I can't seem to access a web application externally - asp.net

I am getting a "Server Unavailable" error message when I try to access a web application externally, but I can access it fine internally. It's got a message for administrators telling me to check the event log, but there's nothing there. Another thing, this is a work server, so I'm not exactly sure if they're using another firewall, but the Windows Firewall is disabled and the McAfee security installation does not have a firewall. Any thoughts on what could be causing this. If you need to see any code or need more information, let me know.The server is running Windows 2003 server OS.

I would be willing to bet the correct ports are not forwarded.
What kind of web app is it? You have to find out which port that app uses and forward it on the router.

Server Application Unavailable in IIS for ASP.NET application
Problem :Server Application Unavailable
The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.
Administrator Note: An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur.
Solution 1:
Open the command promt and direct to the folder C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
and run the command to install ASP.NET in your IIS
aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Solution 2:
To work around this problem, verify that the ASPNET account has the correct user rights as follows:
a) %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\Version\Temporary ASP.NET Files: Full Control
%windir%\Temp: Full Control
b) Application folder: Read
c) %installroot% hierarchy (for example, %windir%\Microsoft.Net\Framework\Version): Read
d) %windir%\Assembly: Read
e) Web site root (for example, %root%\Inetpub\Wwwroot) or the path that the default Web site points to: Read
f) %windir%\System32: Read(Typically, the ASPNET account has already been granted user rights as a member of the Users group.)
Now Close all the applications and reset IIS in command promt 'iisreset'
problem solved :) cheers


IIS application pool identity not allowing the server to start

This question:
IIS application pool access to remote directory on network ask how to allow iis to have the ability to access a file on a network drive. The answer is to set up a user with the appropriate rights and set the application pool identity to that user. We've done that and when we restart the app pool we get a 503 error on our web app.
It appears that the app isn't actually starting.
Here are more details which may help you analyze the problem:
This is Windows Server 2008 R2, iis 7
Our username is abc123\_svc_OSAT (Domain name isn't actually abd123 but I need to obscure it rather than risk publishing internal company information)
As abc123\_svc_OSAT I can map a drive to \\FPIAPPS01\Logs which is a directory on a network server so we know that this user has network access.
In iis we click on our app pool, select Advanced Settings, select Identity, Select the .. button, select "Custom Account" and set it to the user abc123\_svc_OSAT and use the proper password. We then stop and start that application pool.
When looking at the app in a browser we get a 503 error. Checking the logs at C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1 we don't see any error. However, the application appears not to have actually started.
Does abc123_svc_OSAT need a specific permission which we may be
Is there any other place with a log file which we should
look to get a better idea of what is causing the problem?
Thank you.
Does abc123_svc_OSAT have access to directory that hosts your ASPX files? The log files you are looking at are only for logging access to your website. You will want to check the event viewer to see the actual IIS error.
We ended up making the user an administrator and that worked. That's probably too broad for sufficient security rights. We'll keep looking. But it does show that the issue was somehow related to user roles rather than a password issue.

IIS 7 not showing virtual directory mapped to another machine

I have an issue with IIS7 when mapping virtual directories to another machine.
This is my setup:
my Web APP is running on the web server (let's call it WEBSERVER). Windows Server 2008, IIS 7.
I got some assets/images in an assets server (let's call it ASSETSSERVER). Windows Server 2003, on the C:\Assets folder, shared as \\ASSETSSERVER\Assets
Servers are in a workgroup, not a domain. This is something beyond my control, which I can't change.
Following the recommendation of our network team, I configured the app pool to run under the user WEBSERVER\portaluser
In my web app, I define a virtual directory. I map it to \\ASSETSSERVER\Assets. In the log in credentials, I specify the user ASSETSERVER\assetsuser (which exists). The 'Test credentials' buttons show that i am authenticated OK and that I have authorisation.
At first, I got a 500.19 error telling me I could not log in. This post revealed the solution: I had to create a WEBSERVER\assetsuser user with same password (counter-intuitive, but it worked).
After that, my assets still refuse to display. I now get a message similar to this:
Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: An error occurred loading a configuration file: Failed to start monitoring changes to '\\ASSETSERVER\assets'.
Source Error:
[No relevant source lines]
Source File: \\ASSETSERVER\assets\web.config Line: 0
I have done some extensive googling, and I have tried the following:
Modified the local policy to allow WEBSERVER\portaluser to impersonate other accounts after login, as suggested here (it's for Windows 2000 Server but it was worth a try!)
Added permissions to everyone to the \\ASSETSSERVER\assets, as indicated here (bottom answer)
Added read/execute/list permissions to the c:\ drive in ASSETSSERVER to the ASSETSSERVER\assetsuser user, as suggested here (method 3)
I edited the registry key to stop IIS from monitoring the folders for changes, as indicated here (the writer claims that it's not related to IIS but I am quite certain that IIS does monitor the folders for changes in web.config)
I have configured allowsubdirconfig="false" in applicationHost.config as indicated here
None of these solutions have worked, and I am running out of ideas of what to try. It seems like I'm so close yet so far. Any suggestions?
After several of work I found the solution to this issue.
It was as simple as creating a user called "portaluser" (the same as my app pool identity user) in ASSETSSERVER.
This is counter-intuitive: I explicitly told IIS7 to connect to ASSETSERVER as the assetsuser server, but it was still using portaluser to check for the existence of web.config (and monitor for changes).
Having seen that, I decided to use the same account to run the app pool and to connect to the remote virtual directory. I just used 'assetsuser' instead of 'portaluser'
Hope this helps

how to run asp program in windows 7

I am trying to run an asp program in my windows 7 system but it is showing an error that
"HTTP Error 401.3 - Unauthorized
You do not have permission to view this directory or page because of the access control list (ACL) configuration or encryption settings for this resource on the Web server."
Can you please tell me step by step about running the program?
Windows 7 is not intended for use as a server so it has some unforgiving security rules. Even with Windows Server out of the box, you need to open up your firewall, as the default is intended to be secure until you are ready to go live.
In IIS check that your site is public.

500.19 on IIS 7, Cant log on locally

I don't know where sholud I ask this...
I've seen this issue and I think the answer should me close to that, but seems that I can't still do this.
The funny thing is the same (I think) was done by me in another server w/ IIS 7 a year ago or so, without further trouble. It could be also that I don't remember so much of it.
I have an Apache server running on port 80 (That can't be changed)
This is what I've done:
Integrated AppPool was an issue on the other server I've placed so I've tried to change the
Default AppPool to a Classic .Net
The WebApp Pool to a Classic .Net
The User is also mandatory on the Webservice so I'm placing a Service Account that impersonates for any anonymous (or not) user that might access so I have
The ServiceAccount as Administrator of wwwroot and subfolders
The ServiceAccount as Impersonated by default in the Default Web Site
The ServiceAccount as Impersonated in every Web App I need
Shared r/w the folder with the ServiceAccount
I've tested the access and both Authorization & Authentication works
I've restarted the app, the site and the IIS multiple times without
Checked the Event Log without finding anything useful.
Modified applicationHost.config getting into more troubles than solutions.
This is what I get when I try to see the App Settings at IIS7
--------------------------- Application Settings ---------------------------
There was an error while performing this
Line number: 165
Error: Can not log on locally to %SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot as user
MyDOMAIN\MyUser with virtual directory password
--------------------------- OK ---------------------------
This is what I see when I go to my page (an asmx)
HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be
accessed because the related configuration data for the page is
Detailed Error Information Module IIS Web Core Notification
Unknown Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x80070569
Config Error Can not log on locally to C:\inetpub\wwwroot as user
MyDOMAIN\MyUser with virtual directory password
Config File Unavailable (Config Isolation)
Requested URL
Physical Path
Logon Method Not yet determined
Logon User Not yet determined
#Edit: 0x80070569 Drove me to see that The service account weren't logging on as a Service (as it should), nor as a Batch process.
It was a Security Setting that should be touched, a group policy object has to be set to the account (in the Example MyDOMAIN\MyUser). And that's an access that only the area of IT Security can grant.
Even when this was changed the problem remained still.
The accepted answer didn't work for me.
But when I followed the below steps, my issue was resolved:
Go to your IIS manager.
Click on Sites
Right click on Default websites, Go to Manage Website and then click on
Advanced Settings
Set your physical path credential to Specific user with credentials
Restart IIS
Note: You may also need to reenter the credentials in the application pool, if the system password has been changed recently.
It actually was a secpol.msc Policy What was blocking the web access. The ServiceAccount wasn't a Service one.
As in the edit that I posted IT Security gave me the privileges to set it a*s a Service Account*, but that alone just wouldn't do the trick.
In the Advanced Settings of the webSite
Physical Path Credentials Logon Type, Batch logonMethod was selected.
And the service account still wasn't with the privileges to run as a Batch Process.
And that was it.
Not only the service account, but also The Run as a Batch Job was necessary.
Sometimes it causes by changing administrator password or changing user access.
After that application pool cannot access to local user.
One of the most stupid solution for this problem is remove website and application pool then make another website.
This solution helped me.
Check the Password of your Application pool and application. Try clicking on the Test Settings to check the connection is proper
The accepted answer didn't work for me.
But when I followed the below steps, my issue was resolved:
1. Go to your IIS manager.
2. Click on Sites
3. Right-click on Default Web Sites and select 'Basic Settings'
4. Select Classic .NET AppPool from the Application Pool drop down
5. Save and Exit
Everything went normal.
None of the other answers solved the issue for me.
In the end, I had a re-create my site and app pool, which is far from ideal, but was the only solution that worked.
IIS must have been caching an old value that I couldn't find/clear.

ASP.NET - "Unknown user name or password" when trying to copy file to remote share

I have an ASP.NET application that's trying to copy a file to a remote share that's on a server on another domain ("REMOTEDOMAIN"):
File.Copy(#"c:\Test.txt", #"\\REMOTEMACHINE\Share");
When we get to the File.Copy method, I'm getting "Login failure: Unknown user name or password" when trying to connect to the share through the local IIS install. This is despite the share itself having "Everyone" read/write permissions (temporarily, at least). The Security log on the remote server logs the same error, so I know the process is at least trying to get to the right place.
I sort of understand why, as the website's application pool is attempting to authenticate with an account on LOCALDOMAIN and not REMOTEDOMAIN.
However, the weird thing is, the entire process works fine when I test through the ASP.NET Development Server instead of IIS, despite the fact that both the Development Server and the IIS Application Pool are using the same credentials.
Any thoughts on how to further diagnose this? Unfortunately the test site has to remain on LOCALDOMAIN and the files still have to be copied to REMOTEDOMAIN; I can't move one site to the other or vice versa.
Everyone does not include Anonymous, so the user still needs to be in the domain of the REMOTEDOMAIN (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/278259). You could get this working by allowing "Guest", but it would be a security nightmare of course so it is not much of a help.
The solution would be to impersonate Asp.Net user: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306158
One hack that you should know is that if the IIS is not in the remote domain, you can go around this problem, by setting up local (non-domain) users on both machines and setting the same password for both of them.
despite the fact that both the Development Server and the IIS Application Pool
are using the same credentials.
Are you absolutely sure about this? If you are talking about the Visual Studio dev server, it runs on your account. And typically Asp.Net runs as "Network Service"
