calculate angle from vector to coord - math

I am breaking my head trying to find an appropriate formula to calculate a what sounds to be an easy task but in practice is a big mathematical headache.
I want to find out the offset it needs to turn my vector's angle (X, Y, Angle) to face a coord ( X, Y )
My vector won't always be facing 360 degrees, so i need that as a variable as well..
Hoping an answer before i'm breaking my pc screen.
Thank you.

p1 = (x1,y1) point1 (vector origin)
p2 = (x2,y2) point2
a1 = 360 deg direction of vector
assuming your coodinate system is: X+ is right Y+ is up ang+ is CCW
your image suggest that you have X,Y mixed up (angle usually start from X axis not Y)
da=? change of a1 to match direction of p2-p1
solution 1:
atanxy(dx,dy) is also called atan2 on some libs just make sure the order of operands is the right one
you can also use mine atanxy in C++
it is 4 quadrant arctangens
solution 2:
or the same slightly different
v2/=|v2| // makes v2 unit vector, v1 is already unit
just change it to match your coordinate system (which you did not specify)
use radians or degrees according to your sin,cos,atan dependencies ...

The difference between the vectors is also a vector.
Then calculate the tangens (y part / x part) and invert it to an angle.
Of course use the sign of y if x = 0.

if the coord to face is (x2 ,y2)
deltaY = y2 - y1
deltaX = x2 - x1
You have the angle in degrees between the two points using this formula...
angleInDegrees = arctan(deltaY / deltaX) * 180 / PI
subtract the original angle of your vector and you will get the correct offset!


Inverse of math.atan2?

What is the inverse of the function
I use this in Lua where I can get the inverse of math.atan by math.tan.
But I am lost here.
OK, let me give you more details.
I needed to calculate angle between 2 points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) and I did,
local dy = y1-y2
local dx = x1-x2
local angle = atan2(dy,dx)* 180 / pi
Now if I have the angle, is it possible to get back dy and dx?
Given only the angle you can only derive a unit vector pointing to (dx, dy). To get the original (dx, dy) you also need to know the length of the vector (dx, dy), which I'll call len. You also have to convert the angle you derived from degrees back to radians and then use the trig equations mentioned elsewhere in this post. That is you have:
local dy = y1-y2
local dx = x1-x2
local angle = atan2(dy,dx) * 180 / pi
local len = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
Given angle (in degrees) and the vector length, len, you can derive dx and dy by:
local theta = angle * pi / 180
local dx = len * cos(theta)
local dy = len * sin(theta)
Apparently, something like this will help:
x = cos(theta)
y = sin(theta)
Simple Google search threw this up, and the guy who asked the question said it solved it.
You'll probably get the wrong numbers if you use:
local dy = y1-y2
local dx = x1-x2
local angle = atan2(dy,dx) * 180 / pi
If you are using the coordinate system where y gets bigger going down the screen and x gets bigger going to the right then you should use:
local dy = y1 - y2
local dx = x2 - x1
local angle = math.deg(math.atan2(dy, dx))
if (angle < 0) then
angle = 360 + angle
The reason you want to use this is because atan2 in lua will give you a number between -180 and 180. It will be correct until you hit 180 then as it should go beyond 180 (i.e. 187) it will invert it to a negative number going down from -180 to 0 as you get closer to 360. To correct for this we check to see if the angle is less than 0 and if it is we add 360 to give us the correct angle.
According this reference:
Returns the arc tangent of y/x (in radians), but uses the signs of
both parameters to find the quadrant of the result. (It also handles
correctly the case of x being zero.)
So I guess you can use math.tan to invert it also.
As atan2 works as tan-1, so the inverse could be tan, taking into consideration conversion between radian and degree

Projecting to a 2D Plane for Barycentric Calculations

I have three vertices which make up a plane/polygon in 3D Space, v0, v1 & v2.
To calculate barycentric co-ordinates for a 3D point upon this plane I must first project both the plane and point into 2D space.
After trawling the web I have a good understanding of how to calculate barycentric co-ordinates in 2D space, but I am stuck at finding the best way to project my 3D points into a suitable 2D plane.
It was suggested to me that the best way to achieve this was to "drop the axis with the smallest projection". Without testing the area of the polygon formed when projected on each world axis (xy, yz, xz) how can I determine which projection is best (has the largest area), and therefore is most suitable for calculating the most accurate barycentric co-ordinate?
Example of computation of barycentric coordinates in 3D space as requested by the OP. Given:
3D points v0, v1, v2 that define the triangle
3D point p that lies on the plane defined by v0, v1 and v2 and inside the triangle spanned by the same points.
"x" denotes the cross product between two 3D vectors.
"len" denotes the length of a 3D vector.
"u", "v", "w" are the barycentric coordinates belonging to v0, v1 and v2 respectively.
triArea = len((v1 - v0) x (v2 - v0)) * 0.5
u = ( len((v1 - p ) x (v2 - p )) * 0.5 ) / triArea
v = ( len((v0 - p ) x (v2 - p )) * 0.5 ) / triArea
w = ( len((v0 - p ) x (v1 - p )) * 0.5 ) / triArea
=> p == u * v0 + v * v1 + w * v2
The cross product is defined like this:
v0 x v1 := { v0.y * v1.z - v0.z * v1.y,
v0.z * v1.x - v0.x * v1.z,
v0.x * v1.y - v0.y * v1.x }
WARNING - Almost every thing I know about using barycentric coordinates, and using matrices to solve linear equations, was learned last night because I found this question so interesting. So the following may be wrong, wrong, wrong - but some test values I have put in do seem to work.
Guys and girls, please feel free to rip this apart if I screwed up completely - but here goes.
Finding barycentric coords in 3D space (with a little help from Wikipedia)
v0 = (x0, y0, z0)
v1 = (x1, y1, z1)
v2 = (x2, y2, z2)
p = (xp, yp, zp)
Find the barycentric coordinates:
b0, b1, b2 of point p relative to the triangle defined by v0, v1 and v2
Knowing that:
xp = b0*x0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2
yp = b0*y0 + b1*y1 + b2*y2
zp = b0*z0 + b1*z1 + b2*z2
Which can be written as
[xp] [x0] [x1] [x2]
[yp] = b0*[y0] + b1*[y1] + b2*[y2]
[zp] [z0] [z1] [z2]
[xp] [x0 x1 x2] [b0]
[yp] = [y0 y1 y2] . [b1]
[zp] [z0 z1 z2] [b2]
re-arranged as
[b0] [x0 x1 x2] [xp]
[b1] = [y0 y1 y2] . [yp]
[b2] [z0 z1 z2] [zp]
the determinant of the 3x3 matrix is:
det = x0(y1*z2 - y2*z1) + x1(y2*z0 - z2*y0) + x2(y0*z1 - y1*z0)
its adjoint is
[y1*z2-y2*z1 x2*z1-x1*z2 x1*y2-x2*y1]
[y2*z0-y0*z2 x0*z2-x2*z0 x2*y0-x0*y2]
[y0*z1-y1*z0 x1*z0-x0*z1 x0*y1-x1*y0]
[b0] [y1*z2-y2*z1 x2*z1-x1*z2 x1*y2-x2*y1] [xp]
[b1] = ( [y2*z0-y0*z2 x0*z2-x2*z0 x2*y0-x0*y2] . [yp] ) / det
[b2] [y0*z1-y1*z0 x1*z0-x0*z1 x0*y1-x1*y0] [zp]
If you need to test a number of points against the triangle, stop here. Calculate the above 3x3 matrix once for the triangle (dividing it by the determinant as well), and then dot product that result to each point to get the barycentric coords for each point.
If you are only doing it once per triangle, then here is the above multiplied out (courtesy of Maxima):
b0 = ((x1*y2-x2*y1)*zp+xp*(y1*z2-y2*z1)+yp*(x2*z1-x1*z2)) / det
b1 = ((x2*y0-x0*y2)*zp+xp*(y2*z0-y0*z2)+yp*(x0*z2-x2*z0)) / det
b2 = ((x0*y1-x1*y0)*zp+xp*(y0*z1-y1*z0)+yp*(x1*z0-x0*z1)) / det
That's quite a few additions, subtractions and multiplications - three divisions - but no sqrts or trig functions. It obviously does take longer than the pure 2D calcs, but depending on the complexity of your projection heuristics and calcs, this might end up being the fastest route.
As I mentioned - I have no idea what I'm talking about - but maybe this will work, or maybe someone else can come along and correct it.
Update: Disregard, this approach does not work in all cases
I think I have found a valid solution to this problem.
NB: I require a projection to 2D space rather than working with 3D Barycentric co-ordinates as I am challenged to make the most efficient algorithm possible. The additional overhead incurred by finding a suitable projection plane should still be smaller than the overhead incurred when using more complex operations such as sqrt or sin() cos() functions (I guess I could use lookup tables for sin/cos but this would increase the memory footprint and defeats the purpose of this assignment).
My first attempts found the delta between the min/max values on each axis of the polygon, then eliminated the axis with the smallest delta. However, as suggested by #PeterTaylor there are cases where dropping the axis with the smallest delta, can yeild a straight line rather than a triangle when projected into 2D space. THIS IS BAD.
Therefore my revised solution is as follows...
Find each sub delta on each axis for the polygon { abs(v1.x-v0.x), abs(v2.x-v1.x), abs(v0.x-v2.x) }, this results in 3 scalar values per axis.
Next, multiply these scaler values to compute a score. Repeat this, calculating a score for each axis. (This way any 0 deltas force the score to 0, automatically eliminating this axis, avoiding triangle degeneration)
Eliminate the axis with the lowest score to form the projection, e.g. If the lowest score is in the x-axis, project onto the y-z plane.
I have not had time to unit test this approach but after preliminary tests it seems to work rather well. I would be eager to know if this is in-fact the best approach?
After much discussion there is actually a pretty simple way to solve the original problem of knowing which axis to drop when projecting to 2D space. The answer is described in 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development as follows...
"A solution to this dilemma is to
choose the plane of projection so as
to maximize the area of the projected
triangle. This can be done by
examining the plane normal; the
coordinate that has the largest
absolute value is the coordinate that
we will discard. For example, if the
normal is [–1, 0, 0], then we would
discard the x values of the vertices
and p, projecting onto the yz plane."
My original solution which involved computing a score per axis (using sub deltas) is flawed as it is possible to generate a zero score for all three axis, in which case the axis to drop remains undetermined.
Using the normal of the collision plane (which can be precomputed for efficiency) to determine which axis to drop when projecting into 2D is therefore the best approach.
To project a point p onto the plane defined by the vertices v0, v1 & v2 you must calculate a rotation matrix. Let us call the projected point pd
e1 = v1-v0
e2 = v2-v0
r = normalise(e1)
n = normalise(cross(e1,e2))
u = normalise(n X r)
temp = p-v0
pd.x = dot(temp, r)
pd.y = dot(temp, u)
pd.z = dot(temp, n)
Now pd can be projected onto the plane by setting pd.z=0
Also pd.z is the distance between the point and the plane defined by the 3 triangles. i.e. if the projected point lies within the triangle, pd.z is the distance to the triangle.
Another point to note above is that after rotation and projection onto this plane, the vertex v0 lies is at the origin and v1 lies along the x axis.
I'm not sure that the suggestion is actually the best one. It's not too hard to project to the plane containing the triangle. I assume here that p is actually in that plane.
Let d1 = sqrt((v1-v0).(v1-v0)) - i.e. the distance v0-v1.
Similarly let d2 = sqrt((v2-v0).(v2-v0))
v0 -> (0,0)
v1 -> (d1, 0)
What about v2? Well, you know the distance v0-v2 = d2. All you need is the angle v1-v0-v2. (v1-v0).(v2-v0) = d1 d2 cos(theta). Wlog you can take v2 as having positive y.
Then apply a similar process to p, with one exception: you can't necessarily take it as having positive y. Instead you can check whether it has the same sign of y as v2 by taking the sign of (v1-v0)x(v2-v0) . (v1-v0)x(p-v0).
As an alternative solution, you could use a linear algebra solver on the matrix equation for the tetrahedral case, taking as the fourth vertex of the tetrahedron v0 + (v1-v0)x(v2-v0) and normalising if necessary.
You shouldn't need to determine the optimal area to find a decent projection.
It's not strictly necessary to find the "best" projection at all, just one that's good enough, and that doesn't degenerate to a line when projected into 2D.
EDIT - algorithm deleted due to degenerate case I hadn't thought of

Heading from Point A to Point B in 2D space?

I'm working on a project which requires me to calculate the heading from a variable point A to a variable point B in 0 - 360 degrees to let the object at point A face point B.
Now, I'm unsure on how to achieve this, I googled but didn't find any good solution.
How would I calculate the heading from point A to point B in 2D space in any situation?
In a language such as C or C++ you might use the atan2 function, which calculates the arctangent of y/x over four quadrants, taking the signs of x and y into account.
If A is at (x1, y1) and B is at (x2, y2), then the heading in radians is given by:
theta_radians = atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
The range of theta_radians is -π to +π. You can convert this to degrees in the range 0 to 360 as follows:
theta_degrees = (theta_radians + M_PI) * 360.0 / (2.0 * M_PI);
$ man atan2
It's trig. You know the position of the two points and you can use them to make a right triangle. From that you can use SOH-CAH-TOA to find the angle you're interested in. Then from there you need to determine which quadrant the triangle is in and offset the computed angle appropriately.

comparing two angles

Given four points in the plane, A,B,X,Y, I wish to determine which of the following two angles is smaller ∢ABX or ∢ABY.
The angle ∢ABX is defined as the angle of BX, when AB is translated to lie on the open segment (-∞,0]. Intuitively when saying ∢ABX I mean the angle you get when you turn left after visiting vertex B.
I'd rather not use cos or sqrt, in order to preserve accuracy, and to minimize performance (the code would run on an embedded system).
In the case where A=(-1,0),B=(0,0), I can compare the two angles ∢ABX and ∢ABY, by calculating the dot product of the vectors X,Y, and watch its sign.
What I can do in this case is:
Determine whether or not ABX turns right or left
If ABX turns left check whether or not Y and A are on the same side of the line on segment BX. If they are - ∢ABX is a smaller than ABY.
If ABX turns right, then Y and A on the same side of BX means that ∢ABX is larger than ∢ABY.
But this seems too complicated to me.
Any simpler approach?
Here's some pseudocode. Doesn't detect the case when both angles are the same. Also doesn't deal with angle orientation, e.g. assumes all angles are <= 180 degrees.
v0 = A-B
v1 = X-B
v2 = Y-B
dot1 = dot(v0, v1)
dot2 = dot(v0, v2)
if(dot1 > 0)
if(dot2 < 0)
// ABX is smaller
if(dot1 * dot1 / dot(v1,v1) > dot2 * dot2 / dot(v2, v2) )
// ABX is smaller
// ABY is smaller
if(dot2 > 0)
// ABY is smaller
if(dot1 * dot1 / dot(v1,v1) > dot2 * dot2 / dot(v2,v2) )
// ABY is smaller
// ABX is smaller
Note that much of this agonizing pain goes away if you allow taking two square roots.
Center the origin on B by doing
X = X - B
Y = Y - B
A = A - B
EDIT: you also need to normalise the 3 vectors
A = A / |A|
X = X / |X|
Y = Y / |Y|
Find the two angles by doing
acos(A dot X)
acos(A dot Y)
I don't understand the point of the loss of precision. You are just comparing, not modifying in any way the coordinates of the points...
You might want to check out Rational Trigonometry. The ideas of distance and angle are replaced by quadrance and spread, which don't involve sqrt and cos. See the bottom of that webpage to see how spread between two lines is calculated. The subject has its own website and even a youtube channel.
I'd rather not use cos or sqrt, in order to preserve accuracy.
This makes no sense whatsoever.
But this seems too complicated to me.
This seems utterly wrong headed to me.
Take the difference between two vectors and look at the signs of the components.
The thing you'll have to be careful about is what "smaller" means. That idea isn't very precise as stated. For example, if one point A is in quadrant 4 (x-component > 0 and y-component < 0) and the other point B is in quadrant 1 (x-component > 0 and y-component > 0), what does "smaller" mean? The angle of the vector from the origin to A is between zero and π/2; the angle of the vector from the origin to B is between 3π/4 and 2π. Which one is "smaller"?
I am not sure if you can get away without using sqrt.
AB = A-B/|A-B|
XB = X-B/|X-B|
YB = Y-B/|Y-B|
if(dot(XB,AB) > dot (YB,AB)){
//<ABY is grater
Use the law of cosines: a**2 + b**2 - 2*a*b*cos(phi) = c**2
where a = |ax|, b =|bx| (|by|), c=|ab| (|ay|) and phi is your angle ABX (ABY)

Easiest way to rotate a rectangle

I'm using rectangles defined in terms of their x y coordinates and their width and height. I figured out how to rotate them in terms of coordinates (x = cos(deg) * x - sin(deg) * y y = sin(deg) * x + cos(deg) * y) but I'm stuck on the height and width. I'm sure there's an obvious solution that I'm missing. If it matters, I'm using Python.
edit Sorry for the confusing description. My intention is to get the width and height either reversed or negated due to whatever the angle is. For example, in a 90 degree rotation the values would switch. In a 180 degree rotation the width would be negative. Also, I only intend to use multiples of 90 in my script. I could just use if statements, but I assumed there would be a more "elegant" method.
Just calculate four corners of Your rectangle:
p1 = (x, y)
p2 = (x + w, y)
p3 = (x, y + h)
and rotate each by angle You want:
p1 = rotate(p1, angle)
# and so on...
and transform back to Your rectangle representation:
x, y = p1
w = dist(p1, p2) # the same as before rotation
h = dist(p1, p3)
where dist calculates distance between two points.
Edit: Why don't You try apply formula You have written to (width, height) pair?
x1 = cos(deg) * x - sin(deg) * y
y2 = sin(deg) * x + cos(deg) * y
It is easy to see that if deg == 90 the values will switch:
x1 = -y
y2 = x
and if deg == 180 they will be negated:
x1 = -x
y2 = -y
and so on... I think this is what You are looking for.
Here comes fast rotation function:
def rotate_left_by_90(times, x, y):
return [(x, y), (-y, x), (-x, -y), (y, -x)][times % 4]
The proper way would be to resort to transformation matrices. Also, judging from your question I suppose that you want to rotate with respect to (x=0,y=0), but if not you will need to take this into account and translate your rectangle to the center of the plan first (and then translate it back when the rotation is carried out).
M = Matrix to translate to the center
R = Rotation Matrix
Transformation Matrix = M^(-1) * R * M
But to give you an easy answer to your question, just take the two other corners of your rectangle and apply the same transformation on them.
To learn more about transformation matrices :
From the way you describe only rotating by 90 degrees, and the way you seem to be defining width and height, perhaps you are looking for something like
direction = 1 // counter-clockwise degrees
// or
direction = -1 // clockwise 90 degrees
new_height = width * direction
new_width = -height * direction
width = new_width
height = new_height
Not sure why you want to have negative values for width and height, though .. because otherwise each 90 degree rotation effectively just swaps width and height, regardless which way you rotate.
Rotation should not change width and height. Your equation is correct if you want to rotate (x,y) about (0,0) by deg, but note that often cos and sin functions expect arguments in radians rather than degrees, so you may need to multiply deg by pi/180 (radians per degree).
If you need to find the locations of other rectangle vertices besides (x,y) after rotating, then you should either store and rotate them along with (x,y) or keep some information about the rectangle's orientation (such as deg) so you can recompute them as e.g. x+widthcos(deg), y+heightsin(deg).
