Merge conditions in if statement - logical-operators

I have two conditions for if statement. I found that those are different, but I don't know the reason.
1: if ((local != -1) || (fall_back == 1))
2. if ((local != -1) || ((local != -1) && (fall_back == 1)))
Those two are different. But in Math, we have A V (B ^ C) = (A V B) ^ (A V C). If I use this equation and reorganize statement 2, it seems to be the same as 1. Is there anything fundamental I am missing?
How can I simplify statement 2? It doesn't look good.

Short circuit evaluation is done in order to optimize.
So in an expression like (A!=B) || (A!=C), if A!=B turns out to be true the second part A!=C is not evaluated at all, because independent of the second part, the expression will turn out to be true.

A -> local != -1
B -> fall_back == 1
Your first condition reduces to
And second statement reduces to
A V (A ^ B) => A ^ (1 V B) => A
So your first statement requires either condition A or B to be true
And second statement tests only if A is true
Consider test case where local = 0 and fall_back = 1
Statement 1 => True as fall_back == 1
Statement 2 => False as local != 0
Hence conditions are not the same

This is Simple, If you Take local != -1 = true and fall_back == 1 = false
Then in Both case result will be true because the value of local != -1 = true
but if take local != -1 = false and fall_back == 1 = true
then in first case result will be true and in second case result will be false.

In Logical OR if the first condition is true means it wont evaluate the second one! But in Logical AND first condition false means it wont evaluate the second one!
if ((local != -1) || (fall_back == 1))
In this if any one of the condition is true, local != -1 or fall_back == 1 it will evaluate the body of the if.
if ((local != -1) || ((local != -1) && (fall_back == 1)))
But here both should be true, Then only it will evaluate the expression. else local != -1 fails means, Both conditions will fails. Because Logical AND(&&) both should be true!
Consider- local != -1 is false and fall_back == 1 is true
if ( false || true ) -> if(0 || 1) -->true
if ( false || (false && true)) -> if(0 || (0 && 1)) -> if(0 || 0) --> false


Check multiple conditions on the same function output in Julia

Is there a way to check multiple Boolean conditions against a value (to achieve the same as below) without computing sum twice or saving the result to a variable?
if sum(x) == 1 || sum(x) > 3
# Do Something
You can use one of several options:
Anonymous function:
if (i->i>3||i==1)(sum(x))
# Do Something
if sum(x) |> i->i>3||i==1
# Do Something
DeMorgan's theorem:
if !(3 >= sum(x) != 1)
# Do Something
And if used inside a loop:
3 >= sum(x) != 1 && break
# Do Something
or as function return:
3 >= sum(x) != 1 && return false
But using a temporary variable would be the most readable of all:
s = sum(x)
if s > 3 || s == 1
# Do Something
Syntactically, a let is valid in that position, and the closest equivalent to AboAmmar's variant with a lambda:
if let s = sum(x)
s == 1 || s > 3
# do something
I'd consider this rather unidiomatic, though.

How to handle (x,1) base case for is_power(x,y) function, where x != 1?

Title says most of it. Here is a related thread, but I do not have enough reputation to comment.
Here is the prompt:
A number, a, is a power of b if it is divisible by b and a/b is a power of b. Write a function called is_power that takes parameters a and b and returns True if a is a power of b.
In the archived post, the most upvoted answer was to address the trivial base cases of (x,x) and (1,x). Then, determine if (a % b == 0) and then recursively call to find (a/b is a power of b).
Here is the code I've written in Julia:
function ispower(a,b)
if a == 0 && b != 0
return false
elseif a == b
return true
elseif a % b == 0 && ispower(a/b, b)
return true
return false
As I wrote in the comment if you multiply 1 by 1 you can only get 1, so the only number that is a power of 1 is 1 and no other number. Therefore, your function should return false for an input (x,1), whenever x is not 1.
Then you should also consider the case where b==0. Then the only number that is a power of b is 0.
So, I would write you function like this:
function ispower(a::Integer,b::Integer)
if (a==b)
return true
elseif (a==0 || b==0 || b==1)
return false
elseif (a % b) == 0
return ispower(div(a,b), b)
return false

Simplifying the boolean expression (A && B) || (A && !B && C)

I'm so confused currently while trying to simplify a boolean expression. I know the solution but not the correct way to achieve it.
What law makes (A && B) || (A && !B && C) the same as (A && B) || (A && C)
Why can i leave the !B?
Since (in simplified notation):
B+B'C = B+B+B'C = B(C+C')+B(C'+C)+B'C = BC+BC'+BC'+BC+B'C = BC+BC'+BC'+(B+B')C = BC+BC'+1C = B(C+C')+C = B+C
we have
AB + AB'C = A (B + B'C) = A(B+C) = AB + AC
I don't know of any law, but I will try to explain it.
For us to reach the check of !B we must acknowledge two things:
A must be TRUE
B must be FALSE
If A is false we can short-circuit out of both checks (A && B) and (A && !B && C) because A is evaluated first and we are only comparing with &&.
If A is true and B is true, the second condition is not evaluated.
Therefore, to reach !B, A must be true and B must be false as stated above. If that's the case then !B will always evaluate to TRUE in the second condition, and can be removed.

multiple relational (comparison) operators: why isn't `x < y > z` a valid syntax?

This might be a dumb question, but I'm interested in why R doesn't allow multiple relational operators in a statement, say,
2 < 5 > 3
R returns
Error: unexpected '>' in "2 < 5 >"
instead of TRUE.
I'm interested in why R doesn't allow multiple relational operators in a statement.
Could you name an example programming / scientific language that allows 0 < 5 > 3?
Suppose this syntax is legitimate, then what is the default rule for it? Which of the following is correct?
(0 < 5) > 3 => TRUE > 3 => 1 > 3 => FALSE
0 < (5 > 3) => 0 < TRUE => 0 < 1 => TRUE
I think you know that the legitimate syntax is (0 < 5) && (5 > 3).
Note that the original question title "multiple logical operators" is imprecise. ">" is a relational operator not a logical one. Using multiple logical operators in a statement is not a problem, say
However, be aware that (mixed) logical operations are not associative:

What does "&&" do?

I can't seem to find the resource I need. What does && do in a code that is comparing variables to determine if they are true? If there is a link with a list of the symbol comparisons that would be greatly appreciated.
example: Expresssion 1: r = !z && (x % 2);
In most programming languages that use &&, it's the boolean "and" operator. For example, the pseudocode if (x && y) means "if x is true and y is true."
In the example you gave, it's not clear what language you're using, but
r = !z && (x % 2);
probably means this:
r = (not z) and (x mod 2)
= (z is not true) and (x mod 2 is true)
= (z is not true) and (x mod 2 is not zero)
= (z is not true) and (x is odd)
In most programming languages, the operator && is the logical AND operator. It connects to boolean expressions and returns true only when both sides are true.
Here is an example:
int var1 = 0;
int var2 = 1;
if (var1 == 0 && var2 == 0) {
// This won't get executed.
} else if (var1 == 0 && var2 == 1) {
// This piece will, however.
Although var1 == 0 evaluates to true, var2 is not equals to 0. Therefore, because we are using the && operator, the program won't go inside the first block.
Another operator you will see ofter is || representing the OR. It will evaluate true if at least one of the two statements are true. In the code example from above, using the OR operator would look like this:
int var1 = 0;
int var2 = 1;
if (var1 == 0 || var2 == 0) {
// This will get executed.
I hope you now understand what these do and how to use them!
PS: Some languages have the same functionality, but are using other keywords. Python, e.g. has the keyword and instead of &&.
It is the logical AND operator
(&&) returns the boolean value true if both operands are true and returns false otherwise.
boolean a=true;
boolean b=true;
if(a && b){
System.out.println("Both are true"); // Both condition are satisfied
Both are true
The exact answer to your question depends on the which language your are coding in. In R, the & operator does the AND operation pairwise over two vectors, as in:
c(T,F,T,F) & c(T,T,F,F)
whereas the && operator operated only on the first element of each vector, as in:
c(T,F,T,F) && c(T,T,F,F)
The OR operators (| and ||) behave similarly. Different languages will have different meanings for these operators.
In C && works like a logical and, but it only operates on bool types which are true unless they are 0.
In contrast, & is a bitwise and, which returns the bits that are the same.
Ie. 1 && 2 and 1 && 3 are true.
But 1 & 2 is false and 1 & 3 is true.
Let's imagine the situation:
a = 1
b = 2
if a = 1 && b = 2
return "a is 1 and b is 2"
if a = 1 && b = 3
return "a is 1 and b is 3"
In this situation, because a equals 1 AND b = 2, the top if block would return true and "a is 1 and b is 2" would be printed. However, in the second if block, a = 1, but b does not equal 3, so because only one statement is true, the second result would not be printed. && Is the exact same as just saying and, "if a is 1 and b is 1".
