For uppercase, lowercase letters and 10-digits I can generate a vector that contains all letters or 10-digit number as follow:
A <- LETTERS[0:26]
B <- letters[0:26]
C <- seq(0,9)
I wonder whether there is a similar function for non-alphanumeric characters.
I tried
D <- c("~","!","#","#","$","%","^", "&","*","_","-","+","=","`","|","\","(",")","{","}","[","]",":",";",""","'","<",">",",",".","?","/")
This is another option. Generate all ascii characters, then filter out the non punctuation with regular expressions.
ascii <- rawToChar(as.raw(0:127), multiple=TRUE)
ascii[grepl('[[:punct:]]', ascii)]
# [1] "!" "\"" "#" "$" "%" "&" "'" "(" ")" "*" "+" "," "-" "." "/" ":" ";" "<" "=" ">" "?" "#"
# [23] "[" "\\" "]" "^" "_" "`" "{" "|" "}" "~"
This might be useful . . The ASCII character set is arranged in ranges of similar types of characters (letters, etc).
It's a bit drawn out, and there's probably a better website (and a better way to get the same result), but
library(XML); library(RCurl)
doc <- htmlParse(getURL(""))
xp <- xpathSApply(doc, "//tr/td", xmlValue, trim = TRUE)
xp[nzchar(xp) & nchar(xp) == 1]
# [1] "!" "[" "%" "," "]" "&" "-" "|" "'" "." "=" "~" "("
# [14] "/" ")" "*" "=" "{" "?" "`" "}" "#" ":" ";" "^" " "
Also, using the website from the other answer yields a more complete result
> URL <- ""
> r <- readLines(URL, warn = FALSE)[780:874]
> s <- sapply(strsplit(r, "\\s+"), "[", 1)
> s[!s %in% c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9)]
# [1] "" "!" "\"" "#" "$" "%" "&" "'" "("
# [10] ")" "*" "+" "," "-" "." "/" ":" ";"
# [19] "<" "=" ">" "?" "#" "[" "\\\\" "]" "^"
# [28] "_" "`" "{" "|" "}" "~"
...or yeah, just use rawToChar(as.raw(...)) like MrFlick said :-)
This answer is only for amusement, list the characters you want and use strsplit to generate your vector.
> D <- strsplit('!"#$%&\'()*+,-./\\:;<=>?#[]^_`{|}~', '(?=.)', perl=T)[[1]]
## [1] "!" "\"" "#" "$" "%" "&" "'" "(" ")" "*" "+" "," "-" "." "/"
## [16] "\\" ":" ";" "<" "=" ">" "?" "#" "[" "]" "^" "_" "`" "{" "|"
## [31] "}" "~"
Or filter the characters you want.
> D <- gsub('[^\\pP\\pS]', '', rawToChar(as.raw(1:127), multiple=T), perl=T)
> D[D != ""]
## [1] "!" "\"" "#" "$" "%" "&" "'" "(" ")" "*" "+" "," "-" "." "/"
## [16] ":" ";" "<" "=" ">" "?" "#" "[" "\\" "]" "^" "_" "`" "{" "|"
## [31] "}" "~"
This regex :
str_extract_all("This is a Test , ' ' " , "[a-z]+")
returns :
[1] "his" "is" "a" "est"
How to modify so this is case insensitive ?
`[1] "This" "is" "a" "Test"`
should instead be returned
Should /i remove case sensitive ?
Trying str_extract_all("This is a Test , ' ' " , "[a-z]+/i")
There is a special notation for stringr functions:
regex(pattern, ignore_case = FALSE, multiline = FALSE, comments = FALSE,
dotall = FALSE, ...)
You may use
> str_extract_all("This is a Test , ' ' " , regex("[a-z]+", ignore_case=TRUE))
[1] "This" "is" "a" "Test"
Alternatively, use an inline i modifier (?i):
str_extract_all("This is a Test , ' ' " , "(?i)[a-z]+")
You could try including the capital letters in the set you're searching for.
str_extract_all("This is a Test , ' ' " , "[A-Za-z]+")
If you only want the first letter to be capitalized you could try the code below. It lets the first letter be case insensitive and then have only lowercase afterward.
str_extract_all("This is a Test , ' ' " , "[A-Za-z][a-z]*")
For digits I can write a vector like this:
digits <- c("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9")
How can I get an analogous vector of punctuation marks?
You could convert numbers to punctuation using Unicode code points (thanks Konrad, for point that out).
strsplit(intToUtf8(c(33:47, 58:64, 91:96)), "")[[1]]
# [1] "!" "\"" "#" "$" "%" "&" "'" "(" ")" "*" "+" "," "-" "."
#[15] "/" ":" ";" "<" "=" ">" "?" "#" "[" "\\" "]" "^" "_" "`"
some Ethiopian punctuation (0x1361:0x1367):
strsplit(intToUtf8(0x1361:0x1367), "")[[1]]
[1] "፡" "።" "፣" "፤" "፥" "፦" "፧"
If this is missing punctuation you want to use, you can look up the unicode points associated with the punctuation you want, and use it (e.g. somewhere like You can also get the integers from utf8ToInt. For instance "~" isn't included above:
#[1] 126
I want to print to the screen double quotes (") in R, but it is not working. Typical regex escape characters are not working:
> print('"')
[1] "\""
> print('\"')
[1] "\""
> print('/"')
[1] "/\""
> print('`"')
[1] "`\""
> print('"xml"')
[1] "\"xml\""
> print('\"xml\"')
[1] "\"xml\""
> print('\\"xml\\"')
[1] "\\\"xml\\\""
I want it to return:
" "xml" "
which I will then use downstream.
Any ideas?
Use cat:
cat("\" \"xml\" \"")
cat('" "','xml','" "')
" "xml" "
Alternative using noqoute:
noquote(" \" \"xml\" \" ")
Output :
" "xml" "
Another option using dQoute:
dQuote(" xml ")
Output :
"“ xml ”"
With the help of the print parameter quote:
print("\" \"xml\" \"", quote = FALSE)
> [1] " "xml" "
I have a dataset called Price which is supposed to be numeric but is generated as a string because all 5 is replaced by +.
It looks like this:
"99000" "98300" "98300" "98290" "98310" " 9831+ " "98310" " 9830+ " " 9830+ " " 9830+ " " 9829+ " " 9828+ " " 9827+ " "98270"
I used the gsub function in R to try and replace + by 5. The code I wrote is:
However, the output is just a bunch of numbers which doesn't make sense for what I intended:
"59595050505,5 59585350505,5 59585350505,5 59585259505,5 59585351505,5 5 5 595853515+5 5,5 59585351505,5 5 5 595853505+5 5,5 5 5 595853505+5
How can I fix this?
The + sign should be escaped. Try this:
finalPrice<-gsub("\\+",5, Price)
Besides using double-escapes to force a literal-x to be matched by the pattern argument, you can also use either the fixed=TRUE parameter or use a character-class defined by the "[.]"-operation. See the ?regex page for more details:
> gsub("+", "5", txt, fixed=TRUE)
[1] "99000" "98300" "98300" "98290" "98310"
[6] " 98315 " "98310" " 98305 " " 98305 " " 98305 "
[11] " 98295 " " 98285 " " 98275 " "98270"
> gsub("[+]", "5", txt)
[1] "99000" "98300" "98300" "98290" "98310"
[6] " 98315 " "98310" " 98305 " " 98305 " " 98305 "
[11] " 98295 " " 98285 " " 98275 " "98270"
When writing regex, + means match the preceeding group one or more times. As the preceeding character is in your regex before the + is empty, gsub matches every empty string in the target.
The result is that 5 is inserted into each of these positions.
To avoid this, escape the +, which needs to be done with double backslash in R:
I'm using the fragment identifier to create a permalink for AJAX events in my web app similar to this guy. Something like:
I've done quite a bit of searching but can't find a list of valid characters for the fragment idenitifer. The W3C spec doesn't offer anything.
Do I need to encode the characters the same as the URL in has in general?
There doesn't seem to be any good information on this anywhere.
See the RFC 3986.
fragment = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "#"
unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
/ "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
So you can use !, $, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, ;, =, something matching %[0-9a-fA-F]{2}, something matching [a-zA-Z0-9], -, ., _, ~, :, #, /, and ?
fragment = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "#"
unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
/ "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
So, combined, the fragment cannot contain #, a raw %, ^, [, ], {, }, \, ", < and > according to the RFC.
One other RFC speak of that: RFC-1738
URL schemeparts for ip based protocols:
httpurl = "http://" hostport [ "/" hpath [ "?" search ]]
hpath = hsegment *[ "/" hsegment ]
hsegment = *[ uchar | ";" | ":" | "#" | "&" | "=" ]
search = *[ uchar | ";" | ":" | "#" | "&" | "=" ]