems might offer faster non-POSIX methods for counting files.
One way would be to use readdir and count the entries (in one directory). Below I'm counting regular file and using d_type==DT_REG which is available for limited OSs and FSs (man readdir and see NOTES) but you could just comment out that line and count all the dir entries:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct dirent *entry;
DIR *dirp;
long long c; // 64 bit
if(argc<=1) // require dir
return 1;
dirp = opendir (argv[1]);
if (dirp == NULL) { // dir not found
return 2;
while ((entry = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
// printf ("%s\n", entry->d_name); // for outputing filenames
printf ("%lli\n", c);
closedir (dirp);
return 0;
Complie and run:
$ gcc code.c
$ ./a.out ~
(I need to clean my home dir :)
I touched a 1000000 files into a dir and run a quick comparison (best user+sys of 5 presented):
$ time ls -f | grep -c .
real 0m1.771s
user 0m0.656s
sys 0m1.244s
$ time ls -f | wc -l
real 0m1.733s
user 0m0.520s
sys 0m1.248s
$ time ../a.out .
real 0m0.474s
user 0m0.048s
sys 0m0.424s
Edit 2:
As requested in comments:
$ time ./a.out testdir | wc -l
real 0m0.567s
user 0m0.124s
sys 0m0.468s

Parsing command line argument

In our Systems Programming class, we were given the assignment of recreating a simple 'ls' style program.
I am near completion and needed some guidance on how to determine which functions to execute based off of which flags were passed in.
I am able to loop through the char* argv[] array to determine which flags were used, but with 4 different options, I'm stuck on trying to find an efficient way to call functions.
The flags can be:
-l for long listing
-a for exposing hidden files
-U for unsorted listing
-s for sorted listing
These can be passed in any order.
Any tips?
Thanks all
Have a series of flags indicating the options, then run through all the arguments setting each flag as appropriate. In pseudo-code, that would be something like:
flagLongListing = false
flagAllFiles = false
flagSorted = false
for each arg in args:
if arg starts with '-':
for each char in args[1:]:
if char is 'l': flagLongListing = true
if char is 'a': flagAllFiles = true
if char is 'U': flagSorted = false
if char is 's': flagSorted = true
and so on. This approach would handle all forms of option passing (combined, separate or a mixture):
ls -alU
ls -a -l -U
ls -al -U
Once you've finished processing the flags, you can go back and process the non-flags (like *.c if you're interested only in C files, for example).
But the output of each file would then be dictated by the flags that were set in the initial pass.

what tabsize 'ls- C' assumes?

I wanted to display the result of ls -C in my OpenGL application, but the output is columnized with tab characters instead of space characters. I could probably find the correct value by trial and error, but the question is where the ls gets this number or how does it calculate it?
ls / -C
bin g\t\t lib lost+found proc\tselinux usr\tvmlinuz
boot home\t lib32 media\t root\tsrv\t v\twin7
dev initrd.img lib64 mnt\t run\tsys\t var\tx
etc initrd.img.old libx32 opt\t sbin\ttmp
FreeBSD: /usr/src/bin/ls/print.c
tabwidth = 8;
As far as I can see, this value can't be changed, and is fixed.
GNU coreutils src/ls.c
tabsize = 8;
The tabsize can be set using the TABSIZE environment variable, or the -T / --tabsize option.
A tabsize of 8 is pretty standard with UNIX commandline utilities, but as far as I can find, this isn't standardized in POSIX.

Running C++ program multiple times

I have a C++ program which I need to run it multiple times.
For example:-
Run ./addTwoNumbers 50 times.
What would be a good approach to solve this problem?
In POSIX shells,
for i in {1..50} ; do ./addTwoNumbers ; done
If this is code you are writing, take the number of times you want to "run" as an argument:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int numTimes = 1;
if (argc > 1)
numtimes = atoi(argv[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; i++)
// Your code goes here
(Note this doesn't do any sanity checking on the input, but it should point you in the right direction)
The way you were asking the question indicated that you had a finished binary. You want to run it as if it was from the command line. The forward slash, to me, is a clue that you are a Unix like operating system user. Well, that, and the fact that this post is tagged "Unix", which I just saw after writing the below. It should all be applicable.
The scheme of using the shell is probably the simplest one.
man bash tells you how to write a shell script. Actually we need to figure out what shell you are using. From the command line, type:
echo $SHELL
The response I get is
Meaning that I am running bash. Whatever you get, copy down, you will need it later.
The absolutely lowest knowledge base is to simply create a file with any standard text editor and no suffix. Call it, simply (for example) run50.
The first line is a special line that tells the unix system to use bash to run the command:
#! /bin/bash
(or whatever you got from echo $SHELL).
Now, in the file, on the next line, type the complete path, from root, to the executable.
Type the command just as if you were typing it on the command line. You may put any arguments to your program there as well. Save your file.
Do you want to run the program, and wait for it to finish, then start the next copy? Or do you want to start it 50 times as fast as you can without waiting for it to finish? If the former, you are done, if the latter, end the line with &
That tells the shell to start the program and to go on.
Now duplicate that line 50 times. Copy and paste, it is there twice, select all, and then paste at the end, for 4 times, again for 8, again for 16, and again for 32. Now copy 18 more lines and paste those at the end and you are done. If you happen to copy the line that says #! /bin/bash don't worry about it, it is a comment to the shell.
Save the file.
From the command line, enter the following command:
chmod +x ./filenameofmyshellcommand
Where you will replace filenameofmyshellcommand with the name of the file you just created.
Finally run the command:
And it should run the program 15 times.
If you are using bash, instead of duplicating the line 50 times, you can write a loop:
for ((i=1;i<=50;i++)) do
echo "Invocation $i"
I have included a message that tells you which run the command is on. If you are timing the program I would not recommend a "feelgood" message like this. You can end the line with & if you want the command to be started and the script to continue.
The double parenthesis are required for this syntax, and you have to pay your syntax.
for ((i=1;i<=50;i++)) do echo "invocation $i" & done
is an interesting thing to just enter from the command line, for fun. It will start the 50 echos disconnected from the command line, and they often come out in a different order than 1 to 50.
In Unix, there is a system() library call that will invoke a command more or less as if from the terminal. You can use that call from C++ or from perl or about a zillion other programs. But this is the simplest thing you can do, and you can time your program this way. It is the common approach in Unix for running one program or a sequence of programs, or for doing common tasks by running a series of system tools.
If youy are going to use Unix, you should know how to write a simple shell script.
int count=0;
int main()
//do whatever you need to do;
int count++;
if (count<=50);
goto beginning;
return 0;
